a bad wife

United States
April 12, 2009 11:57pm CST
I have been such a bad wife lately, After giving birth to my child my period decided it wanted to be a permanent resident in our lives and so it has made it physically impossible to make love to my partner and i just don't know what to do anymore i don't want to lose him to someone else and i don't want him to resort to some other fashion of realease, Has anyone else had this issue?
2 responses
• India
13 Apr 09
I unable to understand your problem. What you want to say or why you said your wife as bad. Is you are good husband. Ask from yourself.
@springs (923)
• India
13 Apr 09
she said she is a bad wife.I think u understood the problem now.
• South Korea
13 Apr 09
why don't you consult your doctor to solve this problem. i think you just over stressed because of you new baby, i had been experienced this problem last winter,and the doctor said i had hormonal disorder, its maybe i worried something and stresses. i took a medicine for about 15 days and im healed.