Why can't people mind their own business?
By rmorefield
@rmorefield (941)
United States
April 20, 2009 3:56pm CST
I am so mad. I need to vent. I just got a phone call from my cousin who lives across the road from me. Right now, I have 10 puppies that I am selling. Apparantly, her husband doesn't think that I am selling them fast enough. He told her to tell me that if I don't get rid of all of them by this weekend, that he is going to call the SPCA and have them removed. For one thing, I am taking care of these puppies, and there is no reason for anyone to take them away from me. For another thing, they aren't causing him any problems. It's none of his business. True, he got bitten the other night by their mom. I was out of town, and he came over here snooping around, and tried to get into their kennel...where he did not belong. Well, Meisha bit him. Not my problem. I offered to pay for him to go to the doctor if he wanted to. It wasn't bad enough. She just bit him on the finger. (He was trying to pick up one of the pups.) What is his problem? He claims to love dogs soooo much, but he is willing to let the SPCA come out here and take the pups away. (They wouldn't take them anyway because there is no reason.) All the SPCA would do if they did take them would be to euthanize them. Aren't they better off here where they are living happy lives? I will find them their "forever homes", but I am picky on who I will sell them to. They are Pit Bulls, and a lot of people want to fight them. So, I will keep them here until the right people come along. My family can kiss my rosy red #$%!!
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21 responses
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
21 Apr 09
Why the heck is it any of his business anyway? And as far as the dog biting him, he was trespassing. It's not like the dog got out and ran over to his property and attacked him.
Do his parents have any smart children?
@rmorefield (941)
• United States
21 Apr 09
LOL. You would think that he is old enough to know better. The man is in his 50's, or maybe his 60's.
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I am so sorry that this is happening to you .. Your cousin's hubby is an a$$whole. I honestly think that you shouldn't pay for his injuries family or not he was not invited into your yard or even your dog's kennel. That was trespassing and there are laws against it and if he has half a brain he'd shut up and leave you alone. Use this as leverage tell him that if he tries anything stupid that you'll charge him for trespassing and invasion of privacy, since he had to go into your yard and open up the kennel to get to the dogs. Also do you know that if he even moved or touched a dog that , that is considered theft... okay to many court t.v. shows on my lay off. But seriously I think you need to go to your dog and praise her for the wonderful job she did watching over her kids. Also put up a sign saying Warning Dogs on premise if you trespass you are liable for any injuries you receive up and including to being shot on sight. That will make anyone thing twice. Having things posted just kinda helps out. Good luck and I hope you find the right homes for your dogs pups. I myself have 2 Siberian Huskies and they are beautiful dogs.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
21 Apr 09
Thanks you for BR. I have a one yr old and I just adopted a 7 yr old husky on sunday. She is a retired dog from my breeder who I got my Frost as a puppy from. I have to say that Huskies are very intelligent to. Here's a pick of my Frost, I'm awaiting my camera so I can get a pick of my new dog volcano.
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@rmorefield (941)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I love Huskies. They are beautiful. Their eyes are sooo intense. The first thing I did when I got home was praise Meisha. She did exactly what I trained her to do. You know, you have made an excellent point. I love your idea of the sign.
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@Bad_Daddy55 (497)
• Canada
21 Apr 09
Tell him to pucker up and to kiss my rosey red a#$%^&* to. It doesn't matter what he thinks, he was tresspassing... When you r not there a mother will protect her pups to the end, that is her domain.. Is his first name Stu and last name Pid.. I had a Bouvier female not that long ago. When she had a litter she would only let me and my wife touch her little ones. When one puppy was sold she would cry and howl, she is a mother caring for her litter..
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@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I don't understand either. I know couple of people, they really like to mind other people's business and being very nosy and alwyas try to get information out of people. Everytime when I see them, they like to ask as much as they can and want to know everything... I hate that because I don't want to tell people my personal things and really want to say just mind your own business...
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@KElkins09 (29)
• United States
23 Apr 09
Don't you hate nosey, intrusive family members? haha I live across the street from my grandmother-in-law. It is a total nightmare. I have caught her behind our house in the middle of the night going through my car!!! Sometimes family members like this just need to be put in their place. Just because they are family, as well as a neighbor, does not give them special rights to trespass or intrude on your private life. You need to talk to him calmly and explain that it is none of his business and you would appreciate it if he would not try to butt into your business. It is a difficult situation because you do not want to make them mad, but something has to be said. It needs to be talked out rationally. Good luck! I sooo feel your pain and annoyance!! haha
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@rmorefield (941)
• United States
23 Apr 09
Oh, I don't care if I make anyone mad or not. I'm not the one that started all of this bulls@#$. The minute he told me that he was going to call the SPCA, he declared war. And I will happily fight. All of my life I have let these people run all over me. I didn't want to make them mad, and therefore, upset my dad. But now, I am a 30-year-old single mother of 4. I think that it's about time I speak my mind. And now, Dad doesn't care, either. He is as angry as I am.
