Just curious if how many of my friends here support the pro abortion law?
By Bebs08
@Bebs08 (10681)
United States
April 16, 2009 8:15pm CST
Me personally? I don't!!! I could not imagine why people do that? why many had agreed to that? Many times, I don't like to read the news or watch TV when they talk about abortion being supported by many. I hate to think why people now a days, support the killing of the innocent life. I don't want argument, I just want to hear opinions in this matter. why you agree? If you don't? maybe we have the same reason... Just curious to know your stand.
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21 responses
@sanuanu (11235)
• India
17 Apr 09
You can't avoid arguments on this issue. There will be people responding here with their opinion and that may be opposite to you. Then the birth of arugments will be there.
anyway, this law is necessary because innocent girls get pregnant due to some silly mistakes or by some real nasty boys. I don't think every 16 year old is ready to give birth to a child. So, the baby has to be aborted. I know it is a harsh decision but there is no choice because even if the girl would accept that child, the people around her would never let her live with peace. Not every girl is brave enough to take that decision. So, for the sake of girls under 18, we should have this law.
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@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Well, healthy argument is acceptable.. hahaha... anyway, I understand what you mean.. those victims of abuse who suffered the pain of being abused.. but then, abortion is not the solution. Why not let the unwanted child be adopted? in my opinion, it is not necessary to kill the innocent life even if he was a product of raped.
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
18 Apr 09
Sorry, there is an error in fifth para:
but then, abortion is not the solution.Why not let the unwanted child be adopted?
I wish this solution is adopted by our society but a raped girl is not being seen by good vision and her child will always being asked about his/her father until they get adopted and adoption would not be easy too!
Sorry again.
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@melkbremomof2 (116)
• United States
17 Apr 09
The problem is if you looked at the actual statistics, you would find that there are many, many, many, more abortions taking place because of irresponsibility, than due to rape or being taken advantage of. I feel really bad for a child that has been hurt through incest or rape, but the majority of abortions are not being done for that reason. That is just the excuse that is used to support it.

@melkbremomof2 (116)
• United States
17 Apr 09
When I was younger, I thought in the case of incest or rape maybe, but being a parent of three and having lost one of those, and having had such a hard time conceiving and considering adoption, I don't agree with abortion. I could not under any circumstances, have an abortion. Even if I was raped, I would consider adoption if I couldn't raise the child. There are ways to prevent pregnancy. Many people who choose abortion, do not use those preventatives. Also, why, when they realize they are pregnant, do they wait until they are 7 mths along to do something about it. Partial birth abortion is just total irresponsibility!!
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@melkbremomof2 (116)
• United States
21 Apr 09
The information I have says that in the United States, 95% of abortions are done as a means of birth control. 1% because of rape or incest, 1% because of fetal abnormalities, and 3% due to the mother's health problems. The best source of birth control is abstinence, and I never used the word "sl*ts".
@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
21 Apr 09
The information I have says that in the United States, 95% of abortions are done as a means of birth control."
Wrong. ALL abortions are done for birth control. The woman doesn't want the pregnancy to continue. So she aborts. That's birth control
"1% because of rape or incest, 1% because of fetal abnormalities, and 3% due to the mother's health problems."
Your numbers are way off.
"The best source of birth control is abstinence,"
I am laughing so hard, I'm about to wet myself. 

"and I never used the word "sl*ts".
I know that.

@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
20 Apr 09
Bebs, I know you will not support it and certainly you know too that just like you I will not also support any pro abortion law. I don't think Christians should condone any law that will kill the life of unborn. While others may think otherwise due to various reasons I found no good reason why a life should be killed unless it will pose great danger to the life of the mother.
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
22 Apr 09
That's right!!!! America is said to be the leading country of the world but now, it is the most ridiculous country because of the things that transpires. But still the Americans sing their song.... GOD BLESS AMERICA.. LOL... IT IS THE LAND OF THE FREE BEFORE BUT NOW NO MORE... hehehehe
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@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
20 Apr 09
I'd much rather see an "innocent" life killed before it knew it was alive than have to wind up going on a call where a 13 year old "Mother" put her 1 month old in a tub of scalding hot water to "teach him a lesson" for crying too much. She should have aborted.
