@Wife_n_Mother (19)
United States
April 16, 2009 10:55am CST
I am new here on mylot so I would like to talk to everyone about the things going on in my life and family. I am 21 years old, married with one child. One year ago things seemed to be going just great for me until the news came. My dad found out one year ago that he had throat cancer and that to me was some of the most devastating news any child or wife could get. He had stage four throat cancer. It was wrapped around his tonsils and going down his throat. It had not yet made it to his voice box. It was so hard for my family to receive this news. It was very hard on me as the baby and a daddy's girl. My husband and God was there every step of the way and I couldn't have done it without them. My daughter was a few months old when we found out and my in-laws were super helpful with her through this time. My daughter had a hard time throughtout this year with my dad wondering why she hardly ever got to see him and when she saw him in the hospital why he couldn't hold her. It has been a very rough experience. He was going through Chemo and radiation and was very sick. He lost so much weight and he had changed a lot through out the process. When he found out we had to be strong for him and he said he didn't want to be treated any different. We always joked with him and told him at least he didn't have to worry about losing his hair cause he was already bald. We made it through the process hanging on as a family. My family was closer than they have ever been during this rough time in our life. He has one daughter who came to see him once through this whole process which broke his heart. I just wish that God would convict her through all of this and try to make her see what it is doing to him. After he went through chemo and radiation he went in for a PET Scan and they said that the cancer was gone but that they couldnt deem him cancer free for 5 years. In the PET Scan 2 areas highlighted and they said that would happen if he had any infections. He had the jaw bone area light up where they said that he had an infection from the radiation where he got his wisdom teeth removed 2 weeks prior to radiation and chemo. The other place that highlighted was in his sinus cavity where they thought he had a sinus infection. They told him that everything was fine. He went to the doctor with sinus problems for three months and tried all these different kind of antibiotics and nothing worked. God healed him the first time and three months after the PET Scan he went to the hospital to have surgery on his Lymph Nodes to remove the cancer that was confined inside of them. Before they did surgery on the Lymph Nodes they did an MRI and found that he had a tumor in is sinus cavity. So they scheduled a biopsy to find out if the tumor is malignant or benine. After the biopsy results came back it was not what we wanted to hear but we think that maybe God wasn't through using daddy yet. The tumor was malignant and they said it was the size of a golf ball growing faster everyday. They said that this tumor was a very rare tumor and 1 in ever 2 million person got it. They were very honest about the tumor they said they weren't sure how to go from here because only a handful of people in the United States has ever had it. They did another MRI to see if the tumor was attached to the brain. In the MRI picture that they have if you look closely enough you can see the outline of an angel at the top of the tumor which is awesome because we know God is at work. They couldn't do surgery because it was wrapped around the optical never and if they did the surgery there is a good chance who could become blind if they hit the nerve. So they decided to do Chemo and try to shrink it. He was in the hospital for 15 days doing extensive chemo treatments. The doctors were very honest and blunt. They told him if they gave him anymore Chemo than what they did it would kill him. He went to the surgeon about a month ago and they told him they wanted to do Chemo and radition for 3 months and to see him back on June 25th to see how much the tumor has shrunk and if they can go ahead and do surgery. We are hoping and praying by then God will have healed him and he won't need to have the surgery done. He didn't get to see his Grandchildren much in the stay at the hospital but he gets to see them as much as he wants now and he gets to watch them grow up. I have learned a lot of valuable things through out this process. It has been very hard for me but I get through it the only way I know how. My dad is a very strong man who has not once showed weakness through out this. This year hasn't been the great start off for a year. My daughter had RSV( Respiratory Senical Virus). It can put kids in the hospital if you aren't careful. Luckily, we noticed hers in time too get medicine for it and avoid her being in the hospital. After she battled with that we ended up taking her to the ER with what we thought was a relapse of the RSV but it ended up being a middle ear infections. she was having Bronchio Spasms and she was gasping for air and for a mother that is a very hard thing to watch your young child go through. She made it through the middle ear infection so great. She just recently had tubes put in her ears because of all the ear infections she has had. She is also on an allergy medicine because she is allergic to all sorts of things. She is 18months old. Well thanks for listening I have to go now.
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