Who is voting for Chuck and Julianne?

United States
April 15, 2009 4:41pm CST
Seriously! I want to know who in their right mind would vote for these 2? Am I the only one who's bothered by the fact that they're dating in real life? Am I the only one who thinks this gives them an advantage? Am I the only who thinks the only reason he's on this show is because she got him on? I wouldn't care if he were the best dancer on the show, he is not getting any votes from me, because I don't think he deserves to be there! While we're on the subject, what about Melissa? Does she really deserve to be on the show? So she was on a season of the bachelor... since when does that make her a "star"? But at least she's semi-understandable. She was a last minute replacement when Nancy O'Dell became injured, so I can understand they went with whoever they could get and they got her. But seriously... what are your thoughts on Chuck. Does he belong in the competition? Are you voting for him at all? Did you enjoy that nasty, raunchy dance he and Julianne did on Monday, or were you agreeing with Len for a change (as I was)?
5 responses
• United States
16 Apr 09
Not I. My votes go to the pair that dances well. Despite what the judges think of their dancing. Several of the couples this year had an unfair advantage. Chuck and Julianne are just one of them. They are a couple in real life so I would hope chemistry is there. My top three is Gill, Shawn and Melissa. Although I do have respect for Ty the way he is trying so hard. The competition between husband and wife would have been cool if Jewel had not been injured. However, after reading an article about the Lil Kim wardrobe malfunction I have lost all respect for Dereck. Which he was already close to losing anyway.
• United States
16 Apr 09
Lil Kim has never been anything but a wardrobe malfuction! I never had much respect for her which is why I haven't been voting for her from the start. I am voting mostly for Gilles and Shawn, although I too respect Ty.
• United States
19 May 09
Derek is my favorite dancer. What are you talking about when you said you lost all respect for him after the lil Kim wardrobe malfunction. I have not heard anything about this and would like to know what happened.
• United States
12 May 09
What is wrong with a real couple dancing together? What makes it any different than the stars and pro dancers who have "fallen in love" over the seasons? Dancing With the Stars was trying something new this year. Jewel, Ty's wife, was supposed to be on the show but had to back out last minute because she supposedly got hurt. Would that have been weird to you? Husband and wife competing against each other? As I heard, Julianne was planning on not dancing this year so she could concentrate on her country music career. I guess the bigwigs got the idea to put Chuck on the dance list and Julianne danced with him. I really don't understand your problems with them being a real life couple. So what? And no, it doesn't give them an advantage. In fact, I would hate to try to teach my boyfriend how to dance. You are one of the people that ruins the show for everyone else. Your statement that you would not vote for Chuck even if he were one of the best dancers, simply because you have a problem with him and Julianne being a real life couple shows that you don't vote in the spirit the voting is meant to be. It isn't about who your favorite star is or whatever - it's about who's the best dancer or who has improved the most. Yet people like you throw that out the window and vote, or don't vote for stars over silly reasons. You're statement that Melissa is not a star because she was only on the Bachelor...where have you been for the past 8 seasons? This show should not be called dancing with the stars - it should be called Dancing with the used to be stars or has beens. Really. How many really big celebrities have you seen on this show?
• United States
19 May 09
Thankfully I am entitled to my opinion. People like me keep this competition interesting. I bet you flipped a lid when Lil Kim was eliminated instead of Ty Murray. Me? I was literally jumping for joy because I am not a fan of Lil Kim and I felt Ty deserved to continue due to how hard he was working. That's precisely why the show allows the winners and losers to be chosen by the viewers... because we are basing our votes on OPINIONS!!!! and that makes it interesting and keeps people watching. If it weren't for people like me you'd already know who's going to be eliminated before the show even began, so what would be the sense in watching to find out?? God Bless people with opinions!
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
15 Apr 09
Well I haven't been following the show that much this season because it is up against other things I watch. I'm not sure who Chuck is that he is a celebrity. She probably did get him on the show and the show probably let him on because they are a couple and it would give the show a new twist. I don't know if it is an advantage that they are dating or not. I probably would fight less having a stranger teach me something then having my husband try to teach me something. I think that Melissa got on the show because her 15 minutes of fame just happened to hit at the right time. They needed someone fast to replace Nancy and I bet it is easier to sign a nobody for the show then try to get a celebrity to sign. There would be no managers or haggling for what they want to do the show. She probably jumped at the chance. So I didn't see their raunchy dance, but I'll take your word for it.
• United States
15 Apr 09
chuck and julianne- definite unfair advantage. it is about chemistry and since they are dating i would hope that they have some. it is obvious to me that she is way more serious about him then he is about her. but anyway, yeah it isn't right. as far as melissa goes, these days the word celebrity is used to describe just about anyone who gets 15 minutes of fame. for once, i agreed with old cranky len that their dance crossed the line. i don't understand how that bull rider is still on, he is so stiff and seems so dumb. jewel is so cute ,how did she wind up with that guy? i am sure that gilles will win. he is so hot and he can dance. lil kim is also amazing. what a performer she is, who knew? as far as julianne goes, now that she has a country music career i am sure that she won't be back next year. maybe that's why they let her have her boyfriend as her partner.
• United States
16 Apr 09
I know Ty isn't a great dancer, but I like him. He's a good guy, he's so cute and sweet. I hope he lasts longer than Chuck, that's forsure!! I do hope Julianne does not come back! She does nothing but annoy me, she's so childish and doesn't know how to be quiet!! She does nothing but play around and it gets old very quickly! I hope Gilles does win. He is a hottie and I love the way he dances.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
17 Apr 09
Well I certainly don't think its fair that Chuck and Julianne are dancing together. I have not voted for them at all. My favorites are Gille and Melissa. When Gille dances like the judges said you don't know which one is the student and which one is the teacher they are so right. Either one Gille or Melissa wins I will be happy!