Action to arms

United States
April 22, 2009 11:15am CST
New Bill that would effect us all. The Cybersecurity Act is winding it way through the capital. This bill would give the president the power to shut down the internet if he chooses. It would also give government oversite into the administration of the internet and how private sites are run. Can anyone name me one GOOD reason the president should have the right to be able to shut down the internet? Or why the government should be involved in how the internet is run? Here is some of the wording in the bill The bill's draft states that "the president may order a cybersecurity emergency and order the limitation or shutdown of Internet traffic" and would give the government ongoing access to "all relevant data concerning (critical infrastructure) networks without regard to any provision of law, regulation, rule, or policy restricting such access." Authored by Democratic Sen. Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia and Republican Olympia Snowe of Maine, the Cybersecurity Act of 2009 seeks to create a Cybersecurity Czar to centralize power now held by the Pentagon, National Security Agency, Department of Commerce and the Department of Homeland Security. Everyone need to get the word out to everyone you can. On every networking site you can. We need everyone to contact their elected officials and STOP this bill dead in its tracks. What do you think about this bill? What ideas do you want to share on how we can get this bill stopped?
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7 responses
• United States
22 Apr 09
I can't imagine how in the world ANYONE could think that this is a good idea. The sad thing is that I will not be surprised in the highly unfortunate event that this passes. There will be a lot of noise from me before and especially after if this happens. I'm going to try to find out where my state's elected officials stand on this and if they are for it...well let's just say they'll be hearing from me on what I think about that. Every time I think of this it gets me riled up lol. NO ONE should have that kind of power. Especially one person. The government definitely should not be involved with the internet like this, that's for sure. When I get the chance, I'm going to do a video about this on YouTube to help let people know (heck, if not for MyLot I would not have heard about this earlier this morning).
2 people like this
• United States
22 Apr 09
YOu are right. NO one should have that power. We need to come up with a list of state and their representatives. Then people from each state call their representative and ask them how they are going to vote (and also telling them how bad this bill would be). That way we can keep track of how the support is going and what states really need to turn on the heat. Please do put up the Youtube video. We need to get the word out to as many peopel as possible as quickly as possible.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
22 Apr 09
I sent it out, and more.. thanks!
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@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
22 Apr 09
More and more I'm thinking that we need to FIRE everyone that we can in elected offices, and put someone in who would be interested in listening to the people. Trouble is: "who would that be?"
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• United States
22 Apr 09
I know classy. I know. I would love to replace htem all. And then put term limits on the house and senate. No more than two terms. NO MORE CAREER POLITICANS
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• United States
22 Apr 09
thanks sweetie.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
22 Apr 09
Lilwonders I cannot tell you one good reason, or even one bad reason why anyone deserves to have this kind of power. This is nuts! The Internet is the last refuge for freedom of speech, where if we want to speak our minds about our government, without getting a permit, we can! If government gains control over the Internet we do we go to voice our opinions. We, the common citizen, has no voice in the media. We do not have enough money to start our own TV, radio network or newspaper. We do have talk radio but that will soon be gone, so where do we voice our opinions, the Internet. The Internet allows me to read and respond to post like this from individuals like you. The Internet allow myself to write post that individuals like you can read and respond. The Internet needs to be left alone. I have no idea on how to stop this, our politicians have a mind of their own and do not care because they think by election time most voters will not remember by then. Sure go call and write, but at some point we have to realize that just does not work. The only think that politicians respond to is being removed from office.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
22 Apr 09
Recall now that is an idea, but I do not know how do you?
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• United States
22 Apr 09
I working on project you might really be interested in. We should talk
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• United States
22 Apr 09
I say we RECALL.
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• United States
22 Apr 09
It appears that Big Brother has been watching us very closely for a number of years. It is something that has been very difficult to stop. There are some situations where Big Brother is needed to be watching those who are considered dangerous to the world, especially to the United States and its allies, yet, we are all caught in the middle. The very recent tea parties seem to have caused a ruckus within the government and maybe what we need to do is have a "Do Not Touch Cyberspace Party." This is not at all meant to be funny. It just seems that when we get together in a bi-partisan atmosphere, the government seems to listen. Not much, but they do seem to take some kind of action. I just printed out the bill because I was amazed that this is a consideration. It is o.k., as long as the government does not abuse its power. Yeah right. Abuse power? It has been doing this since January 20, 2009. If we do not flood our congressmen and congresswoman's telephone lines with calls to stop this bill from becoming law, then there is nothing else that we can do. Lobbying personally is out of the question. So, we have to use our individual voices to make the point. Great discussion.
• United States
22 Apr 09
YOu are right. We need to CALL our elected officals. FInd out who your elected ofificals are and CALL them. Keep calling and keep calling. Lock up hte phones. Send a clear message. Emails and letters for the most part just get a intern to send a form letter back to you. But calling....and in mass....that gets their attention and fast. Call talk radio about it. Write letters in your local paper to the editor.
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@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
22 Apr 09
yet another part of Obama's plan to take over our country and turn us into a socialist/communist country. The government is going to slowly, but surely, try to take over EVERY aspect of our lives as long as Obama is in office...
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• United States
22 Apr 09
I am outraged and horrified. This appears to be just another ploy to silence dissent because people have figured out that the incompetent media cannot be relied on to find out about important things, such as this threat to our freedom, so we've been using the web. This new power grab is nothing more than yet another attempt to control us. The only strategy I can think of besides contacting your elected "representatives" is to tell EVERYONE, everywhere, about this while we still can. If we make enough noise, perhaps somebody will listen before we are silenced forever.
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• United States
22 Apr 09
Exactly. We have to get as many people as quickly as we can and make as much noise as we can before it is too late.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
22 Apr 09
To answer your last question first, I think you covered what we can do about this. I'll definitely be reading up on it and contacting my Senators and my Congressman. Has it already gone through the House or is it just now going through the Senate? I'm asking because I haven't yet had time to do any research on it. One thing I find a bit surprising is the two Senators who wrote this bill. Senator Rockefeller is a fairly conservative Democrat (heck, he IS from West Virginia!) and Senator Snowe is a Republican - neither of them are the types one would expect to come up with a "Big Brother" type bill. As you know the "devil is in the details" in most bills that come before Congress. How a bill starts rarely bears any resemblance to how it ends up. That's why it's our responsibility as voters and as Americans to keep informed and to let our Senators and Congressmen or women know how we feel. Annie
• United States
23 Apr 09
Going through the Senate now. The draft has been put in. We still have time stop this one if we can rally everyone.
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