I'd much rather see an "innocent" life aborted rather than see 30% of my paycheck I earn every month go to some welfare wh0re with 9 kids by 8 different fathers.
Point is, I see no problem with abortion. Could I ever have one? Likely not. But I'm not going to take away that choice from another woman. If you don't like abortions, then by all means, don't get one.
If you're so worried about an "innocent" life, then why aren't you people up in arms with all the kids in foster care right now? I work with troubled kids as a juvenile intake officer and I see a lot of kids from group homes and foster care under my watch. I've got probably 40 or so kids right now that are foster care kids that are on probation from everything from skipping school to aggrivated robbery. Those kids are alive. They think. They feel. They hurt. A 6 week old ZEF doesn't think, feel or hurt. It doesn't know it exists. I'd much rather want to see people up in arms and throwing a fit over the kids already in the system than some woman getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy that is only 9 weeks along.
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@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
22 Apr 09
"Just out of curiosity, what is your opinion on Partial Birth Abortion."
I am against that, period. I find it disturbing that a woman could go through 26 weeks of pregnancy for instance and then wake up and go, "Uh oh! I don't want this baby anymore." I find it cruel. I also think that if you make it that long, you should give birth to it and then a couple or even a single woman or man who wants the baby can foot the bill for the baby being in NICU/ICU until it can be discharged.
When that baby, fully formed,in many cases able to survive on its own, is pulled from the womb, feet first, all but the head and then they stab it at the brain stem and suction the brain from its head and then toss it in the garbage."
Actually they don't toss it into the garbage. It's medical waste. It's incenerated (sp?) AKA burned.
"I'm just wondering, because it is very different from what you described above. I understand what you are saying about the children in foster care. I have thought about foster care and possible adoption of a foster child, but I can't seem to sell my husband on it. "
If I was unable to have children, my DH and I were definitely going to adopt an older child. I see a lot of sad cases through my job and it makes me hurt. I know a lot of the foster kids age out at 18 and most just drop off the map. We don't have the resources to keep track of the kids. I've currently got about 300 kids on my probation/parole list and most of them check in weekly with me. Some are monthly. Others have to be monitored daily. But the point is, I'd much rather see the 'pro-lifers' focus on THOSE children rather than a zef that doesn't know it exists and doesn't feel pain.
@melkbremomof2 (116)
• United States
21 Apr 09
Just out of curiosity, what is your opinion on Partial Birth Abortion. When that baby, fully formed,in many cases able to survive on its own, is pulled from the womb, feet first, all but the head and then they stab it at the brain stem and suction the brain from its head and then toss it in the garbage. I'm just wondering, because it is very different from what you described above. I understand what you are saying about the children in foster care. I have thought about foster care and possible adoption of a foster child, but I can't seem to sell my husband on it.
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@saffrondreams (596)
• Canada
17 Apr 09
I hate to disagree, but I don't think that abortion is wrong. To me, aborting a fetus is not the moral and ethical equivalent of murder because I don't consider it a person, philosophically speaking. Up until around 20 weeks, the fetal central nervous system is not organized in any sort of meaningful way and has the sentience of a plant.
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@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
20 Apr 09
A plant life is very different from human life. Even the animal life is far different from human. We, human beings were created by God in a special way to rule over all the living things on earth. We are a special creation, He created us by His own image and He even die for us? so, then,... we are more important the any other living things on earth. We can not be compared to plants or animals because we are greater than them all. Am sure you don't want to be compared to animal or plant right? You are more than that.
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@saffrondreams (596)
• Canada
19 Apr 09
Hi, thanks for your response. I don't think that anyone would disagree with you that the fetus is a life (in the MRS GREN sense), but the point of departure is that some of us don't believe that it is a morally relevant life. A Flower is also a life, but nobody would call me a murderer plucking a tulip from my garden. For me personally, it is ending sentient life that is wrong because it possesses a subjective sense of its own existence and the capacity to suffer. A fetus, lacking awareness, memory, intellect, emotions, dreams and aspirations, has neither of these.
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@Tessa815 (26)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Abortion is always a very controversial topic.
