My Niece Is A Total Pain!!!!!

@Rozie37 (15499)
April 18, 2009 2:24pm CST
My friends know that I am temporarily living with my sister. I plan to move out on the first of next month. It has been a rough ride. It is so true that you really don't know someone until you have lived with them. My sister is married and has a 21 year old daughter, a set of sixteen year old triplets, and a three year old grandson. We all live in a two bedroom apartment and the 21 year old, runs everyone, except me. Therefore, she and I do not get along and she can not stand me. When she got pregnant at 17, my sister had no idea that she was going to fall so in love with her first grandchild. Sincwe then, her daughter has been using him to control everyone. My oldest niece has the same mental disorder as I do. The difference is, I am constantly working to better myself and she is acting like everyone else has a problem but her. When she was still a teenager, she was put into a psych. hospitla for cutting herself with knieves and razors. This scared my sister so bad that she does everything that she can to avoid this happening again. In the meantime, my niece uses this to try to control eveeryone in the house. For one thing, she only does what she feels like for her baby and the triplets are forced to do everything else. If they don't, they get in trouble. Everyone pitches in to help and my niece has no problem with sitting around watching. I have even had to take care of him at times. One may think, well just don't do it and then she will have to do it. No, no, no, if we do not do it, it will not get done. If she needs to go somewhere and my sister does not want to take her, she will have a screaming fit. My sister has learned to just do it to keep the peace. I have asked the triplets if they get mad when they have to wash her and the babies clothes. They say that they never get mad. Everyone gets mad. The truth of the matter is, they are not allowed to get mad. When I inquired further, I could hear the anger in their voices. The triplets work so hard all the time. They are excellent students. Both girls have a 3.7 GPA and the boy has a 3.0. Their fathers hast to force them to stop working and go to bed. When I tried to speak to my sister about it, she said that maybe this is just something that they have to go through. I left it at that. My niece and I had got into it before I moved in, but we were speaking again and I assume we had buried the hachet and everything was fine between us. But the very first time that she did not get her way, we were at it again. She was my first niece and my favorite out of the eleven. So I will admit that I did a lot to spoil her. I wanted her to feel good about herself and be a happy person. She was born when I was eighteen years old and she was the first to be the closest thing to a child of my own. Now, I can hardly sttand her. I love her dearly, but I do not like her at all. I am very disappointed in the way that she turned out. Although, it is no ones fought, she needs to work to let go of the past. Her problems started when she was five years old and the triplets were born. Her mom and stepfather did not have the time to spoil and indulge her as they once had. Now they had, not one or two, but three babies to tend to and if I know my sister, her oldest did her share of pitching in and helping out. When they were younger, I would come over to visit and the oldest would abuse the triplets and it would upset me when my sister would say that she was only doing that because I was there. She wanted me all to herself and whenever I would give them any kind of attention, she would start abusing them. I would always let her know that I was not happy at all about her behavior. They were as much my family as she was. This made her even more mad. So now she is acting as if the triplets owe her something and my sister and her husband are playing her game, and making the triplets do ust about everything for them, because this is what keeps the peace. But it has never and will never work for me.
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9 responses
@katrhina23 (1282)
• United States
18 Apr 09
Whoa that is just very much unfair to the triplets. I feel sorry for your niece for that kind of behavior. And to your sister too that she let this things happen at her house. it is really hard to say whose fault was it to what happened to your niece. But i guess she is old enough to realize that she needs to act out correctly or people wouldnt like her at all. And yes, its true that you wouldnt get to know the person well if you didnt live in one roof. everyday you ll find something new, and you'll see the worst of everybody. im glad you're already leaving the house. I just hope ul be able to talk to the triplets and tell them its not bad to say no sometimes. you must be proud of them because they grew up intelligent and good kids..
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
19 Apr 09
I am so proud of them, but I hurt for them also. Everything that their older sister has done wrong, their father comes down real hard on them so that they do not make the same mistakes. They still look up to her, because they do not yet realize that this is not the way things are suppose to be. I can understnad their father not wanting them to be lazy or get pregnant out of wedlock, but he is just too hard on them. Before I moved in, I thought that aside from my oldest niece, this was the closest thing to a perfect home. I did not know that they had become so dysfunctional. My brother-in-law is the elder of the church, so there is a lot of pressure on him. It was really hard on the family when the step child got pregnant.
