What do you think of persident obama now?

@Lucky12 (767)
United States
April 18, 2009 12:08pm CST
I always thought that he would make a great president. He has beento alotof different countries meeting every president and minister there actually is. i mean in my book that is amazing. I hope that he can get the economy back the way it should be. I hope that he just keep doing what he is doing for the best of the usa. What are your toughts and opinions.
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16 responses
@34momma (13882)
• United States
18 Apr 09
I think you are right! i think so far the president is doing a wonderful job. i think he has a mess to clean up when he got in office and so far he is taking the time to get it done. so i take my hat off to him and i hope he keeps up the great work
• United States
19 Apr 09
He has been in office only a little over 100 days! Way to early to judge him!! From what I have been able to hear of his speeches, he definitely calls for a much higher intelligent responses to all the issues that face us. I see no knee-jerk responses from him, only from his critics and from Congress (both parties). I can only hope that we as a nation are up to the challenges before us, and not fall to the Extreme conservative or Extreme liberal knee-jerking responses. We need good, middle of the road thinking, neither conservative nor liberal. As I said, it is way to early to judge his administration. There have been some things done that I do not agree with, other actions, while I do not whole-heartly agree with, I have no objections to. I prefer to wait and see, and give him due respect of a new president.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
19 Apr 09
"He has been in office only a little over 100 days! Way to early to judge him!! " BS. When I see unconstitutional action, I will critisize it from day one. The whole "he hasn't been in office for X number of days", is a cop out excuse.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
21 Apr 09
"I find that such attitudes seem to be the main forte of the Extreme Right" And I find such responses the main forte of those who have been brainwashed in to believing the whole left/right argument. But you should know before you go any further, I am NOt a republican, they are as much an establishment totalitarian party now as the democrats are, Obama is carrying on the Bush legacy very well. So, you find calling an elected servant out on the mat over not following the constitution to be "insults, disrespect, dishonorable, offensive remarks."? I'm at a loss as to what was "insults, disrespect, dishonorable, offensive" in my remarks. If you believe me to be in err over Obama's or the current congreess' actions in reguards to constitutionality, than please feel free to correct me. "Your comments smack of dishonor, sir!" again, I am at a loss as to what was dishonorable about questioning a presidents or congress' action. In fact, it is both dishonorable and treasonous to allow such things with out scrutinizing and questioning them. [i] "“TO ANNOUNCE THAT THERE MUST BE NO CRITICISM OF THE PRESIDENT, OR THAT WE ARE TO STAND BY THE PRESIDENT, RIGHT OR WRONG, IS NOT ONLY UNPATRIOTIC AND SERVILE, BUT IS MORALLY TREASONABLE TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC.” [/i] ~Theodore Roosevelt
• United States
20 Apr 09
Well!! So much for respectful discussion here! I find that such attitudes seem to be the main forte of the Extreme Right. If you don't agree with them, they shout you out with insults, disrespect, dishonorable, offensive remarks. As I said, I am giving not only the new president the time to prove himself, but also to all members of the electorate Congress the same respect and time to resolve the issues before us. I do NOT subscribe to the hyperbole, doom and gloom tactics of both the Extreme Left or Extreme Right. Your comments smack of dishonor, sir!
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
18 Apr 09
As far as the economy, he is proving to be the Marxist we've known him to be. With Foreign Affairs; he did great with the hostage situation with the pirates, but he continues to fail miserably with Iran. The jury is still out with Mexico though, so we'll se how that goes.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
18 Apr 09
I say "So Far, So Good"! There has never been a President, or any politician in any position for that matter, with whom I've agreed 100% on every issue but generally I think our new President has done a terrific job. He hasn't shrunk from tackling the issues that face us, such as health care and energy, despite the mess he walked into. Unlike some people here, I'm not about to turn my nose up at the $60-some extra my husband is now getting in his paycheck or the $250 I'll be getting from Social Security Disability. It's not a fortune, but we can't afford to give everyone a "fortune". Bush already gave it all to the rich...lol! Sure, there's a lot of spending going on right now but as President Obama said, sometimes it's necessary for the government to spend money to get the economy rolling again. Doing nothing would just put us into a deeper hole that we'd possibly never be able to get out of. I understand and respect that everyone doesn't agree with him but I really don't see them coming up with any better ideas, or ANY ideas at all! Annie
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
19 Apr 09
Annie, it sounds to me like your loyalty has been bought and paid for.