Personally I agree abortion is wrong. We should all have opportunity at life.
Depending on the circumstances, it may be necessary though.
Maybe a woman who had been raped,may not be able to live with that growing inside her.
But whatever the issue may be we all have our stories and our reasons.
Would I get an abortion? No.
Do I think its wrong? Yes.
Should people have the right? yes.
But I do understand where your coming from as well.
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@albert2412 (1782)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Personally, I strongly believe that any law that supports abortion is wrong. A pro abortion law is a pro murder law! Every child has a basic right to live. There is no difference in a woman having an abortion and someone going to jail for killing a store clerk during a robbery. Killing an innocent person is murder, period. It makes me sick at my stomach to hear someone on television says that Obama is a good and caring person and almost in the same breath say that Obama believes in pro choice. You can not be a good and caring person and be pro choice.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
17 Apr 09
I am pro-life and I would never have an abortion. I think that life begins at conception and it would be unfair to end to life of an innocent one from the womb. I think that emotion can be high in early pregnancy due to hormonal changes. A lady might regret having an abortion and some ladies suffer terrible depression years later. I think of the aborted babies as the missing people of the world. They were gone before they had the chance to live in society. Some of them might have been really great people but sadly they weren't given the opportunity. A soldier fighting in a war might die but at least he was allowed to be born into the world. I found out my son has spina bifida at 36 weeks pregnancy. I wouldn't have had an abortion but some ladies expecting a disabled child do have. I found out 98% of abortions in my home country are for social reasons, the other 2% are to save the life of the mother or the baby if born would be severely disabled. I wish that less abortions would take place because abortion is killing an innocent life and the one deciding is the person's own mother.
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@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
19 Apr 09
Exactly right!! you have good points on this. Yes, if the case is saving the mother or maybe the child will be disabled, the reason is valid and we have to chose? There are times that abortion is done to save the mother's life. But if the purpose is just to save their embarrassment because they committed mistake of why the baby is form and they want to cover their mistake by killing the baby? that is horrible crime. The baby is innocent.
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@agrim94 (3805)
• India
26 Apr 09
Hi bebs08,
abortion i think is a matter choice of an individual and should be left at such. So abortions till the fetus is 3 months ( 12 weeks ) old is ok with me. Not saying i would ask my girl or wife to get it done but there is so much poverty in this world. May be you have not seen third world and people are uneducated and have no means to support a child. The children end up being thieves or can easily be groomed to be a terrorists by you know various middle east fundamental groups who have branches everywhere in world now. And girls end up in brothels lots of times. Then there is social things too, suppose a girl from midlle class family in India or pakistan gets pregnant before marriage then it is a matter of shame for the family. It is not uncommon for father of that girl to hang himself because of shame or kill the girl herself if she is a Pakistani. Then the pregnancy can be due to rape , the child of such union would keep her trauma of rape alive whole her life. So i would support this bill.
@pink_lady (361)
• Philippines
17 Apr 09
Hi, I myself DON'T AGREE with that. I just cant imagine why some people want that to be approved. As you see many people wants to have a child, and they will do whatever it takes to have that special blessing. Personally, I know many couples that are very desperate to have a child while others are just that stupid to abort their child. I am very sad each time I hear news about some ladies abort their child and a fetus of baby seen on the streets or garbage cans. I don't really understand them. I was so sad seeing that things while many as in many other peoples and couples are not given a chance to have a baby, but still are trying anything just to have a baby. They are spending so much money, so much time and effort just to have a baby and I myself are are a few of those people who is waiting to have a children of our own.
@momoftwo (94)
• United States
17 Apr 09
I personally, do not agree with abortion but am not sure if I support the law or not. I agree with you, it is a life and everyone is here for a reason and purpose. If the mom to be doesn't want the baby, there are plenty of families out there that would love to adopt a new baby. At the same time, what if the mom to be was raped or molested or their doctor is telling them their live is at risk if they continue the pregancy? There are so many "what ifs" and although I do not support it, it is not my place to judge them. That's a decision between them and our God. I do think we need to have more education in our homes and schools to prevent the teenage pregancy rates though.
