titianic anniversary

@cher913 (25782)
April 13, 2009 2:45pm CST
its coming up to the anniversary of the sinking of the great ship, the Titanic. Actually, since somewhat of a holiday here today (easter monday) the movie is actually on tv - perhaps because it is almost the anniversary of the sinking (april 14th). i know many of you think it is such a good movie but the story is so sad. another sad story of a sinking happened two years later (1914) here in Canada. the Ship, the Empress of Ireland, had more lives lost than the Titanic and sunk in 15 minutes (Titanic sunk in 2 and a half hours). but the story of the Empress of Ireland is not as famous as the Titanic because it happened in Canada, there were not many famous people on the Empress and WW1 started just a short while after the sinking of the Empress. Do you own the movie the Titanic? do you watch it often? (it is on tv every few months, so i catch it them.)
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14 responses
• United States
14 Apr 09
It's kind of sad that there were a great many ships that have sank over the years after and before Titanic that did not receive her fame. Though, I'm not sure I'd want that fame to be honest. I've so many movies though that I can't remember if I've ever bought Titanic or not to be honest. I'd have to check my collection. Though, I've seen it many times when it has aired on television. http://www.pbs.org/lostliners/empress.html Here's the story of the Empress of Ireland for those who asked about the story. http://www.lostliners.com/Empress_Ireland/ This is another website that has some information on the Empress of Ireland. Namaste-Anora
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@JABeau59 (446)
• United States
14 Apr 09
Thank you for the link. I am going to check it out.
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@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
14 Apr 09
One of my sons gave us the movie Titanic on VHS and since we no longer use our Vhs player, we have not watched it. We do get TCM and have watched A Night to Remember, the original where the survivors had a part in telling their stories. It was quite tragic all those people dying because they figured the ship was unsinkable. I think the movie Titanic they did a lot of poetic license in it, but with the original black and white movie, well the survivors were still around and I guess they had to keep it trutbful. I never heard of the Empress of Ireland and wonder was it a natural disaster or was it due to sabotage?
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
14 Apr 09
http://www.pbs.org/lostliners/empress.html it happened in 1914 (just prior to ww1) in the Saint Lawrence sea way and it was actually caused by fog. a ship called the Storstaad crashed into the Empress, causing it to sink.
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@Emma30587 (402)
13 Apr 09
Yes I own the Titanic on DVD, I think the film is brilliant. The actors are amazing and the love story is believable. Ive seen it so many times I know most of the words off by heart! Its a shame such a brilliant film is based on a true story and people did actually suffer the 2 and half hour nightmare. I think people tend to forget its based on a true story.
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@hailin19 (41)
• China
14 Apr 09
yes,titanic does be a wonderful movie!
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@txgrl21 (819)
• United States
13 Apr 09
I love the movie Titanic and I have it. It's the first movie that ever made me cry and it's really hard to make me cry with a movie. I also love Pearl Harbor but I think they made it more about the love store rather than the war.
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• China
14 Apr 09
I like the movie very much, because the movie is very moved.
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
14 Apr 09
I love the movie Titanic and I own it, bought it as soon as it came out. It is a beautiful story and it tells what we would hope to be at least a part of the truth, but I think it plays on the romance more than the sinking. I believe it is a true story, I know that there are other sinkings that are even more important, or might of had more people, but you know we only get what the movie makers put out. I watch it when it comes on TV, funny that you find certain movies that you just want to watch over and over. I am glad she didn't marry that horrible man she came on the ship with. People should marry who makes them happy, not who is set up to marry just because there is money in the families. Sometimes it isn't money that makes us happy, but how we are treated by certain people. The Titanic is a great movie and i'm so glad I bought it.
@JABeau59 (446)
• United States
14 Apr 09
I have seen Titanic many times, and it is a beautiful movie, but a tragic story. I think I own it, but would have to check. It is on TV so much that I haven't had to look for it. I remember seeing it at the theater when it came out and it was pretty awesome. Not just the movie though. Our local theater had found some original newspaper articles and had them posted all over the theater lobby. Of course that could have been part of the movie company package that was sent out with the film. Anyway, I enjoyed reading all about the disaster from the articles and pictures. I have also watched a lot of Discovery channel specials about the wreckage and the people on board. It is pretty creepy to see the dishes laid out in the mud where they landed as the boat came apart. Thanks for a good discussion Cher.
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• Philippines
14 Apr 09
i don't have a copy of it but i like watching it. it is a good movie
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• China
14 Apr 09
it's a very good film,popular in china,popular in the whole world,i have saw it many times ,for the story ,for the picture and for the beautiful heroine.
@raddudu (60)
• Romania
14 Apr 09
Titanic...that was the first Hollywood movie that I saw in cinema. I remember how I went with my brother, he bought two tickets and he asked me to go. I never entered in that cinema before. The movie was a little too long but I didn't get bored. Actually that was the first movie that I truly liked. I heared that there is a Titanic 2 and 3 . I will probable rent them this week, I'm in vacation.
• China
14 Apr 09
I deed like this movie.It is a sad story.I cried every time when i saw it.I think no matter who lost his relatives.No matter how they lost.It will bring sad.
• Australia
14 Apr 09
upto TITANIC movie came on the screeen i dont believe that there is no REAL LOVE in this world between boy and a girl,but after i saw movie,i was changed my thought,really TITANIC movie touches to heart,it spreads the love and as well as it gains the love,this TITANIC movie is a real story on the night of APRIL 14th 1912,titanic hit an ICEBERG and sank two hours and foutry minutes later,early on 15th APRIL 1912.the sinking resulted in the deaths of 1517 people,making it one of the most deadly peacetime MARITIME DISASTERS in history
@Huskydog (27)
• Iceland
14 Apr 09
I love the movie but i don't own it on cd. :-( but i've seen it allot of time on tv