The DVD of Capicra is on sale today.

United States
April 21, 2009 5:47pm CST
Hi myloters, today is the first day of the sale of the BSG prequel Capicra. I have not seen it as of yet but I am considring getting the DVD. I have seen the trailer on scifi channel and the website aslo. I acculy downloaded the trailer on iTunes today. the movie is availe on iTunes as a doanload but I much rather get the DVD, downoladed movies from apple does not do well on my computer, I am not a mac user but windows user. From what I have seen the movie looks to be great. there is a review on Do any of you plan to get the DVD or internet download? Do you even plan to wathc the seris when it comes out? from what the review says, this will be differnt from the BSG series. Wired mag does give it good rating, what do you guys think?
2 responses
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
22 Apr 09
I wasn't thrilled with the orginal Battlestar, didn't like the new one, won't watch this either.
• United States
22 Apr 09
Hi and thanks for the respose, I enjoyed both seris. the oriagal was great when I was in my tweens. However as a mature adult I have imessely enjoyed the new verson.
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
22 Apr 09
I guess if you were a teen or tweeny, it might've worked, but I was in my mid-20's and was SICK of the "cute kid" and "cute animals" in shows.
@mmiller26 (1930)
• Canada
26 Apr 09
I caught an episode of BSG when I was cleaning house one day and was absolutely enthralled. The acting is some of the best I've ever seen on any show, sci-fi or not. And ever since then I've been watching old episodes and finally caught up with the last season. I wish the show hadn't ended!! But I'm interested in seeing Caprica and asked my husband to buy the DVD for me for my upcoming birthday. I'm sure it will be much different from the BSG series, but that's okay. And I'm looking forward to "The Plan" as well. I hate it when I really (finally) get into a series just as it's ending! I wish I'd been on board for BSG all along.
• United States
26 Apr 09
Hi mmiller26 and thanks for the respose. I now have the DVD of Caprica but I have not watched it yet. I am waiting for night off to enjoy it, jsut been a bit busy with work the past few days. I hav previewed some of it and it looks great. it you can get the DVD I do not think you wil be dissapoited, the DVD does have extras in it that look intersting as well, comentery for Ron More,makeing of vid blog, deleted seans and trilers. The Copmplete seris of BSG is supose to be out soon, it will inclulde blue-ray version as well. I loved the seires as well and watched it when it started as a minni seris back in 2003. yes there was some very good acting in it and I thik it was one to the best shows on sci-fi channel.