Home Tutors

April 14, 2009 7:05am CST
I had been a teacher myself in a small middle school in Manipur. I also did some home tutions and charged Rs 100 per student and I taught them 6 days a week. This is the common norm where I lived. After shifting to Guwahati, I found that home tutors charge Rs 300 - Rs 350 per subject and will teach just 3 days a week. There are some who charge even more. My daughter's home tutor charged Rs 1000 for three subjects last year. What more, he says that since she has been promoted to the next class this year, I am supposed to pay him more - Rs 1100? It is quite outrageous. Why should home tutors charge that kind of amount? For poor and lower middle class families, it is a big burden. Is there no solution for this problem? I am ready to teach any student for just Rs 300 for any number of subjects and I will teach six days a week. Any comments?
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16 responses
@hxstar (510)
• China
14 Apr 09
Hi,swapan2525! Well,I know this!I have been a home tutor and I know nowadays parents always want their children to be better than others,and this causes the increasing salary home tutors get paid.I know how you think about it,think for the better side and you will feel better. Wish you good luck!
• India
15 Apr 09
Kids' brains have certain limits. There are some that are born genius while others are not so lucky. You can hire the best teacher in the world and still not see the required results. It is not a movie, you know. I don't feel better hxstar. I feel for those less priveleged students. Thanks for wishing me good luck!
• India
14 Apr 09
@above. Yes, you are absolutely right.
@hxstar (510)
• China
15 Apr 09
Hi,swapan2525! I have to admit that you are right.But,maybe there are no good results,we still need to make an effort!
• India
14 Apr 09
You are an endangered species, believe me. here in Calcutta the rate for private tuitions is about Rs. 1000/- per subject depending on the class and subject. Forget about six days a week, the teacher would come to your home for only one or two days and for one hour sessions. Its more lucrative for them to hold batches in their own homes where many students go and study within a stipulated time. Its more like a cattle farm than private tuitions. There is no remedy really until and unless parents themselves are willing to spend more time with their children and guide them in their studies. .
• Hong Kong
15 Apr 09
Haha, you are right, I think swapan2525 is an endangered species. What you are telling us is very true in my country also, parents can save their money if they have patience and time on their own children.
• India
15 Apr 09
I agree with you sudiptacallingu but all parents are not able to guide their children in some subjects. In my case, subjects like Math and Chemistry gave me headache. Moreover, in Manipur, North-East Hindi Reader text book is used which is very simple and easy to learn (although some might disagree) but I am blown away when I see the one used here. Day and night difference. Psst: I should go to National Geographic people and tell them that I am an endangered species.
14 Apr 09
I live here in Canada however i get what you are saying. Other people are probobly charging such high rates because of the increased living expense, need for money, or are just plane greedy. There's a perfect soloution to your problem,why not tutor studen't for Rs.500 and take over the tutoring business.
• India
15 Apr 09
I am ready to take not Rs 500 but Rs 300 but it won't be easy because I don't work in any school here. Moreover there are some subjects that I can't teach, for example - Assamese. Thanks for your comments.
@sweetyethot (1737)
• China
15 Apr 09
Here in China,the charge of home tutors varies a lot from places to places.It depends on what subject you teach and also the family's financial status.In rural areas, most families cant afford home tutors.Im a teacher as well.I wont be happy if the charge is less than 50 RMB per hour.Thats perhaps the average charge in my place.I can teach English.
• India
15 Apr 09
Thanks for your comments.
@csrobins (1120)
• United States
15 Apr 09
Wow that is incredibly expensive...they are taking advantage of people because they know people have to have tutors and they know they will pay it to get what they need. That is very good of you to charge what you think is sufficeint for your services. Things would be a lot more fair in a lot of ways if people weren't so greedy.
• India
15 Apr 09
Thanks for your comments.
@vivianchen (2646)
• China
15 Apr 09
In my country, the charge of tutos will depends on the subjects. Art and dancing or drawing will be more expensive than English, Chinese and Math. So it really depends on what subject are you in.
• India
15 Apr 09
Thanks for the comments.
@Mitraa (3183)
• India
14 Apr 09
Yes Swapan, education now-a-days has gone very commercial! Tutors are more money minded and charge more money from students! Ideology of offering education as a service has gone lost in educational system! Parents purchase education for their kids as a duty! Thanks for this nice topic and have a good day!
• India
15 Apr 09
Thanks for you comments and I agree with you.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
15 Apr 09
I think that charge is too much. But I guess here in my home town, Kolkata, charges are like this only. It is like a business to them. Rather parents are sending them to coaching classes where the children go at most 3 days a week in lesser charges.
