would you tell to your friends the bad part of your partner?
By cassandradab
@cassandradab (400)
South Korea
April 21, 2009 6:29pm CST
i have a friend who always telling us about the negative parts of her husband.from bed to daily life.also she keep comaparing her husband to his friends husband and every time they have an arguement with her partner she keep telling that her friends husband is very kind,have a good job, all the positive that she get from other she keep telling to her husband.is it a good idea to just listen the good point of others partner and she keep telling the bad point about her husband?for me i dont tell the bad point of my husband even to my closest friend, because for my husband is my life,i dont want my husband be ashame if he meet my friends, i want to be proud of my partner,how about you guys?would you tell to anybody that your husband is like that?
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26 responses
@foisgras (205)
• Sweden
22 Apr 09
I guess your friend has nothing else to talk about except her husband.
This is not a good idea to be talking about their private issues.
I also had a cousin who spoke always about the negative issues of her marriage.
I embraced her ones and asked her if she did not have the courage to discuss this
matter with her husband. Her tears just poured out. She admitted that she could not
discuss this together with her husband.
I suggested that they see together a family therapist for help.
Now they are talking both positive & negative issues in their relationship.
Sometimes you just have to break the ice to find out the real core of the problem.
If you are close friends ask her if this is the case.

@cassandradab (400)
• South Korea
27 Apr 09
i always told her,don't be angry to your husband instead help him to make a better husband the way you wanted him,but sometimes i can say thats the way she did,just like a habbit?one time my older brother was here, ans i really disagreed with her,talking to my brother about her husbands negative side,specially in bed,its really brutal to tell my brother her husband personal thing is big as a lipstick, isn't it insulting her husband?is hse dont feel ashame to talked with guiy about that dirty talk?
@cassandradab (400)
• South Korea
27 Apr 09
we are closed friends but i tried to give a distance from them, im not a choosey one but out of 10 friends i have her only 1 left that still close to me,i all care for them i dear for them, i help if they need because i know in our group i am only one maybe i can say stable,stable in financial and family, she is older than me for almost 6 years,instead she will teach me but same the plate turn downward. i really hate to teach her its because she is older than me but i can't just stand and watching her knowing that she is wrong.i treat her as my sister,but lately i dont met her often as before.its because i can't understand her mind,..
@foisgras (205)
• Sweden
25 Apr 09
I am sure your friend did not mean to tell the bad side of her husband.
But because of her anger and crying out for help, she did not think so much about the reputation of her husband was being destroyed.
We as friends, should also be able to understand her. We can either interrupt her and ask her to talk it what with her husband or sympathize with her and listen.
But this does not mean that we should spread her problems. It should just stay where it should be. Between you and her.
I guess the diplomacy goes with the age. Close friends are very important and this is why we are called "close friends." To be a friend when a friend is needed. This is when friendship is tested.
Are you a close friend of hers?

@denisedora (190)
• United States
22 Apr 09
she is just stupid. she should not een be married. its now kool that she talks about him like that. she must have issues about herself and she takes it out on her husband, it is stupid girls like that, that cause a bad time for a real woman like us to find goodmen. But i am lucky i found a good man and we ar engaged to be married next yr n April.
@cassandradab (400)
• South Korea
22 Apr 09
yes its is not a good idea to tell the bad side of your partner to your friends, hope you will have a better partner to share you life forever.wish you luck
@denisedora (190)
• United States
23 Apr 09
I agree with Yori, If you truly love your spouse clearly as she and I both do ( I love my fiance' not her Hubby, lol) Then there is not a reason to have to talk bad about your spouse. You should love them for who they are not for who you wish they would be. There should be a open line of communication to expess your felings good or bad with out the worry of offending the other, but be able to come to a common happy medium about the issue.
@ahmedafaque (161)
• India
22 Apr 09
it depends if she is my closest frnd then theres nothing wrong if she can help me out in solving that aur changing that one to good. but it depends on the things and the person with whom u want to share
have a nice day.
@cassandradab (400)
• South Korea
25 Apr 09
sometimes theres nothing wrong telling our problems to a friends. but choose the one who you know can give you the correct advice.maybe instead they can help you but they also they full you down.
