Random silliness

United States
April 16, 2009 6:38pm CST
Greetings all,I was sitting on the patio in my yard .My neighbors grand daughter was listening to Barbie girl and now it's stuck in my head,lol!Don't you just hate when you get a annoying song in your head you can't get rid of?What songs have you heard that sound like nails on a chalkboard that have gotten stuck in your head....
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13 responses
• United States
17 Apr 09
Oh my, I loathe that song. It's one of the most annoying songs around! That said, I suppose it did well enough that people still play it on the radio lol. My husband is notorious for humming something he'll know will be annoying just so it gets stuck! So, I can't think of anymore that are really annoying, but I can think of funny ones that send me reeling. Like The Frog Song lol. The Song that Never Ends, sung originally by Sherri Lewis and Lamb Chops (I know, dating myself lol). Oh, the Theme Song to Austin Powers!!! And I simply roll on the floor to I Like Big Butts, and the Chimpmunks have a version that is hilarious!!! Namaste-Anora
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• United States
17 Apr 09
Yes it is one of those so bad you like it songs....not to me though,lol!Oh yes I didn't think the humming once one person starts it seems to catch on.Oh the chipmunks are annoyingly funny I haven't heard their version of Big butts though..too funny!Another one that grates on my nerves is the Smurf song...yegads that is awful!LOL
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• Canada
17 Apr 09
I agree Barney and The Smurfs do have annoying songs, but unfortunately Anora_Eldorath your son is eventually going to find a song, or tv show that has a song that drives you bonkers yet he LOVES! I'm just waiting for it with my daughter whom will be 3 in June!
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• United States
17 Apr 09
Oh my. We have a 2 1/2 year old son and I don't let him watch Barney because I can't stand the songs. They annoy the stew out of me. Namaste-Anora
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• Philippines
17 Apr 09
Hi faeryoftheshire1. I also get annoyed when some music that I dont like get stucked in my head. That was a psychological effect that the last song you had listen, It goes repeatedly in your mind. The counter measure for that is to listen to songs that you like so that the music stucked in your head will not annoy you. I hope that it might help you a lot. Enjoy posting...=)
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• United States
17 Apr 09
Hello idolkosivalsotto,I often wondered why that occurs trying to get it out of my head it's being rather stubborn but I am now listening to more pleasing music to be rid of it.Thanks and have a good one!
• Philippines
17 Apr 09
Yeah, I also experienced that. Trying to get it out of my mind but it remains still...
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• United States
17 Apr 09
I know....it's like it's stuck on repeat and won't go away..
@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
17 Apr 09
thanks I was ok til you said the name of the song I'm a barbie girl in a aaaahhh its stuck in my head lol that one is so annoying an for some insane reason my daughters like singing it nother one one is sir mixalots I like big butt I have no idea why my girls can't learn some good music like the stuff from the 70s
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• United States
17 Apr 09
Oppppps....sorry enola I feel your pain..LOL! If it's any comfort I got the ear splitting smurf song in my head now.Your daughters sound adorable.Yes ''Baby got back''I have had that beat stuck in my head a few times.Yes 70's music rocks!
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Hi, faeryoftheshire1! I guess any song off of a commercial that is silly. Or it could be a song that I just can't stand that plays on the radio.
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• United States
17 Apr 09
Hello Cream97! Ah yes I forgot about commercials..seems no where is safe from that.We are doomed to repeat these silly songs over and over when the mood strikes,lol!
• Philippines
17 Apr 09
Hello faery. I also find myself getting caught by the last song syndrome most of the time. I went to the supermarket this morning and they kept on playing Womanizer. I still have it stuck in my head til now. My daughter even made fun of me for humming it. I also remember one occasion when the song Get Outta My Dreams wouldn't leave my head for days. That one was terrible. Oh well, I guess that's part of life. Have a wonderful weekend, faery. God bless.
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• United States
17 Apr 09
Hi elmolovesu!Yes it seems unavoidable huh?Oh nooooo my deepest sympathies Britney spews,lol!Well at least your unfortunate experience provided your daughter with entertainment so some good came out of that.Oh yes Billy Ocean!!!Another one for the hall of lame.hehehehe!Yes such is life you just gotta laugh!You have a fantastic weekend and enjoy it.Take care!
