Creationism is a Science?!
By sataness
@sataness (321)
April 26, 2009 2:32pm CST
I was in philosophy class and it was the first time i'd heard of this: More and more schools in America are now teaching the creation story as a literal account of the beginning of the universe. Basic Question is... What do you think about this?
The bible gives various stories and ideas, but essentially it was written by man for man. Many of the stories were written years - centuries and sometimes thousands of years after the time period. The bible itself appears to change with the flow of social laws and society. But that's not my argument here. What i argue is: Can you really use a book written by man - based on no evidence, as scientific evidence for creation?
for those who aren't aware: Creationism is the literal translation of Genesis 1 -3. The creation of the universe in 6 days by God and rest on the 7th. Schools are teaching it as a science, more parents are enforcing this as a guide in schools - and there's even a law in some areas prohibiting the teaching of evolution and the big bang in science. (View the Scopes trial for comfirmation) Evolution is considered heresay- scientific evidence through experiments is considered false. Is this not a violation of the true meaning of science? A lesson based on physical and experimented fact?
Please give your views on this. It's being taught to teens and elder teens, do you not think this closes off the mind to questioning life? Taking away the skill and freewill to believe what you want to believe? Or do you think it's the right thing to teach? Feel free to give your views!
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15 responses
@ulalume (713)
• United States
27 Apr 09
I am not religious any more because of your fundamental idea: these faith based beliefs should not be believed because they have no (real) evidence. People can complain and insist that their religion, their god, their belief is correct; however when you ask for a simple piece of evidence, they flee into their Bibles and insist you are attempting to corrupt them or hate them (or something). Humanity is in love with science, until it science comes knocking on the door of faith. All logic is cast aside. It is one thing to believe something (people can do whatever the hell they want!), but by all means no one should be insisting on teaching something (especially in school) that is not proven.
I do not think it is wrong to enlighten people about different view points. However, why should we just stop at evolution and creationism? There are more perspectives on where the world came from. Even I have asked, "Why can't the world just exist without the need to be created by some god or mutate out of a big bang?"
Lastly, telling anyone any specific idea is the "truth" pushes a boundary that should not be pushed. I honestly think science regarding the beginning of the world should be removed from the classroom, as they are purely speculation. Science attempts to prove evolution, and has been making a lot of headway in that regard; however these things are still theories. Religious people explain away the creation of the earth with their god, however this is in no way proven (its proven less then evolution!). I think it is all of the outcry by the religious to school districts and what not that has really caused this change, for the worse. The government is very weak and it has been said that even an elected official has to basically be in a close relationship with "god." Millions upon millions of people believe in god, however after thousands of years his existance has not been proven. People claim, "Look at the world around you, do you not see evidence of god here! Look at how complex our bodies are!" (etc. etc.). Yet, I say: That is not proof of anything! You are just speculating! If you can proove god is real, then you can surely attribute these things to him. They are just attributes, not proof. Evolutionists attribute these things to a big "mistake." This makes equal amount of sense as those individuals insisting it is god. Why? Because they are both unproven. People just want to believe a loving god created them, it makes them feel valuable.
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@sataness (321)
27 Apr 09
I understand your view, but the creation of the universe is something as humans we are trying to find. Whilst evolution may not be 100% fact there is enough evidence to give that idea - the fight for survival, bones, combinations of DNA between different species suggesting mutation from one source. This is what science is - is it not? You cannot teach science without asking how/why did it all come about? But you also can't teach religion without thinking: how/why did it all come about?
The evidence from the theory of creationism is simply- the bible. The difference between using these in science classes is there... We are learning creation of the universe from a book written by man - thousands of years after creation point. The start of time is impossible to prove without being there. But science and religion each have areas that they follow. Lol, i won't argue about God because A.) i do not believe in the religious idea of God and B.) i'm likely to go on forever arguing it. But i do respect the value of religious faith and scientific knowledge.
