I'd had enough!!
By asianwind
@asianwind (365)
April 13, 2009 12:37am CST
Hi there! Allow me to rant about my work.
I am working in the most unbelievable environment. I was one of the latest addition in department. We are 20 in the department and we are mostly young professionals.
There is this one colleague of mine who is now 25 years old and annoying the crap out of me. We used to be close and when we got totally close friends that when she starts to bug me. She doesn't have any boundaries anymore. She humiliates me and insults me and would pass it out like a joke...I am her senior and what she is doing is very annoying...
Also she is 25 and she acted like a child very childish and cheesy and she thinks that she is all innocent when in fact she is all but ignorant... It is not right in a professional environment. People talks and she is pulling us all down.
Do I have the right to be annoyed or should I let her be?
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23 responses
@Dumar03 (43)
• United States
13 Apr 09
Hi there i think you totally have the right to be annoyed with that person i had the same problem with a former colleague it got to the point that i would skip my lunch just to stay away from that person. It went on like that for months till one day i had enough and i confronted that person and said exactly what was on my mind like you i was his target for jokes and what not. i was fed up and had to say something so i did he didn't like it and did not speak to me after that but at least i got to eat my lunch and finally enjoy my job you have to do what you have to do
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@asianwind (365)
• Philippines
13 Apr 09
See here is the thing. I also stopped taliking to her and I am completely ignoring her but AGAIN... here is another anoying tidbit... she SWEETLY walk her way into the group making herself the innocent victim and that I am TORMENTING her Grrrrr!!!
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@prncesfrmheaven (452)
• United States
13 Apr 09
OMG well I would say kick her and run but that might not be a good idea. LOL If you are her senior then I would fire her. Do you have an HR department? If so go to them and make sure that you let them know what she is doing. You need to do it before she does that way she can't make it look like it's you instead of her. Where are you? You want me to go kick her butt? :)
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@prncesfrmheaven (452)
• United States
13 Apr 09
Oh well that does suck! I would still go to HR and let them know what's going on.
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@asianwind (365)
• Philippines
13 Apr 09
LOL~~ I wish I could do that... You see in a way even though I am older than her she is more advance than me considering that the she was there in the department first before me... So she had all the advantages.
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@starangel (414)
• United States
13 Apr 09
I've worked with people like that. But they never really bothered me because of my attitude. I wasn't mean or anything, just that I didn't care. I was not there to make friends, I was there to work. So, the first thing is not to deal with her, but to change your attitude about why you're there in the first place. You're not there to deal with drama or make friends or have lunches with people you don't like. This isn't kindergarten, this is your job. lol. You are there to work so you can make money to take care of yourself. As my kid would say, she's being a bully! lol. Get along with everyone else. Be professional about how you treat her. if you are above her and she keeps crossing the line, put her in her place and let her know that she is uncalled for and needs to back off. She's hurting herself and could very well jeopardize her job if she doesn't lay off. more importantly, you need to make sure you don't lose YOUR job because you couldn't handle her immaturity. I wouldn't take her to lunch at all. Avoid her at all costs...you can't very well during the work hours, but on your break and when you're off work you don't need to be anywhere around her. At some point though, I would probably end up putting her in her place by acting like a mother since she wants to keep acting like a child. hehe. that's just me, though.
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@starangel (414)
• United States
13 Apr 09
well, if there are a group of people that are being bothered by her, then maybe it's time to report her to the manager. And you could say that her attitude is effecting your ability as well as others to work efficiently and positively. It's also a waste of the company's money to pay someone that doesn't do their job properly. She needs to realize that this isn't home and she needs to put on her professional face. If i was manager, she'd be gone for sure. I don't know how your job works or where you're at, but i would definately see what i could do to stop her or get rid of her. Not you, by yourself, but all of you together need to do this. Don't be surprised if you're the only one that does it though. some people are afraid that their job will be lost if they speak up. hey, if someone is making it hard for me to do my job like i was hired to, i make sure something is done about it.
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@asianwind (365)
• Philippines
13 Apr 09
Exactly what I am doing right now! I am super duper avoiding her. I wouldn't even want to be on the same picture with her. But some of our friends are actually bothered by this hmmm...
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@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
13 Apr 09
Well i think she's testing your patience or character. She may have a childish personality but we cannot say something about her work. She wouldn't be there with you if the boss think she's not good enough right? I guess you just have to get used to and soon, she will get tired of picking on you. If she's hitting you way below the belt, let her learn a lesson the hard way, report her. Do it in a subtle way or you'll look like a primadonna.
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@asianwind (365)
• Philippines
13 Apr 09
Actually she is testing me most of the time and pushing my limit arrghhh .... LOL!!
You understand how difficult it is right? LOL

@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
13 Apr 09
I used to work with someone just like her! My ex colleague used to be very patronising too, so I think you have every right to feel annoyed! It sounds like she is showing no respect just like the woman I used to work with.
I confronted her one day after she made one comment too many and because she was too egotistical to see she was in the wrong it escalated into an argument.
I was lucky that she began to bug other people as well and due to too many complaints about she was eventually transferred to another area which was far away from where I was (rejoice, rejoice)
I would suggest confronting her and hopefully she may get the message.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
13 Apr 09
I get like that too and I get annoyed at myself afterwards. I think of all the things I should have said but didn't! It sounds silly but writing down what you are going to say and role paying a few times may help. Good luck, hope she quits annoying you or just quits!
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@asianwind (365)
• Philippines
13 Apr 09
If only I could let out the right words... When I am really pissed, words get jumbled out and its hard to make sense...

