Liberal contempt for tax day protesters
@livinglegend7 (114)
United States
April 17, 2009 5:56am CST
The liberal elite politicial class has contempt for the tax day tea party protesters all across america. The contempt was shown by statement made by Illinois Congresswoman Jane Schakowsky who called the tea party protesters despicable. The hatred spewed by the left wing media and the democracts made me sick. The democratic house leadership called the tea party protesters gun nuts nazis and racist. Read the rest of the article at
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9 responses
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
17 Apr 09
This anonymous blog is yet another example of what I posted about Wednesday night after returning from the tea party I attended. Why should this board, or anyone else for that matter, give credence to something coming from a far right blogging website like herringpost where unsubstantiated remarks are attributed to unnamed people? "The House Democratic leadership" is who exactly? Who are "The Liberal political elite and media" that are "hell bent on destroying anyone who would dare disagree with the "Messiah" President Obama"?
And to the Brit in Cambridge who responded above...forgive me, your user name escapes me at the moment...your information is grossly inaccurate. I get my news and information from a variety of sources and I have not seen one report of violence or bad behaviour at any of the over 500 tea parties that took place across this country. These tea parties were not *Party* events. They were organized locally in every case, attended by people from all walks of life, and from all political affiliations. This was AMERICANS speaking out with one voice and it's a shame that some far right wing fanatics choose to continue to try their best to keep us divided. I'm sure there are an equal number of bloggers on the far left who are trying to do the same thing.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
17 Apr 09
I completely agree with you. I have dialed back a lot of my own "messiah" & "koolaid" language because I do realize that it is not helpful and only furthers divisiveness which is exactly what the people who seek to control every aspect of American's lives want to see happen. I'll not be a puppet for the left or the right, we cannot allow ourselves to become tools for ANYBODY'S agenda. It is in the best interest to all freedom loving Americans that we learn to look past what divides us and focus on the common goal of having a nation of the people, by the people and for the people.
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
17 Apr 09
After an article ran in our local newspaper about the local tea party, there were loyal Obama supporters ready to spew the hatred in the online comment section. Brown shirts was the common description of those who attended the tea party. They claimed there were only middle aged to old white people present even though the pictures accompanying the article showed all age groups and several black people holding signs.
I think that the Obama machinery is so afraid of this movement they had everybody ready. I knew two posters who had been on the campaign trail for Obama and frequently posted comments in the online version of the paper. They were hardly found after the election until now, out and in full force. They repeat the hatred over and over again, claim the attendants don't want to pay taxes period, and generally make fun of opposing comments. Interestingly enough, the Obama propaganda machine forgot to tell them how to answer a simple question: How are the trillions of dollars supposed to be paid back if taxes aren't raised? They seem to believe the debt will just disappear into thin air as soon as the economy picks up again.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Funny they say WE don't want to pay our taxes when WE seem to be the only ones paying them! How many of 0bama's appointees and nominees had not paid tens of thousands few dollars in taxes? Too many.
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
17 Apr 09
I don't know who writes the blog which you referred to but they have obviously missed out on the basic education offered to all US citizens. I tend not to give much credit to people who consistently maul the language they purport to speak. Even if I am feeling kind and give such articles a little more time, I am usually soon turned off by the lack of evidence for the claims they make.
I felt that the Tea Party protests on the whole (from what I was able to read about them) were inspired by a basic negativity and were often so poorly organised that they had to be dealt with under the laws for unruly congregation. Naturally, many of the protesters chose to see this as 'suppression of the freedom of speech', which only served to enhance their reputation as extremist negative-minded reactionaries.
As one who is interested in the new US administration, I am particularly sickened by the vociferous conservative minority who seek to tear down anything their newly-elected leadership does. I have yet to see any legitimate and constructive criticism from such people ... they are merely crying 'sour grapes'. But then, what possible value could my opinions have? I am an 'alien'!
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
17 Apr 09
HOw this for constructive critism
I don't care if you are democrat or a republican elected official. JUST STOP IT NOW. I was at the protests. I will be at the next one and the one after that and the one after...... for as long as it takes for them to get the message.
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
17 Apr 09
@ AngryKitty. I do tend to read between the lines of news reports. I agree that the press in your country is mostly very far from independent - it seems to be either 'fringe' radical or significantly muzzled (by whom, quite, I don't know ... but certainly there is pressure put on it from certain very influential quarters).
My point was, really, that the blog post we were directed to - which was, after all, the main reason for the discussion - was heavily biased and grossly uninformed. I have no idea who wrote it (though I have my suspicions).
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@starr4all (2863)
18 Apr 09
I'm sorry but you were misinformed! There were many THOUSANDS of people protesting and it was a peaceful protests. They crossed political parties. It wasn't just conservatives or republicans.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
17 Apr 09
I guess they would be suprised to hear of all the union members, Libertarian party members and other "right wing" groups that attended the Madison, WI Tea Party.
During that Tea Party, I took the liberty of going down "state street" (an area of Madison well known as a liberal hang out. The place was a ghost town. I wonder where all the people who usually hang out there were on Wednesday.
