treasure of knowledge

April 13, 2009 11:02am CST
internet- is a word of vast knowledge.may be it is good or bad knowledge,but you can know everything in the world.people should alwyse keep in touch with net.i love net surfing because i love reading and learning every moment.we should develope the habit of reading.
1 response
• Philippines
13 Apr 09
Yup. I strongly agree with you. Internet is really good, if used for GOOD. And it can be bad if used for bad deeds. It is such a source of information that I don't care anymore if I'll go to our school library or not. All I need is in the internet. That is why I am so pissed with our power company supplier if ever we will experience blackouts cause aside from the monthly DSL subscription, my time to use the internet will be cut... :-D I also love reading. That is why I love internet so much cause if ever I'll find a book which is not sold in our local bookstore, I just order it in Amazon.