Have you had to entertain an infant?

@Chevee (5905)
United States
April 23, 2009 9:15am CST
I am now a babysitter and I had to be creative, because I really don't have anything to entertain a 4 month old baby in my home. I have things I need to do so I had to discover a way to entertain this baby for a few minutes to an hour so that I can do a few things for myself. She sleeps a total of 30 minutes at a time so that isn't the answer. This is what I did and it is working so far. I took some empty diet coke cans cut them in half, put them on a strong cord and hung them on the ceiling fan, turn the control to the lowest speed and let the fan swing them around. Put the baby in her baby seat on the kitchen table where the ceiling fan is and she is entertained long enough for me to fix some breakfast, clean the kitchen and the bedroom. Have you ever been creative? Do you have any more creative ideas that I can try?
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17 responses
• United States
23 Apr 09
i believe u have u a spoiled one, lol. 4 months old & she has to be entertained? that's cute. ask her mom if she has one of swings that u wind u & it swings them for awhile. my grandchildren had them & liked them. my younest son loved ceiling fans. he's watch them forever.strolling is always good to.
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@Chevee (5905)
• United States
23 Apr 09
Yes she had a swing it is at the old babysitters and they will pick it up this weekend. She is a sweet baby, the way her mother entertain her is by talking to her too. She loves for me to sit here and talk to her all day. I just can't do that I don't have that much to talk about. lol other than that we are getting alone just fine. As of right now she wants to type, I am typing and holding her, she is fascinated with this keyboard.
3 people like this
• United States
23 Apr 09
aren't they sweet? y'all will get something worked out , i bet.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
23 Apr 09
My suggestion would be this, if you're going to continue babysitting then you should ask the mother to bring a few toys for her child to play with or be entertained with. Or you could go to the store and buy a few toys yourself. Of course it would have to be age appropriate but there are things out there that will entertain the child for a little while. I would not hold the child a whole lot because they will expect you to do that all the time which isn't good for them at all. Crying is very good exercise for their little lungs so if the baby isn't hungry and it's diaper has been checked/changed, and nothing is hurting it such as clothes pinching and such, it continues to cry, let it cry for a little while. It won't hurt the baby one bit but it will exercise their little lungs which is very good for them. Now there is a difference in their cries too, you'll be able to tell if it's in pain or just plain angry just by the way it cries.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
24 Apr 09
i guess i have different parenting skills or ideas, but when my kids cried i picked them up.. neither are spoiled.. and the eldest can go stay with other people and is a very well adjusted kid.. the youngest is still mommy oriented but she's learning that i will always come back when i leave.. I dont think letting them cry all the time is good for them.. they are crying cause they are either bored or they are scared or lonely.. they need attention when they cry.. everything is new to them and some things i bet are very scary to them!! like being in a new house, with a new person, i bet i would be scared too even as an older kid.. i have learned from talking with other mothers that most are either on one side of the other about this.. they either are pro or against the crying it out thing.. i'd have to say i'm not for it at all for my own kids, but i wouldnt try to tell other people how/what to do with their own kids...
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
23 Apr 09
We are developing a routine now, I hold her for about 30 minutes to feed her and see if she wants to go to sleep if not I lay her back in her infant seat. The last time I didn't hold her to get her to sleep I laid her down and patted her back she fought for awhile did she finally drifted off to sleep. I plan not to spoil her or break her spoiled ways up because they might have to put her in a daycare. I am on unemployment now and if I find a job they will have to find another babysitter.
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23 Apr 09
Hi Chevee, That is very clever of you but I wouldn't know how as I have never had children and wouln't have any clue what to do. Hugs. Taamra
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
24 Apr 09
Hey chevee! Not bad for fast thinking entertainment! Didn't the baby come with her own entertainment? I guess not! Maybe she would like to watch some tv if you could fine something that would appeal to her, but I think she still might be to young even to look at animals or cartoons just too watch the shapes! I defintely like your coke cans idea! That was brilliant! I think you should ask her mom to send along some toys to keep her busy! There really isn't much you can do with a 4 month old a you already know!
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@camomom (7535)
• United States
29 Apr 09
Baby Einstein has age appropriate videos for infants and toddlers and they aren't too expensive. My kids love them, they did even at 1 month old. Might be something to look into.
@emilie2300 (1882)
• United States
24 Apr 09
I work in a day care and I work in the infant room. You can take plastic pop bottles and put different things inside glitter beads feathers twigs glue the lid shut and we call them our expolring bottles. Do you have any balls or toys for her. They like noisey toys, like to be read to. play with a puppet with her have the puppet kiss her ticlie her talk to her with the puppet. Do you have a walker? they like those or the bouncers that look like a walker. Take her for a walk. You can do projects with her we let our kids finger paint. help them with a crayon. Good luck to you
@camomom (7535)
• United States
29 Apr 09
Make sure the glue is covered though because infants can be allergic to adhesives. Sock puppets are a good idea. 4 months is a bit too young for crayons, in my opinion, because they want to eat everything at that age.
• United States
2 May 09
Flower Hand prints - You can just paint the stems in your self that's what I did
Yes I know they want to eat everything I thought it was a bit young for infants to have crayons till I found out it was okay. You take there hand draw with them. then sit and let them try and watch for crayons to not go in mouth if they do it a little bit at a time a day they will get used to it. Use non toxic also. Also you can finger paint with them. Mother's day is coming great idea for a cute picture to do that I did one year. Take the hand prints and make flowers out of them. They like toys that make noise or play sounds.
