Who likes 'Dr. Who'? Do you like the original show or the newer version?

@mentalward (14690)
United States
April 17, 2009 4:58am CST
I woke up really early, as usual, and turned on the TV. Normally, I just come to myLot, but decided to watch some TV this morning. Dr. Who is on the SciFi channel, which it was tuned to when it was turned off last night, so I started watching it. I used to LOVE the original Dr. Who shows but never understood why there were so many different people playing Dr. Who. I didn't understand it until the newer remake of the show started. Aha! Did you watch it? Were you hooked on it? ARE you hooked on it? I'm not hooked on it these days but, if it's on, I'll watch it. I honestly can't say which version I like better. The original had it's charm because of being so... oh, let's just say "inexpensive" to make. I loved the cheesy special effects. The newer version has better special effects so they're equally cool, in my book. I HOPE I'm not the only Dr. Who fan out there!
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13 responses
@xboxboy (5576)
17 Apr 09
Yeah, i am a massive dr who fan. David tennent is superb as the timelord. i grew up with Jon Pertwee and thought he was unsurpassible but Tennent is sublime.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
18 Apr 09
They've all had their charm, for me, anyway. I agree with you about David Tennent. I'll be sad to see him go! Well, I've been sad each time every single one of them has gone but you never know... the future Dr. Whos could be even better still!
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@commanderxo (1494)
• Canada
17 Apr 09
I wasn't really much of a Dr. Who fan. However, I did watch a lot of Twilight Zone and Outer Limits, Man From U.N.C.L.E., and then got into all the Star Trek stuff. Yes, I confess, I AM a still a Trekker. (Trekkies are aged 12 and under.) But Dr. Who? No, not so much. Though I have seen both the older and newer versions, I'd have to say that the original was the better of the two. Oh...wait a minute. Huh? What's that? (Scratching my head.) Now where the heck did THAT phone booth come from, all of a sudden? cdrxo
@ElicBxn (63797)
• United States
18 Apr 09
I'm a MASSIVE U.N.C.L.E. fan! do you have the Man From UNCLE as one of your interests?
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
17 Apr 09
I loved Twilight Zone, Outer Limits, Man From U.N.C.L.E. and Star Trek. I liked the original Outer Limits series and, in my opinion, Star Trek was the ONLY Star Trek. All the later versions were something else. I liked Next Generation, once I got used to the fact that it wasn't really Star Trek and began to know the new characters (Worf was my favorite; Data was a close runner-up). I think I liked the original a little better than the newer series of Dr. Who, only because of the really cheesy special effects and those cheap "aliens". I think I could handle seeing that phone booth appear because I've often noticed things that I hadn't noticed before. I chalk it up to old age or needing new glasses. What would freak me out would be seeing it vanish in front of me. I KNOW I saw it... didn't I? I've gotta get one of those phone booths. They're so much roomier on the inside than they look like from the outside, don't you agree?
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• Canada
17 Apr 09
Oops, there I go again...uh..."I AM still a Trekker".... cdrxo
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• United States
18 Apr 09
well..i really do prefer the tom baker who,but the newer guy has charm. at least the newer show explained the "how do daleks get downstairs". they fly,of course! i miss k-9..
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@jend80 (2071)
• United Kingdom
20 May 09
K9's appeared once in the new series (in the season 2 episode School Reunion) as well as in some episodes of the spin-off the Sarah-Jane Adventures. There's also supposed to be a spin-off children's cartoon series being made right now to be shown in Australia. Apparently it has/will have a redesigned K9 but only based around the basic idea instead of having any links to Doctor Who.
• United States
18 Apr 09
they should sell those,they pretty much have them now with the aibos.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
18 Apr 09
I've learned so much about the show from the newer version that I had questions about in the original. At least that's one advantage of the new shows over the older ones. I miss K-9, too! I remember wanting a dog just like him! No shedding, peeing or pooping all over the place, no feeding, other than maybe some oil every now and then. LOL
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
17 Apr 09
I love Dr. Who, although I haven't watched it since the 80's when Tom Baker and Romana charmed me into becoming a Who addict. I watched it enough to understand that he went into a different body when one wore out, or something like that which was a perfectly logical reason at the time. Is Dr. Who still producing episodes?! NO FAIR, NO FAIR!!!! I just went and found out I get Sci Fi and I have about ten recordings scheduled. Didn't find Dr. Who but a treasure trove of other goodies. I've always prided myself on not watching much TV but my son got me hooked on Bones and Scrubs, I watch House and Grey's Anatomy and my other son got me addicted to Fringe. NOW YOU!! Oh my, I'll never get anything done in the evenings again, you are a BAD influence!!! When is Dr. Who on? I might as well become a sci fi junkie!
