Dropbox - free online files storage & sync files across multiple computers

@alphason (233)
April 15, 2009 2:07am CST
I have recently joined dropbox for free and its a great easy to use service. You can share & store files online - photo's, documents, movies or anything else. It appears like a standard folder on your desktop but its content is automatically stored online, you can keep files private or public and have folders that are shared making online collaborations easy with austomatic syncing to other computers. Free accounts get 2MB of storage, but if you sign up through my referral link you will get an extra 250MB plus an extra 250MB for anyone else you sign up. It was recently reviewed on the BBC Click TV programme, see bbc.co.uk/click and click on Watch Now if want to see it. If you are interested in a referral drop me a message, thanks.
1 response
• India
15 Apr 09
you can also look acrobat.com there are also givong space to upload our files and documents check that out,the user interface also rocking enjoy