OH MY GOD!!! Someone Just Tried To Sell Pot To My Husband And....

April 20, 2009 10:18pm CST
...we live right behind the FREAKING POLICE STATION!!!!! "Hay man...safest place in town to buy pot...right behind the police station, man." LOL Hubby just went outside to have a cigarette (a TOBACCO cigarette, don't worry), and someone tried to sell him pot. LOL Too funny. I once prevented my neighbour's murder, during a drug bust in this apartment building. Good to know the freaking dealers are still at it. LOL I wonder if this guy knew my old neighbour? LOL Anyone else ever been approached by a drug dealer?
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13 responses
@carmella (496)
• United States
23 Apr 09
Now that is just too funny!!! Might have been an undercover narccotics officer though. They can be very sneaky, and I have seen a number of them that look like a hood! That is just too funny though.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
21 Apr 09
I was in the pharmacy just yesterday. Does that count? LOL. Maybe the dealer was a cop trying to boost his income? Or catch would be users!!
@zeloguy (4911)
• United States
23 Apr 09
I was in Jamaica when walking down the road a 'baggie' was put into my hand when I was walking down the street with my wife. (yes it's illegal there too). When I went to throw it away the guy went crazy. Heh, when we got to the end of the street there was a cop sitting right there. Thanks Zelo
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
22 Apr 09
Not directly.......but some people have asked if I do it....NOT!
• India
21 Apr 09
well hey i dont smoke and i m against smoking very much so i say u should have got h busted for that and about ur hubby tell him to quit its not a very good thing to do.
• United States
23 Mar 10
ive bought weed in a police station haha long story but anyway. im allways asked by passerbys if i need any weed i also get asked by people who are new in town to help them buy weed in fact just the other day this guy named rey came up to me he had just moved here from hawaii and aparently i was able to get him the fattest sack and the best weed hes ever bought haha i love california :]]]
@carpenter5 (6782)
• United States
21 Apr 09
A couple of years ago, my daughter and her friend Tim were stopped at a convenience store when they were approached by a man in his early 20's. He offered them $20 each to go into the pharmacy up the road and purchase a box of cold medicine for him. They refused, and he just kept begging. They kept trying to get away, and every step they took, he took as well. Finally, an off duty deputy happened to notice the exchange, and was able to chase the man away. Tim was worried for days afterwards that he had gotten his license number and would stalk them, but he didn't.
• United States
21 Apr 09
i've never seen any street corner dealers around here.i guess it's too cold to be outside even for them but as far as stupid-they've caught people smoking blunts on the steps of the 7-11 right across from the police station.i saw that in the paper and laughed.it's like how dumb can you be doing that where they get their coffee.go home and smoke your blunt,idiot.
@Mirita (2668)
• United States
21 Apr 09
Never, maybe I don't look like the kind of person who would enjoy smoking pot. LOL
@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
21 Apr 09
When I was in Tunisia, it happened to me 3 times. The weirdest one was in a some normal looking market where I wanted to buy soda and the guy pulled weed under the counter and tried to sell it to me lol
• United States
21 Apr 09
Not since I went to a rock concert a few years ago.
• United States
21 Apr 09
you should it wasnt a cop posing as a dealer?? nope i have never been approached lol.. and i live in the ghetto
@Vladilyich1 (1454)
• Canada
21 Apr 09
One of the neighbors on the other side of the building overlooks the parking lot of a fast food restaurant. He told me that there is at least 12 hours a day that deals are going down right outside his window. I could throw a rock from the back door and bounce it off of the police station. It's amazing what and where these deals are happening.