@mahanjili (105)
• India
13 Apr 09
There are many types of people in the world. So we cant generalise their characters too. If u r unpleasant with what she is doing, then you must find a way to create an environment to let her know that u dont like it. But try positively and take care that she learns trully and understand others' feeling like u without any misunderstanding. If then also she cant realise, then its upto ur decision(As u know better her poster). For my case, I understand others and dont like to be done what i dont like. I am very rude if soft doesnot work. But u seem to be very good and generous person.
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@asianwind (365)
• Philippines
13 Apr 09
Thanks for that I sure hope that she would realize this before she hits 30!
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
13 Apr 09
Well you have every right to be annoyed. The best thing would be is to tell her frankly that you do not like what she is doing anymore. Though as much as possible you tell her in such a way not to create trouble or not to make an enemy out of her. Perhaps she does not know that what she is doing is not right already.

@mkchaves (530)
• Canada
13 Apr 09
Don't let her be, Like you said you are her Senior, she should know where her place is in the company, tell her the truth that what she's doing is ruining the reputation of the "young professionals" like you. Tell her the truth that you are already annoyed by her "annoying" and "innocent" acts. this problem won't just go away if you just let her be.
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@asianwind (365)
• Philippines
13 Apr 09
Exactly my point... truth to the matter is... I wanted her to realize how important that we maintain our professionalism. I just don't know how to let her see that.
@ip5217 (1655)
• Philippines
13 Apr 09
My say over this situation is try your best to keep yourself busy. With this, you will no longer notice her childish acts. If she sees you busy doing your own thing, I hope, she will try to leave you alone. If I were you, be straight forward whenever she distracts you while working. If possible, request for a desk away from her.
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@happy2009 (330)
• China
13 Apr 09
I've never met someone like her in my work ,but I can understand your condition.in my mind just go away with laugh ,for she is the person who not deserve you to angry.things will be true at last,
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@mira91 (985)
• Singapore
13 Apr 09
If she is really pulling you guys down then i guess eventually she'll probably get fired right? Cz i don't think the boss would like that kind of behaviour around a working environment either. If i were her boss, i'd have fired her sorry azz back to venus. Her behaviour is completely unacceptable to me, and she sounds like those snotty bimbos who knows nothing but everything about the latest trends..Gosh, i'd have shown her a piece of my mind if i knew her...
haha, sorry, just wishful thinking...^_^
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@asianwind (365)
• Philippines
13 Apr 09
You see that is hard.. 1. She is a regular employee and I am just on my probationary period 2. My boss is not ALWAYS around, we ran the department on our own.. LOL
@thanusha85 (532)
• Malaysia
13 Apr 09
Hi asianwind
You have your reasons to be annoyed and its definately not wrong as there is a limit to tolerate ones anoying attitude. Have you tried explaining this to her. If you havent then you should give a try to explain the situation and tell her how irritated you are.
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@civicracer (11)
• Canada
13 Apr 09
u gotta fight fire with fire sometimes..
if she doesnt mean anything to you then you should just brush it off and continue on with your life.. look at it as a challange, if you overcome it, you know u've become a better person then who u were before
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@asianwind (365)
• Philippines
13 Apr 09
I am still trying to think of the best course of action LOL... hmmm scheme scheme scheme... bwahahaha
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@sunny69316 (638)
• China
14 Apr 09
Hi Asianwind,
You shouldn't let her be as you are her senior.I suggeste you can persuade her.She is lovely!!Have a nice day!

@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
14 Apr 09
Hi asia....I am also 25, sometimes childish and cheesy, feeling like a crossover between innocent and ignorant. And yes, I deliberately tease my officemate's craps out of them but the thing is they are never easily annoyed at me. We always have a good laugh here at the office, teasing each other.
I am curious as to how she treats you. Perhaps she is really overboard, and below-the-belt so I guess you have the right to tell this to her. Hating her in secret won't make her a better person. Perhaps an ooportunity will come where she will be welcome for your criticisms (and be constructive as much as possible) like for exaple a truth or dare during a beach party, instances like that, or live-in seminar, or life in the spirit seminar. Hehe, just saying....:-)
@asianwind (365)
• Philippines
14 Apr 09
Thanks for your share. You've been a great help.
I hate to admit it but it is really difficult and its affecting my performance already..
Anyway, thanks...

@theweerouss (982)
• United States
14 Apr 09
You absolutely have a right to be annoyed, as this is your workplace, not a high school cafeteria. You're right, people should act professionally, and in this case, I think the best thing to do is to lead by example. Don't give in or respond to her immature jokes and comments, simply do your job as best you can, and treat her as a colleague. I hope that everything works out for you -- Good luck!
@makeupartisteileen (653)
• Singapore
13 Apr 09
are you still very close to her ? is hard for you to do anything if she still your best friends. i used to work with one of my ex company . i work after one year ,one of the gal joined my company , after that we become good friends.
we share every thing we have ,we help each other in job or even private life .
but when my boss told us she need to promote one of the gal to be manager , she totally change , she trying to pok me a lot time. and we become not as close as last time, i never thing i wanted to be a manager ,but she can because of want to be promote and pok behind me .. after that i quiet .
this tell you friends sometime can not be trusted , if she still your best friend than just ignorant her
@asianwind (365)
• Philippines
14 Apr 09
we used to be friends likewe belong to the same circle yeah... that's why its hard having the same friends that we have..
@makeupartisteileen (653)
• Singapore
15 Apr 09
since use to be. now is not ,than why you bother ,work is work ,friends is friends anyways if she does anything wrong just comment her