Be Gone Flies!!
By CatsandDogs
@CatsandDogs (13963)
United States
April 21, 2009 10:52am CST
I know that hubby and I have killed at least 40 flies in our house in the last two days and yet one landed on my nose this morning and woke me up! ARG!! Ok, I'm on a warpath with them sob's!! I have my fly swatter with me at all times so come on flies, land by me and I promise to getcha!! Oh those nasty little creatures! They land on anything and everything and then land on my face? Oh hell no!! YUCK!! Are you being bombarded with flies like we are? What do you do about it? I'm going to get some more of the sticky strips to hang because I can't stand flies because they're so gross, besides the fact that they carry and spread so many diseases!! UGH!! So I say
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10 responses
@gemini_rose (16264)
21 Apr 09
As of yet I can say that we have not been pestered by flies, no doubt that will come as the weather warms up. I can say though that I have noticed my garden seems to be full of HUGE bees, and they seem to be everywhere this year. Last year I hardly saw any so it is nice to see the big bumble bees ambling about although they are really loud! I did also see a very big wasp, he was not nice at all and he was twice the size of wasps about last year but hopefully there will not be too many more of them about.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Apr 09
I don't mind the bees either as long as they stay outside and leave me alone when I'm out there with them but wasps are known to sting for no reason so we do try to get them before they get us. They build their nests on our porch or overhang out back but we get them with the bee killer spray. Besides, having so many animals, I have to be careful that they don't get stung either. So far we've gotten ahead of the flies however, there is still a few in the house but we'll get them too eventually.
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@bournecaindelta (2477)
• India
24 Apr 09
Lucky not to have those problems here, but one or two sneak in at night as I have three huge trees right next to my window. I get only two or three at a time so I don't bother killing them unless they decide to land on my computer screen.

@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
24 Apr 09
I had to laugh at your response, unless they decide to land on my computer screen. lol I have one in the office that I can't seem to get but the little devil keeps landing on my arm or fly in front of my face which is so irritating but I will get it sooner or later. It's luck has to run out sometime! lol
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
22 Apr 09
LOL...I had this same exact problem last year and rushed out and got those sticky fly paper traps...didn't help....think those darn buggers knew what they were for and stayed away from them. All I can say, is that the way I got rid of them and yes I was swamped with them too, was by becoming an expert with a rolled up newspaper as a
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@grid_runner22 (92)
• Philippines
22 Apr 09
I don't think flies will get to your house if its clean. But anyway you could try spraying some insecticides.. It might work.. Do you have left over foods everywhere in your house? or maybe some trash that is not disposed properly? I guess those can attract flies
-thanks by "batman"
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Apr 09
Be careful in how you phrase that or someone will take big offense over that comment. I won't though but to let you know, I'm a VERY clean person. I clean my house every two weeks and vacuum and spot clean every week however, there are things that need doing every day in which we do as well. My house is VERY clean. In fact, my sister in law brags about how clean my house always is and how we have 9 cats and 4 dogs but one couldn't tell because I keep it so clean. It's just that the flies are coming in from outside but I'll get them little buggers one way or another. I'm declaring war on the icky things! lol

