What do you watch?
By fran429
@fran429 (502)
United States
April 19, 2009 7:54pm CST
What do you watch? Whether its your DVR or live, or online. What do you watch?
For me, I used to be American Idol, House, & ER... then I got my DVR and became a TV hog! Here is my TV schedule:
Monday DVR: Gossip Girl, House, One Tree Hill, 24
Tuesday DVR: American Idol, 90210
Wednesday DVR: American Idol, 90210 (I have it set to record ALL episodes so this one gets deleted without viewing)
Thursday DVR: Greys Anatomy, Private Practice, and it USED to be ER b4 the finale
Lucky for me, I dont have anything I HAVE to watch on Fridays (but maybe after this discussion I might)
Oh, and even though it's being DVR'd I ALWAYS watch American Idol live... I may start 15-30 minutes into the show but I almost ALWAYS end the show when it ends live. I NEED to vote! But it stays on DVR cuz the kiddos wanna watch it... infact, it's school vaca week so we're pretty much doing an American Idol marathon trying to get them to catch up LOL...
And ALSO, I watch Dancing With The Stars online as soon as it's available because I can't DVR it on Mondays...
So, What is your weekly MUST-SEE-TV shows??????????
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22 responses
@sourxgirl (73)
• United States
20 Apr 09
I love Top Chef, Project Runway, and Private Practice. Lately I've become addicted to the Food Network Channel. One of my favorite shows to watch on there is Food Network Challenge.
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@rainie30 (146)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I rarely watched tv before I started working from home, then I turned into a tv tater too. At least I'm making money while I watch? At least that's my story, and I'm sticking to it. lol
Sunday - Football when its on, In Plain Sight
Monday - House, Dancing with the Stars, Greek, Life of an American Teenager, Heroes, Medium, Castle
Tuesday - Biggest Loser, American Idol, Without A Trace, SVU, 90210, Priveleged, Lincoln Heights
Wednesday - American Idol, Criminal Minds
Thursday - Burn Notice
Friday - Friday Night Lights, Sarah Conner Chronicles, Numbers, Flashpoint
Thank goodness this stuff isnt on every single week, I'd never get anything done. And my DVR wouldnt constantly be in the 90% range lol
@fran429 (502)
• United States
21 Apr 09
HOLY CRAP! What do you do for a job at home that still allows you to watch so much TV? THAT'S what I call MY kinda job! I always wanted to watch Life as an American Teenager but I missed the first season so the rest isn't so good, you know?
Thanks for the comments!
@Trace86 (5030)
• United States
20 Apr 09
I have so many shows that I love!
Monday is Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, Medium, Dancing with the Stars, Castle, Bones, Greek, Saving Grace, The Closer.
Tuesday is Fringe, The Unusuals, 90210.
Wednesday is Knight Rider, Lie to Me, Criminal Minds, The Mentalist.
Thursday is Private Practice, Grey's Anatomy, Hell's Kitchen.
Friday is Ghost Whisperer, Flashpoint, Numbers, DollHouse.
Saturday is Dr Who, Robin Hood, Primeval. All downloaded from the internet.
Sunday is Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters.
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@Trace86 (5030)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I DVR a lot of shows and several I DVR at other times. Like Greek tonight, I am DVRing it at 11pm and will watch it on the weekend. I do like Gossip Girl but can't seem to remember when its on. I go to my favorite torrent site and download it and watch it on my computer when I have time.
Nobody compares to Lucas or Nathan Scott!
Fringe is weird and entharalling. I don't understand it all, but am still addicted to watching it. I don't know when Knight Rider will be back again, but love Justin Bruening so much! I will definitely watch it when it comes back.
Ghost Whisperer is the one with Jennifer Love Hewitt. I forget what she was actually on back in the day. She can see ghosts and tries to help them solve unfinished business so they can cross over.
I love Sally Field and Calista Flockhart, so Brothers and Sisters is a must watch for me.
Don't worry about Dollhouse. It is already cancelled after this season. I still like it though. The girl from Buffy and Tru Calling is the star.
Primeval is a show from the UK. I download it every week its on. I really love it. There are dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures threatening the world every week and the team must save us all! :)
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@fran429 (502)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I didn't know Greek also came on at 11... now I may start recording that too... I have my DVR set to record all shows on that channel at any time... Cuz, we all know HOUSE is ALWAYS changing what day it's going to air on in the middle of seasons!
Gossip Girl comes on Mondays before One Tree Hill, which is why I started watching Gossip Girl... And you're right... I *heart* BOTH Scott boys!
Maybe I'll check out an episode of Ghost Whisperer Friday...
Primeval sounds like something hubby would watch...
I'm CURRENTLY watching last week's One Tree Hill *again* to catch up for tonights NEW episode! I HATE suspenseful previews!!!!!!!!!
