Have You Lost a Mobile Phone?
By mchavez11
@mchavez11 (1406)
April 20, 2009 5:36am CST
I'm pretty sure that 98% percent of the world's population has a cellular phone and there's a big probability that half of this population lost one or more already. May it be from a thief, a robbery or just simply due to forgetfulness. Whatever it is, its still stings. For one, you have all important contacts there. Second, you got used to having one always, but most of all, it costs money one way or the other. How about you? Have you lost one already? Me, I did. Two years ago, it was stolen while were sleeping. Some knucklehead used a long wooden stick with adhesive and got it out through our window. Its really annoying.
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44 responses
@dreamdua (48)
• India
20 Apr 09
ya same case here ...three years back i was going to my hostel from market and during the way i received a call from by good friend and we were chating in the way and suddenly i saw man sellimg boiled eggs in my way and i stopped and ordered two boiled eggs and after then he gave men in plate and then i told to my friend that hold for a minute so that i can eat boiled eggs but you know what happened i put my mobile down there and started eating eggs and then gave money for eggs and went to hostel when i just reached hostel i said oh god i forget my mobile on eggs booth and my friend was on hold .you know that day i lost my mobile as well as my friend because i did not remember her phone number .so,in my life i can't ever forget that incidence.so buddies keep your numbers in diary or mail so that this will not happen to you .good friends are hardly to find in this selfish world.i am missing her a lot
@startmoney (42)
• China
20 Apr 09
You got this point.I lost two mobile phone.The first was stolen when I was in a small bus,there are some many people and when I got off I just found it gone.The second is I forgot in a hotel when I travel to Tanzania.
It's just need to buy a new one if lost,but you can not buy the records which you keep on touch with your families and friends.So I have to leave message by online chating tool or send them email.
Anyway it will make you in trouble without cellphone,I think we should take care of our mobile phone as well as our feeling.
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@vicky30 (4766)
• India
13 Jun 09
I have never lost a mobile phone till now
.The best way to keep a mobile safe.If it is most expensive we should not show it to people around us.We should only use the phone when we like.In crowded places we should be alert if someone puts hands in our pockets.Nowadays phones come with mobile tracker so we can find the thief if he robs the phone.

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@zhangfzoe (432)
• China
20 Apr 09
The mobile phone was stolen once.And it was very inconvenient at that time.
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
8 May 09
I can thankfully say I have not. I have misplaced it before and once it fell out of my purse in someone's car but it was easily recovered, thank goodness.
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@fasyahime (629)
• Malaysia
23 Apr 09
yup..get steal by stupid thief! if i get hold my hand on them,i will twist their neck,break it and chop it! fed it to stray dog! haha! but i can't,it's too dark!so sad!
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
20 Apr 09
i lost a couple of times already, and my wife is really angry. har har har. i lost one when we are still dating and lost one a year ago. it was in my pocket and i didnt check my cellphone before i got out of the cab. was not expecting that it will fall from my pocket and unfortunately the cab driver did not give a d@mn to bring it back to. i was trying to contact the phone but it was busy.
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@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
20 Apr 09
Oh my God the way the knucklehead took your cellphone it's so, well I'd have to say very smart but annoying hehe.
Anyways, yup! I did lost a cellphone once. I lost it inside our shop. The guy who took it posed as my aunt's friend and he fooled me to let him in cause he needs to see an item that was placed near the counter. I trusted the guy cause he mentioned my aunt who just passed away so I really thought they knew each other.
After losing the cellphone I stopped buying a new one. I don't want to spend money anymore so I just had to satisfy myself a hand-me-down from my father. Losing the cellphone is like an awakening to stop myself from buying a new model always. In a way, it has did me good hehe

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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
22 Apr 09
I haven't lost my mobile phone but I did find it in the washing machine after I completed a load! I blame my husband for this because I put the phone in my jeans pocket due to his never ending complaints that I wasn't answering my mobile which I could not hear in my bag! It's a pain losing all your contacts etc... I keep a copy on my computer now!
Fancy stealing your phone with a stick through the window! Annoying doesn't quite cut it!
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@sysdexlicwriter (1619)
• United States
20 Apr 09
To my knowledge we have only lost one cell phone in our family since we have been using cell phones. A family member was getting ready to go somewhere and laid the phone on the roof of the car while packing things in the car. You guessed it! They jumped in the car and took off, leaving the phone on the car roof. It flew off the roof somewhere and was never found.
It is really annoying to have to pay for a new phone, get used to all it's "features," and try to remember all the stuff you had entered into the old phone! Sorry about your inventive thief.

