Need Advice On Battling/Curing The Common Cold.

April 19, 2009 12:10am CST
I am glad I don't have a sore throat this time, because that would drive me up the friggen walls. I like to eat and drink and breathe through my mouth too much. However, I have the mother of all head-colds, and my sinuses are full of crud. I feel like I've sneezed and blown my damn brains out, in the past couple of days. I am drinking gallons of water, and peeing and peeing and peeing. I went to the drug store tonight and got some claritin, because that helps my sinuses. My husband gave me this stupid cold, because we can't keep our lips off of eachother. LOL Anyone got any ideas how I can cure this stupid thing before it goes into my chest and agrivates my bronchitis?
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21 responses
• Philippines
19 Apr 09
Uh-uh, that's sad, stuff in my nose annoys me very much! I bet you're really annoyed now. Oh well, you've tried some home remedies like drinking lots of water and peeing and peeing (maybe you've tried steaming yourself inside the bathroom too?) Why not go see your doctor now before it develops into something more difficult to treat.
• Canada
19 Apr 09
I am lucky because my doctor's office is just up the street from here. I can see his office from my driveway, so I can walk up there anytime.
• United States
17 May 09
It has been a long time since I have a cold but each year I get a sinus attack. and what you described to me sounds like one. what I do is take Sudafed decongestant and drink a lot of fluids.if I have to go out, I add my allergy pill which is The giant's version of Chlor-trimean or something like that. it takes a week of blowing my nose and coughing but it does go.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
22 Apr 09
it usually just has to do it's time, are you taking anything like neo citrine also a vaporiser is good and I love vick vaporub. rub the soles of your feet with vicks, put on heavy socks and go to bed, that is an old wives remedy that works too.
@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
20 Apr 09
There is no cure for the common cold. The way to avoid it and not to make it worse is to wash and wash and wash your hands and your face and to keep a good regimen of oral hygene. Allow your body to do it's natural thing which is to fight off this intrusive cold with sleep and relaxation. As for making you feel better... chicken soup, hot tea, honey, and lemon. Thanks Zelo
@wahmivy (776)
• Philippines
20 Apr 09
I think you're on the right track. There's not much you can do about the common cold except to let it run its course. You can help the bug along by drinking lots of water to flush it out of your system. For congestion, I use lemon and honey or apple cider vinegar. Stuffy noses can be cleared by rubbing Vicks vapor rub or sniffing eucalyptus oil (I usually mix a few drops of this with the bucket of water I'd be using to mop the floor or wipe surfaces, so the room smells of eucalyptus).
@foisgras (205)
• Sweden
20 Apr 09
When I have such a terrible colds with irritating throat, I usually buy fresh ginger. Peel ginger, 3 thin slices into a tea pot with hot H20 for 5 mins., put honey as you wish and drink it as tea. The ginger warms up your throat and your body. Ice cream has also helped me when I had throat irritations. As for your sinus, fill in a small basin with hot H20 and a tsp. Vicks vaporub. A towel on your head and inhale the steam from the basin. The peeing I do not know how to resolve. The kissing do not drop! Hoping for your quick recovery.
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
19 Apr 09
Well, you've already got the cold so I don't know as my methods would help. At the first sign of a cold I drink Echinacea tea. It scares the cold away immediately. Last week I had that stinging sensation in my nose and my eyes were watering... a definite sign of a cold coming on. I had an Echinacea tea with a wedge of lemon and I was fine. Because I have a low immune system (probably because I don't get a whole lot of sleep) I get cold symptoms a lot. The Echinacea tea with lemon (or without) or Echinacea pills really help me. If you don't like the herbal remedies the wedge of lemon in any tea would be of help. It was brought to my attention recently that it helps release the toxins from your system. It seems to work so you might want to give that a try.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
19 Apr 09
Hi danish, Just continue to take your medication and continue to drink a lot of water, eat plenty of fruits also, that is what I always do when I am attack with my allergy!
@ElicBxn (63795)
• United States
19 Apr 09
start taking zinc
@Mirita (2668)
• United States
19 Apr 09
chicken soup and hot lemonade are great home remedies to follow.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
19 Apr 09
ENT Doctor's Nose Rince Formula - This was given to me by an ENT doctor in Texas who also did surgery on my sinus' and this stuff works like a charm!
