Aside from the military, what does the federal government run well?
By Taskr36
@Taskr36 (13963)
United States
April 25, 2009 9:25am CST
I asked someone this in another thread, but I think it's worthy of its own discussion. I keep hearing liberals talk about how the government should run healthcare, a massive, complicated program that would serve EVERYONE in the country. I could ask why, but we all know, they want it to be free for them while being paid for by wealthy Americans. That's typical for liberals.
Here's the kicker though. What makes anyone think it will work? The federal government can't deliver the MAIL. 10 year olds on bicycles have been delivering newspapers for God knows how long and I don't hear people complaining about paperboys the way they do the post office. The post office here in Miami is completely incompetent and rather high maintenance as well, but I digress. Anyone who is friends with or related to a vet knows that the VA hospitals are run like crap and located in the worst parts of town. The welfare office is a joke. The department of education does more harm than good with crap like No Child Left Behind. The government's been running Amtrack for over 20 years and they have yet to make a profit and have a frightening record of accidents.
Now, despite their clear incompetence, liberals want the fed to run healthcare, teh banking industry, and the auto industry. Did you think to look at the government's track record before wanting all this?
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9 responses
@Ima_C_Suvaya (431)
• United States
26 Apr 09
It runs from the truth rather well.
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@us2owls (1681)
• United States
25 Apr 09
Health Care - don't make me laugh. When Bill Clinton was president he decided to do something about health care and he appointed a committee and made Hillary Chairman. After months of discussing it and spending millions of taxpayer money while they were doing it, they put out a report that took so much paper we could have had a new forest someplace from all the trees that went into making the paper it was printed on. It was such a boon-doggle that Bill broke up the committee - much to Hillary's chagrin - and then he tossed the report into the trash can because it would take months to read and digest it , and left it there. So much for Democrats sorting health care.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
25 Apr 09
If the US Post Office doesn't deliver mail well, you can't prove it by me. My small business sends out well over 1,00 packages per year and there is rarely any problem. Last year there were only two returns and one loss. The returns were both caused by mistakes in the addressing and the loss was a case of theft in the lobby of the buyer's apartment building. No matter, the post office promptly paid the insurance claim. We used to also offer UPS delivery but there were so many problems that we now only ship USPS and it amazes me how well the US post Office does its job.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
25 Apr 09
That's 1,00 packages...a zero missing. Actually it was 1422 packages last year and looks to be a lot more this year. They'll all go out USPS.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
25 Apr 09
Okay, One Thousand + packages ...Sorry, that zero keeps getting lost.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
25 Apr 09
Well I'm glad you've had such good luck, but you're the only one I've heard say good things about the post office being dependable. In Tampa last year I sent out about 14 packages, 2 didn't make it and 1 took 2 months instead of 3-5 days, long after I'd refunded my buyer's money. Since moving to Miami things have gotten even worse. The post office royally screwed up our forwarding address, INVENTING a nonexistent address to forward mail to. Then they refused to deliver our mail because they said not enough people lived in our building to make the trip worthwhile, even though they delivered mail to the building next to us.
Our delivery person is the most high maintenance wench I've ever heard of. Even after the building had enough people, she stopped delivering our mail for a week because one of the roads by our building was under construction. Then she said it was because she didn't have a reserved parking space for her truck. Then she said it was because she was afraid of getting hurt by the nearby construction. Anyone like that should be fired, but I'm pretty sure we all know how the government is about firing people. You need to be convicted of a felony for that to happen and even then might just get transferred.

@spalladino (17891)
• United States
25 Apr 09
I'm not disagreeing with you about the Federal Government in general but I do disagree strongly with your opinion of the V.A. Medical Centers, the care they provide and their locations.
Being in the Miami area I'm sure you know that the V.A. Medical Center there is located in an area of several square blocks of medical facilities including the University of Miami Hospital, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center (also part of the U.M. Hospital System), Highland Park General Hospital, Bascom Palm Eye Institute, Cedars Medical Center and others that I didn't see when I spent a week down there. This is downtown Miami so, no, the neighborhoods aren't going to be the greatest but these facilities aren't located where they are because of the neighborhoods. The V.A. Medical Center in West Palm Beach is actually located in a pretty nice area, by the way.
Now, I have had no personal experience with the V.A. Medical Center in Miami but I can't say enough about the quality of care that my husband and many other vets I know have received at the V.A. Medical Centers in both Baltimore and West Palm Beach. We have been in the system for over six years now and I have never been disappointed. I sit in the waiting room longer in my doctors' offices than my husband ever has at the V.A. and that includes every specialist (at least 9 or 10 of them) and every test. He's been hospitalized twice...once in Baltimore and once in West Palm Beach...due to a sudden, serious problem that we went to the ER for. Again, the wait wasn't long, the doctors knew what they were doing, tests were done quickly and his treatment and daily care was great.
As far as the welfare offices go, those are state run as far as I know and, again, it depends on the area. Offices located in larger, more metropolitan areas are run worse than those in smaller, more rural areas because they service more clients. The same goes for the state unemployment offices.
