Do you smack your kids??
By jellymonty
@jellymonty (2352)
April 20, 2009 7:05pm CST
Apparently nowadays its a crime for a parent to smack their kids when they have misbehaved. If a parent does that, then they face the possibility of loosing their kids and social services will be on their case for the rest of their lives. What happened to the good old days when a kid misbehaves, the parents smack 'em and they end up being civilised kids? Ofcourse they are some parents that are brutal to the point where the endanger the life of the kids. Take me for example. My mum smacked the living hell out of me because I used to misbehave badly. Now the smacking here would be considered brutal in the western world (She used to take a long thick bamboo stick and smack me with it till it broke into pieces) Now i'm a well behaved person and I learnt it the hard way. Dont get me wrong am not saying every parent should do this but I believe a little smack will bring some order for naughty kids. How do you discipline your kids then?? Any comments and suggestions are very much welcomed...
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16 responses
@angelican (195)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I do spank one of my kids every know and then and only when he deserves it and nothing else has worked. He has never complained because he knows if I have spanked him, it's because he deserved it. The biggest problem now a days is that kids seem to have controle over us. My 16 year old has these friends that say how it is illegal for parents to hit them and if there parent touches them, 1 word to the councler and there done. I feel we have gave our children way to much power. I do not believe in spanking or smaking but sometimes it is the only way to get throught to them.
@jellymonty (2352)
21 Apr 09
I totally agree with you on that.. Kids are given too much freedom these days.. My grandma once told me that "too much freedom is bondage" so i beileve too much freedon really is destroying our kids...
@Effusive (156)
• United States
21 Apr 09
Smacking kids every now and then is a form of punishment. Time out and taking things away does not work for all kids so you have to do something else. I do not think that it is wrong for children to get smacked every now and then. Punching children is abuse. I see out of control kids all the time and if they got some real discipline then they would not act that way. It lets you know that what you did was wrong and it was that out of line that you had to get smacked for it. It even says it in the Bible that children deserve to get a smack every now and then. Children all over the world would not be going so crazy or getting in so much trouble if they were disciplined with a little sterner hand. It has all gone out the window as there are so many abused children in the world now a days. There is a clear line between discipline and abuse though and it should be treated as such. When I grew up you could get paddled in school, and that I do not agree with at all. Paddling by parents is a different story. I think that the government should not be able to tell you how to raise your child as it is not there child. If the child is in no imminent danger then there should be no problem.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I don't have kids, but I have two nieces that sometimes misbehave. I NEVER slap in the face or head slaps are reserved only for hands of the bottom, depending on the "crime." But the only time I ever slap them is if they are cruel to one of my animals. I think it is very important children learn to treat animals right, and a simpe time out will not do that.
But otherwise, if they just aren't listening or say something bad or act out then they do get in time out, facing the wall. And sometimes they have to sit there for a long time, until their mom shows up lol. But the length of time in time out really depends on what they did. If they were mean to an animal they get a slap and timeout until their mom comes. That's the worst punishment ever ;P
And I never slap repeaditly, it's usually just one good solid slap on the butt. No beating from me! x.x
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
21 Apr 09
but there is a law call corpal punshment, kids give you a reason, they let them have it, but you cant leave marks on them.
i would tell them until they raise my kids, if i see they need a good smack, then i will give it to them
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@marguicha (225137)
• Chile
21 Apr 09
I spanked my children when they were little. Only in the butt though. My children don´t spank their children, I think. But I have given them a smack or two. I don´t think I had to do it more than once with each but they know that at least in my house there are limits.
They are all good kids but a good spankings would have made them better, I think.
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@ctais_phoenix (54)
• China
21 Apr 09
Of course no.If you want to prevent your kids not to do something by smacking them,you will find that they will do the thing morer.
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@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
21 Apr 09
Mixed emotions when it comes to this subject...
Some parents just don't know when to stop or what is to much...
I'm a strong believer of trying to fix the problem with communication & not a slap, but I guess every parent is different & every child acts differently.
I have two kids, 6 & 3. My daughter was a little monster & didn't listen to any words of discipline & I would smack her hand from time to time or a swat on the butt if my words didn't work.
...But boy has my views changed...
Ever since I heard someone say "Would you want to be smacked on your hand/butt every time you messed up or didn't fallow the rules?"
Well... even as an adult I make mistakes & let me tell you, I wouldn't want to be smacked... I think I would rather someone talk to me.
So, we don't smack our kids.
I know that some kids wont pay attention to what the parents have to say & some think that leaves only a good ole spanking left, but I disagree.
Some parents just give up to easy & need to work a little more harder at communication.
I think smacking/spanking, whatever you call it might just lead to more frustration.
@brandon22 (163)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I don't have kids, but if I did I wouldn't see anything wrong with giving them a smack when they misbehave. When I was naughty my parents gave a swift smack and I turned out okay (I think). There's a big difference between a slap and abuse. A slap or a spanking I believe are acceptable, but anything more violent is crossing the line.
@littleone3 (2063)
21 Apr 09
I do not believe in smacking children. I have five children aged 17,16,12 8 and 3 and I have never smacked any of them.
My two eldest are growing into fine young men who are respectful and polite and have never been in any trouble.