Vitamin C, Vitamin C, and Vitamin C!! Plus I've attached a nose rinse formula that my old ENT doctor gave me and it works like a charm!! It'll clean your sinus' out like you've never had before! In other words, at full strength, it'll knock you on your rear end!! I'm not joking either! It works amazingly well and I've passed this out to a few of my friends as well as hubby's friends and they thank us up a storm for it so now I'm giving it to you!! Let me know how it works for you if you use it. I promise you, you won't be disappointed!
• United States
19 Apr 09
Zicam will work, give that a try.
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
19 Apr 09
There are products that you can buy to decrease the duration of your cold. I have used them myself andd have found that they do work. Personally, I use Zicam or Airborne. I also double my vitamin intake when I have or feel I am getting a cold. Rather than take my vitamin only at night, I also take one in the morning, and I drink a lot of orange juice for the vitamin C.
• Philippines
19 Apr 09
There really is no medicine for a common cold. I usually just take up to a maximum of 4000mg of Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid in a day because Vitamin C helps boost your immune system up. Also, if the dose of Vitamin C is too much for your body, you're just gonna pee it off anyway. It also helps to take lots of fresh fruit juice. Cold medications make you drowsy and nasal sprays can help a bit. However, it's best to see a doctor so he can check if it's really just a common cold or if it's sinusitis.
@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
19 Apr 09
First this is totally safe and there's no way to over dose on this stuff, secondly if your worried it just passes through your urine. My husband and i use this all the time, for a very long time now. On the onset of a cold we always take 2 vitamin b 100 complex 3 times the first day *morning, noon and before bed* and then 2 more the next morning if we're still feeling it a little. The cold never actually hits us at all. But i'm strange, i feel human when i have a cold somehow so i usually let it ride for a few days before i take the vitamins. Some people do this with vitamin c but not me.
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
19 Apr 09
Use a glass bowl put a couple cups of really really hot water in in and a tablespoon or two of salt. Disolve the salt then put your face as close to the bowl as you can tolerate it with a towel all around your head so the heat stays at your face. Breathe this in for 10 minutes three times a day and by day 2 or 3 for sure the crud as you call it is gone. Works for me and also excellent for sinues.
@raydene (9871)
• United States
19 Apr 09
Awww poor gal Use a saline nose spray to get cleared out. Take 2000mg of VitC daily. Also taking the allergy pill like loratadine(claritin) will help take the inner swelling down so that things can move through. Echinacea is good to but should be taken at the first sign of a sniffle. Ginger tea is good as well as adding cayenne to foods. Hugs Sweets cause they help all illnesses. xoxoxoxoxo
• United States
19 Apr 09
i usually steam up the bathroom and sit in it for awhile.steam opens the sinus at least for a bit. you might try this stuff called's technically for allergies,but i have used it for colds,it does a great job of drying up the yuck.
• Australia
19 Apr 09
Eat lost of garlic - It may scare people away but it also helps with colds & flus... also, if you can get a hold of ecinacea - not sure how it's spelt properly but that works well too.
• United States
19 Apr 09
When I'm sick, I take a lot of vitamin C. I get the Emergen-C packets. It's a powder that you pour into a glass of water. Each packet has 1,000 mg of vitamin C. It comes in tons of flavors... I like the raspberry :) The nutritionists that I've watched say to take 1,000 mg of vitamin C, about every hour and count how many you have taken. Then, when you get diarrhea, you've taken too much. So, if you've taken 1,000 mg every hour, for 5 hours (5,000 mg), and get diarrhea, then you know not to go over 4,000 mg. Then you would take 4,000 mg every day... that will help your body to flush out the germs. Echinacea is good for your immune system, too. Take it when you have food in your stomach. You don't want to take that more than 2 weeks, then 2 weeks off. Garlic is supposed to help with your immune system. I used to take a garlic drop thing, and it seemed to help me not get sick as much and get over being sick quicker. Of course, soup and tea are good. I found this "recipe" for tea that might help: And of course, keep drinking. This sounds interesting. It's probably worth a try. Sorry this was kind of long. It probably wasn't fun to read, with your head being stuffy.