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@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
22 Apr 09
i lost my phone when i was ladened with things in a tricycle and my husband now was then still courting me and asking things over the text. i totally regret that and i've learned that if i'm not available to reply the texter should wait.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
22 Apr 09
Yes, I lost one a few years ago. I don't remember how long it has been exactly. I was out riding horseback when I lost mine, LOL! I didn't realize it was missing until I looked down at my phone case. I had a countdown timer on my cellphone and I always used it to help me keep up with how long I had been riding. I looked all over the pasture trying to find my cellphone when I finished riding and I didn't find it. It's hard to see anything like that in pasture grass. The man who came out to give my horse the flu shot sometime later found it. However, I had already bought a new one by that time and the old one wasn't working any more, anyway. It had been rained on and no telling what all. So that's my story of losing my cellphone! Kathy.
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@fergus (817)
• Ireland
20 Apr 09
Hi, Yes in the last five yesrs i lost four mobiles i have a blackberry storm now and its on a cord around my neck so i wont lost it because i will kick myself if i do.
I used to love the old mobiles because they where heavey and i would know its in my pocket but todays phones are light. and they just slip out of the pocket.
Take care.
@gajah9999 (92)
• Indonesia
22 Apr 09
i hope i havn't lost a mobile phone because in my phone cell / mobiles phone all in information all there
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
21 Sep 09
I am fortunate enough never to have lost a mobile device of any kind. If you ask me, those stupid things are too damn expensive to lose. LOL I have misplaced it at home, called it, and followed the ringing sound in order to find it, but I've never actually lost the phone to the point of not being able to find it again.
@leen_zhihai (63)
• Malaysia
21 Apr 09
I lost once during my college years. I left it when i was waiting for the bus and I only realize I left it when I'm already in class. I tried to call, but nobody answer it for like thousand times. I felt so depressed because I need all the numbers inside there and the phone is a gift for my exam's result. I give up and think that somebody has taken it and I will never see it again. But, unexpectedly, my call got answered and that guy is also from my college so, we decide to meet right after he arrive in college, so I went there and get my phone. I was very thankful and thank him millions time as there is still someone who is kind in this world.
@fran429 (502)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I've never lost my cell phone but my hubby did... HILARIOUS story... sorta LOL... We got brand new phones in september and since we had extra money we weren't depending on, we splurged. I got the Samsung Pinkjack and he got the Palm Treo... both with rebates bringing final price to $50 or under after rebate... Well, hubby went looking online and decided he wanted to buy a skinz for his phone. He got the Boston Bruins skinz...
He came home from work one day when a hugemungo snow storm happened (we got about a foot in that storm) and took the dog for a walk. He gets home and talks about the 'idiot' (his words NOT mine) down the street who NEVER cleans up the snow til about 7pm at night and how he and the pup had to jump thru the snow there and it was so funny watching the dog do it...
He sits down and sees that his skinz came in that day and was excited. He got up to clean his phone to put the skinz on and comes back into the living room.
"I can't find my phone," he says.
"hmm... Did you leave it in the truck after you called me to move my car?" I asked.
"Good point, maybe. Let me check." He walks out the door... few minutes, he comes back in, "It's not in there."
I grab the phone and dial his number... odd pause then goes to voicemail... THat can't be good we decided. But, optimistic me decided to give it a moment and try again, someone could have been calling him at the same time, you know? Nope, this time IMMEDIATELY to voicemail.
"I bet it fell out at the 'idiot's' house," he says and runs out the door.
About 10 minutes later he comes back with the back to his cell phone (the battery cover) and tosses it on the table, "That's all that's left. He was snowblowing and he thought he hit a rock or something."
Snowblowing? I thought he didn't start til like 7... it was only 6! Nice rock tho, right? Hubby went and borrowed my cousin's metal detector and went back. He came home about 15 minutes after that with the rest of his phone. It was pretty banged up so even after we dried it out, it was NO good... I dont' think I'll ever let him buy another expensive phone like that. If I do, he'll never be allowed to purchase Skinz until he learns to zip his pockets LOLOL
@csrobins (1120)
• United States
21 Apr 09
Haha that’s funny. How do you know the method he used to steal your phone? I have never lost or had my phone stolen from me. I have had a lot of phones though. They always break or fall in the toilet before anything else can happen to them. I have learned not to spend a lot of money on phones because of this so no one would want to steal my phone ha.
@CornicSoup (56)
• China
21 Apr 09
I lost my last cell phone exactly the day I planned to buy a new one. lol ... I still don't know how I lost it. I was in a mall with my friends. And I found my cell phone was gone when I tried to check the time with it. Maybe it was stolen or maybe I just droped it somewhere. It was also possible that my cell phone read my mind, so it decided to leave me before I abandon it. ^_^
I was not very upset for losing it. I had planned to get a new one anyway. But geting my contacts and my number back really caused some trouble for me. I'd rather it to stay with me for just one more day.
@crowden (4)
• Bulgaria
8 May 09
I lost my mobile phone... somewhere in Bangkok. So the probability of every finding it again is very very close to the approval rating of George Bush. I have no mean of replacing it from where I am right now so if you try to reach me you will get a "number deactivated" message. :D