Men would you buy sanitary napkins for your woman and ladies would you ask ?

@ronnyb (6113)
April 26, 2009 11:38am CST
Or do you consider this an emasculating activity ? Maybe there are extenuating circumstances in which you would do so but what about on a regular basis like when you were picking up the groceries ? Traditional school of though suggests that some roles ,men aren’t supposed to do like women’s laundry and buying sanitary napkins but for some modern men this isn’t a problem. Are you a modern man or an unyielding traditionalist who would never be caught in the isle for feminine products less your macho friends see you and tease you to death ? Ladies would you ask your man to buy sanitary napkins for you and do you consider this emasculating for your man ? Or would your reason for not asking is that he isn’t likely to get the right item for you Thanks in advance for your views on this issue .
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30 responses
@azlin_04 (112)
• Malaysia
27 Apr 09
Well Ron, My half never feel ashamed of buying me the pads! Nowdays I think man has to learn to compromise with their patner and not be shy anymore. It's not like you are going to be sissy if people sees you holding the package....
@UK_Shree (3603)
27 Apr 09
Exactly. As a couple it's nice to help each other out when needed!
• United States
17 May 09
I would never , never get my man to buy Anything like that.It is to personal. And besides I wouldn't discuss such things.But I can see some men guying them for their woman.there was a comedian who had a bit about this and the main point was that by buying the maxi pads is a sign he had a woman.
• United States
17 May 09
It is because I love him I wouldn't want him to buy them. I find the whole thing disgusting and unnecessary.If I love him, why gross him out?Washing is the one chore I love doing so he wouldn't have to do that.If he can take out the trash, I'll do the laundry.
• United States
17 May 09
oops. It is unnecessary because I never wanted children .And I forgot to say thank you for your kind words, You always have very thoughtful posts.Talk to you later.
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
17 May 09
I understand your point but arent you two in a personal relationship anyway but like i said i understand .I think if any woman asked me to do it i would because i remember an older woman telling me that if i can take it off i can wash it too the time she was referring to washing panties but i suppose the same principle applies.Thank you very much fro this and all teh other responses i have gotten from you...there are insightful as usual
1 person likes this
• Philippines
26 Apr 09
i grew up in a big household where the men get to do a fair share of household chores like doing the laundry and cooking, and the women get a hand in carpentry. so i guess, men in my family would never think buying a sanitary napkin for any female member in the family , as out of ordinary. and the women in the family... would never think twice about asking. even my boyfriend has never complained before, whether we were doing the grocery or he's doing my grocery. even if it's the only item i asked him to buy for me. :) i guess asking a guy to do that kind of buying depends on the level of comfort you have in the relationship. traditional or modern, it's such a simple task that shouldn't compromise a man's macho image. it's not like asking him to put on some make-up or a woman's dress in public. hehehe certainly, i wouldn't ask him if i know he's not likely to do it in the first place. :)
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
27 Apr 09
Great answer and an interesting family arrangement,I think we need many more family structures like these to break down many of the tarditional stigmas tough.It would be good if many more men could be as thoughtful as youf boyfriend and not see it as emasculating.Thank you for your answer
1 person likes this
• Philippines
28 Apr 09
and thank you for the BR, very much appreciated. :) i do have a wonderful brother-in-law who's a very thoughful one (aside from being a great cook), he usually buys the sanitary napkin for her wife (my sister) and their daughter, who's 12 and recently got her period. he still looks so male even dressed with an apron on. :)
@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
26 Apr 09
No, I don't think I'd ask my husband to buy them for me, knowing him he would get the wrong ones, or he'd just go and see whatever ones he seen I don't think its emasculating, I think it would be thoughtful of them.
• United States
26 Apr 09
Haha..I meant go and buy whatever ones he seen first..sorry about that.