@Amberina (1541)
• United States
21 Apr 09
Why was he trying to get into their kennel? Was he supposed to be feeding them? If not then he was up to no good I was always brought up not to get into a dogs den if they have just given birth. I don't care what kind of dog it is that mommy is going to be protecting her pups and if she doesn't know you very well your gonna get bit. He deserves to get bit kinda like the saying goes You mess with the bull your gonna get the horn.
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@rmorefield (941)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I still don't know why he was trying to get into the kennel. Nobody was supposed to be feeding them. I fed them twice before I left, and I was only going to be gone for the night. I made sure that I didn't need to ask anyone to feed them. I knew that Meisha would bite, and didn't want that to happen. So, he had no reason...unless he was trying to steal one. I don't know. I know that a couple of weeks ago, someone did steal one. That's when I started putting Meisha in with them when I am not here. Yes, she is very protective. I have a pup that I kept out of her last litter. Rottie is a year old, and Meisha still protects her.
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
21 Apr 09
sometimes it's more harder to expect support from relatives or distant relatives. Friends or other people appreciates and understand us more sometimes.
@rmorefield (941)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I agree with you. Most of my family lives to stab each other in the back. Actually, it's that side of the family that is like that. We have what I like to call the "phone chain". One of them sees you do something such as, oh, stub your toe, and pretty soon everyone in the family (and outside of the family) is called. Eventually, a stubbed toe becomes a heart attack. They are so bored that they don't know what to do. And God forbid you actually mess up and do something wrong. They still haven't stopped talking about me getting drunk on my 16th birthday. (I am now 30.)
@corona1234 (467)
• United States
21 Apr 09
That is so sad that a family member would do that to you.He had no business going into their kennel i am glade that your dog bit him.You keep them pups as long as it takes for you to find them a good home.
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@rmorefield (941)
• United States
21 Apr 09
LOL. As horrible as it is, I'm kind of glad that she bit him, too. I have no choice but to keep the pups. I breed them because I love the breed....not because I want to make any money. He and his wife breed Yorkies, and they do it because they want the money. They don't care who they sell their pups to, as long as they show cash up front. The SPCA can't take them anyway. I am not mistreating them in any way, shape, or form. And if they DO call them, I will be pressing charges for tresspassing, attempted theft, and harrassment.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
21 Apr 09
I have friends this happened to but they were neighbors who reported my friends that they were selling dogs out of their house. I was very upset for her because she is trying to make a living while taking care of her 3 kids. People just don't know how to mind their own busy. It's a shame. I truly believe these people are jealous because you are making money.
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@rmorefield (941)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I am sorry to hear about your friend. I fully understand trying to take care of your kids. Right now, I am a single mom of four. My oldest is 12, and my youngest is 4 weeks. I lost my job a couple of months ago due to cutbacks. This is the only source of income that I have right now. You want to know the funny thing? I am not breaking any laws whatsoever. Here, it's perfectly fine to sell puppies without a kennel license...which I am in the process of getting. As long as you don't have over 5 adult dogs, you don't need to have a special license. I wish I had been the one to bite him. LOL
@harmonee (1228)
• United States
19 May 09
It sure doesn't sound like it's his business. It's not like puppies are super noisy and keeping him up at night. I have 2 pitbulls and I would know better than to reach my hand into their crate if there were puppies or food or anything else they would be protective of. If she wanted to hurt your cousin she would have. Sounds like a warning. I appreciate that you take the time to make sure these dogs go to good homes with people who know how to raise them. Good luck with it all.
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@lawana_f (326)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I understand in a way where you are coming from. I had neibors in a town we lived in several years ago that were constantly calling the cops on me for the dumbest things. Once I was parked 6 inches over the property line, but I was on the street which was public property. Then there was the time I left my small children home alone. My youngest child was in Junior High and my Father lived with me so they were not alone. I was selling some puppies and only had them for sale one day when they called the cops and told them i was mistreating the puppies. I only had 2 left when the police showed up and they were just shaking their heads and apologizing to me because they were there again, but people had showed up to get the last of the puppies.
It just seems that some people connot mind their own business. These people knew better but were mad at me because as a single Mom taking care of my Dad there was not always money to keep my front yard looking as good as they wanted it to look. It seems the people that lived there before us were avid gardeners. I did not have the time to garden and it was a desert area so I zero-scaped it as much as possible.
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@rmorefield (941)
• United States
21 Apr 09
Are you sure that you don't live near me? LOL. I am a single mom, also. I don't have the best car, or the cleanest yard, or the best clothes. But I take care of my kids and my dogs. People need to leave us alone. SINGLE MOMS UNITE!!!
