My friend is in trouble and needs help.
By bamrahkirti
@bamrahkirti (1821)
April 24, 2009 1:41am CST
My best friend has recently got engaged but she is not at all happy because the boy is very very fat and she is very thin.
She has been crying and under depression since she got engaged.The match is fixed by a common relative and her parents accepted the proposal without asking her consent.
The reason being that her father is a total chaos and lost everything in wrong activities.She is the sole bred winner of the family and her parents do not have the money to arrange for the marriage.
The boy has come from USA and has good job and house there.The marriage will be held after 6 months in a simple fashion but my friend does not want to marry the boy.I want to help her but do not know how to go about it.If i ask her to be positive and accept the proposal then she says that that if she does not like the person physically then how her married life will be successful.If i ask her to agitate then how she will face her parents?
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20 responses
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
24 Apr 09
This is a difficult situation Bamrah. Can in anyway she reject it? If NO, then she has to come in terms with it. I know its tough for we do not get all that we want in life. Life is tough but we have to live the hurdles with smiles. She has to change her attitude and she must try to view life differently. I am sure he has many positive sides. She must highlight on that. Its better said than done, I know but she has to let go certain things in life.
Good luck to her!
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@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
24 Apr 09
Mimpi Dear,you are right in saying that we cannot achieve everything in life and i tried to make this point clear to her.I tried to convince her that her prospective groom is fat but it is not his fault,he is helpless about the way he looks and he is also someone's child,do not neglect him.She says that she is also someone's child and how her parents force her to marry her with a person with whom she can never have a happy "married" life.
@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
24 Apr 09
I don't think so because their financial status is in turmoil and the boy family has agreed to make the marriage a simple affair.Her parents are pressurizing her for court marriage so that she may not change her decision with due course of time.

@carehope10 (6)
• Philippines
24 Apr 09
marriage i believe is not an easy decision. one has to take it seriously and never take it for granted. if i will be in her shoes. i will never get married. financial difficulty is not a reason for someone to be stocked in a marriage she never wanted. all i can suggest is that she must first let go of this burdern by being honest to herself. meaning she should stand firm upon what she thinks is best for her. next is she should be honest to her parents. she should explain well that the boy she is engaged to is not her type. and thirdly, she should be honest to her fiance. she should tell him what he really really really feels. she shouldn't be distracted by what others or her parents would say. if both families would still force her to marry him then let it be but at least the boy knows what she really feels. and in cases of complication in the long run or continuous unreconciled fights in the future, at least the guy knows where its coming from. at least the girl can't blame herself for such chaotic relationship. but lastly, please do pray and seek guidance from God..
@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
25 Apr 09
I really appreciate your words and i will really make her read your response.She is going through a very tough phase in her life and one wrong decision can lead to ruining of lives of so many people.I think she should take the right decision and help herself and others from bearing the burden of wrong relationship.
@carehope10 (6)
• Philippines
25 Apr 09
thanks and wish you all the best. God bless!
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@AcousticSoul (1309)
• United States
24 Apr 09
I beleive the best thing for your friend to do is to be honest. it is her life and she will have to live with it. who knows the boy may loose weight after he finds out she doesn't care for it that much. he may respect her wishes and join a gym. but in the end she should be honest and talk it out with her parents...
arranged marriages is sad. but their is a chance that love will grow and she will be happy
good luck
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@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
25 Apr 09
In our culture arranged marriages are given preference.She is definitely not in love with the boy and met him only during the time of their ring ceremony.She does not know what decision to take.If she goes against her parents wishes then it may be possible that some other family may not be ready for simple marriage because in India marriage is a very costly affair.
If she accepts the proposal then she has to give up her likings about her dream partner.But we do not get everything in life we aspire for and i think if the boy is ready to provide her social and financial security,she should go ahead and marry.
@stanlee81 (381)
• China
25 Apr 09
Well,Glad to see your response.If that is the traditional means to get the engagement and marrige.I think the firend of you could brave the facts,and think well what she is doing,if determined,She could also brave the traditional,and become the 10% rather than the 90 percent.Actually,this also happened in our tradition,but the fudel age conclude 100 years ago.BTW,which country are you in?
