Going Down!

@messageme (2821)
United States
April 21, 2009 2:09pm CST
has anyone noticed mylot earnings are going down. You don't earn as much as you use to be able to. I did a lot of work on here last night and they were pretty good size replies and quality towards the discussion it pretained to, but yet I only got paid 8 cents! I have never really been here for the money, but knowing I only got 8 cents is very discouraging. when I first started mylot I would have gotten a lot more for the work that I did last night. Did they lower it when they started the task thing? Do you feel you have to work extra hard to earn what you use too?
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19 responses
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
22 Apr 09
I have actually been earning more this month than I did last month. In fact I made payout several days ago. There were a few months there where I was not making as much money as I had been in the past, but this month has seem to turn back around.
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@lilybug (21107)
• United States
22 Apr 09
I have not done any of the tasks. I reply to discussions and I comment on the blogs.
@messageme (2821)
• United States
22 Apr 09
just by replying to discussions or have you done tasks too?
@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
22 Apr 09
Yes I have noticed it! And I've also noticed some of my replies have been taken away too and I don't know why? I don't just answer a post with a few words, my replies are good quality and I never say bad or hurtful things nor do I mock people or make snide comments, so why are they deleting some of my replies? Do you want to hear something rotten? Well last night my total was $9.96 and I was just ready to cash out, so I deliberatly replied to 8 posts making my total $10.04 so I knew today I would be able to cash out, well guess what? I just got here and my total was ( $9.99 )!!! Now isn't that a crock of sh*t! And some of my replies were missing also! Something is going on with mylot and I don't like it one bit! Right now I replied to 6 more posts and I better be able to cash out tomorrow! I would contact them but being so close to cashing out, I don't want to risk it, know what I mean!
• Canada
22 Apr 09
I see your point. However just to clarify that you cannot cash out now, not until the end of the month when it is done automatically if you reach the threshold you have chosen. The default is set at 10$ unless you change it. Judging by the number of posts you have I assume you know that as you have probably chased out before.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
22 Apr 09
That is strange your responses are missing I have never seen that before. Something sure is going on. Thanks for the reply!
• United States
22 Apr 09
to be honest i have not noticed. i'm on here for the fun. don't believe any of us are going to get rich doing something like this. i just enjoy it & if i make money i'll be happy.
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• United States
22 Apr 09
sorry to disallusion u,lol. i'm recovering o.k. oreo cookie reported him & his reponse has been taken off. we'll learn it, darn him.lol. thanks for everything. have a happy day.
@messageme (2821)
• United States
22 Apr 09
What we are not going to get rich!!! Someone should have told me that! How you recovering from your moron? Good I hope! I too am here just for fun. I just noticed this today and was curious if anyone else had noticed. Thanks for the reply!
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• Philippines
21 Apr 09
Cute baby! Anyway back to the topic, sorry to hear that you're frustrated to see $0.08 on participating on discussions here. I haven't got any problem yet since i am just new (not that new) but i started second week of February this year and i haven't got any problems with regards to lesser pay. What i had before was deleted discussions that made me lose those cents and one friend advised me not to participate on a discussion that violates Mylot rules. So from then on, i was so careful and aware so that every thing i typed, everything i shared here will not be put to waste. Anyway if you can grab the chance to participate on Tasks, you can try it and it will increase your earnings here even if i know that you are not focus on earning but it will be fun.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
22 Apr 09
Thanks for your response. I didn't really care for the tasks I didn't find them to be much fun. I like taking part in discussions more. Like seeing what people have to say about things or things people are interested in. I also like learning new things from other people. The tasks are more a solo, lonely job I have done a couple just to jump my earnings to make payout, but that is about it. Keep up the good work!
@messageme (2821)
• United States
22 Apr 09
oh and thanks about the baby, he is a doll isn't he. Now he is getting to the age he is in everything and he thinks his cuteness saves him from getting in trouble~!
• Philippines
22 Apr 09
..could be the RECESSION going on?
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
22 Apr 09
Could be....
• Malta
21 Apr 09
I cannot compare with what my lot was before because I have been here just over a week, so I don't have so much experience. I can comment however on yesterday's earnings and I also have noticed a drastic change from the previous days. I have to admit that I didn't post a lot, but I only earned 5c.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
22 Apr 09
Maybe it was just a bad day for mylot all together and they didn't feel like paying anyone Hope it gets better for you!
• Malta
22 Apr 09
Yes, or maybe it was a bad day for me! When I checked back again I noticed that they deducted another two cents so from 8c it went down to 6c. In any case, today I earned more, 24c!
• India
22 Apr 09
I think there is no need to worry much about it.I also faced the same problem.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
22 Apr 09
I just don't see why they keep lowering the earnings. It like you get paid for so many and then that is it. almost makes it impossible for those that try to make payout. I don't ever try because I am not worried about it. I just think it is going down and was wondering if anyone else has noticed the same. Thanks for the response!
