If its real then why did Jesus the ultimate hide it himself...

April 15, 2009 11:32pm CST
If all this deduction is true...then why did Jesus the lord of lords hid it from the masses... Has he got any messages for his followers by this....
4 responses
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
16 Apr 09
What did Jesus hide? What scripture did Jesus write? Only other people spoke about Jesus! It is fiction neighbor, meant to be read as true. You want to watch a real eye opener like that try Stigma.
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• India
16 Apr 09
i will sure go for it.... If its totally a friction then how come the events described in it were totally true....???
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
16 Apr 09
That is a large part of what makes the story so controversial. The author designed it to occur around actual events. I am sure I read in the fine print somewhere that it was all fiction. But, it could be true. The Church has changed alot over the Centuries, and what was to stop them from "adjusting" what the Bible said, or what the Bible authors wrote in the time of Jesus. To be more suited to their needs. Don't get be wrong, I believe the Bible, and what it teaches. I just don't trust the Church.
• Qatar
4 Jun 09
i agree with the last line you wrote...."i believe in what the bible teaches,but not in the church"...well-said,mate.i was also midly surprised by the fervour with which the Church panned the book and its contents.possibly they felt the ground under them slipping away.i mean,i follow a different faith altogether but we're taught to respect all faiths in equal measure and imbibe the best aspects from each.we have so many defamatory works written against our faith but nobody even flinches or raises a big hue and cry for that.we are confident in what we're taught and about its origins.possibly that's why we don't care two hoots about anything like this.
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@besthope44 (12123)
• India
28 Oct 10
Its a fiction mixed facts according to me, so i like it and dont find it not rite, just enjoyed it.
@simonelee (2715)
• China
20 Aug 09
have you watched the nation geogaphic episode revealed the missing chapter of the bible? According to the investigation the missing chapter was purposely stolen due to its content which is against what is written at the bible. The scholars found it long time ago and proved that it was part of the missing chapter and now it was untraceable, someone stollen it again.
@machizmo (279)
• United States
22 Jul 09
I think the whole thing with Jesus and Mary Magnalene is quite interesting. It makes you think about things. What if people have hidden things or even covered up things about Jesus to maintain a certain image they wanted about him.