@mira91 (985)
• Singapore
17 Apr 09
hahahahahha, omg, that must have been very annoying. Singing to a song you don't even like! hahaha, it happens to me too.. _
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• United States
17 Apr 09
ROTFLMAO...oh my sides are starting to hurt..hehehe...it is amazing how something triggers you to repeat certain songs in your head.All it takes is for one person to start the ball rolling or a song popping up on the radio..and then you find yourself humming and singing away along with them it's annoying yet funny too.You can't win some songs are insanely bad that they are good, yet the are catchy and hook you in a bad or good way.Most times in a bad way!
@lizzyt2007 (1312)
• Craig, Alaska
17 Apr 09
I hate when songs get stuck in my head that I don't like. One that my friends like and sing is that "Barbie girl" and my song likes the youtube vid song "peanut butter and Jelly. I try to sing something else by playing some of my likes and hope that gets stuck in my head instead.
• United States
17 Apr 09
Hiya lizzyt2007! Now that is a bad one,my former room mate would screech It's Peanut butta jelly time...everytime he went for the Peanut butter jar..YIKES!Yes I have my Ipod on in hopes I will get that song out of my head,lol!
@abbey19 (3106)
• Gold Coast, Australia
17 Apr 09
hehe! I listen to the radio a lot in my car and sometimes a song will be played over and over, and even though I might not like that particular song, it gets stuck in my head and I keep singing it! I can't think of a particular song offhand, but it has happened many times.
• United States
17 Apr 09
Hahahaha..Yes that happens to me too when driving and even worse on the highway when you can't change the station...and hey maybe it's a blessing you can't think of one or the cycle repeats!
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• Canada
17 Apr 09
Yes, unfortunately I can sympathize with you on this one as I have had VERY annoying songs get stuck in my head too! It could be anything from a song I have heard on the radio, or on the tv. The most recent was Hannah Montana's See you again! I was sitting outside and this 8 year old girl across the street was blaring it from her mom's car stereo until she got called inside. BUT she played it over and over and over about 6 or 7 times before her mom called her inside!
• United States
17 Apr 09
Oh yes Hannah Montana!!1.Yes it seems no where is safe from escaping it.Another bad song for me was in my old apartment when my neighbor next door used to play Achey,Breaky Heart by Billy Ray cyrus!!!!!!!!!And to my dismay I eventually started humming it myself at first it was kinda funny but the novelty wore off and I wantd to pull my hair out,Hahahahaha!
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• Canada
20 Apr 09
They are both bad songs and their father and daughter too! Hmmmmm! Weird how that came about huh? LoL! I HATE getting songs stuck in my head especially if they are really bad songs! LoL!
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Not too many, as I don't listen to much, valuing peace and quiet more than most people do nowadays. The songs that go through my head are more likely to be cute and entertaining ones rather than grating and annoying noise. But then I live in an adults only community. Yayyyy!
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• United States
17 Apr 09
That's good...yes peace and quiet is always welcome,it can be soothing for the soul.I am glad your spared the agony of noise pollution...maybe I should move where you are drannhh!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
17 Apr 09
"I'm a Barbie Boy, in a Barbie World..." LOL. I don't have the legs or other "bits" to make me a passable Barbie Girl! Yep, songs do get stuck in my head too. Most recently it was "Hey Jude" by the Beatles. They were a famous group of the 1960s! LOL.
• United States
17 Apr 09
LOL...well you can be a Barbie boy then....hehehehe!I like the Beatles they had some really cool tunes I got the song Piggies from them in my head once kept singing and humming it..lucky I was alone as I can sing good at all...Hahahaha
19 Apr 09
Hi faery, He hehe, you must have been singing that in your head, I know its annoying, once I saw a programme where they were singing the "Birdie Song", and I cououldn't it it out of my head all night and couldn't even sleep, I had to tell myself to shut up, didn't help. Love and hugs. Tamara
• United States
24 Apr 09
Yes it is....today I have Star trekking across the universe in my head,lol!Yes the mind doesn't want to co-operate..or barely functions at all...hehehe..much Love and light to you.xxxx
@dr_sans (59)
• India
19 Apr 09
i love songs mostly ,but there r some songs in which there is more music than song this type of songs i hate most
• United States
19 Apr 09
Hi dr_sans,I agree some songs can go on and on....same beat..I don't care for those myself.