I have always used the naughty step for the younger two and then we will sit down and talk about what they did wrong and why it was wrong likewise with the older children as well.
I will take away their privileges for awhile until they realise what they did wrong.
That is what has always worked for me and people often tell me my children are a credit to me.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
21 Apr 09
I have a seven year old and I can't say I have ever spanked her. I am fortunate because she is an easy going child. When she was younger we used the 'time out' method and it worked very well. As she got older we used to take toys etc...away as punishment and that was very effective too. I am not a parenting expert, I don't like to physically discipline my child and I don't like the idea of smacking because it is too easy to do it in anger; I prefer walking outside and scream at the trees! 

@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
21 Apr 09
This is a very bad question to ask. A parent might write something here about smacking their child and someone on their friends list could turn them in. Perhaps there is a custody battle and a father writes something here and loses his privileges to have his children. All things people should watch out for. You can never be too careful. A lot of what you write on the internet can stay there for years. It can also comeback to haunt you if people you know have access to your MyLot page.
@moondance61 (164)
21 Apr 09
I have two children and I have always believed that it is impossible to reason with a toddler so a short sharp smack on the bottom will often get your point across. The one thing I have never done was to smack in anger. Yes there are times when the children will make you angry so a quick cooling off period is sometimes neccesary. As my children have got older a light smack doesn't work anymore so rather than hit too hard I try to think of other ways to punish. Very often if my eleven year old son misbehaves I take sweet priveleges off him or television, computer or ground him. If he takes things too far then he is made to sit on the floor, legs crossed with hands on head for however long I think he needs. This usually sorts him out and I am sorry but I do not know of an eleven year old boy who does not need sorting out. When my daughter was going through the usual teenage problems,she is now eighteen so we did both live through it, I once smacked her to have her come back at me with the social service thing, this caused me to pick the phone up and say "be my guest".Strangely enough, because both my children know they are both deeply loved and cared for they have never gone as far as some children do and called in the social services and you are right, the power has been put in the hands of the people who don't have the sense to use it.
@angel_rain (271)
• Philippines
21 Apr 09
I do smack my kids but if they really deserve it.I think it will make them a very good citizen coz I was also raised like you and I can say that my father really made a good person out of me.It is not bad to smack kids coz they will really see the wrong things they have done.
@crawford29c (2)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I spank my kids on the bottom with a wooden spoon. This was how I was disciplined as a child and I turned out ok. I will never smack one of my kids in the face or anywhere else on their body. I refuse to use my hand when spanking I always go to the spoon. I don't want them to ever relate my hand to pain.
@chookie1971 (2271)
• Australia
21 Apr 09
It is something that always have scared me. I have smacked my children but I had rules for myself when I did.
I do believe that there is a fine line between discipline and child abuse.
I prefer to smack just once. Always on the bottom or thighs. some times on the back of the hand but that was rare for me. Never ever out of anger.
There was one time, I got so angry at my youngest. If I had smacked her, it would have been repetative and with anger. Instead what I did, I sent myself off to my room to cool down.
I avoid smacking in public.
I remember what I did to them a few weeks ago. Daughter was touching everything in a shop. The older one kept telling the younger one to shut up. Every few seconds all I heard was shut up. I kept telling them to stop what they were doing but they kept going and going. I told them if they don't stop, I will put everything back. The kids both said I don't care. So I did. I put everything back. After I put everything back, I gave them a lecture and I didn't keep it descrete either. I let the whole shop know what I was saying to my children. I was there like that for at least 15 minutes. telling them in a raised voice that I didn't raise my kids to misbehave when going out shopping. I had people looking and commenting. I didn't hear what the other people were saying but there was some comments. The kids both appologised. I asked them if we could try it again but without the touching anything and without saying shut up. It was the quietest I had heard my kids in along time. They were complete angels. Next time they do it, I will put everything back and walk out of the shop empty handed and my kids would get nothing.
Yesterday I had smacked my girl while at home. She wouldn't do as she was told. So I decided to send her to her room. She wouldn't move so I warned her that she would get a smack if she didn't go to her room by the time I finished the count down. I ended up smacking her on her thigh. Then warned her again cooly and calmly. countdown, smack. After the second one, she said don't smack me I will go to my room. Up she got and straight to her room. She doesn't like going to her room because she likes to be around me or her father all the time.
Really, I think a smack is ok as long as there is no anger behind the smack and that there is a warning to the child. The child can choose the smack or the other option. Most of the time, my children had chosen the other option. But some times they had tried to push the issue and they ended up getting a smack.
Now my oldest one is a teenager. He no longer gets smacked. The younger one still get the smack but it is now getting rare. She now only gets smacked once even month or 2. Some times it goes as long as 3 months which is good. Better for her and I because I hate smacking.

@prinzcy (32303)
• Malaysia
21 Apr 09
Children deserve to be smack if they misbehaved but we as parents should know the limit and how to do it. Do it to teach, not to make them badly injured and sick. My parents beat me if I am misbehaved, I live to be a better human.
Some might say, use tolerant, talk more. The problem is, does it work? I teach secondary school children. I did talk. They listen to nothing that I said and continue their pranks. Should I continue to do the talking?
I prefer the old way better.