@AmbiePam (91166)
• United States
21 Apr 09
Depending on what time you were doing your posting, the earnings might not have had time to show up. Perhaps the earnings will be reflected the next time they are updated.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
22 Apr 09
That could be right, it was later in the evening, but I do think it was before midnight. Thanks!
@silverglint (2000)
• Philippines
22 Apr 09
I don't really take much notice on the amount of work I do in mylot, I just keep on responding and making discussions whenever I can. I am not even sure of the cut-off time. Ifever they did lower the rates, I think it is only fair that they inform us about it. Not that is was ever really clear how we earn from mylot. But its ok with me as long as I get to earn and I get what I have worked for.
@messageme (2821)
• United States
22 Apr 09
I don't think it will ever be clear either. Could be for the best though. That way we don't have people cheated and ruining the site. thanks for the response!
@raydene (9871)
• United States
21 Apr 09
Hello Doll I really don't pay attention to what I earn anymore. I am mostly here for the friendship and to learn about new things so the money is gravy. # years ago when I started I was making 2 to 3 $ a day. But I was very active then and now I am here and then not. If you are looking for ways to make a buck check out www.myenvirosafe.com . You will get lots of ideas there. xoxoxooxxo
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
22 Apr 09
Thanks, but I'm not really interested in making money online, I think most of it is time consuming for very little pay. I do mylot because I love it here, even though I haven't been that active lately. Even when you started making 2-3 a day is extremely good! WHen I first started and was extremely active I still couldn't achieve that. So Maybe every so often earnings go down. I don't know.... thanks for the response raydene!
@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I don't know if they lowered the earnings or not, but I've noticed it some too, I think I've logged in just about everyday this month so far, give or take 1 or 2 days, and its now almost the end of the month, and I've just barely made it over a dollar so far..haha. I know I haven't been real active on here, but I have been responding to discussions everyday, so I don't know whats going on, if its just a coincidence or not.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
22 Apr 09
If you have been here almost everyday and you haven't made it over a dollar yet, then I would definetly say the earnings have gone down! I haven't even been that active (logging in everyday and doing discussions) I thought that could be the reason, but I guess not. Thanks for sharing!
• China
21 Apr 09
believe or not i think it's about economic crisis anyway dont be too attached with this for money
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• Philippines
22 Apr 09
That sad for you man. I haven't experience that though. Maybe mylot is slow. I don't know. The other day I only posted 10 posts, all in all, and I got $0.26 from it. So maybe mylot updates is slow for that day when you worked. Maybe the total earnings that you made that day will be carried over the next day. Who knows? I don't think that they lowered the rate when they started the tasks. Good luck man! I hope you'll receive the right compensation for your hard work. Have a nice day. Happy posting!!
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
22 Apr 09
Thank you!
• China
22 Apr 09
mylot provides us with a platform to learn english well and don't have been here for the money,To maintain a good attitude,if you respond to every serious posts,and a serious task to do a good job,you will get unexpected results,Please believe mylot.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
22 Apr 09
Thanks for the reply! We will see what happens
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
21 Apr 09
I have noticed it seems to take alot longer to make a little money then in the past but I don't know why...someone told me to use the smiley's also to make more money but it didn't have an effect on my earnings.....
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• India
22 Apr 09
yes i agree with u .i had only made 8 cents for a whole 4 hours work man this is crazy.
@Humbug25 (12540)
21 Apr 09
Hi ya messageme To be honest I haven't active enough lately to really notice. However I have been a bit busy on here today so we shall see what the results are tomorrow. Ask me again then LOL
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
22 Apr 09
I haven't been all that active lately either, but that is how I noticed. When I was on here all the time days ran into days and I never remembered what I responded too or how much I did. But now that I am not here as much I remember what I did and how much. So that is how I noticed how much lower the paying is. I still like it here though so I will keep going. Thanks for the response!
@dianmelydia (2269)
• Indonesia
21 Apr 09
Actually i don't know how much mylot pay for a post. I have been told by someone's discussion here that mylot pays more in multiply for more post. That's mean if we have 10 post, the payment for each post is different with if we have 20 post. But i don't that's just his opinion or really based on his research with mylot. Actually i have been here for 5 days so i need more time to learn many things regarding with mylot. Happy mylotting :)
@messageme (2821)
• United States
22 Apr 09
I have never heard that one and I have been here for a while. Who knows it could be true. Mylot keeps there earnings a secret. No one really knows how or for what they pay, but I still think it has gone down and it takes longer to earn what I would have been able to in the past. YOu have lots to learn and I wish you the best of luck, mylot can be pretty fun at times.
@wirnen (67)
• South Africa
21 Apr 09
Personaly to me mylot does not pay nearly as much as it should because I wark my as of every time and then I get paid like 14 cents or something. It really irritates me because my responses is good but still I just get that much.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
22 Apr 09
I know what you mean! There were days when I was more addicted to mylot that I would be here all day long and have (to me) some really good and lengthy responses but would only get paid a little for that. It's like you can only post so many and then they just stop paying....maybe I should reread the guidlines I haven't read them in some time..who knows maybe it changed. I sure know there earnings have!!