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@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
25 Apr 09
I am from India and love marriage is still a taboo in our society.Moreover she is not in love with any boy right now.
@mira91 (985)
• Singapore
25 Apr 09
And here i was thinking how the hell her parents were able to face her instead, marrying her off to some stranger expecting the best...If i were her, i will run away. I know it sounds simple but i will not live my future life in depression and with someone i don't even know much less like...It's ridiculous actually at this day and age that such things still happen. I don't know what she will do, if she had that courage and will to strogly believe in her own freedom, she'll fight for it. =] It's just my opinion though...take care.
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@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
26 Apr 09
Running away from the problem ,i think,is not a solution.I hope she takes a firm and right decision.
@jayrene (2708)
• Philippines
24 Apr 09
this is hard.
but if she cant say NO and there is nothing else she can do to stop it. then the only thing left is to make the marriage work. consider the financial crisis going on now, she's still fortunate she'd be marrying someone with a good job, that for sure she can be perfectly taken care of... there's always a positive side to everything. i do hope your friend will see it.
what does she wants, somebody not fat but cant provide for her, or somebody like that but can provide for her. her frustration will only be in the early stage of marriage, but when it gets longer, she'll be okay.
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@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
25 Apr 09
Hi Jayrene,i really appreciate your words and this is exactly what i think.I also tried to convince her.that the boy is ready to provide her social and financial security and status,what else she asks for.Looks hardly matters at the end of the day.What if she gains weight after marriage.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
24 Apr 09
Its difficult to break from such a culture. I take it that you are living in India or some place similar where fixed marriage is a routine. I would be supportive. Its hard to be married to someone that you dont love. I would talk to the parents and exercise my influence to stop this marriage.
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@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
25 Apr 09
Thanks for such strong words.I have not yet talked to her parents because they are very adamant about their decision.All i can do is to pray to God to give them some consideration for their child.
@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
24 Apr 09
Point is that if the friend dont like the boy then she can leave anytime she wants. People dont realize that by doing what other people want you to do doesnt always mean you have too. If she isnt happy with his weight then she needs to tell him. You cant be in a relationship or even marriage for that matter without being honest because if you not HONEST it dont never work. So she needs to grow up and tell the boy look you need to loose some weight. And IF he truely respected her and care about her opinion then he wont have a problem with taking a time out from all the fatty foods. Thats just my opinion though.
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@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
25 Apr 09
She is not confident enough to talk about the physical appearance .She has met him only once and hardly talks on phone.
@wisan_jaya (127)
• Indonesia
24 Apr 09
I so sorry to hear what your friend is facing for. I do offer my sympathy to your friend. Hope that she will be able to get out of his problem soon and in a better way. If she is my friend, I will support every decision that she want to made as long as she think it will be the best for herself.
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@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
25 Apr 09
Thanks for your response.I am also standing by her and trying to console her.I am also giving her the encouragement to take some concrete decisions about her life.I hope she chooses the right path.

@agrim94 (3805)
• India
24 Apr 09
well it is not possible that you get everything in a guy in arranged marriage. Either he is not good looking or he is not earning well or has a large family or has unmarried sisters or is not an NRI. so i guess she should marry him and relieve her parents lots and lots of tensions and as you said her parents are not in a position to marry her good, so she should be happy she got a guy who understand her parents and respects their wish of simple marriage. Looks after sometime stop mattering and it is heart of the guy which matters most. Would she want a guy who is very sexy yet a casanova or wont think twice before hurting her.
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@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
25 Apr 09
Yes agrim it is the right perspective and i am also trying to convince her about this.Looks do not matter after a while.What is important is social and financial security the boy is going to provide her with and moreover she will have a better lifestyle and independence in USA.
@Dorrdavy (275)
• Jamaica
24 Apr 09
it is not right for any parent to choose a partner for their child; its very, very wrong.
she should not marry him if she does not want to, she should tell her parents that. not that i dont care about parents, but they can feel bad if they want to, she is the one who will be hurting in the long run, not them.
its a very selfish act, they need to admit that.
