mylot morons!!!

United States
April 21, 2009 6:10am CST
i started a simple discussion yesterday on why men don't wear cologne yesterday. i got the tackiest response from a guy that i thought was very rude & very unnessary. y'll check him out on my discussion.i don't mind mind hearing all the pros & cons that people feel over a discusion. that is what a discussion is. he personally attacked me. i know there are alot of loonies out there but i think he would be #1 on the loonie list. please read my discussion & let me know what u think. i think i had denied him on a freiend request. guess that was his retaliation.we don't have to accept anyone as a friend if we don't want to, right???
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27 responses
@Humbug25 (12540)
21 Apr 09
Hi ANTIQUELADY I am sorry that I didn't respond to your discussion yesterday, I am busy catching up on things and not really active in mylot right now. I still have my notifications switched on and just had to see who would dare insult my friend. How darn rude. I think that if you don't have anything of substance to add to the actually discussion then don't bother adding your comment. You most certainly weren't asking him what he thought about what you thought about men smelling nice. All I can say is that it is no wonder at all that he has a star rating of 1, if I had the choice he would have a minus!! Just you see if he responds badly to any of my discussions, he will sure wish he hadn't!!!! There really is no need to be so nasty on a personal level! Ok, rant over!!
4 people like this
• United States
21 Apr 09
thank you so much for responding. i was dumbfounded at his response. sure hope i never run into him again. he brought out the ugly in me. there are so many nice people on mylot that i enjoy surt hate he found me. lol.when i sold on ebay my son said i always attracted all the loonies, lol. guess they have followed me to mylot. good to hear from u. hope u get caught up soon so u can get back to mylot. have a happy week.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
21 Apr 09
Well I also felt it was important to support you. You most certainly didn't deserve to be commented on like that. Someone once called me an idiot which I took offense at when I first started. I think if that happened now I would probably report them for being abusive towards me for no reason. It wasn't actually as if you were having a go at men for not smelling nice. Just to say also that I too miss the smell of a man passing me in the street. Having said that I was in a bank the other day and the man's cologne was so overpowering it made me feel a bit queezy!! Men can't win can they!!
3 people like this
• United States
21 Apr 09
thanks humbug, i certainly appreciate your support. i think sometimes can't any of uss win. lol
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
21 Apr 09
I have read it and inserted my comments there. I too don't like the way he attacked you personally. He is rude and does not know how to express himself politely. I don't understand why he act in such a manner especially in a social site like this. He should know that disagreeing with the subject should not give him the right to attack the poster with his deadly tongue.
• United States
21 Apr 09
thanks for your support , zandi. i am pretty tough-shinned but i thought he was wayout of line.
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
22 Apr 09
What was wrong in that? It is diplomacy and everyone has their way of saying things, this guy had 1 star rating beside his name and I coudl see him in my discussions also. What you can do is report him but at the same time if you read that response in a different way then he had a point in his post. All he needed that used some cool words to get your attention. A post with disagreement is what requires for a discussion to become hot and be a part of mylot digest!
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Apr 09
thanks. don't believe he'll make too many friends w/his attitude. have a happy day.
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Apr 09
i didn't have to report him. one of my friends did it w/out me knowing. that's the eay good mylot friends are. they take up for u w/out u even asking them to.
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
22 Apr 09
Even I hve seen him in my discussion and I must say that he is a complete arrogant person. I do'nt know if he is the same in his real life too but if he is then God save their family members!
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@carrine (2743)
• Philippines
22 Apr 09
well if he responses that way., let it be, thats his opinion, and dont think it personally. anyways its just a discussions. and there are really people who are like that, and we can please anybody here. if he responses that way then dont say anything back on what he commented,
• United States
22 Apr 09
thanks for your response, carrine. i appreciate what u said but have never been too good at not fighting back when attacked. lol. have a good one.
• United States
25 Apr 09
he'll probably need it. lol
@carrine (2743)
• Philippines
23 Apr 09
LOL.. good luck to him then. hahahahaa
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@suzzy3 (8341)
26 Apr 09
I answered your discussion yesterday and did not find anything to upset anyone,I did notice one discussion who thought he had found the reason for autism my friends son is autistic not funny.The other one is someone getting abit carried away with his love life,the one that attacked you must have been taken off,pm me his name and I will make sure he is not one of my friends,we only accept who we want Antique we must not be bullied.Take care love suzzy.xx
• United States
26 Apr 09
i read too fast, suzzy, it's your friend's son. it still was a very uncalled thing to say. i thought he was being a smart a$$ when he said it. don't worry about me girlfriend, lol, i never did like a bully. we good folks have got to stick together. have a good week, suzzy
• United States
1 May 09
i have a friend whose grandson is autistic. they have really had a time w/him. i feel so sorry for them. we don't know how blessed we are.they wouldn't let him get the help he needed when he was small. they wanted to keep him at home & look after him & they just weren't qualified to give him what he needed. he got plenty of love but he didn't get the training he needed. last time i talked w/her they were really having a time w/him. i use to cut his hair & we had a tome. lol.
