My little rant...
By devilsangel
@devilsangel (1817)
United States
April 17, 2009 3:12pm CST
Ok this will be a bit of a rant so I ask that people just bare with me. I know that many will get all p!ssed off at me but oh well I guess. Oh and before I even start, I didn't vote for the guy, so no I'm not saying this because I'm some sort of supporter, I'm just tired of all the crap.
Whenever I watch Fox News or hear rhetoric against our president, they never talk about his policies; they just spit some quick catch phrases to get people riled up. Our economic and domestic problems didn’t begin on Jan 20th when he was sworn in: they began with the last president! Sure, you can criticize his plans, but if you don’t have any other alternatives (I have yet to hear a die-hard conservative offer one) then you really can’t talk smack about the one guy that is trying to FIX the MESS you helped put this country in. That said, I don’t believe Pres. Obama is the savior of the country and the world: he’s just one man. What we need to do is stop hating on him because of his skin color, cultural differences, and any other shallow excuse (like giving the Queen of England an iPod SHE REQUESTED) to persecute him and either show some solidarity as a country or come up with a more effective idea, together. That’s right, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter, talk intelligently with the man about your ideas and plans (if you have any) on how to keep America afloat. This country needs to come together and not get torn apart. Just like during the turbulent politics of the years leading up to our only Civil War, our severe, ridged, and uncompromising bi-partisanship will only sink the country closer to ruin.
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10 responses
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Whoa hold on wait a min... back the train up. Did you just badmouth Fox News?? The one and only single news organization in America that does not have a political agenda??? The only fair and balanced news corporation left in the free world??? The only network with completly unbiased opinions, and no political affiliations whatsoever?
I will have you know that Fox News is the only news station that speaks for the American people. They are the only ones left who dont fawn on Obamas every word, and the only ones left who have the guts to question our president. Every other news organization is a leftist puppet of the Obama presidency and Fox News is the only safe haven of reporters who have not drank the kool aid.
Shame on you. Shame. You should ONLY watch Fox News, and you should never question anything they say. You should never trust anyone else because Fox is the only ones with your best interst in mind. Everyone else is against you.
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@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Wait I take one thing back. You ARE allowed to watch other news reports... but ONLY to compare it to Fox news, and realize Fox is the only ones who give you the full, unbiased, complete story. You should only watch CNN or MSNBC or any other leftist newscast for the sole purpose of see how much they lie... as proof that Fox News is your one and only true news source.
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
17 Apr 09
LOL... I'd write a witty come back but I can't right now cause I still tears in my eyes from laughing. You so suck right now ya know that LOL.

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@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Whats so funny? Its all true. I know its true because Bill Oreilly tells me all the time that I am more educated and informed than any other American because I watch his show. Why would he lie to me? It's not like he needs good ratings or anything.
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Did you ever read any of the discussions here about the economy? Plenty of suggestions were made. I don't hate Obama, I hate what he does to this country. I hate that he is spending more than ever. I hate that everything is blamed on Bush, when things started much earlier than that. There are no shallow excuses. He is not trying to fix the mess, he is trying to implement his policies regardless of the consequences. We have discussed plenty of what is going on, where it will lead, why things won't work and what would be better if he wouldn't pursue his little agenda. And yes, we also went ahead and revealed his little lies here and there like the fake surprise about the AIG bonuses he knew would be paid all along.
You can rant, it's a free speech country (still), but quite frankly by now any person who says people don't like Obama and his policies because of the color of his skin, well, I can't take that person serious anymore. Looks like that person has some racial issues of their own to work through.
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
17 Apr 09
What I find kinda funny is the only thing you took out of that was the statement about skin color. If you would have read the whole thing in context you would understand why it was put there. There are quite a many people who dislike the man solely because of his skin color, so it doesn't right matter to me if you take me seriously or not.
As far as everything being blamed on Bush, I don't blame it all on him. Hell it goes as far back as Regan in my book. I have read a few discussions on here about the things that could or should change for this country, but I don't just hang out on this site. Nor was my discussion based solely off of what is being said on this site.
As far as his policies go, there are quite a few of them I can't get with. He's been in office all of 3 months and the country acts as if everything should be fixed by now. He's got a good 20 yrs worth of crap to sort through and try to figure out, an economy that's tanking by the second and a country that's so divided it's not even funny.
So instead of the constant fighting, and back biting that's going on not only amongst everyday folks but within the political world folks should show a little support and do what's needed to help pull this country back together.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
18 Apr 09
(I say this as i am giving you a standing ovation)
You are 100% right. He is just a man. He is just one man trying to clean up a really bad mess that was left for me. I really think so far he is doing a good job. and people are going to say what they want to say and think what they want to think. who gives SH*T!!! i know he doesn't. This well said and i take my hat off to ya

@34momma (13882)
• United States
18 Apr 09
i hear ya, and that is all we can do. all we can do is pray that he has the know how to get the job done. and like you said, rather you like him or not doesn't matter, respecting that he has the hardest job in the world right now is all you should be doing. and just because he is not doing it the way that some people think he should be doing, unless you are giving other ideas then i say they should mind their business! and i am so talking to fox 5 news right now!