@jugsjugs (12967)
21 Apr 09
hope you gave the pups mum a big bone,she was looking after her pups and your home.lol.like you said whats it got todo with him.like you said you are looking after them and spca will be waisting their time where as they could have used their time on someone who is ill treating their animals,i hate people that waiste spcas time just think there could be a sick animal needing help and it didnt get it,all because of someone like your couins husband.good luck with finding the pups homes.
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@rmorefield (941)
• United States
21 Apr 09
LOL. I did give her a treat. I would have bit him, too, if I could have. I agree with you. The SPCA has better things to do with their time. And do you want to know something funny? A few of the local Animal Control officers know me and my dogs well. One of them lives right down the road from me. He loves my dogs! LOL. I think that if I was mistreating them, he would have taken them a long time ago. Check out my profile page. There are pics of them.
@seapotato (4)
• Canada
21 Apr 09
That is ridiculous! I don't understand why he even cares when he isnt even living in the same place. He's probably just bitter that he was bitten!
@rmorefield (941)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I agree. He's been really bored lately since his company reduced his hours at work, raised the cost of his health insurance, and cut his pay. But he wouldn't have been bitten in the first place if he had just stayed on his own property. I hadn't even been gone a full day when he decided to come over and see "if the dogs had any food". That's ok. If he wants to wage a war, I'm more than willing to fight. LOL
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
21 Apr 09
You're right, it's none of his business - unless your neighborhood has an ordinance against pit bulls (some places do, they're trying to pass one in our neighborhood). And, I know our SPCA wont take pig bulls or rotties, you have to call the rottie rescue to take them - and they do place them in good homes unlike the SPCA that will put them to sleep.
If you're taking care of them properly, there's really nothing he can do so just ignore him. Inform your cousin that she did her duty by passing on the message and leave it at that.
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@debny711 (264)
• United States
21 Apr 09
He was wrong going into the kennel especially when you weren't home. Family or not. The mother was just protecting her pups. However, good luck selling the pups. Not many people like pits. I for one think they are very dangerous dogs. My grandmother's 17 year old poodle was killed by her neighbors pit. Came right out of the apartment when my grandmother was coming down the stairs to walk her dog. Grabbed the dog right off of the leash and wouldn't let go. Also, my girlfriend's pet pit grabbed her 2 year old by her face she ended up with 70 stitches. I know here in NY they are tryng to ban pits.
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
21 Apr 09
actully even if momma dog bited him, he couldnt sue or press charges because he was in the dog's yard. all they would tell him well guess you were dumb enough to go in her kennle got what you deserve..
as long as the puppies are being taken care of, tell him to go hell, he dont pay your rent or mortage..
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@lologirl2021 (5542)
• United States
20 Apr 09
People can't mind their business because they probably don't have anything better to do with their lives and obviously your cousin's husband must be that type of person.
Onto the pups now. Those kind of dogs scare me and i wouldn't never want to own one of them ever. They are very aggressive and i believe you are going to have a hard time selling as a lot of people don't like those dogs and they aren't good with children at all. They grow up to be very rude to other people that come around. You are right you need to sell them to someone who is going to take very good care of them and will be a good house for them.

@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
21 Apr 09
Pits are labled as aggressive that is not neccessarily what they are. It has a lot to do with how the pups are raised and trained. For example Rotties are labeled as mean and aggressive and every rottie I have ever met is not mean nor were they aggressive. The rotties I meet were like little babies. To label a dog aggressive the dog has to show aggression. Now this guys brother or brother in law or what not (family relative) trespassed into his brothers/family relatives yard into a kennel of a mother dog which can be aggressive if they think there is a threat to their pups. He got bit and I think that it was totally his fault. Again just because some of the breed has shown aggression it doesn't mean that the breed is aggressive you have to take in all the factors of a situation when you see an aggressive dog. Unfortunately you hear the bad and not how they became bad.
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@rmorefield (941)
• United States
21 Apr 09
Thank you for your support. I love dogs, and I just happen to be drawn to the big ones. As a groomer, I can't even begin to count all of the times I have been bitten by a little Poodle or Yorkie that didn't want their feet shaved. But I have never had a Pit, Dobie, Rottie, or any other big dog try and bite me. It didn't matter whether or not I was giving them a bath or cleaning their ears or clipping their nails. (Although I have had a German Shephard try to get me. But she had never been away from her owner, and the cage she was put in scared her.) I think that the smaller the dog, the bigger they think they are. But let me just say (so that I don't offend anyone) that I love all dogs. I don't care what breed they are.
@sqishy (13)
• United States
22 Apr 09
People just aren't very bright sometimes are they? I don't understand why he can't keep to himself when it is your house, not his. He doesn't live there so, why should he care if they are still there or not. It is also understandable that the mother bit his finger because she was protecting the puppies.
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