Say your hopper and what hopper do you think is the best

United States
April 12, 2009 3:34pm CST
The hopper i have is a Spyder Fasta 18v with and LED i really dont like since it cracked with the fist month i had. These are good hopper just do not take them out in anything below 40 degrees they are very brittle and will crack. My favorite would have to be a halo with a rip drive or the new Dye Rotor.
2 responses
@tkds96 (2)
17 Nov 09
Well, i have the empire hopper its pretty good but its sound activated thats the only thing i dont like , although it doesnt waste as much battery. Personally, my favorite hopper is the dye rotor nice, small, and fast but, its very expensive.
• United States
1 May 09
Halo's are definitely my choice for hoppers. Although DYE just recently came out with a new one that has really good feed time but its a little pricy. I've used a Halo Hopper for awhile now and they have worked consistently well for me so probably won't change anytime soon.