@alexandra777 (643)
• Philippines
23 Apr 09
In most of my posts here i talked a lot about my husband. He is one man nobody will dare invent negative ideas upon. My husband is such a sweet and loving person and this traits reflect on his overall personality. I only have nice things to say about him and i would be lying now if i tell you otherwise.
I have an officemate who is just like your friend and i feel sad for women like them. All i could do is to ask her about some little things that her husband contributes at home and which she seemed to have forgotten. Gestures that displayed some positive qualities but just went unnoticed because she is preoccupied in always finding some faults. My friend is one proud strong willed woman but i hope to penetrate her soft spot and help her see once again her husband's good side.
Hi cass! ^_^
@cassandradab (400)
• South Korea
27 Apr 09
hi alex how have you been? hope you been doing great, anyway thanks for your answer,you got a nice answer,yes i think my friend and your office mate are similar attitude.also my friend didn't see the good side of her husband i think she just live like that,waiting when her husband make any mistake and point it out,but maybe she even dont know what is the bad side of her ownself, i think she is not only n irresponsible mom but also irresponsible wife.sometimes its hard to understand why people like them exist.
@jkatmaou (195)
• Philippines
25 Apr 09
well, i have several points i'd like to discuss. first, if you are my confidante, i would probably tell you some negative things about my husband only so that i'll be able to vent my feelings out. but then, i strongly feel that whatever happens in the bedroom should just be between us.
i have already participated in a discussion earlier where i openly admitted that my guy is a cheater, however, i can still proudly introduce him to anyone since that's not the only thing he's made of.
but never ever compare one person with another as we are all unique individuals. if she compares too much, then she must really be very unsatisfied with her life in general.
oh, but please dont get me wrong, it's not good to vent your feelings out on just about everybody who cres to listen, because sometimes, she might be telling everybosy about the negative things about her husband just so she can gaim sympathy from others.
@cassandradab (400)
• South Korea
27 Apr 09
sometimes we need friends to share with but be careful not to hit our partners ego,we are not 13 years old who talking to our friends about our crushes how we been kissed for the first time, this is we talking about our partners, which is part of our life.our sposes is not a dull you can talk to anybody specially men they have their ego that we need to be care of, specially it comes to bed,dont ever sahre that to your friends if you talking about dirty thinks dont put your husband down in fron of you friends,that really a bad and insult to our partner.
@viga01 (28)
• United States
22 Apr 09
Every now and then a critcism slips out, but I try to never tell anyone anything bad about my husband. I would absolutely hate it if he went around telling people all the bad things about me.
We try to present a united front to the world, and even if we are arguing about something, it's not for the rest of the world to know about.
If I were in a situation where a friend was constantly critical of her husband, I would have a hard time keeping myself from pointing it out to her. Especially if she was also constantly complimenting someone else's husband in the process. The two behaviors, combined, are extremely inappropriate.
@cassandradab (400)
• South Korea
27 Apr 09
yes our husband is unique,even some people hates our husband buit for us they are unique if you love your partner you can see their negative side you always looking for the good things they did for us,its beacue we sorrounded with love and affection.
@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
22 Apr 09
Maybe she needs to take a look at herself and realize there are possibly things her husband doesn't like about her either. Would she want him to spout those things off to his friends? If he did, how would she feel? I try to remember to treat others as I want to be treated. This is such a simple lesson and so easy to follow. However most people choose not to live by that rule anymore.
I wouldn't tell others about all of the negative things about my husband because I don't want them to have only that image of him in their minds.

@cassandradab (400)
• South Korea
23 Apr 09
yes if you want your husband will treat you as what you are expected .,treat him more than what he did,our husband is a gift from god so we have to accept every thing he has because we are just one body and soul.
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
22 Apr 09
Dear friend,
I do had at times told to my close friends who could give a better guidence how to make it better. I also do had told it while we both had counselling and this was purely for the better ment of our relationship. But it did not work it was mere vain. I hate to say bad things of my partner to others. But I would tell only to those I am sure that I would get a positive remedy to solve these bad habits.