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@albert2412 (1782)
• United States
17 Apr 09
The Liberals in Congress do not seem to appreciate any criticism at all. Well, i am not a Leberal. I am a Conservative person and believe in no abortions, animal rights, forests, and no torture. Where are the Liberals on these issues? They say they are against torture and environmental issues, but they did not stand up for these issues in the last few years.
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@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
18 Apr 09
It's getting discussting to see folks clinging to their parties, like they were some connection to "diety."
The whole of the government has sliddenoff track, and the ones that haven't are so targeted for slander, it is critical tha we all stand together.
Real change for the good hasn't come - yet. I can't see how trillions spent will bringit about either.
I say FLUSH ALL OF THEM AND THE MEDIA TOO, and let's start over, with some folks who are FOR the people, and not for their agenda and special interests groups.
Flush ACORN too.
Bring on more of the tea parties, and help raise the blood pressure of a lot more of the idiots that are lying and slandering the American voters and other new politicians on the scene.
Ok - I'm done.
{Quietly Classy Cat goes to the corner to sit down, and meditate on the American trauma now unfolding.}
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Well it does not shock me. Did you exspect them to be happy that they were protested against for their irresponsible actions? Don't exspect congress or the house to be all lovely and warm about it. Not this time or next time or the time after that. They do not like being held accountable for their actions.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
17 Apr 09
It is just such comments that the citizens of the US - Republicans, Democrats, and Independents - are upset with. I saw the TEA Parties as frustration with the lack of responsiveness from the government. Polls showed that a majority of the people had questions on the the Bailouts (Bush and Obama) and Stimulus packages and were told that we know what we are doing. Now even Congress is questioning the logic of the spending but it is too late. People wanted to go slow but Congress rushed through and look at what we have. Tax laws so complicated that even the people who make the Tax Laws can't understand them.
What needs to be done is ever week or so you need to contact your Representatives and express your view on one topic or bill. Let them know that you are following what they do and make you views known. Come Election time vote for the person who will best represent what you believe in and your values.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Pelosi said that the tea parties were for the "rich elites", and that couldn't be further form the truth! MOST of the people attending were middle class people who go to work every day and actually PAY THEIR TAXES, unlike so very many of 0bama's cabinet picks. Of course the administration sees no reason why Americans oppose the out of control spending and taxation, because the people in the 0bama administrations DO NOT PAY THEIR TAXES!
The way that the so-called "news" organizations falsely portrayed these PEACEFUL gatherings is disgusting and irresponsible. To slander and dismiss the concerns of hundreds of thousands of regular Americans who PEACEFULLY expressed LEGITIMATE concerns is an outrageous betrayal of everything that respionsible journalism is supposed to be about.
@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
18 Apr 09
I did not attend for many reasons. I will say though that after having watched Jon Stewart last night, I'm very glad I stuck with my decision not to be involved with it. I had thought yesterday based upon another post that perhaps American's were finally coming together, but after what I saw in local news reports, national news coverage, and interviews with attendees I'm disheartened to say the least with the populus that attended the events. And I agree, I wish the news media would stop calling it what they are, as now that I know what that term refers to, well it's really upsetting to the stomach.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
18 Apr 09
I wish you had of decided to go, then you would have seen how great they were, instead of relying on the lies of liberals.
Once again, the press has chosen to prove their incompetence instead of do their job.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
18 Apr 09
You watched JON STEWART to get your news? Are you kidding me? What am I saying? At this point I'd almost say he's more reputable than CNN and MSNBC for Christ's sake. Seriously Anora, we're at a point in this country where you can't count on the media for your information anymore. I thought this last election would have taught everyone that. If you want to see what REALLY went on at these tea parties watch the videos on Youtube made by people who were there that didn't edit footage and give 30 seconds of a plant in the crowd to mislead you.
Here's a little bit of REAL footage that they wouldn't show on CNN.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
19 Apr 09
Who are you arguing with Annora? Nobody here said anything about communism or tyrrany. Not ONE person on this thread used those words besides you.
The tea parties were about people objecting to the current tax increases. One thing that the left wing media was too stupid, or too dishonest to report, is that taxes are being raised drastically all over this country. The garbage about Obama's tax cuts means nothing to people in Oregon, California, and New York because it's the STATES that are ballooning their taxes to the point that many are leaving.
I can tell you that protesters from Miami weren't pissed about anything Obama did, they're pissed because they were lied to when they foolishly voted for a tax increase they were told would put more money into the metrorail and public transportation. Instead, that money was used to raise wages for the higher ups in the department of transportation, while there are FEWER trains running on the metrorail and the cost to use the metro has doubled. That's just ONE example of how some people here were abused, lied to, and hurt by tax increases.
The original tea parties happened because people were pissed about a tax on their favorite breakfast beverage. Ok, more to the point it was about taxation without representation. The rallying cry I was hearing back in February was "No taxation with crappy representation" which is just the problem we have here with our local politicians lying to us and abusing our tax dollars.
If you want to see another example of how Floridians were screwed look at the promises that the lottery revenues would go to education. We sure bit the big one on that.