4 months pregnancy still smoking...
By mermaidivy
@mermaidivy (15394)
United States
April 23, 2009 5:58pm CST
I have a friend, she is pregnant for almost more than 4 months. She has tried to quit it but she keeps saying she can't because of the stupid nicotine addiction. I feel very bad for her baby, I don't smoke so I have no idea how hard to quit, I think she should do something or try harder to get rid of smoking though even it is difficult.
My mom told me it would possibly make the babies's brain shrink or even lose the baby within the month or two it is coming out.
I think she really gotta quit it like right now, it is really no good for her and the baby of course. I don't say much because I have said it before and don't want to be a pain in a butt. If she loves the baby, she shouldn't just say she canb't she can't...
Do you have any experience to share on this topic?
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15 responses
@wolfen13 (33)
• United States
24 Apr 09
Personally I don't think that smoking while pregnant is really all that bad. I know people will go on and on about free radicals and carcinogens, but honestly they can be found anywhere. Its not a great idea to introduce any foreign substance into the body during pregnancy because most are shared with the infant. But at the same time. How much car exhaust do you inhale daily. Not to mention other carcinogens etc that are just floating in the air. It may not be as much as someone choosing to smoke. but it could be just as significant. If I were you, I'd suggest she cut back, rather than suggest quiting. The less the better and thats just personal opinion. I do not however think that the baby is in for dooom and gloom, just because she's smoking. Likely the child will be healthy and happy. Besides I think the mental stress of forcing someone to quit smoking would be worse on the child, becuase mentally it would be worse on the mother and more stressful.
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
24 Apr 09
That's what she said, she thinks smoking helps release help "pregnant stress"...
@wolfen13 (33)
• United States
25 Apr 09
Well I wouldn't say smokng releases stress associated w/pregnancy. what I meant is that the stress of quiting would or rather could cause problems. Stress isn't good. And smoking does create stress in that it adds chemicals into the body so the body has to filter those. Its more a matter of which stress is the lesser of two evils.
@TRWilliams02 (349)
• United States
24 Apr 09
My hubby is a smoker and watching him try to quit his almost 10 year addiction is hard. It has been nothing but a rollercoaster ride of quitting for a few days to smoking a pack a day. It's a tough addiction to kick, especially for women during pregnacy. I did not smoke during my pregnancy but had a few friends who did during theirs. You do tend to feel bad for the baby just because you feel that mother shouldn't be "selfish" and smoke, but again its hard to quit for some people. The added stress of being pregnant doesn't help those who turn to smoking as stress relief.
I've not heard about the baby's brain shrinking due to smoking, but I know many complications can come from smoking. The 3 girls I know all had kids with jaundice, I did not. Whether thats a link to jaundice I am not sure as I am not a doctor, but all 3 of their children had it. You also run chances of asthma later on in life, breathing problems, etc. I don't believe I have really heard anything either about smoking causing a miscarriage or still borns. But, thats just from my knowledge.
The best thing you can do as a friend is try being supportive of ANY attempt she makes to quit. Help her relieve stress in her life so she doesn't turn to smoking every second she gets because trust me having a baby and dealing with a child after birth is a very stressful situation. She can also talk to her doctor about programs and SOME not all medications to help her quit. The doctors will know what is safe during pregnancy and what is not. You shouldn't ever do an over the counter product without talking to your OB first!!! I don't know if you are or were a smoker but most non-smokers think its an easy decision, its not always for the person who does smoke.
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
24 Apr 09
She right now is hiding from the parents and pretend she quit smoking. She doesn't like to listen to people and she has her own way... I just wish the best for her and the baby.
Thanks for responding! :-)
• United States
24 Apr 09
i smoked during both times i was pregnant. when my first son was born they hadn't come out w/all tht info about not smoking. in fact at that time u could smoke in the hospital. i still smoked w/my 2nd one twenty years later. they are fine but i know smoking is not good for anyone. i'm glad u don't smoke.

• United States
24 Apr 09
good for you. it is a very bad habit one i have had a long, long time. i'm proud of you for not going any further w/it.
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
24 Apr 09
I tried to pick it up few months ago, that was a dumbest thing that I have ever even thought of but I ended up put it down...
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@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
24 Apr 09
I dont want to should mean but your mother is crazy and i dont think she has any idea what shes talking about..LOL However i smoked while being pregnent with 2 CHILDREN and mine was fine...Yes smoking can cause problems BUT its not going to make anyones brain shrink and if she was going to loose the baby she would have already lost it by now and IF she was going to loose the baby right before she had it then it wouldnt be because of smoking. Some people make up all these storys to no end and they dont even have the facts to it. Even adults that has children themself dont even have the facts. I myself smoked both times and nothing yes its a high risk and yes smoking is extremely hard to quit and instead of everyone being hard on this girl HELP HER not be negative toward her.If your going to say anything to her then encourage her to quit let her know that you are there for her and will be there if she needs it.
@Archie0 (5652)
24 Apr 09
Yes smoking is absolutely not good for expecting mothers as it harms the baby in a lot ways. but i think if she is not able to wuit it there are few medicines which can help her to wuit smoking soon. i think she should consult a doctor as soon as possible. if she cares for her baby i think she doesnt need anything in this world to make her quit it, she will definetly if her baby is more precious for her.