@fran429 (502)
• United States
20 Apr 09
how on EARTH can you watch that many shows? I can't get that many on my DVR at one time! I started to watch Greek but then it wasn't showing in forever so I decided I didn't like it nearly as much as OTH... I could give up Gossip Girl but for now, I like it enough to continue watching it this season... maybe if my DVR wasn't set to automatically record it I wouldn't watch it next season ... but its not BAD, just not easily relatable to me... I like to watch things I can relate to with it being 'real'... Gossip Girl is too prim & propper & prissy for me but I like it... I secretly think Nate is hot... oops, secret's out... but he's NOTHING compared to Lucas Scott LOL...
I REALLY wanted to watch Fringe... it's just it was too weird for me LOL... I didn't even know Knight Rider was back on... that got deleted off our DVR... It was way too diff. from the 80's... funny how I was a CHILD in the 80s and LOVED knight rider... the new michael is way hot but way NOT Hasselhoff LOL...
What is Ghost Whisperer? I hear its good but when I hear ____ Whisperer, I think of the Horse Whisperer or the Dog Whisperer so it makes me think it's a show about ouiji boards and what not...
I wanted to watch Brothers and Sisters but I missed the whole 1st season *are we in the 2nd season now?* and decided that since I never heard of it until NOW I don't need to watch it LOL
I also keep wanting to try out Dollhouse but never have... I think the half nekkid chick on the line up showing on TV keeps me away LOL... what is Primeval?
WOW! That was a LOT! Like I should hear all of these answers, I already feel like I watch WAY too much TV as it is LOL

@arcidy (5005)
• United States
20 Apr 09
I dont watch to many shows. Only shows I watch are smallville reaper wich I love. WWe monday night raw smackdown and ecw. Also watch south park the simpsons and family guy. I am a cartoon guy dont really care for a lot of primetime tv dont care for them.
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@fran429 (502)
• United States
20 Apr 09
Hello arcidy,
I've never watched smallville or reaper... when do they come on and what channel? Isn't smallville on the WB? Hubby used to watch wrestling... but taht was when it was still WWF... I was never able to get into south park... I can't believe Simpsons is STILL on! 20 years now, right? Cartoon guys are cool! I dont do news shows or anything like that... I dont like depression.. I'd rather read it then watch it, KWIM?
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I watch youtube just about everyday. I like watching all of the music videos, as I've always loved music. I also like to watch Little House On The Prairie, downunder Horsemanship, Craig Cameron, ken McNabb, Beyond rodeo With suzie dobbs, wide World Of Horses, all of the horse programs on rfdtv, all of the country music programs on that station, too. I also like American Idol. Kathy.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I forgot to mention that I also like to watch westerns, horror movies, and comedies. My type of horror movie would be more of the vincent Price type. My type of comedy would be the Andy Griffith Show and I Love Lucy. I've been watching a lot of Matlock here lately. It comes on at the same time that Little House On The Prairie used to come on. Kathy.
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@enhopey (37)
• United States
20 Apr 09
My weekly tv show line up is Mondays, I have to watch House. Tuesdays, I don't really watch anything, just whatever is on. Wednesdays, I have to watch Lost. Thursdays, I love to watch Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice. Sundays, I used to watch Desperate Housewives, but then they started to get a little unbelievable, so I quit watching it.
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@fran429 (502)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I have a hard time watching something I can't relate to... I like to watch TV while I play on the computer... I love my laptop for that... if it's something I'm watching live-time *non-DVR'd* then I'll do my computer things while a commercial plays... otherwise, it's all done during boring parts LOLOL
@enhopey (37)
• United States
20 Apr 09
I was a faithful watcher of Desperate Housewives, until this season. They suddenly took a leap in time, they jumped ahead by 5 years and now it is just so unbelievable that for me it is hard to follow. I tried to watch it last night, well not really, I was busy on my computer, but it was still real hard to follow.
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@AmbiePam (96483)
• United States
20 Apr 09
Darn, I wish I had a DVR!
Well House is a must see show. I also have to see Supernatural and The Big Bang Theory. I've missed them before, so I do get to catch up online. I also like In Plain Sight, the second season actually starts tonight on USA. The last couple of weeks I've added two new shows to my list: The Unusuals and Harper's Island. The Unusuals is pretty good. I wanted to watch it because I like Amber Tamblyn who is one of the leads. Harper's Island is just good 'ol campy fun! Oh, and I admit I will go online and watch an episode of Grey's Anatomy several times a season. I just don't watch them all. I guess I'm not a die hard fan, but I do like a lot of the stories on the show.
How could I forget my reality shows? Deadliest Catch and Dirty Jobs on Discovery Channel are a must, and Dancing with the Stars is something I watch, but not every season. I watched the first season when Kelly won, the season where Drew won, and the season when Helio won. I saw every episode of those seasons.