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@suzzy3 (8341)
27 Apr 09
Realised you made a mistake don't worry about it.Makes you so grateful our kids are not faced with this terrible suzzy.xx
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@substance (585)
• India
21 Apr 09
hey!! dear. i had the same situation once when i started a discussions and i did check the person out and even gave him a big long comments which serves him right. And i guess he learned his lessons too. i was thoroughly pissed off and i can relate with you on this level. I wish there is some way where we can contact the admin and requested them to delete some unwanted posts too. There are loonies every corner so don't worry, i guess we all have come across one. i will check out your discussions and maybe act my comment too. And of course we have the options of either rejecting or accepting a friend request, and it does serves him right.
• United States
21 Apr 09
sorry u went through the same thing. there are so many nice people on here u really hate to find one like that. thanks for your response & support. have a happy day.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
22 Apr 09
Hi Antique, I just went and read that discussion and I read it twice....I did not see the rude response you are talking about. did it get removed?
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Apr 09
hi sid, thanks for your response. yes, it did get removed. he was reported by a friend of mine. hope u have a happy day.
• United States
22 Apr 09
they sure did, alex. i appreviate oreo cookie repoted him. that's a good mylot friend that will do that for you . i had no idea shew was going to so that made it mean even more to me. happy wed.
• Philippines
22 Apr 09
I just went over the discussion again and yup, it's not there anymore! Mylot admin acted fast!
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@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
3 Jun 09
Hi there Antique Lady. I haven't got to the other discussion, but i will search it after this one, as i feel i can answer it. I think that was a deliberate retaliation because you didn't accept him on your friends list, but this only goes to prove that you did well rejecting him on the first place. Yes i do believe that we have the right to chose who our friends are, and that's why they don't get automatically accepted. Take care !
1 person likes this
• United States
4 Jun 09
THANKS DEAR, I appreciate your response. If u are looking for the moron's discussion it was deleted.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
23 Apr 09
Ohhh! So that is the reason! You denied him so he retaliated by responding rudely in your discussion. I was unable to catch that discussion of yours. I really am so busy these days and could not even participate actively in discussions here. Anyway, I think you made the right step when you denied his request. He proved himself not worthy to be friend by retaliating that way. And yes, you have the right to accept only those you want. That is your prerogative and mylot has actually given us the choice to accept or to reject. Just don't mind him. He does not deserve your attention!
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Apr 09
thanks for your response ,salonga. oreo cookie reported him & they took his response off but it was very ugly & unnessary to start with. that's not mylot is about to me, you have a good one.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Apr 09
I haven't read it yet but we all have to deny some people as we cannot keep up in their posts. Also, I have had to deny people because it has turned out that we have nothing in common. some people put hundreds and hundreds on their friends' list in an effort to increase the number of responses to their posts. I'm sorry that the person was rude - you don't deserve rudeness. Many blessings
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Apr 09
thanks to both of you. it sure is great to have friends like y'all. hope i can do y'all a favor one of these days.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Apr 09
I read it a while ago and did something about it.
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@agrim94 (3805)
• India
26 Apr 09
hi Antiquelady, U may or may not agree with me is your wish but if you dont agree with me, it doesn't give me any license to be fighting with you or call you names or even be rude. We live in democracies and everyone has right to have different opinion. Again if he felt bad on your discussion , he either could have told you his concerns politely or ignored the discussion. Being rude with a lady is certainly NONO in capital letters, and about friends request i always send friends request to everyone who are not on my friends list and who have replied to any of my discussion, but if they dont accept, it is up to them. Not everyone wants to accepts requests from anyone so i dont mind, because if i did then i would be minding all the time as most of requests gets rejected. Anyways there are always persons who would purposely be rude to make others feel bad, they get sadistic pleasures out of this. best way i feel is to ignore them.
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Apr 09
thanks for your well said response. it is a personal thing who we except or not. he was way out of line & i'm glad he got in trouble for bring so ugly. hope your weekend is going well.
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
21 Apr 09
Hi ANTIQUELADY. That is the beauty of myLot you can choose your friends and you don't have to accept a friendship that you do not want. Unfortunately there will always be people like this and he was well out of order with what he said. Don't worry about it to much as there are many other people on here that love you
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Apr 09
how sweet u are to say that. people like you make my day. thanks so much for the kind words.
• United States
22 Apr 09
great, it was kind of you.
