Could somebody please explain Obama's thinking on this? Rosa Brooks???
By ladyluna
@ladyluna (7004)
United States
April 26, 2009 12:57pm CST
Hello All,
I am terribly unnerved by Obama's appointment of George Soros lackey, and left-wing columnist Rosa Brooks as an "Advisor to the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy".
"In what has to be one of the most extreme appointments yet by the Obama Administration, ex-Los Angeles Times columnist Rosa Brooks has just been made an adviser to Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Michelle Fluornoy - a move Brooks describes as "my personal government bailout. "Bailout is certainly the right word for someone who appears to have no relevant national security qualifications for the position. She does though have experience working as Special Counsel for George Soros's Open Society Institute in New York, and as a former adviser to Harold Koh, the hugely controversial nominee for Legal Adviser to the State Department."
Brooks is known for her extreme views, seething contempt for George W. Bush, his administration, the military, and anyone who doesn't agree with her points of view. How then is she to fit in with Obama's promise of bi-partisanship and unity?
This is the same woman who regularly compared George W. Bush to Adolph Hitler in print. Appointing Brooks is not so unlike a Bush appointment of media personality Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity as an advisor to the Defense Department. Would anyone on the left be OK with Rush being appointed in an official capacity, to a position of unmatched influence in our Defense Department and federal government?
She is wholly unqualified for the position. So, why has Obama appointed her to a post with that much influence to shape the policy of this administration?
What's even more troubling is the haunting question: Do we really want such a vile, hateful, extremist directly affecting our national policies?
What the heck is Obama thinking?
"Socialist Brooks new boss Flournoy holds one of the most powerful posts in the Pentagon. As an advisor to Flournoy, Brooks will yield the next primary degree of influence in helping shape US policy. Socialist Brooks will hold a security clearance higher than most Congressmen and Senators."
[i]"“Brooks' description of the previous occupant of the White House as "our torturer in chief" is hard to square with President Obama's call for bipartisanship. Nor is her ludicrous comparison of the Bush Administration's legal arguments on the war on terror with Adolf Hitler's use of political propaganda.”
“Brooks has compared being a citizen in George W. Bush's America "to being a passenger in a car driven by a drunk driver," and compared the Bush Administration ("our local authoritarians") to the leaders of North Korea or Iran.”
“Let's hope this is isn't the kind of advice the new administration takes on for the war in Afghanistan. In fact it is hard to think of a more inappropriate political appointment at a time when America needs a hard-headed approach to winning a global war instead of defeatist, far-left rhetoric.”
What in the world was Gates or Obama or Fluornoy, whoever was responsible for this appointment, thinking? This choice is so bad even some Europeans think it is crazy. I wonder why (as of this writing) I haven’t seen anything in the American MSM about it?"[/i]
This is the same hack whose final column in the LA Times outlined the need for taxpayers to 'bail-out' the failing newspaper industry![/b],1,4863536.column
[i]"With that reasoning in mind - that the government needs to pay for its own watchdog is reason for the government to bailout failing her brand of print journalism.
"It's time for a government bailout of journalism," Brooks declared.
Governments have long been involved with the journalism industry. Brooks may prefer the Canadian and British styles, but some of the more famous examples include Pravda, the journalistic organ of the Soviet Union and the official media outlets of the Chinese government - China Central Television (CCTV), Xinhua - the state-run news agency and People's Daily - the news outlet of the China's Communist Party."[/i]0
[b]My questions to you are:
1. Am I the only one wondering what the heck is going on with this new administration?
2. Should this hack be "bailed out" (her own words) and thus become a paid civil servant, when her history shows that she only 'serves' the approximate 10% -30% of Americans who embrace the hard left, George Soros, model of a socialist America?
3. Should this woman get the boot before she has a chance to do irreparable damage?
Thanks, I'm looking forward to reading all of your responses.[/b]

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5 responses
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
26 Apr 09
So far I see all of Obama's appointees as being capable of causing irrepairable damage. I never see anything in the media which could even slightly tarnish Obama's image. IMO Obama is getting power mad and surrounding himself with people who are just as unqualified as he is.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
27 Apr 09
To all honorable members who would otherwise respond to this discussion -- please DON'T.
