Weird things About your KIDS
By Raven7317
@Raven7317 (691)
United States
April 19, 2009 12:56pm CST
I'm just wondering what kinds of really strange, funny, weird, silly things your kids do that kind of drive you crazy...
My son has developed an obsession with BAGS! He's in love with gift bags; he loves the different colors and designs on them. I recycle gift bags, as I'm sure most of us do, and I have a very large bag of them in a closet. Well, he started needing help carrying things around, so I gave him a bag. MY MISTAKE - he saw where the bag of bags is and keeps going in there to get more! He'll carry his cars around, puzzles around, toy animals, books - and yes, he will even carry bags around - in his prized bag.
Lately, he's discovered zip lock bags. But it has to be the kind with the actual zipper on it, not the squeeze zip kind... We keep every size from snack to gallon and YUP! You guessed it, he knows where they are and keeps going for them!
It's really funny, but it's kind of driving me crazy too! These things cost money and I find them all crinkled up and stuffed in toy boxes!
Here's the weird part: he has cases, baskets and boxes for everything he has! I bought them special for him. His cars, from the movie, I bought him a special zipper case just for them. His puzzles, I bought a perfectly sized little basket for them. His crayons, I bought him a little pencil box type of thing for them.
THIS ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH!! He dumps out these cases only to insist he needs a bag to carry them in! LOL
Someone recently told me this was my doing... that my quest for neatness and an orderly household was making him do this.... I just want things stored in their place...
What funny and strange things do your little ones do???
8 responses
@deadlyorchid1029 (107)
• United States
19 Apr 09
Well my oldest son has a thing for brooms. I dont know why he is this way but he insist on sweeping all the time. I can just get done sweeping the floor and as soon as i turn my back he is doing it. Now he is only turning 3 years old and this has been going on for about a year now. If I take the broom away or hide it he flips out. To me it was cute the first few months now it is driving me crazy. I just wish it was only the broom thing. He is also into the vacuum and takeing electronics apart and putting them back together (which he is pretty good at).
My youngest son who is going on 2 soon is really big into books. It doesnt matter what kind of book it is as long as it is a book. He even sits down with a phone book just to look at it. He does this for hours and when he is not looking at books he is on his hands and feet dragging his head on the floor and laughing. I dont get why he does this but he thinks it is soooo funny. Now he has my oldest son dragging his head on the floor.
@Raven7317 (691)
• United States
19 Apr 09
That is funny! Well, lets hope your son likes the broom and vac enough when he's older and actually can HELP you with the housework!
You reminded me too of something else my son does that absolutely drives me nuts! He takes his toys apart! I'll spend hours putting a race track together and it takes him only minutes to take it apart... WHAT does he do with all the pieces you ask??? YUP! HE PUTS THEM IN A BAG!!!!
Okay, now I'm laughing! Thanks for the response.
@deadlyorchid1029 (107)
• United States
19 Apr 09
LOL that is too funny it sounds so cute but as a mom I can see how it would drive you crazy. But as an outsider I can sit back smile and say that is soooo cute.
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
20 Apr 09
Being a mom of special needs children I have more than my fare share of odd things my little ones do.
My daughter will only wear soft clothes, if they are "hard" as she says she will not wear them, she also changes about 15 times a day, I think that is normal though, and if it does not sparkle she will not wear it.
My oldest son will not eat anything red, if he sees red on a food he will no longer eat that food, only Mcdonalds Chicken nuggets are real, everything else if fake and he licks everything. D also has a love for everything dump trucks, work site vehicles etc. and he watches Air Wolf from the 80's, yes an 80's television story, that is another post.
JM my baby fidgets, he is a very nervous child and he fidgets his fingers. He also talks in a very high pitch, which at times makes me cringe.
@Raven7317 (691)
• United States
20 Apr 09
Between this and our other conversation about SOD, I think you must be SUPER MOMMY!