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
27 Apr 09
Ok well men are generally like that ,myself included ,we dont like to shop around,so he might just get you some inferior product.Thanks for responding to my discussion ,your response was informative
• United States
26 Apr 09
i always tried to have them on hand when i needed them but had no problem when i had a partner asking them to go to the store if need be. i see nothing wrong w/asking. it's not like it's any big secret about what goes on w/a lady every month. if you felt funny about going & buyint ehm for your lady what toliet paper, can't get much more personal that that. sure would be stinky around your house if everyone one was embarassed to buy
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
26 Apr 09
Thank you for your response Antique you still manage to extract some humor form this .Personally I have never been asked and I dont think I would ahev a problem with that but some men from where I am from are somewaht picky about what men should or shouldnt do ,so I was just wondering what is the consensus.I think though if we approach the sanitary napkins as we do toilet paper then there shouldnt be a problem lol
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Apr 09
there u go, ronnyb, tell those guys to chill outaround there, lol.
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
27 Apr 09
Antique I will tell them lol
1 person likes this
• India
21 May 09
Hello my friend ronnyb Ji, Well, we do not have any such bindings or barrier. We both can buy any item for any of Us. May god bless You and have a great time.
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
21 May 09
yes and that is why i know your relationship should blosssom and flourish .In addition it also bodes well for those instances when you may need these items and are unable to get them as you may just call him up and ask him to get them for you.Thank you for your response
1 person likes this
• India
21 May 09
Hello my friend ronnyb Ji, So nice of your comments. I only know one thing, when we have accepted the truth of being married and enjoying our married life, why to feel bad , what others say, after we do shopping. There is a saying our side that we eat products made by Jaggry, at the same time deslike 'Jaggry' in general. May god bless You and have a great time.
@Uroborus (908)
• Canada
21 May 09
I amazes me to think there are some men who would actually think this is a problem. What's the big deal. They are just a product that you buy, they are packaged and it's not like people might think you're buying them for yourself. I often do the shopping in my household, and I buy whatever everyone in the house needs that week. If that include sanitary napkins, then fine, or whatever else may be needed. I have even bought those pink razors that women use to shave their legs. Now there is a product that may be construed as being used for myself, since I do shave, and, Oh My God, they're pink! I no more separate the laundry, which I also share in doing, into his and hers any more than I do the shopping. I put my underwear in along with hers (God knows what they do in there together), along with any other feminine clothing. I mean, what is the fear here. Are some guys afraid that in the privacy of the laundry room they may be tempted to cross-dress?
@madasp (563)
• United States
27 Apr 09
yeah, I would ask, but so far in 20 yrs he's managed to never pick them up for me LOL. At least he's progressed to being able to walk down that aisle in the store (as long as I'm with him). I used to work in a grocery store and a lot of men had no problem with it, even being bold enough to ask for help if they weren't sure of which kind they were supposed to be getting. I've tried to explain over and over again to my husband that most of the time the clerk isn't even paying attention to what they are ringing up. If they are, I would think they would assume, like I used to, that the man has a wife/girlfriend at home and not that they are buying it for personal use LOL
@tash01 (2030)
• Jamaica
23 Aug 11
A lot of man, is a shame to buy sanitary napkins for their wife are girl friend.If am home an i run out of pads, my husband always run to the shop an get me one.Even if we are shopping,and picking up groceries he pick up a few for me.I don't see any thing wrong with a man buying a pad for his wife are girl friend, it's in a bag . Some men are a afraid to buy because they don't want their friends to tease them .Real and mature men , do buy pads for their wife.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
28 May 11
Hi. ronnyb. At first, when I wasn't married, just the thought of my man buying my sanitary napkins for me seemed very embarrassing. So, now, my husband buys them for me every now and then. He only buys them when I ask him to. I usually buy them myself though. I will let him buy them for me when I have ran out of them at home and when he is closer to the store than I am to the store. My husband does not have a problem with buying me sanitary napkins at all. I don't see why a man should not buy his lady sanitary napkins if she needs them, it isn't like he has not seen any other private things that are about her anyhow. My husband is considered to be a modern man.
@tash01 (2030)
• Jamaica
23 Aug 11
Yea my husband too , if i ask him to buy it for he would.Other wise i always make sure i have at home. But if i run out m he would buy it for me ,he is not afraid to buy female products.Where i love here in Jamaica, some men don't buy for their wife because they don't want people to see them buying it. but their are real men out their,who is not afraid to buy female stuff for their lady.