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
17 Apr 09
I honestly don't know if they're still making new episodes anymore. I caught this one in the wee hours of the morning, like around 4 or 5 a.m. I just happened to be awake at that time... as usual. In the remake, I believe Dr. Who had two bodies, unless I've somehow been missing new episodes at night, in which case he may have a new body by now! But, since you can't find it, they probably aren't making new episodes anymore. *pout* I HOPE it's still on, maybe taking a break. I used to love Foxfire but it didn't last long. That was one series that actually had a movie made AFTER the series ended! Really strange. The movie is called Serenity. I don't know if you watched it, but it's a science fictioney/western kinda theme, like the old west in space. Strange, but I liked it. They killed off two main characters in the movie, so I doubt it'll come back. I don't watch much TV, either but have watched more of it in the past 2 weeks because if feeling so tired, or weak, or both. Sorry about reminding you of Dr. Who!
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@jend80 (2071)
• United Kingdom
20 May 09
At the moment they're concentrating on making TV specials instead of a full series - two have been shown so far and there's another three (I think) to air (in the UK), over Autumn, Christmas and New Year. The Doctor is still David Tennent but a new actor has been cast - it's not clear whever he's going to take over during the last two specials or not until the next series starts sometime next year.
@MissAmie (717)
• United States
18 Apr 09
I was a huge fan of the original Dr Who. I tried to watch the new one on Sci-Fi a couple times, but it just didn't hold my attention. As a matter of fact, watching Dr Who with my mom is one of my favorite childhood memories. We never missed an episode...and I always wanted a scarf just like his. ha ha. I think maybe I liked the older one so much because I was watching it with kid eyes. Now that my imagination has been ruined by the educational system, I just don't get it anymore.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
18 Apr 09
Oh, that scarf! LOL I actually knitted one for my boyfriend at the time. It took forever to finish! I like the new version and have watched many episodes but, if I miss one or two, or even five or six, I don't get upset. I NEVER missed any of the original show. I think my kids became SciFi fans because of that show. They were very young but loved watching it with me. The older version is my favorite. Still, the newer version has it's charm, once you get used to it. I remember Dr. Who taking Rose to see the end of the world. That episode was really pretty cool. Also, the newer version has answered a lot of questions I had about the original.
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• United States
17 Apr 09
I love Dr.Who I was thrilled when it came to the States.I love alot of science fiction.I am very curious about who the next timelord will be since David Tennet will be leaving..I liked him best.I was able to see the Easter Special on you tube.I did watch a few episodesof the older version and thought it was good for it's time.It is the same for Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek.Most people continue to debate Old VS New.To me I enjoy both versions of shows as they have there place.I am looking forward to the next Dr.Who to come back.CGI technology is pretty cool but you have to admire how they had to make special effects back then.I think it's all awesome.
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@xboxboy (5576)
17 Apr 09
Matt smith - ijf aegsp
this is the new doctor that takes over after the 2009 xmas special. take heart, this guy is a quality actor!
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
18 Apr 09
It's the special effects back then that I like. They were cheesy but charming. Yes, you do have to admire the amount of work and creativity they had to use in order to create those old special effects. To me, the original Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica were the best. I think the new Battlestar Galactica became more like a soap opera after awhile... too many weird, angry people and not enough science fiction for me. Maybe I'm just old now and this is part of what they call the "generation gap".
@ElicBxn (63797)
• United States
18 Apr 09
I love Doctor Who, all of him. Yes, I like both the old show and new. My first doctor was Tom Baker, but I also live David Tennant (the current one.) I've met 3 of the 9 doctors, and I've met people who got to meet more (2-6.) No, you are not alone on mylot being a Whovian.
@ElicBxn (63797)
• United States
18 Apr 09
some of the old ones are also excellent.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
18 Apr 09
Hahahaha, jugs! I HAD to laugh at your comment. I know all too well what a great "babysitter" the TV can be sometimes! Elic, that's so cool about meeting 3 of the doctors. I've met 2 of the original Star Trek series, George Takei (who, incidentally, I share a birthday with) and Walter Koenig. I can't remember exactly who the first Dr. Who was that I saw. It was a long time ago and I had young kids... a never-ending madhouse, until they outgrew their teen years, anyway. Still, it has always drawn my interest and attention. The old "tin foil and cardboard" aliens and special effects were great in the original but the digital ones made today have an equal appeal.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
18 Apr 09
the new one is better as my kids sit quiet and dont fight whilst it is on
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@ElicBxn (63797)
• United States
18 Apr 09
oh, FYI, I'm #2 on the doctor who interest board
@ElicBxn (63797)
• United States
18 Apr 09
I'm TRYING to be president!
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
18 Apr 09
I guess that makes you 'Vice President' of the myLot Dr. Who fan club. Congrats!
