Let's do a "Mylot Presidential Approval Poll", just for kicks...
By mehale
@mehale (2200)
United States
April 17, 2009 3:29pm CST
Ok, so the latest Gallup Presidential approval poll shows that Obama has a 60%+ approval rating, congress not quite so good, and even lower still how many believe that our nation is on the right track.
So lets have our own poll (please no fighting, just a friendly poll), and see what mylot users think about the new administration, congress, and the direction our country is headed! Feel free to (politely please) say why or why not you either approve or disapprove. Feel free to elaborate on where you would like to see our nation head!
1). Do you approve of the job our new President and his new administration is doing?
2). What about Congress, do you approve or disapprove of the job they are doing?
3). Last but not least, do you think our country is headed in the right direction?
Ok, to answer my own questions: 1. no I do not approve of the job the new administration is doing. They are spending our tax dollars way to freely without actually doing much of anything to improve the economy, cost of living, or job situation in our nation. 2. Again, I have to say that I definitely do not approve of the job our Congress is doing. They also seem far to willing to wast our tax dollars on useless (even pet) projects. They could stand some major improvements! And finally, 3. In many ways I do not think our nation is going the right direction. Our government is entirely too focused on giving money to major corporations while they pretend to do so to save the economy. Our dollar value is dropping at an alarming rate, our education system is failing. Heaven knows our health system is in terrible shape. The unemployment rates rise daily. We really need to turn our nation around and focus on the important things. It is time to begin to rebuild America! (Ok, I will get off my soap box now, LOL
Ok, back on topic:
With my votes that brings the poll to:
1. no-1, yes-0
2. no-1, yes-0
3. no-1, yes-0
So where do you stand. How would you vote in this approval poll?

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12 responses
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
17 Apr 09
1 Yes
2 Yes
3 Yes
You don't see our economy recovering, but if you look at the stock market right now you will see it starting to recover. It is a proven fact that the stock market recovers before the over all economy. So I would say that the country is moving in the right direction, the president is doing a great job of turning around the economy, and congress is doing a good of doing what the president wants. I am sure that Obama would will have a very low approval rating on here. But, I am sure if you would have done the same poll last year you would have noticed that Bush's approval rating would be in the 90's, congress would be in the single digits, and 90+ percent would say the country is heading in the right direciton. So, knowning what you know today, would you say that the country was going in the right direction last year? This is a perfect example of the dream world known as MYLOT.
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@psychotaz206 (2086)
• United States
18 Apr 09
i agree , i think things are starting to look up i know things are not going to just turn around really fast it takes time for things like this to get better what people need to understand is things always get worse before they get better and obama himself even said that, he is not a mircle worker at least hes trying bush and the republican party said that he should just let things fix themself well we all know that wouldnt work out very well it would only make things worse.
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@mehale (2200)
• United States
18 Apr 09
I have to agree that so far at least, the stock market does seem to be improving somewhat. And yes I also have to agree that it takes time for a problem of this magnitude to be fixed. On the other hand, I see the job markets still suffering, more people becoming unemployed every day, businesses closing all over the country. We drive a truck cross country for a living and I see more "local" economies than just ours. The freight is still very slow - which means that people are not spending money and buying goods. That also means that the stores are having problems as they are not selling things and therefore don't need to replenish them. The cost of fuel has improved somewhat and that should have lowered the price of products to the consumers since there is no longer a national fuel surcharge figured into freight charges. But since people are not buying the goods, the prices have still not come down because the stores have to make more money from fewer sales.
Until we are able to bring the cost of living down or the average person's income up, these problems will continue. I don't disagree with everything that Obama has done, but as a whole I am still not one of his fans. I do like the internet town hall, the redesigned white house web site, etc. I don't think the bail outs were the solution though - and YES I realize that Bush did the first one; I didn't approve of it either. I only hope that things do begin to improve nation wide. Thanks for the response!
It's nice to see someone from the other side answering.....I was beginning to wonder, LOL.
That brings our poll to:
1. no-6, yes-1
2. no-6, yes-1
3. no-6, yes-1

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@mehale (2200)
• United States
18 Apr 09
I have to agree about the last couple of years of the Bush administration as well! We have been in a big mess for quite a long time now. Hopefully someone will begin to fix it!
Thanks for the response.
That brings our poll to:
1. no-8, yes-2
2. no-9, yes-1
3. no-8, yes-2
@missybal (4490)
• United States
20 Apr 09
Yeah the Republican party which was suppose to be the party of smaller government and Bush grew it by 40% I believe was reported. They've been doing that and that is why they have gone so down hill. Enough already. I would expect that from a Democrat since that is the core belief of the Democrat party that government should play a larger roll in the Lives of Americans. Now who knows how much bigger government is going to be at the end of this president's term.
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@mehale (2200)
• United States
17 Apr 09
Well said! I have to agree with you. So far I see little signs of any improvement. And as far as congress, you are so right - they have done little more than fight for many years now! We need to clean house and start over!
As far as the poll goes, that brings us to:
1. no-2, yes-0
2. no-2, yes-0
3. no-2, yes-0
So far it is not looking as good for our current President and Administration here on mylot as it did in the Gallup Poll, LOL...

