do u have good neighbors??
United States
April 13, 2009 2:13pm CST
i am so blessed w/good neighbors. today is garbage day. i usually put my dumpster down on sunday night but last night i didn't. i slept later than usual this morn, the phone rang & i didn't get to it in time, don't move too fast in the mornings. right after the phone rang someone was knocking at the door. i was thinking good grief was is this, grand central station this morn, lol. opened the door & there stood one of my neighbors w/my dumpster in tow. now we are talking about an older gentleman that has had open heart surgery etc. he says are u o.k. we were worried about u. i told him i wasn't feeling good but i never do when i get he was looking so nice & smelling so good & here i was looking like aggie the hag, hadn't even combed my hair, probably scared him to death. the kicker was i said u sure do smell good& he says i know it. are u blessed w/ good neighbors like me & cute besides??
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34 responses
@anniefannie (1737)
• United States
13 Apr 09
I am blessed with good neighbors to. Two of them are my sisters.we help each other all the time.My other neighbors would help to if I needed them.They are good people.Best neighbors of any where I have lived.I have moved around alot.This is my last move.
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• United States
13 Apr 09
u are blessed whaving sisters & having them for neighbors. i'm so glad they are there by you. thanks for your response annie fannie.
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@anniefannie (1737)
• United States
13 Apr 09
You are like a sister to me. Why don't you move over here and then I would have another sister here with me.
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• United States
13 Apr 09
that is a very sweet thing to say.made tears come in my eyes, seems like i'm sentimental today. between sweet dreams & u , i better straighten up. love you, annie fannie.
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@Niah1976 (739)
• Paranaque, Philippines
14 Apr 09
hi there! i don't have good neighbors. we've been here for a decade now but we never talked to our neighbors or vice versa. some of them smile just like that. we never stay here during vacations maybe that's the reason why we never have the time to be clse to them.
• United States
14 Apr 09
hi niah, that's too bad. it's great to have them. u never know when u might need one of them or they might need u.
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Apr 09
you are very nice to do that niah. i know i wouldn't be nice as you if mine did me that way. u are a good person to do that.
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@riyasam (16556)
• India
14 Apr 09
wow antiquelady,you are sure blessed with good neighbours are also good,we do have constant touch with each other like exchanging sweet dishes on festivals and if i do prepare something special, i do give a bit of it to my neighbours and vice versa.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
14 Apr 09
Oh, Mabe you are a nice Neighbor. And a nice friend. Have a wonderful day!
2 people like this
• United States
14 Apr 09
thanks for your response. i think u like me have good ones. i don't see them every day, one does call every day or i call her but just knowing they are there if i need them means alot.
• United States
14 Apr 09
thanks marcia, i try to be a good neighbor to. they all seem to like my cooking. i share w/them alot.
@UltimateMan (70)
• India
14 Apr 09
I have some fantastic, excellent, very kind neighbors. they are very help full in almost all the time. If you have some worry, visit their house and have a chat, have a cup of coffee, You will be very happy and tend to forget all your worries. I love them. I am making sure they feel the same about me.
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• United States
14 Apr 09
good for you. that's a wonderful attitude, you get good deeds back from doing good deeds i think. greetings from tennessee.
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Apr 09
thank you, thank goodness i do . have a happy sunday.
@UltimateMan (70)
• India
15 Apr 09
Thank you friend. I wish you to have a nice neighbors.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
14 Apr 09
Oh my! Sounds like a probably thought you were cute to coming to the door a bit There is nothing like a good smelling man!
I do have good neighbors..but probably none as cute as yours. There's a lady that lives next door that is the best and a family that I wasn't sure about when I moved in but has turned out to be very nice people.
2 people like this
• United States
14 Apr 09
o.k. cupid forget it, he's already taken, he has a girlfriend & she is just as sweet as he is. i'm sure he's up in his 80's but she comes to see him most everyday. i'm glad u have good ones to. some of the responces have really been troubling to me. have a good one cupid. thanks for your response.