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@FreshWriting (84)
• United States
22 Apr 09
Hello cats and Dogs,
Now that was annoying- my 650 response of ingenuity just mysteriously disappeared. Oh well- I'll do my best to recreate it.
Have you heard of Orkin?
Orkin is probably one of the best and most friendly extermination companies you'll ever find. They price their stuff fairly well too, so their service isn't unreasonable. My recommendation is to immediately look them up, give them a call, and schedule and "appointment" for them to look over your house. They won't do anything (e.g., start applying bug killer pesticide) without your express permission.
In the meantime, my other recommendations are to take out the trash frequently, spray your trash cans with Lysol, Oust, or similar, clean your house, and turn off the lights when you're not using them.
Trash = fly attraction. Ever seen a landfill being filled before? Nasty- always has flies. I'm sure you already knew trash is a fly attraction, but emphasis is sometimes necessary as not many people come to think about it.
Clean your house = fly infestation. Probably the main reason you're dealing with such a massive fly problem is that the fly problem is in your house. Literally- flies are most likely just reproducing in your carpet or furniture without your notice. This is not to creep you out, but to inform you of the situation. You can murder as many of the buggers as you wish, but for ever 1 you murder, 10 more will be born. Flies are mass-reproducing machines, similar to salmon.
Also, cleaning your house reduces the appeal to flies. No more are there those microscopic pieces of food and pet dander to feast on, or human dandruff. No more is there that comfy grit-filled carpet to nuzzle in and comfortably reproduce in.
I too have had to deal with fly issues; trust me, I know what you're going through. Send me a message if you have any other troubles!
-Fresh Writing
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Apr 09
Yes I have heard of Orkin for I had a contract with them when I lived in Texas and in Arkansas however I don't have one here in North Carolina. I really don't need to go through the expense of an exterminator though because I'll get a handle on them eventually. About trash, the trash can, and my house, I clean my house every day of my life. I do a thorough cleaning every two weeks and a spot clean every week but there are other jobs that are done every single day. My sister in law brags about how clean my house is all the time and to anyone who'll listen. I have 4 dogs and 9 cats but one would never know it because I keep it so clean. My vacuum cleaner is an electrolux, one of the best you can buy so I know pet dander, bed bugs and what ever else is being sucked up into the vacuum so it's definitely not that. I do appreciate your trying to help me and all and didn't take offense to your suggestions. I'll get a handle on these pesky and nasty creatures eventually. I just didn't expect so many this early in the spring but I guess rain had a lot to contribute to it for we've had a lot of that lately. In fact, instead of being below normal, we're now above normal. Thanks again!!
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@FreshWriting (84)
• United States
24 Apr 09
holy wow! I can't think of anything else to say...
Now that you say it, where you're located and the time of year isn't unusual. Every winter (I just thought of this), we here in Washington State get WAVES of pesky little dragonfly-ish flies the size of a dime. They all come out during the night off of our lake, and come in SWARMING amounts into our garage the minute we open it. THOUSANDS (and I really do mean thousands) come pouring into our garage...
It may be more of a seasonal thing. I'm so sorry you have to deal with them! :(
You could check with your neighbors (though I'm sure you've already done this as well) to see if they're getting the same thing, as they most likely are.
Huh! Wacky, annoying, and seasonal...a bad combination.
See you around!
-Fresh Writing
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@chatty101 (28)
• Ireland
22 Apr 09
Flies can live and lay eggs in your carpets and other places, you might have a look in all the little corners in the kitchen and everywhere for little collections of black dots ... if you have a fly infestation then you aught to call a professional, other then that id get one of those electric fly killers ... you know the ones which zap them. And stick fly paper stickers on all the windows.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Apr 09
Oh trust me, I vacuum at least once a week if not more and I have a very expensive but good vacuum cleaner so that's not the problem. Some how they get inside, maybe with us going in and out when we do. I'll get them little buggers one way or another.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
22 Apr 09
I hate flies, fleas and cockroaches, I don't see any need to have them disusting insects around. I know other critters eat them, but them other critters can find another bug to eat. Good luck getting rid of them flies. I haven't been bothered yet with them nasty things.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Apr 09
LOL I'm sooooo with you on this one Polly! I'd like to add ticks and fire ants as well! LOL What are they good for? To torment us? Yeah, we've got enough tormenting us, why do we need their help? LMBO! We've gotten a little ahead of the flies thankfully but gosh, I didn't realize we had so many! I guess because we've been working so much outside lately with the cleaning up our woods and burning debri and wood that we haven't noticed it before now but dang it all when one woke me up this morning.... I was right upset and wanted to get them all!! They're nasty icky creatures that land on anything and everything and for one to land on my nose made me run to the bathroom to scrub my face! God only knows what disease it was carrying.... yikes!
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
21 Apr 09
They haven't started bothering us here yet. I do hate them though. They are so annoying. Good luck at trying to get rid of them.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
21 Apr 09
Ahhhhh we've got them all, that's why!! lol We must be the "pit stop" for flies before traveling onward. lol They're driving us nuts! They're everywhere! You'd think we had our doors and windows opened all day long and that's so far from the case but yet, there here tormenting the hell out of us which is what they do best. UGH!
How is your son doing? How are you doing?
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
21 Apr 09
My son is doing pretty good. He is on 2 antibiotics that we give through IV. They are monitoring him closely for infection. It is really scary. As for me, I am ok. I finally was able to get a good night sleep over the weekend. This schedule is making it so that I get 4 hours of sleep a night. I will be ok, as long as he is getting better. Thanks for asking. He laid down for a quick nap, so I am trying to catch up.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
21 Apr 09
Wow and dang. I was so hoping it would all go smoothly but apparently it's not going to. I wish we lived nearby for I'd be more than happy to help out so that you could catch up on some needed sleep and what ever else you need to catch up on. You're a wonderful and loving mother and your son is really lucky to have you!!
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@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
21 Apr 09
Hi CatsandDogs, here where I am in Canada we don't have any flies yet. They usually don't come out until summer as they seem to love the heat! Good luck with your fly swatter!

@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
22 Apr 09
True enough, they aren't good for much other then being a pest! I can't stand them! Hopefully you kill them all and then I won't have any flies this year :) That would be awesome :)
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
22 Apr 09
I'm working on it sweets! I'm so working on it! lol Another mylotter told me to spray white vinegar around the doors and windows and it'll repel flies from coming in. I did that this morning so hopefully it'll work!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
21 Apr 09
Maybe I can kill them all before they reach you?! LOL I'm going to do my best to do just that!! lol I hope you don't get many of them if any at all PurpleTeddyBear. They are so gross and what the heck are they good for? lol
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@mummymo (23706)
26 Apr 09
I detest flies too honey and haven't got a swatter - I shall have to look for one of those! We have only had 2 so far this year but I know that the fly spray is not very good environmentally etc but it is about the only thing that works when the flies are rife! xxx
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
27 Apr 09
We had two fly swatters here but when we needed one, it might as well have been none here because we couldn't find it until it was too late. Hubby went to the store and bought a bunch of them and now we have one in every room in the house. Come on flies! We're ready to do battle!! lol
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