@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
19 Apr 09
Just as I thought the No's have it hands down
! So why do the official polls always give Obama such great approval ratings? I really do not think that they average Joe in America is still infatuated with Obama. Cnn and MSNBC are but I do not think that the people are.
I wonder who actually answers all of these polls anyway

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@mehale (2200)
• United States
19 Apr 09
Adoniah, I wonder exactly the same thing! When I talk to people that we know, and even people that we meet on the road I don't hear anything good about the new administration. Then I see these polls claiming that he has this really high approval rating, and it really makes me wonder if they give the poll questions to people who were payed to answer one way or the other! I just don't understand the results!
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
23 Apr 09
1. No 2. I disapprove of the job most of Congress is doing. 3. No, I don't think our country is headed in the right direction.
Obama is very personable with a great smile and a compelling ability to grab people's attention and mesmerize with his speeches without really saying anything. However, it bothers me that the Federal government is growing bigger and bigger and getting more powerful while the rights of the states and the rights of the people are dwindling. And worst of all, most people seem to be numb to what's happening.
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@mehale (2200)
• United States
3 May 09
I have to agree with you. I wish that more people would really pay attention to what our government is doing, and not just during an election year either!
That brings our poll results to:
1. no-10, yes-3
2. no-11, yes-2
3. no-10, yes-3
Sure do see more no's here than yes's. It is early in his term yet, so there is still hope for him, but it doesn't look that good from where I am sitting.
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@valentinesdiner (1214)
• United States
18 Apr 09
Wow, Mehale, great post!
1. There is word that 22% of republicans approve of the way Obama is doing his job... well, I am one of those 22 percent. He did inherit a HUGE mess from our national image overseas to the lack of investment in infrastructure to the shame of Gitmo. I will disagree with him, especially on exploding the national debt, but for now, I like what I see overall. Obama - yes.
2. Although they are not a do-nothing Congress, I disapprove of the way they are doing their job. They need to act more as a co-equal branch of givernmentthan a lapdog. They are a centering influience, but they need more effort. Congress - no.
3. The country is going in the right direction for now. We are cleaning up the messes from the Justice Department to the Veterans Administration. We will need course correction later, but for now, Direction - yes.
Thanks again for the great discussion.
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
18 Apr 09
What with the Veterans Administration are you speaking of? I'm a military wife and my husband is overseas right now and every veteran we know Democrat and Republican alike is ticked off at Obama and Congress right now. I'd like to hear something positive. And as for the Shame of Gitmo the conditions for the prisoners is better there than in our own prison system here in the U.S. they even have Art class. Our Image overseas my husband has been thanked by muslims who work with the U.S. military overseas during this deployment and his last deployment in Contingency of Iraqi Freedom. He's seen some extremist too but for the most part a lot of good will. Is it the French or Spanish or other nations you are pretaining too? Thanks.
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@mehale (2200)
• United States
18 Apr 09
Glad you liked the post! I do approve of some of what I see from Obama, but for now I have to hang out on the other side of the fence. I definitely have to agree with you about congress though! They need to remember that they were there to balance the scales and start doing so....like that is really going to happen...LOL. In some ways we are heading in the right direction, but in others we need major improvement. I am glad to see someone from the other side responding again though. Thanks so much for the comment!
That brings our poll to:
1. no-7, yes-2
2. no-8, yes-1
3. no-7, yes-2
At least we are beginning to get responses from both sides now! Let's keep this one going...