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@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
25 Apr 09
Yes it is very sad that her parents are selfish.They think that if she settles down abroad,then she can sponsor them and her younger sister.
@Citychic (4067)
• United States
24 Apr 09
My friend is in trouble and needs help.
Here is the real deal, tell ur friend that she must live her own life and make her own decisions. She cannot marry someone just to make her parents happy. Believe me, been there and done that and bought a tee shirt, it does not work.
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@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
25 Apr 09
her parents are forcing her for court marriage so that she may not turn down the offer afterwords.She has out rightly said no to the boy about court marriage and said that she needs time.I hope she takes the right decision about her life.
@stanlee81 (381)
• China
24 Apr 09
Love is an imagination,however it is also realistic.Engament is just a start,the paticipant have the power to decide the other is a good choice or not.According to your description,your friend came into a delima,get him or not!But,she has her own freedom in the marriage,and just make the choice she think what is right!!
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@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
25 Apr 09
Dear you are right in your perspective but in our culture arranged marriage are always given preference and 90% of the marriages that take place are arranged through some common friends or relatives.
@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
25 Apr 09
You are making efforts from your side to make the relationship happen in a positive manner buy she hardly attends his phone calls and talks to him.
@patzel88 (3310)
• Philippines
24 Apr 09
Well i guess you have to tell her the positive out come of her life and follow what she believe might be good to her self and to her family. You can easily teach love especially to the woman, it will not ruin her life if her parents do believe that it is the right life for her, maybe she have not seen the purpose of her parents for her.
@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
24 Apr 09
Her parents want to marry her off with the sole intention that the boy's family is ready for simple marriage.As they do not have funds to arrange for her marriage.They are not bothered about her feelings,likings and disliking.
@worldbestwriter2008 (1633)
• Philippines
24 Apr 09
if my friends is in trouble and if she he needs my help i would make the best that i could to exten my help to him her..i love my friend..if the things that she he ask from me causes violation or against to me.then i would advice him her as a true friend i would say a big NO to the things that will bother my conscience i will just help them if it is for their best.
@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
24 Apr 09
She is just bearing the burden of her family's decision on her and cannot do anything about it.
@net_ankit (643)
• India
24 Apr 09
the problem is that the boy is fat but earning good money and he has house in America, So I think your friend should tell him in private that She can't married casue he is fat and tell it to her parents also. and see the reaction of that boy.
there is no solution, if she has some daring then she can reject, and if she looks beautiful then she will get many proposals.
@gunjanpri (603)
• India
24 Apr 09
Its a very tricky situation for you to suggest her what to do. However, for your friend, its easier because, she is the one who has to decide what to do. If she is not willing to marry a person just because she doesnt like his appearance, then tell her to check her criteria for marriage. All that glitters is not gold!! Success of a marriage depends on two persons' understanding and cooperation with mutual respect and not for liking of physical appearance. If she is rluctant to marry an ugly looking person, remind her that beauty is also not forever.
But if she is rigid for not marrying this person, what is she waiting for? She should tell her parents and be ready to face the aftermath too. Only this will save her from future regrets. Also, she can try to talk to that person, before taking final decision. Perhaps after meeting the would be groom, she finds him marrigiable and all the problems will be solved. All the best!
@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
24 Apr 09
I also tried to convince her about the positive points of this marriage.At least her food will be someone else s responsibility.Presently she is facing tough crises as far as finances are concerned.May with passage of time she understands the positive points of the boy.
Hope for the best.
@startmoney (42)
• China
24 Apr 09
You can never satisfy both side.Only herself konws what does she want.
Maybe she can persuward the man to control weight and start doing some sports.If the man loves her I think he will do it.
@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
24 Apr 09
If she asks the boy to control weight then he will definitely suspect that she is not happy about the way he looks.
@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
25 Apr 09
What if he tells his family about what she thinks about his physical appearance.