@callahanb78 (529)
• United States
24 Apr 09
I have never smoked so luckily I have had no personal experience of my own to deal with as far as smoking while pregnant. However I do have like 3 neighbors that I have seen smoking while pregnant...and they did so up until they had the baby. I get aggravated with them but keep my opinions to myself, they have been told by others and by doctors to not do it and they continue to do so. So they are fully aware of what they should and should not do and me telling them they shouldnt will just add to the frstration for them. And besides why would they listen to me, I have never smoked so I dont know how hard it is to quit. i just hope all their kids turn out normal and stay that way. There are many side effects from smoking while pregnant, and even when you arent and most people are already aware of them. I personally find it selfish that someone would continue to smoke, or do anything really, that can put a baby in harms way.....
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
24 Apr 09
I agree with you... I'm glad that I don't have any bad habits.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
24 Apr 09
I used to smoke and still do. But when I missed my periods for one month and went to the gynae and she confirmed pregnancy, I was so scared for my baby that nothing else mattered to me. she assured me however that if I stopped immediately, it would not harm the foetus and I stopped…just like that…the issue of my unborn child’s health was paramount to me, nothing else mattered. What you can try one last time is show her pictures or give her books which details how the foetus grown inside and what effects smoking has on its various parts. The visual impact maybe compelling enough for her to give up her addiction.
@ShardAerliss (1488)
24 Apr 09
My mother smoked all the way through her pregnancy with me (I was a month premature but almost 8lb) and my youngest sister. She managed to give up smoking for the sister in the middle. Oddly enough, the sister in the middle is the one with the heart murmur, the dyslexia, she's of a more diminutive stature, has brittle bones... The youngest sister and I are both normal (though taller and stronger than average, this is a family trait for the women), healthy, people.
I'm not saying that the science is wrong, or that she shouldn't bother giving up (she should, for her own sake as much as for the child's) just that it's not all doom and gloom for the child.
@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
24 Apr 09
You know smoking is really bad. Not just for pregnant women. We have a neighbor and he's a chain smoker. His trachea now has a hole cause nicotine started to build up in his throat giving him a hard time to breath. He had an operation wherein they had to scrape off nicotine from his throat giving him a hole just below his Adam's apple. His vocal cords were already damaged. He can only whisper and he has to use a small gadget like a microphone so people can hear his voice.
You better convince your friend to stop smoking. She has to cause time will come she suffer the consequences.
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
24 Apr 09
Smoking is no good anyway whatever to anybody... but the smokers won't understand, I have a frien who smokes even says smoking is good for you because it has blah blah blah in it... what crap
@MissAmie (717)
• United States
24 Apr 09
I'll go ahead and admit it...I smoked through all 3 of my pregnancies and had 3 healthy children. (Well, except my son has this genetic thing, but it's in no way related to smoking).
Here's what I know about smoking during pregnancy. It definately deprives the baby of a slight amount of oxygen. This can affect the baby's growth. Also, the baby may be fussier right after birth due to nicotine withdrawl. (This was never the case with my kids...they all slept through the night from birth).
Of course it's best for the baby and the mom to stop smoking, but in the real world people do it. Chances are there will be no consequences. She will not "be sorry" as I saw one person reply. Everything will most likely be fine. Depending on how much she smokes, the baby will probably be smaller...like my first baby was 5 lbs 6 ounces. That is small, but your first child is usually the smallest. My 3rd was huge. Almost 8 pounds.
Pregnancy and worrying about being a new mom is stressful enough. Try not to nag your friend about smoking. Trust me, she feels guilty enough as it is. It's just a really hard habit to break.
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
24 Apr 09
Allowed to smoke in the hospital? Really? I never know that...
@i_limantara (66)
• Indonesia
24 Apr 09
i has a friends who was smoking when she had pregnant. even she has a healthy boy, but her son not quite active, and not quite smart, even she ate DHA and Omega medicine when she pregnant. people said it's because she was smoke.
@LevysLuv (238)
• United States
24 Apr 09
I had a friend who had a couple friends who quit smoking as soon as they learned they were pregnant. I think part of it is commitment. My one friend had previously had multiple miscarriages (do to a health conditions of hers) so when she found out she would quit immediatley because she didn't want to add anymore stress to her pregnancy. She was determined she wasn't going to and she didn't. I've also heard some people say quitting cold turkey is very stressful on the mom there for stressful on the baby so mother's should slowly eliminate smoking. I don't know how true that is or if its just an excuse expectant mothers use. Anyway, I really do think it all comes down to determination and you should definetley support any attempt your friends has to quit.
@yuguoli (83)
• China
24 Apr 09
Maybe she just has her own agony we don't know. Smoking does do harm to her baby's health, but she doesn't open her ears to those voices contradicting her concept of smoking. The result of the coming baby may be defective, which will be a regret in the future, bringing the family whole life's pain or things like that. She can blame no one but herself. Even though, things happens. No one has the ability to compensate for it. I can only say sorry for her, and nothing more I can say. Take care, friend. You should tell her and keep telling her regardless of being treated as a pain in the butt. Friends should be real friends, we share, we help, we grow togther. Good luck.
@ktosea (2026)
• China
24 Apr 09
yeah,there is no good for her and especially for her baby,I heard something that when the couples want to have babies they stop smoking and drink a year to prepare for the comming of the children,just to have a healthy and smart child.I think it's hard to quit but not that hard because many people could do it.just for their babies
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
24 Apr 09
Yea, I think quiting smoking shouldn't be after the couple get pregnany but way before that, I would do the same thing to try my best to have a healthy baby with my hubby, I know there are lots of other factos could affect what kinds of baby we could have but we gotta do the best to avoid negative things happen.