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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
18 Apr 09
What makes me sad is that in all that I said some people stopped and only focused on the fact that I added a comment about his race. I did that because there are those sadly that ONLY focus on his race. Despite whatever positive or negative changes he may or may not do, all the see is his color. There have been by far worse people in office then him and folks who've done far greater damage to things then he has yet even before he came into office the smear tactics started. He's not my first or even second choice for this job, but it's his and I respect that. I also respect the fact that he has a hard job to do and it's not easy. So I'm gonna give him a chance to do that job and see what happens. Now at the end of these 4 yrs if he's proven that he can't handle his job, then I will have no problems voting to replace him.
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
18 Apr 09
Hi, devilsangel! You are one in many that feels this way about the President. And you won't be the last either. So, it is official that the Queen Of England asked for an iPod, Obama didn't just buy her this as a Birthday gift. Thanks for clarifying that to the instigators!
I was at the dentist office last week on Wednesday. And there was this guy that was in the waiting room that was talking about how Obama is trying to do the best that he can to fix all the mess that Bush created. And the mess that our country was here before he became president. It is true that Obama may not be doing things by the book that the other presidents are doing. But, he is trying to make this country right again. He wants change and he cares about us and our well beings as well. People are talking all kinds of junk about this man, when they should be praying that God will guide him to make whatever necessary changes that he can for our country. That is what I am doing. I am not going to talk down on this man. I may and may not agree with his approach everytime, but I will support him when his back is up against the wall! He deserves our moral support!

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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
18 Apr 09
I'm sorta like you, I'm sick of this whole "oh, he is spending my money" thing. It really gets on my nerves because where were these same conservatives when G.W. Bush was spending money like it was going out of style? Why weren't they bytching that he was cutting taxes and increasing spending? How smart does one have to be to know that tax cuts and increased spending means BIG DEBT? DUH!
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
18 Apr 09

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@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Any time there is a new election year the old carries over to the new. It's passing the buck. It's happened for years so that's really nothing new. It was once said that any new president, you can't see any changes they do until they serve a second term. I believe this because of the process of how our government works.
As a person, I can honestly admit he scares me. Some of his ideas are ones that should have happened years ago, but our society our world operations aren't ready for such a radical change. People are nervous when change happens. Now, had we relied on ourselves to support ourselves then most of these problems we're facing today wouldn't even happen, but it's also a dramatic equation when you look at world trade and operations.
This can't be blamed on one man. Though I don't care for him because I still see a lot of blanks of who he is and what he really stands for, I also can't discredit his completely for pointing out that the US has always just given it away.
It's like loosing faith in your government but not your country. So with all the banter back and forth we get lost in the real issues that we need to be concerned about. The media has always herded the public around through scare tactics and down right ignorance.
As for fox news - sorry, I don't watch them because I don't like the way they cut people off in interviews. The last time I watched them was for an interview with George Carlin. They'd ask a question and then cut him. It was as if they wanted to belittle him because he didn't agree or had a different opinion. To be honest, it always seemed like they had an agenda. I might be wrong, but after watching that - I've never watched them again.
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Thank you for your response, you know I couldn't agree with you more on the Fox news thing. ( man I miss Carlin)
I also agree that in the first term most Presidents are just trying to clean up the mess the old one left for them. Their acts don't really start to take effect till the next 4 yrs.
I think a lot of people will some how assume that I'm a supporter of Obama and honestly I'm not. Like so many others he left a lot of questions unanswered for me, and yes he scares me a bit too. There's a lot of open air still to be filled with him, and yes that can be a bit un-nerving. Despite all these things though, I respect the fact that the man is our President and like him or not I want to give him a fair chance. Hell I HATED Bush, but again gave him a fair shot because he was the leader of this country.
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@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Some where I saw a youtube clip and it said that the most common used word for fox news was shut up. Unfortunately, it was being directed at the people they interviewed. Seeing how they operate and how they treat people "outside" their own areana, I still don't get why they have such a big following. Can anyone say sheep?
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
20 Apr 09
Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter "talk intelligently" Now that's an interesting concept! I'm sorry to take so long to respond to this but I wanted to applaud your courage for posting this rant. I agree, pretty much all we've gotten from the opposition has been sour-grapes, name-calling and nit-picking but no constructive criticism or ideas of their own. Their idea of "bipartisanship" is for the winning party to bow to the losing team on every issue. Yes, I'm all for compromise, checks and balances and working together but at the same time ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. Those of us on the left had to accept that for eight years and some of us spent the entire time complaining, I won't deny that, but the obstruction was nothing like what we're seeing now.
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@psychotaz206 (2086)
• United States
18 Apr 09
i am glad someone finely said what had to be said what i think is going on also to add to what yousaid is noone is working with the pres. there are more people working agenst him insted of with him if everyone would work together things would most likely be better.
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@acekala (163)
• United States
18 Apr 09
Short answer, You right the problems didnt begin with Obama. And they didn't start with Bush either. They started way before then and have nothing to do with the puppet who happens to in office currently. Foreign and economic policies are not determined by one Man. When people realize that democrat/republican are just competing managing firms trying to push the global agenda then they'll stop the hating and move on to the fixing of the country.