@valentinesdiner (1214)
• United States
18 Apr 09
Regarding the VA, I mean the mess of the treatment facilities, like Walter Reed, the diversion from mental health services for returning vets, long delays in service. The Obama adminsitration is (apparently) working to address these issues.
The shame of Gitmo has more to do with directions to the staff who were instructed to use "enhanced interrogation techniques" which was shorthand for torture that went beyond our historic code of conduct (and the Geneva Conventions) and for imprisonment of people without charge for years. You make a good point about the living conditions there generally and the respect of the Muslim communities for the US, but what we sanctioned there remained a blot on the American record and was a shame our uniformed officers were called on to conduct.
Thanks for giving me the chance to elaborate...
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
17 Apr 09
I'm joining the majority here. I do not approve of the way Obama is leading our nation. His foreign policies are frightening, leaving us wide open to terrorism and people who have no qualms about destroying us. I do not approve of the way congress has been passing laws that take nothing into account but their own ideology and pet projects. I feel as if they are not listening to anyone. I do not think our country is heading the right direction. Socialism, fascism, communism... whatever you want to call it, it's not American in nature.
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@mehale (2200)
• United States
17 Apr 09
I agree with you completely. I really think that our elected officials need to remember that they are just that: "ELECTED"! They really need to start listening to the people and what we want from them. I only hope that we can eventually get our nation turned around and heading in the right direction. It does not look like it will happen in the near future though!
Well that brings our poll to:
1. no-4, yes-0
2. no-4, yes-0
3. no-4, yes-0
Wonder where that 60% approval rate is now??
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
18 Apr 09
Here are my responses, which everyone can feel free to attack and malign...lol!
1/ Yes, I'm among the minority in myLot but the majority of Americans who approves of the job our new President is doing so far and trusts him to do the right thing. Notice I didn't say "worships" him or expects him to singlehandedly work miracles.
2/ I approve of some in Congress and think some of them are idiots who never belonged there in the first place. If I'm not mistaken in national opinion polls Congress in general and the Democratic majority have a slightly better approval rating than they did before with the GOP minority being in D1ck Cheney land...
3/ We have a heck of a long way to go but I think we're headed in the right direction now for the first time in a long time. I don't expect a miracle and I know all the things that were done wrong can't be reversed overnight but I think there's hope we'll get there in time.
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@mehale (2200)
• United States
19 Apr 09
hi anniepa, I really hope that you don't expect me to attack and start a fight here....I was actually hoping that we could keep this as a nice clean debate! We all have our own opinions about the government, and that doesn't make them automatically wrong just because we don't agree with someone else.
As far as Obama, I don't disagree with everything he is doing, but I do disagree with more than I agree with which means that I can't agree with you and approve of him. Sorry about that, but there is no point in lying. On Congress, well we do have a few good ones in there, but like most things the bad out weights the good and therefore I cannot approve of them or the job they are doing either. And as far as the direction the country is heading, well I see entirely too much room for improvement there.
But then our differences and opinions are what make us individuals; so lets just express our views and leave the fighting out of it! LOL
Ok, as far as our poll, that takes us to:
1. no-8, yes-3
2. no-9, yes-2
3. no-8, yes-3
I still don't see that 60+% approval rating though.....

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
17 Apr 09
No, no, and no. I don't like the pro-abortion agenda. I don't like many of his appointees. I don't like that he insulted our country overseas, I don't like the way he's rubber stamping bills with thousands of earmarks, and I don't like his clear hatred and disdain for the constitution. I think it is very obvious that congress does not have the nation's best interests at heart. The current congress has done almost nothing for the people of this country. Right now, our nation is clearly headed in the wrong direction in many ways. I'm too tired to expand on that right now.
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
18 Apr 09
1). Do you approve of the job our new President and his new administration is doing? NO
2). What about Congress, do you approve or disapprove of the job they are doing? DISAPPROVE. They are not looking out for our interests at all, don't look at the bills, don't read them, just vote aye. Why do they even bother showing up?
3). Last but not least, do you think our country is headed in the right direction? NO.
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@mehale (2200)
• United States
18 Apr 09
I do have to agree with you. I really think that this problem is getting bigger. As far as congress, it would seem that they are still including a lot of pet projects and pork barrel spending into the bills that really needs to be cut out!
That brings our poll results to:
1. no-7, yes-1
2. no-7, yes-1
3. no-7, yes-1
I have to say that it really does make me wonder where these Gallup polls get their figures when so far I am not seeing a 60+% approval rating for the Obama administration....

@K46620 (1986)
• United States
20 Apr 09
First, great post!
1. NO! Let's see, um, I don't know where to start, lets say I disapprove of 98-99% of what he has done. Not to mention that he is yet to show us his real birth certificate, I don't know why he has something to hide if he really is a US citizen.
2. NO! With the exception of a few members of Congress, all of them, Republicans and Democrats should be voted out! We need Congress to take back their rightful authority to coin money as the Constitution says, and get rid of the Fed; we need them to stop running away with our money; we need them to read all bills before passing them; and most importantly we need them to follow the Constitution!
3. NO! As long as we have failed leadership, in government as well as other areas, we will never be headed in the right direction. The government serves the people; the people do not serve the government, yet it seems that is what we are doing.
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@mehale (2200)
• United States
3 May 09
I have to agree with you! Especially about congress. They really need to do their job and do it right for a change!
Well, that brings our poll to:
1. no-9, yes-3
2. no-10, yes-2
3. no-9, yes-3
If he really does have a 60+% approval rating, shouldn't we be seeing more yes votes here??? Makes you wonder about that Gallup poll....
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