pregnancy at its best/worse

April 20, 2009 2:23am CST
When I was pregnant with my daughter 27 years ago it was the best and worst time. I found out I was pregnant on my 19th birthday. I was excited to have a baby but I was so sick. I spent a couple of months in the hospital because I couldnt keep anything down and became dehydrated. After I got out of the hospital and could keep most of the food down I gained 50 pounds that took me 5 years to loose. I enjoyed feeling the baby move and kick but I could only have one baby and even tho I was sick all the time I would of loved to have another baby. I was not married and went thru it with just my family for support but they were great. And now 27 years later I have a wonderful daughter and 2 wonderful grand daughters that I love more than life itself.
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8 responses
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
7 May 09
I went through hell and back to get pregnant with my triplets, then when I got pregnant it was high risk. I was put on bed rest at 8 weeks pregnancy, at 11 weeks had a cerclage put in, had a dr appointment every week. measured at 40 weeks pg when I was only 17 weeks pg. I was huge, got hemorrhoids from hell, was sick as could be, could not get out of bed alone, could not take a shower alone. It was not exactly fun. But I survived and in the end had three beautiful babies. had a c-section at 31 weeks they were in the NICU for 28 days, I had to have three bags of blood after.. what fun
• United States
7 May 09
Two years back when I was pregnant with my daughter, life had just started changing for me.My pregnancy went quite smooth from day one itself.Of course I had to go through the entire paraphernalia of morning sickness,tossing and turning all through the night,rushing frequently to the restroom,swollen feet and putting on an extra 18 kilos of weight!However, all through my pregnancy I never developed any aversions to food.I just hogged all day and also night!I read whatever was available online about pregnancy and post natal issues but nothing had prepared me for what lay ahead.The day my little bundle of joy arrived I was too exhausted to even celebrate and it took a couple of more weeks for the feeling of becoming a mother to sink in.Now looking back at it, I'd say that it was all more than worth it.
@cherriemae (3370)
• Philippines
2 May 09
hi there starliht48..pregnancy for me is the one of the biggest part of my life.. it was the best and worst time for me.. i was been pregnant at the age of 25, i was still studying then for my second course.. it's the very worst time for me because my boyfriend leave me the time that i needed a man to be with me... but he's far from me.. i dont know what to do that time because my parents didn't know that i'm pregnant.. it was the most depressing time of my life, i cried all night... but it's been 4yrs now, and my daughter is already grown, she's my little angel.. and about my x-bf, i already forgiven him and if the time will come that we will see each other again, i will let my daughter know who is her father.. happy mylotting
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
25 Apr 09
The best part of my first pregnancy was feeling my baby boy move for the first time. It was the most magical feeling I have ever experienced. I had a home birth with him that went really well. However I had a retained placenta and I had to go to hospital for a very painful manual removal. The best part of my second pregnancy was when I saw my baby boy on my scan at 11 weeks. It made me feel happy for many weeks. Then just three weeks before my son was born another scan told me he would have spina bifida. That was a stressful time that was very unpleasant indeed. It was the worst time in my life. My son was born at home then he spent three weeks in a special care baby unit. He had two operations and came home three weeks old. Now he is almost two years old and he is a happy little boy. I am currently expecting my third baby. The best part so far was when I found out she is a girl. I heard that three times and began to fully believe it when there was proof on the screen at the last scan. The worst part was worrying if my baby girl has spina bifida. I am delighted that according to the scans she doesn't have.
@kellyt82 (204)
• United States
24 Apr 09
I love my baby so much- he was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I hated being pregnant, though. I was always sick. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I was always in the hospital. I am thankful, though, to have went through it because now I have a beautiful, healthy, happy baby boy!
• United States
24 Apr 09
my pregnancy was the worst at the beginning because i had morning sickness so bad to where I dropped 10 lbs. I hated gettin up in the morning. It was its best in the middle when I didnt have any symptoms at all. Then in the third trimester i began to get nausea, heartburn, and it was very difficult for me to sleep. but all in all now that my lil one is here, i miss being pregnant! happy mylotting ^-^
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
20 Apr 09
I can relate. I was sick all the time with my first and last baby. Especially the first one. At the time I was on a medication for the nausea, otherwise I couldn't keep anything down. The doctor threatened to put me in the hospital, but that was because they couldn't get my anemia under control. My first and last were both hairy babies. One dark and one blond. I've known other moms who suffered quite a bit and the kids came out hairy. Just wondering if this was your experience too.
@patzel88 (3310)
• Philippines
20 Apr 09
every thing that is a gift from God is what we all we want and be glad to accept in our life with whole heart. Being a mother it is a privilege for us that we are given a chance to bare a gift from god and welcome the new born babies to our family in which it gives happiness to our life.