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
27 Apr 09
My first husband would not buy sanitary napkins for me. After our son was born, I was running out and asked him to go to the store to buy some for me and he refused. I really thought that was rather heartless, because at the time I was not able to go get them myself. Now, my second husband has no problem picking up anything I need from the store, including sanitary napkins.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
27 Apr 09
I have sent my husband out to buy them before and he has done so without a problem. I would show him the packaging if I still had some left or I would write out a very clear description of what I'm after and he has always done a pretty good job most of the time! My partner is good like that; he will even hold my handbag when we are out if I am carrying a lot of stuff; he is secure enough in himself not to let things like that bother him!
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
27 Apr 09
Wow thats how it should be too ,like someone before said there are no male and female jobs and he should be there to help in whatever chores there are to make the household run better .Thank you for responding
@caskins (689)
• United States
29 Apr 09
Hello ronnyb, me and my boyfriend has been together for six years now. He has never had a problem going to the store and getting my female products. He is not embarrassed. Why should he be it's not like he is wearing it himself. lol. Happy myLotting!
@Raven7317 (691)
• United States
29 Apr 09
Heck, yeah, I'd ask! I've asked him to pick me up anything from tampons to nursing pads... I was brought up to treat my 'lady things' as something private and to 'shield' my man from them... But it was my DH who pointed out to me that he was a big boy and knew very well that I kept tampons and the like in the bathroom and he said "you don't have to hide them or bury them in the closet!" I thought this was fabulous! He also does my laundry, when and if I need him to... We both look at it like this: we live together, we share the same intimate private areas, we've seen each other sick, hurt, down and naked! We've had a baby together and he was in there right along side me.... SO - we are adults and although we do take small measures to ensure intimate privacies, we don't get embarrassed when something needs to be taken care of. I try to make sure I have all my lady things on hand, but when it comes right down to it, it's a part of my life and he's a part of my life so they both have to coexist!
• India
27 Apr 09
My husband always buys napkins for me…he has been doing so throughout the 12years of our married life. He has never refused so I guess he’s never taken it to be degrading. You would laugh if I say that in middle age, I feel embarrassed to go and pick up a packet of napkins…but I’ve always been like that. Maybe it was the upbringing where menstruation was a hush-hush word and young unmarried girls never picked their own napkins…their moms did it for them. Whatever be the case, I am extremely lucky in getting a hubby like him…you know everytime he keeps forgetting the name and brand and each time he’ll ask me but he will always get it for me.
@silverglint (2000)
• Philippines
27 Apr 09
I don't really mind asking my husband to buy sanitary napkins for me, I think that he should be mature enough to understand that is not a big deal at all. There is nothing wrong with a guy buying napkins, I mean they can't be mistaken to be gays, its just obvious that they are buying it for a wife, or girlfriend. The only risk is that they would buy the wrong brand, or type of napkin. I don't mind since I am not that particular with the different features, as long as it serves its purpose hehe. I have asked my husband to buy napkins for me several times already.
• Philippines
27 Apr 09
It has nver been an issue to my husband to buy me a sanitary napkin. In fact, even when we were not married yet, I could let him buy napkins for me. . . I am lucky to have a husband who doesn't care buying personal things (dresses, bags, makeups, underwears, etc.)for me.
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
27 Apr 09
Nope, i don't mind at all. In fact it happened to me when my former girlfriend's period suddenly came so i have no choice but to go to the store and buy some sanitary napkins for my girl. It's not really much of a problem to me because i am confident about my sexuality and it won't bother me much. Well my girlfriend think it's sweet so i guess that's all that matters to me, to make her happy and comfortable too! lol!
@UK_Shree (3603)
27 Apr 09
If I needed them and didn't have the time then yes sure I would ask. Why not? Especially if it was my hubby I was asking I hope that we would be close enough in the first place to understand why I am asking. If possible though I would prefer to get it myself as it is a very personal item but I would have problem asking if I really needed some and didn't have the time.
• United States
27 Apr 09
I asked once ending up with god knows how many boxes of pads and tampoons he thought it was funny and put the store clerk on the phone to figure out which ones I wanted. Jokes on me people haha....and yes I still ask if I need them.