Would you get another dog if you present dog dies?

April 15, 2009 9:53am CST
I love dogs! I have a dog, and her name is Dixie. She is definitely and bundle of joy and she has brought much happiness and love to my family and me. Time flies by so fast...I had her when she was only 3 months old, and now she is 16 years old. They say she is in her twilight years, and soon before long, she will leave us. Just the thought about it is extremely painful and heartbreaking. It is like losing a loved one. My question is this, would you get another dog after the passing of your current one? Would you go through the whole process of loving and losing again?
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15 responses
• China
15 Apr 09
Firstly, i should say, i love dogs too. But when it is passing, i will really really very sad for a long time. That's why i am afraid to raise dogs. To be honest, i can not bear that process of loving and losing again and again. Maybe i am too emotional...
• Singapore
15 Apr 09
:) I guess everybody has their own ways and reasons of dealing with things. We all get emotional when it involves something as precious as a life.
• China
16 Apr 09
Yeah~maybe...and i think you've already have your own opinion about this situation. Dogs will be happy if they find a good raiser like you.
• Philippines
15 Apr 09
I have a dog I had on my 11th birthday. He's name is Toffee and he's a shihtzu. I am now 20 years old and he's already 10 years old. Toffee is still pretty strong but I know that one day God will take him back. I try to avoid thinking about it coz I love him so much that I couldn't bear the thought of him one day leaving me. When it does happen (and I pray to God it's still very far away from happening), I don't think I'll be able to get a new dog pretty soon. I don't want to replace him and another dog won't be able to anyway. Although he has a daughter and she'd be a constant reminder of him which will be good. But in time, I probably will have another dog/pet. I'd definitely go through the whole process again because even though it's sad to say goodbye to the one you love, at least loving that person or pet has been a feeling worth experiencing and a memory worth remembering.
• Singapore
15 Apr 09
Yeah...I guess loving and losing is just a part of life that all of us have to accept and go through. I think what is important is the memories we keep because no one can take that away from you. I am preparing myself for the worst but at the same time I know she spent her years being very happy. I gave her my best and I should just focus on doing that till the time comes. :) Thank you. :)
• India
16 Apr 09
yes why not its universal truth
• Canada
15 Apr 09
i would, and did. it's a part of life having to lose the ones you love :( i suggest though that you do not try to *replace* her with another dog, when the day comes. no other dog could be like the one you have now. but you may get lonely without a dog around, i did when i had to give up my chihuahua after 9 years. it felt WIERD not having a dog around. i got a different breed, one more suitable for children since my chi hated my kids :(, and it's been wonderful. i tried living without a dog but couldn't. even not hearing their footsteps, or having them at your feet, that is a strange and sad thing when you've been use to it for so long. just give your doggy all the love you can until the sad day comes :( and know she had a great life with you! take time to mourn her loss though..and only get your next doggy when you are fully ready :)
• Singapore
15 Apr 09
Yes. I agree that time will be needed heal and mourn, and being a responsible owner, it is only right that I get a new dog when I am ready for one, and not to get one for the sake of getting one.
@Cranius (47)
• United States
16 Apr 09
I live with my parents (I'm 17) are previous dog got mauled and we got another dog in its place. Of course the new dog couldn't fully replace the old dog but it sure lightened things up. If by myself I more than likely wouldn't have a dog. If I did it would be a large dog (Doberman, Rottweiler, etc). I think dogs are big nuisances and you have to constantly worry about them going on the floor (if they aren't potty trained).
@amidala (31)
• China
16 Apr 09
HI,Blaqjakk, I would not have another dog definitely, for I think I should love that only dog. I have one strong feeling like royalty.
@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
15 Apr 09
Roxy In The Daisy Field - My Everything
Time does fly so fast. Greet each day as if it is your last. Enjoy every waking moment with your loved one(s). Your dog may live for another several years yet. I heard the other day that a lady who had a Yorkie, found that her dog lived to be 22! Once my puppy, who will be two on May 02, 2009, meets her last day on this earth, it is very doubtful that I will get or could even find another dog to replace her. Not only because she is one of a kind but by then, I wil be much older and wouldn't want to have the responsibilities of a dog when i am likely not going to be around long enough to provide for it. I wouldn't want the dog or any other pet to out live me. It just wouldn't be fair. Even if my dog passed tomorrow, of a freak accident, I likely wouldn't replace her. I would love to still have a dog but this one I have now would be a hard act to follow. Needless to say, I would be devastated. It would take years to get over, I'm almost sure. She is my everything.
@max1950 (2306)
• United States
15 Apr 09
i'm not sure, max is pretty sick now and ive been thinking what im going to do when he passes, he's my boy, you know how i feel, i dont think any new dog will replace my max. gotta go gettin teary, sorry
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
15 Apr 09
I would probably do that because I'm sure I would miss my dog very very much and could never forget all the memories with my dog. Unfortunately, we cannot keep them a live forever so we need to let go somehow, getting another dog to have new memories would be good for us to let the old memories with the passed dog delute a little bit, yea the new dog's behavior mihgt remind you the old days with the passed dog but I still think it would be a good idea to get a new one.
@cobra1368 (702)
• United States
16 Apr 09
When the dogs I have pass on, I will grieve like I lost a child. However, I will eventually get another dog. You can never replace what you have lost. But I have found that there is something special in the personality of each dog. Something that sticks with you and makes you remember them long after they're gone. I am hoping that I have my current fur-kids for at least another 8 or 9 years. The oldest one is 4.5 years now. The cat is slightly older, maybe by 6 months. They all grew up together with us. :)
@mhil84 (182)
• Philippines
16 Apr 09
Hi there, i have been a pet lover since i was a kid and i do love dogs. Its like having another or addition to the family and something really special and treated same and equal, i know its hard to lose a part of your family and its not easy at first but then we must be active again to our daily activities and continue our lives. So if that happens to me, since im a pet lover i would get other pet or dog, simply because i loved it.
@roboid (205)
• Romania
15 Apr 09
Maybe I would do it, but not immediately. Thenew dog wouldn't fill the whole left by the old one. You cannot replace somebody or somebody you loved or loved. You can buy a new dog, but Dixiewill still remain your "first love", if I can exppress myself inthis way. I think the best sollution would be to get another dog in this moment. In this was Dixie and the other will become friends. When Dixie will pass over you will be sad but you won't have any guilty feeling that you replace her. Also Dixie, and also the other dog were a par of the family. I think this is the best sollution, but it is true that it is a little bit hard to take careof two dogs in the same time. With love, you can do it. All the best, Robert
@abuelin (106)
• Chile
15 Apr 09
I don't have dogs but know people who love them as part of their family, they are, and I think that dog's love can't be replaced with another dog
• China
16 Apr 09
I won't get another dog again.Because I don't want to experience another pain again.I will keep her in my heart.
@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
15 Apr 09
Yes, I will get another dog if something unfortunate happens to my current pet. Actually I already know what kind of dog I would like to have next time. My pets are shih tzus and I would like to have a chihuahua for a change. I love my pets and I treat them as my children. They are really special to me. If I happen to loose them someday, it will be very sad and I think having another pet can somehow make it easier to accept it. The process of loving and loosing again is something that I cannot change so I would just have to accept this fact. And though loosing and loosing again is a hurtful truth, I will not stop to taking care of a new pet whom I know will be greatly loved by me. I'll make sure that my pets won't regret the times they will spend with me. Ciao!