Chances given to elected officials

@suspenseful (40192)
April 16, 2009 6:06pm CST
The other day, I was looking up Youtube about the dangers of big government, the end times, the New World Order,etc. and although much of it showed the photo of G.W. Bush when they started to talk about government taking over,and the new World Order as soon it finally showed a photo of youknowwho (Obama) my husband complains why do you hate him so much? Give him a chance, and the usual the reason you do not like him is because you are a racist. I told him that had I lived in America I would not have voted for McCain and he said he was a tyrant. I would have supported another candidate but they were not running for the presidency. Well what I want to know if by what standard do they consider that a president has no more chances left? And by standard should a president be given more chances then normal. S do you consider the signs or are you going to wait until the American economy is in ruined, they have a major depression, foreign troops are occupying American soil (remember it could be any American president -like sometime in the future, you may get one who has ties with an enemy country - relatives, etc.), there are death camps or does not pay to import anything from America because our dollar or whatever currency we have is so much lower that we need a wheel barrel, etc. or some other reason. The other question is if you could reflect and look back when now you decide he has no more chances, what was the reason you did not stop him sooner.
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10 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Well I never voted for this one , and Right now I think he should be impeached right along with a few others. I just dont understand the poepl that voted for someone that was really unknown and didnt have a good name in the public eye. heck he was only in the Senate or what ever for 144 days! he is a camera hog, he bows to poeple that he shouldnt he should never bow to any one. and the way you put it its not in the future that some prez has ties to another country he is here!.
2 people like this
• Canada
17 Apr 09
Well Lakota, in all fairness that bow was not a bow as the media said. Mr. Obama was so much taller than the king so he had to bend forward to shake his hand. I noticed now after all this negative publicity he was very careful how he shook the hand of the Mexican president who was also much shorter than himself. I would not want to be in a fishbowl like the president of the USA.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
18 Apr 09
thnaks White heather. Linda. WEll the media said he ciurtsied like a woman . and I looked at it several time and even if the man was that muc shorter his arms are long enough to do the hand shake right!.
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• United States
17 Apr 09
Well said Lakota.
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• United States
17 Apr 09
I don't like Obama because he doesn't think he's the president of the usa but he thinks he's the leader of the new world. I think that too many people still believe in the future of the usa to let Dorkbama ruin it, he'll be gone before then.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
18 Apr 09
I hope he gets kicked out, but it will take some time as his minions are using the race card to keep him in. So in order to get him out, you all have to be very thick skinned because they are going to call you very nasty names.
• United States
18 Apr 09
What? Like intellegent, informed, proud. Those are nasty names from socialists.
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
17 Apr 09
I think you worry too much about what is going on south of the border. Foreign troops occupying America? I don't think so. There are mechanism to safeguard democracy in America like there are in any other democratic country. The president can be impeached if he is involved in serious crimes. So far Mr. Obama seems to be clean. Sure there would be a fallout in our country as well if something drastic happened in the USA but in the meantime I would really worry about the chinanigans Mr. Harper is up to.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
17 Apr 09
Well you have the attitude of a lot of Canadians, that we should not worry that there is the Constitution in place. And I suppose when we can no longer sell goods to America because it is no longer a viable trade partner, then you will worry, but then you will not because there is China, a place where there is lots of violations of human rights. But then it is okay, they are on the left, they are socialists like us - far left socialists, but it socialists all the time. That is the attitude I hear from a lot. We have a parliament and then we put in the Human Rights Commission but that was taken over by the far left liberal judges? Obama can approve laws past by the back door. It may be harder to do it down there, but it can be done. Oh and Harper. At least we do not have to pay as much taxes, we have those free interest accounts, we have our provincial taxes lowered. Do you want to go back to the Liberals and bigger government?
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Give Obama more chances to do what. He has already disgraced our country and put it so far into debt that our grandchildren will be paying it off for the rest of their life time. he is getting to far into our private lives with forced community service and what and how we can raise in our gardens and on our farms. I think he has been given enough chances but won't listen to the people. he wasn't even aware of the teaparty protests that were held April 15. We need to elect a whole new congress and house of representatives too. Because it's not just the president.
@ElicBxn (63793)
• United States
17 Apr 09
lets just say, I've given Obama the same chance that the dems gave "W"
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
17 Apr 09
I am all for that. I do not know if that will happen. I hope something is done before it is too late.