• China
19 Apr 09
Does your niece have any close friends?I think her action is because she is afraid about the future,she was hurt badly,maybe she thinks the life is so hard for her.So she is cranky,easy to break out.She knows oneday she has to move out,and lives alone.She is just a poor child who is afraid of growing up... I think you should talk to her,encourage her to accept the life,teach her something about the life.Maybe a job would be helpful.Also let her know that her behavior has hurt everyone who around her with all their loves.Remember talk to her peacefully and friendly.If this is hard to do,you can send her messages or email,try to walk into her heart. I am sorry my English is poor,I am from a foreign country, maybe we have different civilization and people think differently.But I believe what one behaves is all because her thinking,and all have some reason.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
18 Apr 09
Wow, your poor sister and her family. This situation reminds me of my 17 yr. old granddaughter, I love her dearly but do not always like her. She is a monster to her mom and family. She tries to get away with the crap with me, its not happening. Your niece is going to have a very unhappy life if she doesn't change. I really feel sorry for her child, thats going to be rough growing up with her for a mom. I suppose all you can do is pray for her and hope she takes a good long look at herself and decides to become a better person. It sounds like the triplets are determined to be somebody, thats great. Good luck Rosie on finding a nice place to move too.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
19 Apr 09
My sister told the triplets when they were little that they had to earn scholarships because she could not afford to send all three of them to college. They were forced to study rreal hard and now it just comes natural for them. I have been praying for them regularly since I have been here. Especially, the baby. Just today, he fell off his tricycle and was crying, his mother did not even move to see if he was alright. His sixteen year old uncle had to pick him up and comfort him. His mom said, that's what he gets. So in other words, he should be punished for being three years old. The cutest thing is that she will put him in her bed at night and in the morning he will be in bed with is grandmother. The other night, I saw his little feet run by my head and he crawled in the bed with his grandma. His mother says, his kicking gets on her nerves and she feels like pushing him on the floor. She probably has a few times. My sister says that he has been doing this since he could walk.
@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
19 Apr 09
The mechanics of relationships are often twisted. I hope for the baby's sake that someone does something to get the oldest niece some help. I do not expect it to happen though. I can picture the triplets going to college, getting out on their own, and never darkening the doorstep again. It must be very hard for them to always have to be "the good ones".
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
19 Apr 09
This is exactly what I told their father the other day and he agreed with me. When they get out of here and can make it on their own, they will never look back. When they are gone, something will have to change because they will not be around to raise her son anymore.
• Canada
18 Apr 09
Good for you for getting yourself under control. That's all we can do in our lives is control ourselves, because there is no way that we can control anyone else. Just keep on doing what you are doing. It's not your problem if she reacts, however it is your problem if she sucks you in with the rest of the family.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
19 Apr 09
The big difference between she and I is that I can be quiet and listen while someone tells me things I need to learn. She is very hard headed and refuses to listen until it is too late. A few months before she got pregnant, I was attempting to tell her that she needs to learn to listen to her elders and know that they are not just trying to spoil her fun. We got into an argument about that. She would not even listen. She kept asking me why I was telling HER that. Just yesterday, she was saying that she wishes that she could go back to seventeen with the information that she knows now, because that is the year she got pregnant. I said to myself, you could have known it then, if you had just listened. The guy that got her pregnant already had a child and we all knew that.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
20 Apr 09
Unfortunately your sister let her behave in this manner and there's nothing you can do unless you all get on the same page, otherwise, she'll continue to be as she is unless she gets taught a lesson. Let her take the baby away, then she'll find how hard it is to do everything and she'll bring him right back! Besides, at the age of 17, she's not an adult yet so she really can't take the baby anywhere. I applaud you for standing up to her. Another thing, you should never ever have favorites because it's not fair to the rest of the children. The triplets didn't ask to be born after your niece but they were. They should be on the same level as far as love goes and not second. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about because I was a favorite with my grandmother and it really hurt the rest of the family including aunts and uncles. It's just not fair. Not only that, when my grandmother got me something, I had to hide it from my brothers and cousins so nobody got hurt.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
20 Apr 09
The fact that she was my favorite never took anything from the rest. I have 10 nieces and nephews, but she was the first and I was living with her mom when she was born and had to babysit her a lot. Also, we have a lot in common, including, our mental issues. Whenever she would do something to hurt the triplets, that was the only time that I really got mad at her and I let her know that as far as my love for them, they were all equal. When she was younger, we would trade books that we had read, we would share our poetry with one another. Any time you have a first experience with something, that is going to be dearest to you than the ones that follow. But I never gave her any more than the others. In fact, I was harder on her because I have always known what she is capable of, but she doesn't stay focused. She is usually the most popular child in her class and she would put her school work second to her friends.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
20 Apr 09
My mistake, she's 21. Ok, still I say let her take the baby, she'll eventually be back and sooner than you think!
@sweetyethot (1737)
• China
19 Apr 09
I read through your post and feel sorry for your niece.Its hard for for her to change.Luckily,your sister's family love her a lot and she knows that.Maybe she's also afraid of losing their love.
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
19 Apr 09
It sounds like you are going t do a lot betteronce you areout of that situation. Frankly, I don't know how you have been able to stand it as long as you have. I wouldn't be able to bite my toungue. I think that if enough of you stood up to her, she would evntually stop manipulating all of you. I understand that she has a disorder, but that does nt give her the right to control evey one else around her. She obviously needs help, and I think that by constantly giving in to her, it is causing her more harm than good, not ot mention how it is effecting the rest of her siblings. The bottom line is that she is an adult now, and not only n adult, but a parent. She has got to get control of herself, for her sake and her child's.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
19 Apr 09
This is very alarming rozie. Your sister is totally scared that her eldest willharm herslf and she is being manipulated by the daughter. I don't have the answer and your sister needs to get help on ths as the daughter may just cut herself again and your sister would feel so much guilt. I honestly don't have the answer. How does the triplets father think about it? He hsould have an imput to. This is such destructive behaviour tha tia wisht hat you were living some place else as this is mega stress on you. help from doctore, social workers -counsellors is desperatley needed to sort this out.