@cassandradab (400)
• South Korea
25 Apr 09
yes,everytime you had a problem with your partner and you also share those negative side bet me your friends will tell you directly without thinking. to seperate that kind of person ofcourse they dont know what do you mean.so its better not to tell anybody about the negative side of your partner.if you really can't stand with you husband personality you can ask for counselling from proffesional counselor.you mae a good idea.
@jhonymax2cool (424)
• India
22 Apr 09
well t depends on u .if u thik u r close to that perso and that person is a trusted friendly u can otherwise u must not share such things with anyone at all.this would only worsen ur relationship .also listening to ur partner is a good thing .
@cassandradab (400)
• South Korea
25 Apr 09
sharing with friends is not really that bad,but make any limitation between your friends and your husband,dont make your ashame to others.might it cause the big fire between you and your partner.your right.
@wisan_jaya (127)
• Indonesia
22 Apr 09
I agree with you. We may not tell the bad side of anybody especially our relatives or family. Telling bad stories about them is just the same as showing our bad side. If i have that ind of friend, i would eather keep away from him or her.
@cassandradab (400)
• South Korea
25 Apr 09
sometimes comparing our partner to other it may cause heartache to our partner may we insulted their ego.they are also person need to be respect.if your husband have any short coming or you hate in his personality.try to explain it with him im sure husband are a good listener if they love their partner.
@wahmivy (776)
• Philippines
22 Apr 09
I'm really careful not to speak ill of my husband. People are quick to form opinions on others based on something they heard and they wouldn't care that they didn't get the entire picture. Sometimes though I need to vent and I do tell a close somebody about something that happened, but I try to give things a funny twist so my husband doesn't end up looking like a villain (even if he had been totally insensitive or something).
@cassandradab (400)
• South Korea
23 Apr 09
sometimes to share our problems with our close friend is not really bad because we are only human need somebody to comfort and to give any advises,but we must to be sure we dont hit our partner at the back what i mean is we have to decide which is good or bad so that we can't hurt or insult our partner, you have a great idea.
@skyla26 (284)
• Philippines
22 Apr 09
Having a relationship or being a married person means that you are already accepted all kinds of characteristic of your partner in life it means that you are already matured to your self and you are now in the next chapter of your life. Actually for me it is not the right habit of a person that share's the negative habits or characteristics of the partner in life.They must talk each other what are the like's and the dislikes between them instead of telling the others. It's a Family personal matter or problem that must be solve just between them without any personal assistance from the others.
@cassandradab (400)
• South Korea
25 Apr 09
wow,yes you got it right being in marriage all personal matter between you and your partner is still private, just discuss it with both of you.no other person can help if you dont talk to each other what is the right thing to do to help both to make a better and stronger relationship.
@claudetthe (14)
• Philippines
22 Apr 09
No, i wont tell to anyone about my husband. I really dont understand why other people like that. All i know is when you enter in marriage life you have to accept everything about your partner even it is bad or good. Dont you think the bad point of your partner is not your bad point too. If you think there are bad things in your partner, tell him and help him to improve the bad into good things.
Do not compare person to other because God created us with different identity.
Just remember nobody is perfect!!!
@cassandradab (400)
• South Korea
25 Apr 09
yes you got it right and i do agrre with you.our partner is our life if what kind life we have with our partner it reflects in our personality.you husband is not a toy that you can easily share with outher.we have our own unqueness and our husband have also their own weaknesses no other can able to understand them but us the wife who knows them inside and out.
@cassandradab (400)
• South Korea
27 Apr 09
yes i want her to understand that but she always answer why my life like this.why i met a husband like him etc.
@jbrooks0127 (2324)
• United States
22 Apr 09
It is possible that this is how your friend handles a bad marriage. She needs someone to talk to about her problems and her husband seems to be her biggest problem, at least for her.
She should however limit what she says to only her closest friend with the knowledge that what she says goes no further. Regardless of how bad her husband is he does not deserve this kind of back talk. It may be that she is needing a way out but does not know how to go about it. She may very well need someone to help point the way.
To tell anyone and everyone about his bad traits however shows a very real lack of love and respect for him and perhaps a divorce is in order. What she doesn't know or doesn't care to know is that by doing this it puts him in a no win situation with her friends. This is not fair to him or to her friends.
If you truly love and respect your partner you would never tell anyone about their bad points. It is disrespectful and actually mean.
