What would he have to do to lose your support?
By katran
@katran (585)
United States
April 14, 2009 9:40pm CST
I know there are still some people who hold fast to support of Obama, and I cannot understand why. If you consider yourself an American, you should be as scared as the rest of us right now as far as I'm concerned. Let me just list for you some things that any person with half a brain would see as bad that he has done:
1. Closed Guantanamo without ANY foresight whatsoever as to what to do with the inmates and without any good reason to do it in the first place other than the fact that it was a campaign promise. (He's already broken other campaign promises, why keep this one?)
2. He has done almost a complete 180 on his stance on Iraq. He is not immediately withdrawing, he is sending MORE troops, and overall he seems to be just doing exactly what Bush was. (This might just go to show that maybe he realized some things upon becoming president that Bush already knew. Talking is one thing, doing is another.)
3. He gives money to corporations in return for essentially taking them over. This is anti-capitalist and therefore anti-American.
4. His stimulus package gave money to convoluted bureaucracies and people who supported him rather than giving it to the American people. Now the American people are losing their jobs in droves and the crisis is only worsening. Tell me...how was the stimulus supposed to help again?
5. In relation to #4, he has the nerve to tell people it is getting BETTER! Where is it getting better, Mr. Obama? In the White House, where you can afford an expensive new puppy?
6. He promised us bipartisanship and "reaching across the aisle", and now he is acting like Republicans, especially conservatives, are the enemy.
7. He promised transparency and yet cannot clear up something as MIND-NUMBINGLY SIMPLE AND BASIC as making his birth certificate public.
8. Not only does he support amnesty for illegals, he is also going to send some of OUR money to Mexico to help them fight THEIR drug wars that are being carried out on OUR soil.
9. Two words: FEMA camps. Look it up. If it doesn't scare you, you're too far gone.
10. Two more words: Fairness Doctrine. Can we keep track of how many times he spits on the Bill of Rights please?
The list could go on and on. So, let me ask you, what does Obama have to do to lose your support? How far is too far? Does he have your blessing to do whatever he thinks is necessary to "fix" the country, even if it involves taking some of your rights away or doing some of the same that that the guy you hate so much (President Bush) did?
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