• India
24 Apr 09
place some flashing lights in front of her , it should be of light flash. make sure that the baby is not feeling hungry as most often the baby gets disturbed by this and she keeps on crying . give a balance swing of the baby holder
@camomom (7535)
• United States
29 Apr 09
That's a good idea if it doesn't have a strobe light effect. Strobe light effects can cause seizures. My sister in law can't be around strobe lights because of this happening.
@malsun (1528)
• United States
24 Apr 09
I have taken care of my sister's two children from the day they were born. On and off whenever my sister used to visit us. It is the toughest job on earth. And now I have my own child. If taking care of an infant is a challenge, try managing a 3 year old! Its a tough job alright.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
29 Apr 09
Try a 3 year old and a 9 month old at one time 24/7......oh so fun.............
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
24 Apr 09
oh my dear i am so glad i am past that stage. both my kids never wanted to be put down the youngest is 13 months and sometimes she STILL doesn't want to let me do things.. i wasn't as creative as you though.. i just never got anything done msot of the time hahha. although before she got to big for it, i used to carry her around in a snugli if i really had something that needed to get done.. that way she was close to me and happy, but i had two free hands. I dont remmeber 4 month olds caring too much for toys.. they more like peoples faces and singing and snuggling! hehe cute. have you tried just singing while you work where she can see you ? sometimes that worked for me while i was doing the dishes.. singing old macdonald hehehe. or wheels on the bus
@camomom (7535)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I agree, singing can be very relaxing and amusing to an infant or toddler. I sing to my girls all the time. My youngest only likes certain songs though. Her favorite is "Leaving on a Jet Plane". My oldest is easier to please.
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
24 Apr 09
well, isn't that a clever way of making a "crib" mobile. Sounds great so long as the infant seat is not a bouncy seat which she might bounce off the table in her excitement. I think you should take a picture or video clip and send it off to coka-cola company - they may just use the idea in a commercial and reward you? :) it took me a while to learn that my kids did not have to be entertained all day long - that they were content just watching me go about my business or learning to entertain themselves. sounds like you are enjoying having the little one around.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
29 Apr 09
In my experience, and this does not apply to all kids, my kids have learned more by me entertaining them with learning activities then they would have without me amusing them. It is okay to let them go but you should interact with them also. It helps them learn.
@madasp (563)
• United States
24 Apr 09
LOL that was a very creative idea! I have a six month old so I know what its like to try to get things done when you have a bored baby. four months is a good age to find creative solutions because their attention can be held by anything interesting, not just the traditional toys. My son always liked the screensaver on the computer (especially if I had music playing)or on itunes you can play the music and turn on the visualizer. One of our computers is in the kitchen so this helped me get a lot done in that area.
@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
23 Apr 09
Well, my nephew/godson is 1 month old and i think there are no ways to entertain him.. he smiles but not because i'm doing crazy acts to entertain him.. he's smiling because maybe his angels are playing with him.. I guess one of the ways to entertain a 4 month old baby is to give him toys with lights, pictures and music.. ask his mom if there are toys something like that.. i have noticed other babies are becoming more observant when they see and hear those kinds of toys..
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
23 Apr 09
Thank you for your response, it is very helpful. And congratulations on your newborn godson.
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• Canada
24 Apr 09
This may sound a little silly, but do you have a glass coffee table? One of my friends was telling me that when she has her nephew or her friends' kids over she puts things on top of her glass coffee table and lays then under it. She said it works really well. Have you tried story telling cds. We have a Robert Munsch cd where he is telling some of his stories. Another one that we like that was a lot cheaper was called something like 50 bestest children's stories. It's a collection of different stories. There a tons of different story collections on cd.
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
24 Apr 09
At four months old you need to get her on a schedule and routine, her only napping for 30 minutes is insane, she should be napping much longer. The key to doing this is to get her on a routine and or schedule. for a four month old wake up at 7:00 bottle, change her clothes. interact with her for 30 minutes to an hour. 9:00 nap time.. yep that early she should nap for one to two hours, two is the goal gets up at 11:00 bottle, change baby, clean her up if need be rock her, put her in a swing or bouncy seat nap time again should come around 1 ish, she should again nap for one to two hours. again get her up bottle change her and interact with her.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
29 Apr 09
A schedule is a good thing but not all babies are the same. Some just don't sleep as much as they should. My 9 month old only gets 1 nap in the afternoon, that only lasts about 2 hours. It's up to the parents to get them on a schedule and tell the sitter what that schedule is and how to handle it.
• Philippines
24 Apr 09
Yes i had entertained an infant before. it was the time when the child was crying so loud and i'm really disgusted with a loud cry so what i've done was i dance in front of him with a frog dance and facial expression that maybe you yourself dont want to see.. so the child stop crying.
@GardenGerty (162762)
• United States
24 Apr 09
She is at that visual stage, isn't she? My son was very entertained by a blanket that had a strong graphic design. I could hang it over the side of his play pen and he would watch it while I folded laundry right by him. (So he did not pull it off and smother himself) This blanket was supposed to look like a patchwork of one inch squares in very bold colors. He loved looking at it.
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
24 Apr 09
Iv done some light babysitting before for 5 and 6 year olds, but Iv never had to entertain a small infant, anyway I'm going to be a aunt soon so I guess ill have to learn more creative ways of keeping my neese or nephew entertained, well I hope that the other mylotters can help you think of some fun ways of entertaining.
• China
24 Apr 09
Baby is angel,they are very loveliness.I am like to entertain baby,although I having no baby of myself now,but I want to have baby of myself in future.I have more creative ideas about entertain baby and care for baby.above all,you must like baby and don't fret for anyting.you should amuse of baby.Over time,Baby are tired,go to bed immediately,and to quiet at that time.You can do a few things for yourself.That is a good idea of entertaining baby.