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@fran429 (502)
• United States
20 Apr 09
Hello AmbiePam,
I LOVE Dancing with the Stars... this is my second season watching it tho. I started last season with Lance Bass being my fave. This year I can't choose a fave yet... I LOVE GIlles but I ALSO love Shawn... and I also am rooting for Chuck Wicks... too tough of a decision ...
What is The Unusuals and when does it air?
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I am a dvr freak too. I watch or dvr:
Sunday~ The amazing race, desperate housewives
Monday ~ Medium
Tuesday~The Biggest Looser, American Idol
Wednesday~ Idol, Law and Order
Thursday~Survivor, Greys Anatomy, Harpers Island
Friday~ Ghost Whisperer
Saturday nothing is on tv, so I can catch up on the shows I didn't get to watch during the week.
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@stealthy (8181)
• United States
20 Apr 09
I guess I watch way too much TV.
Mon. Chuck, Heroes, & Castle and I would like to watch The Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother but there is no time.
Tues. normally it was NCIS, The Mentalist and
Wed. mainly Lost
Thurs. Smallville, Bones & Grey's Anatomy
Fri. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Dollhouse & Numb3rs and record Ghost Whisperer and Flashpoint to watch sometime over the weekend
Sat. try to watch Legend of the Seeker
Sun. Desparate Housewives
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@fran429 (502)
• United States
20 Apr 09
Part of me wants to watch Dollhouse but the other part of me doesn't know what its about so I don 't know if I would enjoy it... Hubby watches Sarah Connor Chronicles. He went to watch it today but it didn't record... upon investigation, it seems as tho 2 weeks ago was the finale... would have never guessed! Talk about a HUGE cliff hanger!
@froggieslover (3069)
• United States
20 Apr 09
I think a better questions would be what shows don't you watch? I am the same as you every since we got out DVR I record and watch so many things. I have it set to where it records the series shows every week. There are times it is so full we can't watch other stuff at the time because both of the tuners are locked up. I have these shows set to record every week:
~House, Criminal Minds, CSI: NY, CSI: Miami, One Tree Hill, 90210, My Boys, Survivor, Private Practice, Grey's Anatomy, Harper's Island, In the Motherhood, Wife Swap, Ghost Whisperer, Cold Case and Desperate Housewives.
I will wait till after the kids head off to bed before I watch them and it makes it really nice...I don't know what I would do if I had to watch without it LOL!!!
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@fran429 (502)
• United States
20 Apr 09
boy, you watch a LOT of TV... I thought *I* was bad LOL... I kept saying In The Motherhood looked funny, but it seems to be hard for me to sit down and watch a 1/2 hour sitcom... I don't know why... what time does it come on? Maybe I'll DVR it once to see what it's like... I think i hate TV unless it's DVR'd because I can't fastforward the commercials.
You love frogs too? You should see my bathroom... Funny how you start one discussion and find out so many things in common between 2 people!
Happy MyLotting!
@leilanism79 (94)
• Ireland
20 Apr 09
Nowadays, I watch tv shows online since Im glued to my laptop. I watch Gossip Girl religiously. I also love Grey's Anatomy, American Idol, South Park and Spongebob Squarepants. My baby loves to watch Spongebob.
@chesaid (104)
• Philippines
20 Apr 09
most of what you mentioned, i also watched them. i asked my sister to looked for me the dvd series of house, ugly betty, one tree hill, lost, gossip girl....
im starting on lost now...
and still thinking of what movie to watch next...
@fran429 (502)
• United States
20 Apr 09
if you're looking to start the beginning of a series, I recommend One Tree Hill... I was ADDICTED! I went out and purchased EVERY season (1-5) in the matter of 3 weeks so I could watch them all! I'm SOOOOOOOO EXCITED that its FINALLY a new one tonight.
I've never seen Ugly Betty, when is it on? Lost isn't something up my alley to watch... maybe one of these days... just not now...
Thanks for your response! It seems like we have a lot in common!
@JACK1000000 (51)
20 Apr 09
hi,i do not like very much to watch TV.if i have more time ,i like to watch about sport programme,e.g NBA,and about economy progamme
@abhichat1980 (250)
• India
20 Apr 09
I do not watch TV a lot. But there are certain programs I like on TV. Soaps and serials are not my type. I like watching discovery and national geography very very much. Majority of my time is past by watching these two channels only. And I don't have any particular set of program that I would watch on a daily basis. Basically I like a majority of their program so I would keep watching them. And apart from these two channels sometimes I would watch CNBC just to keep track of the stock market. Since stock markets are down a lot these days so is my watching of CNBC. This was my account of normal TV watching. Apart from this I love sports so whenever a major sporting event is on telecast I would generally watch that.
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