Why sits sleeps not well?
By yueer2006
@yueer2006 (626)
Hong Kong
1 response
@guaiguaimao (221)
• China
11 Nov 06
Losing sleep nutritional therapy method
Losing sleep in "?? was inferior to the food makes up"today, if uses the appropriate nutritional therapy side, besides notgood responds, also has the certain hypnosis effect. Presentlyespecially recommends the nutritional therapy side to you whichseveral kinds easy to manufacture, for selects:
Pig heart jujube kernel Tang Zhuxin 1, ?? kernel, Poris cocos each15 grams, aspiration 5 grams. Slivers the pig heart two half, washescleanly, puts in only in the pot, then washes the clean ?? kernel,the Poris cocos, the aspiration puts in together, joins on rightamount Shui Zhihuo, boils after the fire skims the spume
Moves the flame to cook is thoroughly ripe after the pig heartnamely becomes. 1 medicinal preparation, is suspicious every day hasthe soup. This soup has the blood tonic to spiritual cultivate,benefits the liver to refresh one's spirits the function. May governthe palpitation which the heart and liver ?? causes not rather,loses sleep the multi- dreams, the memory decrease and so on sickness.
?? the assorted food takes ?? 5 grams, the polished japonicarice 100 grams, the chicken 25 grams, the bamboo shoots, carrot each50 grams, fragrant vegetables, sweet potato each 1, soy sauce, cookingwine, white sugar right amount. ?? will soak about for 1 hour,causes its to be soft, then slivers the chicken the powder dust, thebamboo shoots and washes the clean carrot to sliver the small piece;The sweet potato goes to the skin, with the dried fragrant vegetablescleaning, slivers the filament. The polished japonica rice cleans intoin the pot, puts in ?? big Zhu anticipates seasoning and so onwhite sugar, boils Cheng Choufan with the flame the shape, 1, makesthe lunch or the dinner every day edible. This food has the effectwhich the healthy brain builds up strength, calmly sleeps soundly. Maytreat dizziness vertigo, lose sleep the multi- dreams, the state ofmind is forgetful and so on sickness.
Longan ice ?? longan meat 25 grams, crystal sugar 10 grams. Thelongan meat cleaning, puts in the teacup with the crystal sugar, theboiling water, caps stuffy a while, then drinks uses. 1 medicinalpreparation, along with flushes every day along with drinks, alongwith drinks along with adds the boiling water, finally eats the longanmeat. This tea has the benefit heart spleen, calms the nerves functionof the longan. May govern the consideration dispiritedly excessively,the spirit, loses sleep the multi- dreams, the palpitation isforgetful.

@guaiguaimao (221)
• China
11 Nov 06
Treats first step is the correction with not the good sleep healthcustom related behavior, in the above recommendation opinion alreadymentioned these behaviors. A correction behavior certainly to be sureeasy matter, because bad custom always more and more stubborn,moreover certain environmental factors are unable to change (forexample, neighbor television sound is very loud, affects your sleep,but you are unable to change house structure to cease noise!) But youmay change the environment with utmost effort.
Some times did first step have been able to improve the sleep, butalso had very many situations not to be able to collect the effect. Ifyou discuss own with doctor sleep issue, he possibly can propose onekind specially suits your method. Obeys you the sisters or theneighbor opinion possible no help, because each person's losing sleepsickness all is different. Despondently creates losing sleep sicknessand widespread anxious causes losing sleep sickness, its treatment iscompletely different. Certainly, if your losing sleep sickness thesesituations, the treatment have not needed to use different method!
The sleeping draught generally is called the sleeping pill, istreatment losing sleep sickness uses most medicines. In the market hasvarious different sleeping pill, therefore certainly must use themedicine according to doctor's suggestion. Because uses the medicineaccording to doctor's suggestion, generally quite safe effective, hasthe dependent risk to be smaller. When necessity also may use newlyuses the medicine method. Therefore please listens to doctor'sopinion.
In brief, some patients possibly also need to come in handy othermedicine treatments, one kind of medicine relaxes the medicine, thisis the extremely useful medicine, specially is suitable for thewidespread anxious sickness patient. Other rectify and so on themethod including the mental healing and the behavior needs expert'sinstruction, common doctor also may provide some instructions.
Frequently receives in the psychological diagnosis and counselingbecause of loses sleep puzzles restless ???, they mostly havecommon feature: The disposition sensitive, oversuspicious, theself-confidence insufficient, tenacious, is indecisive, the perfectprinciple, the love worries anxious. To occasionally several timeloses sleep the headache, the attention which creates is lax, symptomand so on memory drop, always feels heavyhearted, takes to heart. Theygo to work all are listless every day, complained: " Oh!Yesterday evening not having a good sleep sense! Today simply has noway to work! " To the evening, they always resourcefully have letoneself
" Today any did not think that, certainly must rest wellsense! " But, is contrary to what expects, more wants having agood sleep sense, more not to be able to rest, forms the viciouscircle. Some of them already have tried many methods, takes themedicine, practices the qigong, listens to the music, or goes all outto restrain own indulging in flights of fancy, the result all is noteffective, but psychological doctor teaches their method the methodwhich formerly used with them to be widely divergent.