God Bless,
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@deadlyorchid1029 (107)
• United States
17 Apr 09
I do not agree with it at all. In my eyes it is murder. There are other ways to handle an unwanted or unexpected pregnancy. I think people should really think about it. There are many ways to prevent it and there are millions of people who are willing to adopt a newborn baby. I think it is wrong.
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@enhopey (37)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I think that abortion is murder. In our country we inprison those who commit murder, but yet when people have an abortion, it is ok and all that are involved are allowed to be free. Why don't we just allow all the murders to be set free? I am sure someone could find a reason why the murdered person shouldn't have been here. The only time I feel abortion is ok, is when it literally endangers the mothers life. That is it. If you were being irresponsible and got pregnant and don't want the baby, then do the responsible thing and give the baby up for adoption. If you got pregnant by means of rape, I really feel sorry for. I would then have to say that it would be up to the mother on whether or not she wanted to carry that baby full term and give it up or to have an abortion. But then, you would have hundreds of people lining up claiming they were raped and want an abortion. So, then I guess it would have to be left up to someone to decide. Have the supposed rape victim go to a counselor or soemthing and see what the counselor thinks is the best option for her. I just don't feel that people should just go and have an abortion just because the child was unplanned and unwanted. That is wrong. It is murder.
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@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
22 Apr 09
why not the mother let the child be adopted instead of killing him? that is cruelty.
No, cruelty is forcing a woman to carry a pregnancy she doesn't want. That's called slavery.
@gitfiddleplayer (10362)
• United States
17 Apr 09
I don't support the killing of anybody who hasn't done anything wrong. We live in a society of laws and the last time I checked you had to take a life in order for yours to be decided whether or not it should continue. What has a baby ever done to deserve to die except be conceived by God. The problem with abortion is if we decide we can kill little babies for no reason what's to say that those who do not contribute to society anymore are worth keeping alive, it will never stop. I remember seeing a cartoon once where a guy was praying to God saying, "God, why haven't you sent us somebody to cure our diseases and feed our hungry?" God answered back, "I did, but you aborted them."
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@silverjam (969)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Abortion is synonymous w/ murder so I never go for it nor support any idea of having a pro-choice law for it.
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@aisaellis22 (6445)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Hello Bebs08! I personally don't agree abortion. How could that be? Aborting is like killing (there's no difference with that) I don't think we have to support it because abortion is not the answer to the problem. For me, they are considered as criminals.
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@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
19 Apr 09
Correct!! criminal case. But most ladies who committed of being pregnant without husband or maybe they committed adultery, impregnate by another person instead of their husband, elicit relationship and they don;t want to public to know about it, so, they will resort to abortion. They are only thinking of themselves not the innocent life. It is really criminal but many would go... go.. go for it. It is a big SIN to kill.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
17 Apr 09
The problem I have with abortion is this: who knows what God had planned for this child's life? who knows what this child may have achieved or given to the world?
who has the right to play God? Yes, I know that a conception by rape is traumatic but the person should be given all the necessary counselling and support in every way and then afte the baby is born it can be put up for adoption if the mother definitely does not want it.
God said the He saw us as we were being made in our mother's womb. He loved us from then - before we entered the world. How dare anyone kill a child of God! I will probably be crucified for my respnse with lots of arguments that a women's body id her own. No, it isn't. We all belong to God. Blessings
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@yoyozhou (356)
• China
17 Apr 09
I don't know how to say. Killing any life is an inhuman behavior.
Just imagine that if you got gravidity accidently and your bf went away and you even could not support yourself, how could you support your baby? In recent years there are more and more abandoned babies and these children lack of parents love at birth. More or less ,they have some mental problems.
In my country, I often see some children(look like 6-10 year old) begging for money on the streets. Futher,some children steal to make a living.If they couldn't rise enough money to their parents or adopters,they will be beaten.I don't know where is their future and how they could endure life.That's all their parents fault.
So some people think if I have no condition,I will not give birth.We must be responsible for our children.
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@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
19 Apr 09
So what do you mean? are you a pro abortion? Well, I know what you are talking about because I come from the country where kids roam around the streets begging for anything that they could get because they have nothing. My point is.... don't go abortion.. if possible, use birth control, than engage in killing the innocent life.