Chinese Hackers
By scififan43
@scififan43 (2434)
United States
April 14, 2009 6:48pm CST
Hi MyLoters, I have just recently read an artical in U.S pubication Popular Science. The artice is called "The China Syndrome" it describes the efforts of Chinese hackers and the effect of this activity on the u.s cyper infastructure. There are 3 main facts that are cited in the article. 1. it states that Chinese hackers have attacked he us cyber-inrasturcture since 1999. 2. the u.s. govement had assumed that hacking was the work of the gov. of China. 3. experts state that hacking is the work of deeply patriotic civilians.
This article is located on page 61 of the may issuse of Popular Science magizine. for now I do not have the link for this article as of yet becase the magizine has not put it up on the webiste yet. I check to see it there was a article on there site and they still had last months articel were still posted so it might me a few days befroe anyone can read it on line. the web address is
What I found most itresting about the artical was fact no 3. it disscussed how there is a hacking sub-culture among yong Chinese. The wiriter stated how they unlike there western counter parts, they were more moivatied by as sense of patrioisum than a desire to obain weath. Also it stated how many school chrildren are aspireing to becae hackers when they grow up, it has been atribitued to being like a rock star in todays China.
The article dose include a history of a certin Chinese hacker that went by the user name of "CoolSwallow" this was also an intresting part of the story as well.
fininily it descusess what the u.s can do about the threat.
What does anyone think about this? If you are us or werstern citizen describe how you feel. if you are from China tell us what you think too.
1 response
@ajin728 (62)
• China
15 Apr 09
Hi scififan43,I am from china.
The media of western countries always show only one part to you when they refer to china.Yes,there are some attacks through the internet.But who started it?Hacker is a word from english...And did they tell you Us hackers attacked china?
As much as i know,Us started it.But I am not sure because I never know a hacker or others who know well about it.Although many of my friends are in school of computing,they are not hackers.
Things are in good order.we chinese like peace,the tradition have been standing for thousands years.The only one war between china and usa is in korea,where is so close to china such as mexico or canada to Usa.and i wonder what will US army do if PLA occupied mexico or canada.(just a hypohtesis or contrast).
Yes,sometimes we dislike westerncountries very much when,they talk about china topics which they always forejudge.They don't know much,they just presume,and they begin to blame.
In other situations,many chinese drink cola,go to Kfc,wear Nike,watch movies made by hollywood.They dream a China Dream,just like the American Dream you once have.They want earn more money,not war.China will never ever be a warmonger.
Please don't treat chinese with prejudice.We are the same,it is independent of which polity we have.
By the way,the nuclear-powerde submarines and aircraft carrier is nearer to china than to Usa.Who is more threatening?
All in all,this is my opinion,and i think it is most of chinese's.happy myloting.
@scififan43 (2434)
• United States
15 Apr 09
Hello and thanks for the response, my intention her was to start a good discussoin amoung the users here. I am sure that most Chinese are for peaceful relations and wish to make a good living. I am simply stateing what was in the article. you must understand that there is an element here amoung the us citizens that feels China to be a threat to the US and its interst at home and overseas. I do form time to time hear stories in the media here that talk about a growing threat from China. The stories could disscuses from anyting like ecomimic, millitray, or espionise. As an American I am interrsted in these types of storires and that is why I put the post here. I have no intentions of being prejudice againist the citizens of the PRC, by posting an artical like this one, I hope to learn more about these topics from both points of view.
@ajin728 (62)
• China
15 Apr 09
Hi scififan43,maybe i misunderstand some words of english is not good,sorry.
China is growing more and more powerful.But she is still a developing country.
We have to admite that we have a long distance to catch up with Usa in many parts,economy,technology,military,even culture.
So I still wonder why you think china is a threaten.I believe that russian have a more powerful army,Japan has a more powerful economy...Would you like to show me some reasons why you think so?I really want to know.
To be honest,some potential can come true if China and Us can't deal with it properly.Such as Taiwan.Taiwan don't want to unite with China mainland is because of socialism.Usa don't want it too,because it will give the world a more powerful China.;-)
And about the economy,I know many commodities are made in china,but most of it is just "made" in china,not created ,not designed.In fact the main profits of these commodities are taken by western countries,because the added value come from creation.I know some cases such as levono merged the department of Pc of IBM years before.In fact,such things makes chinese very happy.No one want to be a employee all his life,right?nations are the same.
But i really concerned is about the resources of the world,especially the sources of energy and the environmental protection.China is a treaten to all the world here.
It is shame to admit.
I think USA should take it easy to share with us.not just china,all the world.
@scififan43 (2434)
• United States
16 Apr 09
Even though China has a long way to chatch up, there are peolpe in my socity that feel the PRC is somehow a emiging threat. Also I think it is the fear of ecomimic comptitiosn and use of goble resourese such as crude oil. I rember some expeperts here saying that one of the reasons why Americans paying more for gas is the incresining ecomcomy of China and Chinas demend for more gas, but it is not jsut China but other countes as well.