another hard riddle for ya!!

@ozkid92 (549)
United States
August 26, 2006 8:07pm CST
It's more powerful than God. It's more evil than the devil. The poor have it. The rich need it. If you eat it, you'll die. What am I?
5 responses
• United States
27 Aug 06
Do some more riddles I like them.
• United States
27 Aug 06
Nothing is more powerful than god Nothing Is more evil than the devitl the poor have nothing the rich need nothing if you eat nothing, you'll die
@swolecat (1277)
• United States
27 Aug 06
The correct answer is ground beef
• United States
27 Aug 06
Old riddle. The answer: Nothing.
@bhchy1 (6047)
• United States
27 Aug 06
My cooking?