• United States
19 Apr 09
you were trying to play cupid, u can't fool me. bet is girlfriend thinks he smells good to. lol. i'm too honery to have a boyfriend, jenn.

@raddudu (60)
• Romania
14 Apr 09
My neighbors left in different countries so I'm surrounded by empty houses. It's kind of nice because it's so quiet but sometimes I would like someone to talk to.
I only have a cemetery at the end of the backyard. It's kind of creepy, I can't wait to move to some place else. I've been saving money to move in a new home for quite some time. I hope I'll have some good neighbors there.
2 people like this
• United States
14 Apr 09
thanks for your respose. i bet u do get lonesome to see people. my computer is right in front of a window & i enjoy seeing my neighbors go & come. i hope when u get moved u will have a bunch of nice ones. take care.
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• United States
14 Apr 09
there u go. party hearty & have a good time while u can. just be safe.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
14 Apr 09
No I don't I can't stand my Neighbors, I can't wait to move. they are so Loud and always arguring, I have to complain to my Landlord about them several times. I am the one who told the Landlord to let them move in, Boy am I sorry about that! I thought they were nice people but they aren't well, the guy is ok, but the Woman, I could ring her neck, She is nothing but a Drunk. I feel sorry for her Kids, i think she has a mental Problem too!
2 people like this
• United States
14 Apr 09
thanks for your response, marcia. don't u just hate to be around a drunk. they bring out the worse in me. guess that's leftovers from my ex, lol. i hope u get to move soon or maybe you'll luck up & they'll move. i hate moving, what a is very sad for her kids to have to put up w/that. it will affect them all their lives.
@cheenlly (3476)
• Philippines
14 Apr 09
Unfortunately there are only few of my neighbors are nice, most them are gossiper which i really don't like. Those kind of people who always talk about the life of their neighbors. They have nothing to do but to gossip. However there are few that i can consider nice and genuine people.
• United States
14 Apr 09
thanks for your response. i'm like u i'm not into gossip. i have all i can do to look after myself. i don't care what they are doing, it's none of my buisness. i'm glad u do have some nice ones. have a happy day.
@billgatexp (912)
• United States
14 Apr 09
my neighbors are good and some are bad. the bad ones poke nose into affairs that dont concern them and i hate that. But the good ones are simply very good
• United States
14 Apr 09
thanks for your response. guess we all know that kind of folks. they are very worrisome. thank heavens they live around the corner from mr. i'm glad u do have good ones.
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@dany2391 (128)
• Romania
14 Apr 09
I live in a block of flats so everyone knows me.
As a boy I used to do lots of crazy and stupid things but once you know a person you begin to tolerate the bad things that that person does.In general we get along just fine.It's good to know that there's someone willing to help you when you have a problem except your parents.
Also it's good to be friendly with everyone because you never know when you get in trouble and you need help.
2 people like this
• United States
14 Apr 09
thanks for your response. we all use to do crazy things. it is nice to have someone standing by to help u if u need help. i try to return the favors.
@rocketsky (1013)
• China
15 Apr 09
i do have good neighbours ,we always treat each other like one family
when they made some delicious food they wii send me some ,i do the same
good neighbours are alwasy cute
2 people like this
• United States
15 Apr 09
that's great. u are lucky to. my neighbor brought me my supper tonight, it was good to. thanks for your response.
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@smartjack (520)
• India
14 Apr 09
no i don't really have good neighbors, i hate them from the bottom of my heart and i don't feel like staying at this place any more. sometimes i feel like shifting my house some other place but that is not possible at my side because of the financial status right now.
2 people like this
• United States
14 Apr 09
thanks for your response. i'm so sorry u are having to live under those conditions w/such bad people. our home needs to be our haven at the end of the day. i hope u can soon make the changes needed for you to be happier at home.i just don't what i'd having to live in those conditions. good luck!!
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@hxstar (510)
• China
14 Apr 09
Wow,you get really good neighbors!