It would seem that the cowardly, punitive raters are at their old game -- yet again! They 'slam' the views of others, yet refuse to publicly defend their dissent. MyLot will not correct this unjust, punitive rating system until community involvement suffers. As such, I urge you to make your opinion known about the ongoing support of this childish, punitive system of irrational judgement.
I do not wish to see your personal, public reputations further tarnished because of your participation. Please do not respond herein! Instead, please see my new 'line in the sand' discussion about the negative ratings system. Thank you!
"Don't think of retiring from the world until the world will be sorry that you retire. I hate a fellow whom pride or cowardice or laziness drives into a corner, and who does nothing when he is there but sit and growl. Let him come out as I do, and bark."
- Samuel Johnson
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
27 Apr 09
You have to always keep in mind the little slips that Obama occasionally makes when he is not using his teleprompters. It does not happen often but when he speaks from the cuff, he screws up.
One such slip was when he said he wanted us to be like a European country. At one time he said it would be nice to be like Italy. Everyone assumed he meant the current Italy. What if he didn't? What if he did mean a Communistic Italy or Germany? He did not say what era. Everyone just made an assumption. But from the looks of things and the bills in committee, we are heading that way.
I have been worried since his very fist speaches that something was amiss with this man. His campaign money came via the internet. Untraceable, unaccountable. He has disrespected all of the US's old allies and treated our enemies like great friends.
He has paid people for favors with appointments, which is I am sure how Rosa Brooks got her job. He does not care what happens to the people of this country. This is a lark a big party for him. Someone else is pulling the strings. Whoever made those internet contributions from overseas now owns us.
He tried to say that it was nickle and dimes from the "little people". But if you stop and think about how much he spent on his campaign, and is still spending for all of this legal stuff over his eligibility to even be president, you would know that he took in millions via the internet. I think this is one reason why he wants control of the Net. So that no one else can ever do what he did again.
I think they both should get the boot. And when the election comes up in 2010, we should all look carefully at our Congressional and Senate folks and warn them that we are looking at them before we VOTE THEM OUT!!!!!! if THEY voted like idiots.
@max1950 (2306)
• United States
27 Apr 09
appointee's what appointees everyone he gets is no good or has a past that wont get them in. hey the people wanted a savior and so far all "WE" GOT WAS, our children and grandchildren in hock for the next 10-15 years. wait until they pass the enviroment tax's that will double your electric bill's . BIG MISTAKE HAVING OBAMA IN OFFICE, HE DIDNT KNOW ANYTHING BEFORE HE GOT IN AND IS GOING DOWNHILL EVER SINCE. YOU WANTED A SAVIOR NOW PUT UP WITH YOUR MISTAKE FOR THE NEXT 4 YEARS, AND IF HE HAS HIS WAY WE'LL BE SPEAKING ARABIC. WHEN ARE PEOPLE GOING TO LEARN THAT WHEN YOU VOTE IN A DEMOCRAT IT'S COSTING US $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ EVERYTIME THEY GET IN OFFICE. NOW, AH SCREW IT, LIKE I SAID BIG MISTAKE. BAIL OUT'S NOT WITH MY GRANDKIDS COLLEGE MONEY.. HOPE ALL YOU DEMS ARE HAPPY NOW,
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
27 Apr 09
Well, let me say first that no matter the administration nobody is ever bi-partisan no matter how fervently they promise.
I don't see where any of Mr. Obama's appointees have been qualified--some have minimal qualifications and others leave me scratching my head. Napolitano as Homeland Security (which sounds like Hitler's Motherland, btw, thanks Bush!
) I lived in AZ when she was governor and she refused to do anything to secure our borders with Mexico. Of course, neither did McCain!
I do not think any extremist should be in a public service position. Right or Left, no matter. I want moderates in important positions, people who will work for the public and not their party or some cause.
I am scared of this administration.

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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
27 Apr 09
If it weren't already blatantly obvious to anyone who has been paying attention, this latest appointment makes it unmistakable: 0bama HATES American, the American people, and the American way of life as we know it and will do anything and everything he possibly can to destroy it. If America is completely in ruins, the chances are much better for him that the truth about his eligibility to hold that office will never see the light of day.
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