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@ElicBxn (63793)
• United States
17 Apr 09
well, since the dems didn't give W ANY, that's exactly how much I gave him
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
17 Apr 09
I personally think we should do something right now. But we need to do something about Congress too. They have been screwwing things up for longer than the President has been in office. You cannot blame it all on Obama. Besides I think that he is just a puppet anyway. Someone is pulling his strings. Who is to say what are the odds of another person being any stronger and standing up to the string pullers? Shalom~Adoniah
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
17 Apr 09
I do think he is a puppet but a puppet with desires of grandeur. I think he wants to be World Ruler. I suspect it is the Leftist Media and those in the Democratic camp who are behind all this, that they are tired of American being conservative, and they wanted someone who fitted in their politically correct view that we all came Out of Africa and blacks are our natural masters and yet they did not want one who was conservative, it had to be someone who held the same views as they and yet made people believe he would listen to their views.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
19 Apr 09
It is more than that. Obama got millions of dollars toward his campaign via the internet. Alot of this came from overseas and all of it was untraceable. It came from the Arab world who he nows owes a large debt to and will have to repay. It also came from the folks who run the World Bank and the World Court. This is why he is so pro~One World Government and One World Court. He owes them. As long as Obama is President, the U.S. is in danger of losing its Sovereignty. It is going fast. Obama is making friends with all of the people who want to wipe us and our allies off the map, and he is snubbing our true allies. Shalom
@riyasam (16556)
• India
17 Apr 09
barrack obama thinks he can run the most influential and powerful country in the world but i think he need to gain some exoertise before any chance is given to him. happy posting.
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• United States
17 Apr 09
I did not vote for o-NO-bama however I was willing to give him a chance to show what his promised "change" would do for our country. So far IMO he is doing his best to destroy our country. His priorities are are all WRONG. He needs to be stopped and stopped FAST before there is nothing left to save. I personally think the man is a complete egomaniac!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
17 Apr 09
We are trying to stop him. We are NOT racist, and neither are you just because you don't like Obama as president. He may be a nice guy and good dad but he's a miserable president. You CAN'T borrow and spend your way out of a recession--or at least, that's what they are calling this calamity. Some say we are actually in a depression. I realize it takes more than 4 months to do any good as president but he's digging us deeper into debt and we are rocketing toward facism. In the next 3 years, you Canadians aren't going to like us as neighbors very much, it'll be like living next to Nazi Germany.
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• United States
17 Apr 09
I voted for Obama. He inherited a big mess and we can only hope that something he does will improve things. When Bush was in office it was always a complaint that the Democratic Senate was the problem. So, since our system of government has all of these wonderful checks and balances in place, can it really be said that the president is ruining things? Isn't that like saying the CEO of a big corporation is ruining a company? There is still the boardmembers an dsenior management that have input there too. Anyway, I don't like political debates because there isn't a right and a wrong. Everyone is frustrated because things are bad. I suppose finger pointing is much easier than rolling up your sleeves and doing what you can to make things better. Everyone doing their part makes a difference. anywaym that is just my thoughts.....complain away.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
18 Apr 09
Well it seems that Obama has rubber stamped everything the Democratic led congress has wanted done. Most presidents decide to veto a few, but it was like he did not even both to read them. He just okay lets that pass, and any last minute things that Bush wanted in, like that medical staff can refuse to do abortions, Obama thought, "oo I hate Bush I am going to make sure that this law is not passed," just like a little boy who is getting even. Sounds rather childish to me. I bet when he is in his room alone and he can;t get his way he stamps and throws a tantrum.
• United States
30 Apr 09
You are right. That does sound childish. We should all hope and pray that there is a better reasoning behind his decisions than disagreeing with Bush. I guess what I am expecting from people is that they stay informed and get involved. This country is in really deep. Each citizen getting involved would maake a world of difference. I suppose the american people got lazy along the way. Government was never perfect, but they basically got the job done with minimal help from the average citizen. Now things have gotten really bad and joe schmo looks up and wants to start finger pointing. My husband and I are on opposite sides of the political fence, and I have to hear him complan about Obama. I like to ask him what he would have done instead, and I like to remind him that with most political decisions, it takes time to find out whether or not the decision was a good one or not. I wonder what it is about Obama that incenses people so?