Perhaps it is time her friends told her to either get out or quit complaining. She needs to be told what she is doing because she may not even realize it.
@cassandradab (400)
• South Korea
22 Apr 09
yes this is not a proper way of treat to our partner, our partner needs respect if we dont like his or her attitude we might talk to him in proper way, but she telling that her husband like this like that and she laughing out loud.i dont think her husband deserve to be insulted at the back,thanks for your advise.i might talk to her some other day.
@kidjuwee (611)
• Philippines
22 Apr 09
As much as possible I would protect my partners reputation so I would not tell anyone not even my closest friends about my partner. This will not help in the relationship because I think it is more important if I would just talk it to my partner the things that I would like to discuss about. This way , it is more matured and direct to the point. If my partner will be affected, then I will too so it is important to protect each other.
@cassandradab (400)
• South Korea
22 Apr 09
great answer, dont make any thing your partner get hurt if you dont want your partner will make it back to you. we don't need to talk all the bad side of our husband to our friends because what ever weaknesses our partner has friends cannot solve it alone but we can solve it by talking to our partner and tell what you dont like and what do you like./
@Yori88 (1465)
• Philippines
22 Apr 09
I do not like telling to anybody the bad side of my husband. I am so lucky because he has very minimal only about three bad traits that are not generally bad. I keep them to myself and when I talk to him I brought out the topic. We always practice honesty so that we will have a long and lasting and healthy relationship. I do not compare because I have loved my husband for who he is. My friends may tell me stories about their lives or their boyfriends or partners but them I just listen and give minimal advices. We all have separate and different lives. We all have different ways of solving problems and other issues we are facing. And I believe that whatever problem a couple is facing should be solved by them. If there is an extreme danger involve then that is the only time that we could ask for friends help. Let's say you are already being beaten by your partner then you should solve it first but if it still happens then ask friends and relatives help so that you or them can report it to the proper authority.
@cassandradab (400)
• South Korea
22 Apr 09
yes you are right if only mild problem we consider it as trials, we dont need to ask or to talk to our friends aginst our husband bad side,we have our unique style of living and have different types of problem.you have a righ idea not to telling any friends about negative side of your partner,because not all friends a loyal and honest.if big problem and you need somebody to cry with.try to talk to your parents i know they will not give any bad advises/
@rakesh284 (1472)
• India
22 Apr 09
I won't share such things with any of my friend.
But in the future I may share some bad parts about my female partner with some female friend and ask for help if required. But I can't afford to do such thing with some of my male friends.
We male don't have that feminine habit of sharing each minor thing but only some important issues.
Sorry girls but no hard feelings
@cassandradab (400)
• South Korea
23 Apr 09
yes i have a male friend he been asking me if all girls are like that,what should he do? so sometimes i give the real answer what i had been experiencing even in a simple explaination he can get some answer.but it is not good idea to compare our partner to any folks out there.
@abhichat1980 (250)
• India
22 Apr 09
No I would not always tell about the shortcomings of my partner. But sometimes if I am with a very good friend and something is causing a problem between me and my partner I will probably discuss the problem with my friend and seek his advice and if after that it becomes clear that the problem was because of me then yes I am very open to it and will readily accept it. I am not the kind who will always grudge .... be it anything in life. Sometimes I get upset and vent my anger but who doesn't .... but majority of the time I adapt to the situation very quickly.
@cassandradab (400)
• South Korea
22 Apr 09
thanks for your response, you got it right, sometimes we need friends to talk with, but we must to put limitation what should or should not to talk for,our partner are special lets treat us the way we treat our self.
@vivianchen (2646)
• China
22 Apr 09
Personally, i don't like to hear other women who always complaint about their partners. I mean, if you complant once in a while, it's acceptable. I like to be with friends who always have positive attitude of life and people. i am sorry for your friend, she should know that she choose this man by herself, good or bad, she have to go through all the thin and thick together with her husband, complaints won't bring you any good.
@cassandradab (400)
• South Korea
22 Apr 09
yes keep complaining will not bring you in a good situation infact it gives you more stress because you just keep pointing the bad side of your partner,instdead think about positive,what kind of ggod things you partner did, how to deal wit it,i think this may help us to have a stronger relationship,