• India
26 Apr 09
Swapan, as sudipto said you are an endangered species. But you have to learn to face reality also. India is going places, and the most intelligent thing to do would be to be close to the market value.What sudipto has said for Kolkata is true for most major cities in India. My sincere advice is you must set-up shop as an experienced teacher, and claim close t6o the going rate. Now, I would call you humane if for any reason you have to relocate to Manipur and you choose to teach the students please go back to the old rate and do your bit of service. This you would be both an entrepreneur and a humanist rolled into one. India needs such people. I am very happy to know about you. I had also been teaching, though I am not a teacher by profession. I have taught all levels school, pre-university( the so called plus-2 stage) and professional courses(Engg).
@vipinl (802)
• India
14 Apr 09
its simple you should also charge the students what amount he's charging teaching your daughter..lol, income in every field is increasing so nothing wrong if teachers also earn good. You yourself being teacher should be happy with that. The thing is charge as much you deserve to those who can afford it, also with that give eduction to the poor or who can not afford for free or reasonable rates.
• India
15 Apr 09
I agree with the last part of your comment but the thing is I am not going to do what others do. I wish to be different. Thanks for your comments.
• India
14 Apr 09
well i agree with the above comment . i can give u good suggestion because im in 11th now , just gave my board . well for me i belong from not too rich family , but a little bit rich one , u may call upper middle class. i live in Surat and here the rates r 700-1000 just for one month for one subject for home tuitions. well wht advice i can give u for ur daughter is that u should support her . for me i don't go to any tuitions, i just sit in a room and understand the concept my self , it is study with gaining knowledge , i just go tuition for maths since i dont like that subject that much . so for cost cutting u should make ur child more dependent on herself than the tuition teachers . it is always good if a child studies on his own , besides u should not keep expectations from ur child abt marks , this many times make the child fell like being pressurize. and believe me it is very sad for a small child to take such big burden.
• India
15 Apr 09
I agree with you. I support my daughter and never try to pressurise her. Moreover I know how far she can go.
@jshekhar (1562)
• India
15 Apr 09
Hello Swapan, I salute you for the nominal charge you have for providing tuitions. Here in Delhi, you would not get a tutor for anything less than Rs. 500 an hour. Education has completely been commercialized and its the buck that counts. The middle class cannot afford tuitions to their children and I was lucky enough that despite being from a middle class Indian family, I managed to finish my studies without ever needing a tutor.
@skyla26 (284)
• Philippines
14 Apr 09
home tutors will help the children to increase there knowledge in home beside in school and charging amount to the Guardians are okey because that is your profession you are exerted much effort to achieve that goal so in the case for the poor people it depends to the teacher if he or she will charge the guardians for doing home class teaching job or lets say just a burden or being mercyful for that family because you know to your self that eventhough there just poor family you know to that they have a right to learn, to gain education from the teacher. without a students the teacher is nothing and without a teacher the students is nothing so both are equal. have a nice job and giving your burden to others is kind work and i know there is a reward from you someday.
• India
15 Apr 09
My daughter's tutor stopped coming after I told him that I won't pay Rs 1100 (last year it was Rs1000). I had to call him back because as they say 'a known devil is better than an unknown angel'. Thanks for you commments!
@vinslounge (1295)
• India
14 Apr 09
It all depends upon the mindset Swapan. Guwahati's cost of living is much higher than Manipur. Although Rs.1100/- per month for 3 subjects is quite exhorbidant, it has become like that. Education nowadays is business and it doesn't care for Rich/poor or upper/lower class. All you need is money, money, money. There are some good hearts like you who teaches for a very nominal rate. But not everyone are like that.
• India
15 Apr 09
I agree with you.
@HelloMickey (1655)
• Hong Kong
15 Apr 09
Hello swapan2525 Although I don't know the situation in your country, I think most parents in the world just want their children can acheive much more than others' children, that's why the tutorial fees would increase, and you know the charges normally reflect the quality of the tutors as well. So the fees varies a large range. I was a home tutor too when I was a college student, I charged a lot and I earned much more than full-time employees in company at that time, I only needed to give 16 hours lessons to get this money. As my public examination results are excellent, so I can charge that much, and the parents in upper class would like to pay much more to hope I would teach their children how to get these excellent results. A British paid me $175 for two 2-hour lessons a week to teach his son mathematics, he was only ten years old. The tutorial fees even more when the students in higher grade.
@mira91 (985)
• Singapore
15 Apr 09
I guess some home tutors goal in tutoring was to earn money and not to care much about the welfare of the students they're teaching...I've be tutored before and experienced being tutored by those kind of tutors..Sure they do their work good, but that's cz the money's the main thing that's keeping them going at their job..Well i guess everyone NEEDS money in this world, but they should put some thought in the families that has to pay them..=\