Do I believe that the federal government is capable of running a healtcare system for the entire country? No. Do I believe that the Veteran's Administration itself is run well? Hell no. But, give the medical centers their due. The V A Capitol Health Care Network was recently awarded the prestigious Maryland Quality Gold Award for 2008 as part of the Maryland Performance Excellence Awards Program. They must be doing something right up in Baltimore.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
25 Apr 09
Well undoubtedly some VA medical centers are run well, just like some Post Offices are run well. As a whole though, problems are rampant. I don't have any friends in Miami visiting the VA medical center here, but frankly, outside of the library NOTHING in Miami seems to be run well. I've had fights with every department I've dealt with whether it be transportation, post office, hospitals, or whatever.
Most of the bad experiences I've seen people have with the VA hospitals were when I lived in Orlando and Tampa where I had a lot of friends who had to deal with their crap. Tampa is actually a pretty nice place without a lot of bad areas, but somehow they managed to squeeze the VA into the very worst part of Tampa.
Aside from that I believe you read my thread a while back about the guy who nearly lost a leg due to incompetence at a VA hospital. Had he not gone out of the system, he'd be an amputee right now.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
25 Apr 09
Well, I'm glad we don't live in the Orlando or Tampa area then! I did take my husband outside of the V.A. Medical System for his right carotid artery because their policy was to continue to wait and see until that artery was 90% closed. I wasn't comfortable waiting once his quarterly test indicated that he was in the mid 80% range so we consulted with a vascular surgeon who agreed that he qualified for surgery and used my insurance through my job.
@SteveSlaton (552)
• United States
26 Apr 09
As a Vietnam vet who has family in uniform right now, your header makes no sense. The US does NOT run the military well...
As for veteran benefits, that's is sad like you said...
As far as I am concerned, every adult American should consider themselves part of the militia.
The Federal government should have very limited international and interstate activity, actually control common currency - not turn it over to the "Federal Reserve" (that is actually the banking industry), assemble and coordinate the National Guards and militia for common defense (not making wars!), and maintain the courts.
Almost everything the Fed. Gov. does it should stop.
Oh. Except for the District of Columbia, military bases and armories, and the post offices, the Fed. is not supposed to own property...
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
1 May 09
"As a Vietnam vet who has family in uniform right now, your header makes no sense. The US does NOT run the military well."
I should have put "Excluding the military" instead of "Aside from the military". My goal was to avoid having people argue about their opinions of our military and focus more on the governments failure to run any agency as well as comparable businesses in the private sector such as USPS as opposed to UPS and FedEx, or federal welfare and job training programs as opposed to private charities and private organizations that provide job training.
@SteveSlaton (552)
• United States
6 May 09
As I see, common defense, directly controlling and overseeing our currency (not delegating this duty to the "Federal Reserve" that is actually a bunch of greedy corporate banks!), international relations including treaties, and settling inter-state disputes, and coordinating the road, rail, and power grids should be the limit of the Federal government function.
The USA Empire should be carefully taken apart by us citizens through the calling of a USA Constitutional Convention, and this right is so stated in the original Constitution.
@IzzyArt (13)
• United States
25 Apr 09
I don't really have anything to add to the conversation, however as a former Sailor that thread title is still making me laugh.
The military is not run that well, it takes forever to get anything done. One of my friends just came back from Iraq, she's a single mother, and all she was trying to do was get her transfer to her new duty station. This should have taken a few days tops, she's been stuck here in Virginia for almost two weeks now because of incompetence. This is pretty normal.
Also government buildings such as the VA, Post Offices and military bases are in the horrible parts of town because that's where the cheap land is located. Then if it wasn't the horrible part of town when it was built, it becomes the horrible part of town because no one wants to live next to those type of facilities.
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@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
1 May 09
It runs pork bills through well, and fast when they think we aren't looking...
No, they didn't think to look at the track record first, they don't care and don't care where the money will come from for health care. They just want it at any cost because they know other countries have it.
@katran (585)
• United States
26 Apr 09
To me this all seems like a lose-lose situation, to be honest. The government sucks at running things, but there are certain things that also suck at running themselves. I don't think we can really argue that the banking industry, the auto industry, and the health insurance (not health care - health care is fine) industry are being run well in the hands of private individuals. Having the government take over may or may not help. Having the government leave them alone may or may not help. Like I said, lose-lose situation.
When it comes to the auto industry, I say we should have just let them tank. Call it a warning to the business owners of the country that they better get their stuff in order, because they could lose it all. But when it comes to health insurance and banking...well...those are important things. Those are things that the country cannot do without. You can't exactly just let them die. So what do you do? I certainly have no earthly clue.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
26 Apr 09
Well I think that the banking industry has it's problems as a result of government interference. If the government wasn't telling them who to loan to they would have never made home loans to ignorant people who couldn't pay their mortgages. The banking industry knows a safe loan and a risky loan and if they weren't being bullied by the likes of Barney Frank, they would have used the same wisdom that they've been using for the last 50 years. Insurance companies can die and be replaced by better companies the way every failed company is.
@jldg25 (3)
• Canada
25 Apr 09
I think that the goverment dosn't even run the militiry well. Look at Irak and Aghanistan , what a joke? Hundreds of soldiers and billions in dollars dieing out there for what? Oil? Foreign peace? Domestic peace? Well the fact is that oil prices are high, economy is at a all time low and foregin peace? It's highly unstable.