I have good neighbors.We often visit each other when we have time .If one family have to go somewhere all,then the other will take care of the house.When it is festivals,we will celebrate together.It makes you feel good if you have a good neighbors.
Wish you good luck!
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• United States
14 Apr 09
hi hxstar, thanks for your response. seems u are lucky like me. i'm so glad for you. some of the reponses i have gotten are really sad & troublesome to me. have a happy day.
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• United States
14 Apr 09
i cook alot so i share w/them. the sweet gentleman that came over & helped me is the only one besides myself that doesn't work . he has a girlfriend so they go somewhere most every day. he's well into his 80's i'm sure & they are so sweet & cute. i think it's wonderful they have each other, thanks for your response.
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@veejay19 (3589)
• India
14 Apr 09
Yes, i also have good neighbours too. Infact my immediate next-door neighbour and me have been together since 1939 and most of the people in my building are also together since the same year. Of course i wasn`t born in that year but my grandparents and my parents were living with them and now myself and my neighbour are contemporaries.All my neighbours are helpful and and in times of distress or need we rally round each other.
At the end of 1992 i fell very sick and was at deaths door when the entire building came to my help since only my mother and me were at home. Everything was taken care of by them including ambulance, hospitalisation, doctors, medicines, follow up etc. I consider myself to be extremely lucky to have such good people around me and fortunate too by the grace of God.
2 people like this
• United States
14 Apr 09
u are very fortunate indeed. that's the way people should treat each other all the time. i think the world would be a better place if they did. we all have had medical problems in they 4 houses that are in my cove. we have all been good to each other to. i am very blessed to have the neighbors i do. thanks for your response.
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@handsomeitaliano (1050)
• United States
14 Apr 09
Blessed with good and cute neighbors?? Hahahah lol, I wish. Let me tell you how cute and good my neighbors are. We live in a nice 2 bedroom basement apartment of a private house in the bronx next to the landlord's son next store who is straight up ghetto, filthy, and invites lots of hoes along with his filthy friends, they all do weed and leave clothes everywhere, they're all a bunch of Oscar Madisons on steroids. Oh and they like to turn their ghetto blasters way up too. We often have to tell them to stop doing what they're doing.
Well, those are my neighbors... at least until I make lots of money and can afford to move somewhere else and get some better, cleaner ones.
2 people like this
• United States
14 Apr 09
thanks for your response. i'm sorry u have such gosh awful neighbors. that has got to be the pits to put up w/all that. i hope u soon make alot of money & get away from all the hoodlums. take care.
@vijayanandp (682)
• India
14 Apr 09
I have good neighbor , when ever i am going out of station and i tell them that i am going out of station and will be back next day or after a weak they will take care of the house ,well they watch out every day once daily and also clean up the surroundings also daily and also when i am back to my place they will prepare some breakfast for me and bring it without me asking, well they are very good people
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• United States
14 Apr 09
thanks for your response. you are lucky to have such a good neighbors. i know u appreciate them.
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• United States
14 Apr 09
thank you for your response. it's just her way i'm sure. if she has a warm heart that's what's important.
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@mira91 (985)
• Singapore
14 Apr 09
hahahahaha, it happens...Usually my worse looking moments are from when i just got up from seems that you have such a caring neighbour and how i wish my neighbour was like that because my neighbour and i are kinda like "you mind your business and i'll mind my own business"...haha so yea..I don't think they'll come knocking on my door pretty soon asking how i was^_^
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@awesomer_than_you (31)
• New Zealand
14 Apr 09
well yea no kinda.... well they seem nice , but once my dad said they were throwing rocks at my dog :\ its really sad aswell coz they hav a dog and they keep it locked up in a cage, but im not sure if they gave it away . There dog is a nyc dog azwel, but its not the best looking thing ever, but still really nice, but they do giv us a hand with things if we need help and stuff.
overall, there not good, but there not bad
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• United States
14 Apr 09
dogs can cause alot of trouble w/neighbors. some people like them some don't. at least they do help when needed. have u ever talked to them about the rock throwing. i'd probably have to. thanks for your response.
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