My son has recently started in with the "it's dirty" thing and makes me change his clothes often... but this comes at his own convenience because if he's busy and I want to change him, it's not acceptable!
Mine love trucks, trains and cars too! And yeah, we're working on the 'inside' voice thing too!
Thank you for the response, Super Mom!
@littleone3 (2063)
20 Apr 09
My youngest son is obsessed with the hoover every time we get the hoover out he just wants to do the hoovering which can be a bit awkward when you are trying to clean up. We usually let him have a go after we are done. We did get him his own toy hoover but he was not happy with that as he wants to use the grown up version.
He is also has a cleaning obsession he loves to get a baby wipe and to wash things down. He is a neat freak just like his Dad. Its just a shame that my elder children don't do the same.
@Raven7317 (691)
• United States
20 Apr 09
Wow, My little guy loves the vac too! We call it the 'purple thing' - it's one of those Dyson Pet Vacs... Anyway, before he was afraid of it, the noise and the concept freaked him out, but once he got used to it, he wanted to use it... We got him his own toy vac, "Dusty" but soon that became obvious to him that it was only a toy and it wasn't good enough! LOL
Now he's allowed to get it and bring it to me and he puts it back when I'm done. He can't push it yet on the carpets because it has a strong suction, but he loves to race around it.
Thanks for the response.
@charblaize (1026)
• United States
20 Apr 09
My son is six and has some strange things. One that is always a consistent battle is he will not eat anything that is broken.....cookie cannot be broke, a piece of pie, sandwhich or even a pancake...if it is broke it is no good. This is a battle that drives me crazy "everyday" :))
Then with his trucks and trailers only a certain truck can go with a trailer even though they are the same trailer (color, size, brand, etc...)
I cannot rearrange a room without letting him know ahead of time or he will tell (scream) at me that it is not right and to put it back. (OCD in him) and if we take a different way to his grandma's house or to the park we have to go back and go the "right" way. This gets old also........:((
@Raven7317 (691)
• United States
20 Apr 09
Whew! What a challenge! I'm familiar with the 'broken' thing too as my son started saying "a whole one, mom, not a piece" but I managed to break him of that... HA HA, no pun intended! Now he thinks he has more if I break something... instead of one pretzel rod, he gets two (one broken in half) and so on...
Thanks for your response and good luck!
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
19 Apr 09
With my daughter it's a cold pillow. She has to have one everywhere she goes. When she wakes up in the morning she takes her pillow around the house with her. She even has to have it in the car. I am not sure why but this has been a growing obsession since about three years ago. She has never sucked her thumb or fingers, never took a pacifier or had any other obsessions (other than food). I have allowed her to endulge her pillow craving even though I don't understand it but it seems to be harmless so I don't make a fuss.
@sassy28 (834)
• United States
20 Apr 09
I am sure this is true with most kids, mine have an obsession with band aids. I should have bought stock in these companies. Everything needed a band aid, from the tinest scratch to the major cuts. My oldest, who is nine, had a band aid on his face about a month ago. When I picked him up from school I was very concerned at what happened, he said he had the band aid in his bookbag and just put it there so everyone would think he got hurt. They make me crazy with them, then when they really need a band aid we can not find them, because they used them up on silly things.
My youngest, who talks just to hear his own voice. Will make a comment and say "Isn't that right mom." I was talking with his teacher last week at a baseball game and we got talking about that, and apprently that is Will's catch phrase, because he does it at school to.
@Raven7317 (691)
• United States
20 Apr 09
LOL, that's funny! My son like's band aids too, but he calls 'em 'stickers.'
When his tummy hurts, he'll ask for one, which is really cute. He does this great production of "make it feel better" and rubs his tummy.
Of course, when he really needs one, he won't keep it in place...
@neerajpandey_13 (1765)
• India
20 Apr 09
I think now you are realising how difficult to manage kids. Nurturing kids is the most difficult thing in this world. Kids can drive anyone to become crazy.