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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
17 Apr 09
Good morning...me dearest! What the heck time is it there? It is 3:18 a.m. here and my coffee is just beginning to perk! Friday's are a really hectic day for me, two jobs to complete before 9:00 a.m. And a major house cleaning as T.J. (my son) is coming home for the weekend! Dr. Who? No, I am sorry my friend...I have never seen one single Dr. Who movie, so it really is "who" to me. Owe you a PM. So will get onto that after work this a.m. Please try and get some sleep now! Love ya..and Cheers!
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Sorry about taking so long to get back to you but I had to get back to sleep in order to wake up in time for a doctor's appointment this morning. Now that that is out of the way, I finally saw your response! It was maybe 4 or 5 when I posted that. I got to sleep right afterward. I never sleep more than 2 or 3 hours at a time these days, with an occasional 4 or 5 hours but those are quite rare. Maybe, now that I'm on codeine, I'll sleep longer. I hope so! (It's pain that wakes me up.) It sure sounds like you have your hands full! I wish I had half your energy! I had time to take a looksee around the property this morning while waiting for my son to pick me up. Hubby has my SUV because he still needs to pay taxes on his truck so he can get his tags renewed... he's supposed to pay the taxes today and hopes to get his tags tomorrow! I can't wait to get my wheels back!!! Everything is growing so nicely! I have a rhododendron bush getting ready to blossom and there's new growth on my lace-leaf maple tree and most of the other bushes. I'm so happy!!! There are even little asparagus shoots poking out of the ground. I'm not a big asparagus person but planted them in honor of my mother who loved the stuff. I just planted them last year so the shoots are skinny and shouldn't be harvested this year. But, hey! Eventually I'll have asparagus to eat without paying a fortune, plus, before that, they'll grow and become beautiful fern-like plants. I plan to go out again in a little while, once it hits 65 degrees. It's supposed to go up to the low 70's today (that's farenheit, by the way), and should be beautiful outside! Maybe I'll go fishing because my hand still hurts and wearing this brace doesn't go well with casting a fishing line! Right now, I'm taking another little nap. Once I take a codeine, it knocks me out for about an hour or so, then I can get up and do stuff, although I'm still groggy. It's better than hurting! Looking forward to that PM or email! Whenever you get the chance... no rush. I'm not going anywhere.
@littleowl (7157)
17 Apr 09
Dr Who when I was inmy teens was one of my favourite series, but now it has lost the charm and attraction that it once had in the old series..obviously we all grow older and new actors/actresses take over the part but it was the original series that I preferred..but now I don't and haven't done watch it at all...hugs littleowl
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
18 Apr 09
Hi, mentalward! I am very sorry to say that I am not really a Dr. Who fan. When I saw this show on television, I could never understand it. It was boring and I could not figure the show out. The newer version sounds interesting. Maybe I could enjoy this one if I take the time to watch it. Who knows, maybe I will be a Dr. Who fan after watching it! I am glad that you like it though, I hope to start liking it as well. But one thing is for sure, I do love any shows that is made in the late 50s, 60s, and the 70s.
@crazydaisy (3896)
• Canada
18 Apr 09
I just love to watch Dr.Who he was just the greatest I mean the original one not the ones they make to day, it's sad they even bother touching the and mess up orginal ones they should leave them alone.Dr.Who fan. cd
@jend80 (2071)
• United Kingdom
20 May 09
the 'new/current' series of Doctor Who isn't a remake of the original series/concept but a continuation, the Doctor is the latest version of same character as played by all the previous actors. The Children In Need charity scene of the 10th Doctor meeting the 5th (David Tennent and Peter Davison) plus the sketches of previous Doctors in John Smith's book of impossible thing in Human Nature makes that clear.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
18 Apr 09
I agree with you to some extent. The original is still my favorite and I really miss it but the newer version has cleared up a lot of questions I had about the original. Remaking anything just doesn't work, in my opinion. I remember watching the movie, 'The Shining' and was scared out of my wits but, when they remade it, although the remake was closer to the actual book, it lost some of it's charm... what made it so scary. Most movies are like that. I like the way the Star Trek gurus handled things... every time they started a "remake", it was called something different with different characters, like a continuation of the original instead of trying to simply remake it. I also like the "cheesyness" of the original Dr. Who's special effects. No digital anything! At least the outside of the phone booth is still the same.
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@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
22 May 09
I would rather watch bad science fiction that regular television. And let's face it a lot of the science fiction is bad. I watched a lot of "exterminate! exterminate" episodes and thoroughly enjoyed every one. I sometimes think my brain is wired differently than everyone elses. I am not sure about the writing on the newer Dr. Who I was watching about a year ago, it seems to have disappeared again. Oh well, that seems to happen to everything I get to like. They start changing the times around then they disappear.