Being Needed

United States
April 19, 2009 11:28pm CST
I know that as a mother you are needed by a child but i don't think that this really hit until after my son came into this world three months ago. Before it was just me and my husband and his two children which we only see for a couple days and on those days just for a few hours. Anyway all i needed to tend to was my husband and myself i never needed to worry about anything else but now that my son has arrived he needs me all the time but he isn't the only one. You would think people would understand and not ask much of you for the next year but no they don't care they need you to like my Mother my sister my brother my huaband my son my mother in-law they all need so much of me and sometimes i feel like i have nothing left nothing of myself to just me what if i need me but at this point who am i to ask anything of anyeone including myself, Hmm I wonder if im making any sense probably not. Well if you read this thank you and if you comment an even bigger thank you and i hope you have a wonderfull day and or night
1 response
• Philippines
20 Apr 09
Being a mother,wife,sister and daughter is a very hard thing to do.I have experienced this situation and until now I myself can't explain how I did it.All I can remember is that I'm always giving time for everybody and when my boys are asleep or playing I find time to do the things that I always do when I was still single.Find time for yourself and try to manage your time and never let anything stress you out.Always think positively even if you really feel bone tired.
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