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
20 Apr 09
Xfa i couldn't agree with you more, that $60. a month in her hubby's income must be good for them while the rest is standing in the unemployment line, and her $250. in Social Security, while Obama flying in chefs to bake pizza at $800. a night, sure shows you how much he thinks of the American people. He eats $800. pizza and you get less than $20. bucks a month, sure seems like something wrong with this picture here. But as long as the public is satisfy with the few bucks he giving them it won't change.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
18 Apr 09
"A democracy can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, followed by a dictatorship" ~ The Fall of the Athenian Republic, circa 1778 I fear for our republic.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
21 Apr 09
This is why our Founding Fathers founded a Constitutional Republic instead of a Democracy. Something our public schools fail to include in their civics lessons.
• United States
20 Apr 09
I am not real impressed with him so far. And even less so with congress. The spending is out of control. Obama and congress were elected to fix the mess the last admin did.....not make it worse.
@nzinky (822)
• United States
19 Apr 09
I don't think he's keeping the promisses he made by passing that Stimulas Bill and no one read it....He sure has licked a lot of other countries boots while running our country down........He was elected to run our country not to try and tear it down like he's been doing.... I would want his job for all the tea in China....But he wanted it and was elected to do a job that as far as I can see he hasn't done yet......How many of the people knew what was in that bill they passed to correct the problem all it did was cause more government problems...... I want him to stop running all over the world and making the comments he has been making and do some work from the White House......He has traveled more than any other President has and He hasn't been in office a Hundred days yet...... Someone should tell him you don't get freaquent flyer miles for flying in Air Force One.....So park the plane for awhile.......
@hazelan (89)
• China
19 Apr 09
Yes.I quite agree with you.Obama is a great president.He is a fabulous hero in my heart.All what he gets is not easy,so I thought he is a hero,but in the future whether he could still win.It's up to God.No one can foresee what will happen in the future.
@ryzach (1544)
• United States
19 Apr 09
It was great that he got right to work even before day 1 and is addressing many issues that need attention. I like that he is communicating with other world leaders and organizations. I think we all have to work together instead of fighting all the time. It is a real change for America to have such a young president who is in touch with the people. He is easy to relate to. There are a few things that he is doing that I don't agree with but I am glad he is office and he was my choice in November. He has inherited many problems and it is going to be tough and a long road.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
19 Apr 09
Not real impressed with him or the mess he's making of the country. Granted, it started before he was elected but you don't clean a house by throwing more trash in it.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
19 Apr 09
Hi, Lucky12! I believe Obama is a fair and caring man. He wants to see change in America. He wants to stop all of the wars in Iraq. He wants to find a way to get taxes down so that homeowners can save their homes. He wants to be able to make sure that we all are happy and satisfied. He wants to see positive things take place in this country. He does not want us to lack anymore. He wants to implement a plan where there can be many jobs that will be brought to America. Obama wants what is best for this country. We all should give him time to make this and other things happen. He is only one person, he will need all of our support. Hating on him, is not going to make things go any faster. We all, play a part in helping to restore America.
@nitu1952 (285)
• India
19 Apr 09
I think obama is really a good president as he is doing a really a wonderful job.he will definitely bring the recovery in the economy.he will definately make efforts to remove unemployment.according to me obama is far better than bush as he is really energetic.
@KidKarma (46)
• United States
19 Apr 09
I think President Obama is doing a great job so far! One must keep in mind that Rome wasn't built in a day and it's going to take a lot of time to undo the mess that Bush has created over the past 8 years. I get a kick out of die-hard conservatives calling his presidency a failure even though he's only been president for a short period of time. Look at the wonderful things that he's done in just a few months: he's lowered taxes for working people like myself (nobody complained when Bush gave tax cuts to the extremely wealthy, even though they SHOULD contribute more since they have the most money. This is how things are done in most other first world countries and it's how things should be done here). Also, for the first time in 8 years, other countries don't think that we're a bunch of idiot warmongers. He's improved our relationship with the rest of the world so much in a few months and I'm looking forward to seeing what else he can do. But it won't be overnight. A lot of damage has been done and it will take some time and a lot of effort to fix all the problems left by Bush. Give him a chance and I think all reasonable people will be happy.
• China
19 Apr 09
I think he has done wery well. He has tried to get the economy back. He is a good president.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
19 Apr 09
So you are a fan of the Obama Apology tour. Yeah nothing says you are doing a great job than putting down your country around the world. I do not know one other head of state that tours the global to slam the same country that elected him.
@Randync (544)
• United States
19 Apr 09
I thought he was a bad idea from the start. A socialist president isn't what we need to get us out of our problems. He is a blight on our country.