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
22 Apr 09
No problem
1 person likes this
• Philippines
21 Apr 09
Hi antiquelady! After having read your topic here i went over to the one which is the subject of this discussion and yeah, the guy could have stated his personal opinion without his negative traits being so evident! If he can do that to a senior myLot member (and a woman at that!) almost triple his age how much more to other newbies like me? I just wonder, does myLot admin do something to discipline people like him? Me and my husband had a great time reading the discussion but that particular response just took the laughter away...sad, sad, sad that there are young people who seem to forget the meaning of the word respect.
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Apr 09
thanks dear for your support. his answer just floored me. it was personal againist me i think. i don't think it will do him any good to be that tacky to people & u have to think he must be. thanks for responding.
• United States
22 Apr 09
u are very welcome. thought u deserved the br. you tell that husband of yours hello & i appreciate him thinking of me. have a happy wed.
• Philippines
22 Apr 09
Oh...thank you antiquelady for the "best response" mark you've given me! My husband says HI!
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@foisgras (205)
• Sweden
21 Apr 09
Sorry about that ANTIQUELADY. It is not very easy for some persons to be polite at times. Some can do it in a gentle and elegant way but some are unable to handle situations. One usually screams on a discussion because of fear and luck of knowledge. This should not affect MyLot members if they encounter him. This should be a friendly and intellectual exchange of ideas not a war zone. There are already so many wars going on around the world. Let's just not encourage this person to intrude us having such a good time with the discussions. I am actually enjoying this website now. Cheer up! He is not worth your anger.
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Apr 09
what a sweet kind response. thank you. u are right, he's not worth it. glad u are enjoying mylot, i do to. you have a happy night.
• United States
22 Apr 09
thank you.
@foisgras (205)
• Sweden
22 Apr 09
Thank you for your response. Have a good evening to you too.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
23 Apr 09
I responded in that discussion, but it must have been before the loonie attacked. I will go back and check it out. No, you do not have to accept anyone that you do not want to as friend.
• United States
23 Apr 09
hi gerty, oreo cookie reported him & they took his response off. hope they kicked his butte off to.thanks for responding. have a good one.
• Philippines
22 Apr 09
hi Antiquelady, i didn't respond on your discussion about the cologne thingy but i did spent some time to read all the response and tried to look for the rude responder and at last i did.. as for me, yes! this responder had been very rude and tackles with her response..her words are not an appropriate words to deliver on the first place, if she didn't have anything good to say she must have kept her mouth shut and left the topic alone or might as well just sticked with the discussion itself.. still lots of stinky rats spreading virus here i see..hate these people..why don't they just leave mylot and the members alone...
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Apr 09
hi angel, thanks for your responce. i appreciate u taking the time to read everything. he or she whatever it is was very rude & his responce was very uncalled for i thought. oreo cookie reported him which i really appreciated & his response has been removed. hope they kicked his tail off mylot we sure don't need him on here. i enjoy mylot so much but someone like that can put a damper on your day. you have a happy day & again , thanks.
• Philippines
22 Apr 09
I went over to that discussion you are referring to and I have read all the responses. . . . It was really a nonsense response. Correct English grammar does not matter here for as long as the message is conveyed accordingly. . . I have been twice victimized by rude responses and have been attacked personally. Not only that, I was even given a negative rating just for emphatizing her.
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Apr 09
thanks for responding , doris. i'm sorry u have run into folks like that. most everybody is so nice on here sort of takes u by surprise when u get a jerk. guess we just have to consider the source. hope it doesn't happen to u again. have a great day.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
22 Apr 09
so right i just erased a friend from my list that got very rude to me in one of my discussions. there are TONS of discussions on mylot for people to answer that they might like. theres no call to deliberately attack someone. he just needed to shut up and go on to something that suits him more. some people just get off being rude to others. so sorry my friend.
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Apr 09
thanks for your response bon. there was no sense in his response . if i had felt that way i would have just gone on to another discussion like u said. oreo cookie reported him which i sure did appreciate her doing that. hope u are having a good day. thanks again.
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
22 Apr 09
I read the discussion and even responded .I didnt find anything wrong with the discussion and I agree with you.Today not all the colognes smell good and this is simply a result of the level of mass production that goes into this and everything else these days .Dont think too much about this guy he shouldnt have taken it so personal you were merely giving an opinion and thats an opinion shared by many perosn including men ..great discussion and have a good day
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Apr 09
thanks ronnyb, he was just a jerk but he got jerked for his hatefulness, yea!!!!!
@anniefannie (1737)
• United States
22 Apr 09
There are a lot of rude people out there and I have had my share.We should all try to put our negetive answers in a better form.Later Antiquelady
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• United States
22 Apr 09
thanks for your response, ma'am. rude doesn't suit me well either.