Happy mylotting and thanks for your reply x
@ulalume (713)
• United States
28 Apr 09
I agree with you one hundred percent! Debating God is essentially useless because there will continue to be stubborn people wherever you go. Having a bit of common sense and logic is the best weapon. You speak it much more clearly than I can. People never seem to question the validity of god, a simple how or why; yet they can be very vocal about their dislike of evolutionary science (simply based on the belief, based on the bible exclusively--and more so society as a whole--which inadvertantly tends to lean towards the bible in one way or another as the "holiest" of books). I believe in evolution much more than I believe in creationism, just because it is much more factual. Sure, I will not admit to believing to the Big Bang theory; however much of evolution really occurs right before our eyes.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
27 Apr 09
Creationism is not science. It is at its best pseudoscience and at its worst simple superstition. It has no business being taught in school as any thing other and outmoded folk tale.
The first question that must be asked is whose creation story should be taught. There are hundreds of different creation storied around the world. What makes one more meaningful than an other? The all have one thing in common. They all represent a relatively primitive peoples attempt to explain where we came from in light of the state of knowledge that existed in that society and to reconcile the story with the gods that were fashionable at the time.
Teaching creation as an established fact is a one way street to ignorance.
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@sataness (321)
27 Apr 09
Thanks very much for your reply x You're right when you question the favouritism of the bibl's creation theory. There are plenty enough to form a classful - but none are based on scientific and physical knowledge that science is meant to be based upon.
Happy mylotting x
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I know you said that it isn't your argument, but I have to ask. Where, exactly, has the Bible changed with the flow of social laws and society?
As far as your question about teaching creation, isn't it being taught as a theory the same as evolution? Why do you think this closes off the mind to questioning life? How can it take away the skill and freewill to believe what you want to believe? Couldn't you say the same thing about evolution if they're both being taught as theory?
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
29 Apr 09
The Christian story of creation is not a scientific theory, it is just one of many creation myths. Evolution is not a theory, it is a proven natural process that is ongoing in every living species on this planet. Teaching creation as a science is a crime against knowledge and can only breed ignorance.
@sataness (321)
29 Apr 09
Lol i'll try to answer the best i can:
A,) The bible has changed with social laws and society through the transition of old testement to the new one, where a loving ideology of God is more prominant. Also... early entries are more sexist against women and other races - on one of other posts i mentioned the favuouritism of Israelis against the egyptians in Moses and the parting of the sea - he would help israelis but it let innoccent children of the Egyptioans die for one person's actions - believing it was justice of God. Yet after teachings of Jesus - the bible done a big switch -a -roo. (But this is all my opinion, before anyone get's insulted- my freewill to choice what i believe) Suddenly the christian thinking is mainly against wars - is more loving and the dominant biblical quote used is 'Do unto thy neighbours as thy would have done unto theirself' or however it's written in Old Language. Done to others as you would like to be treated. Previously the christian belief in God led to the papal banner, the blessing of relligion on wars (Lots of evidence in medieval times where church power was dominant) now the fear is not as controlling more christians tend to follow the 'love' route, and it's more humble and arguably more peaceful and gentle. The opinion and belief in God's role has changed and so.. has the bible.. and so... therefore has society that's mainly been dominated by religion in the past. As technology has evolved we understand warfare tactics and the changes of the weather etc. victories and other experiences are now more explainitory than they have ever been. As a result the idea of God's role has changed - in the past God was something that interferred in wars on one army's side, and saw male as dominant (all the prophets are male... tht's the basic of sexism in it but still fact) whereas 'Jesus forgiving the world it sins' has changed christianity's views as well as the evolution of technology which has lessened the religious leader's hold over the monarchy. The time where religionw as a question of power is gone.
My argument was, as i've repreated. Creationism in those schools are being told as 'FACT' not a theory. By teaching this form of creationism they also teach that science is never true, all the data is false as (in some groups) the fossils and rocks where 'aged by the great flood' (Noah's ark). So no, it;s not being taught as a theory- theres a wave of schools over the globe taking this stance now.
I think it closes the mind simply because school has a powerful hold on ourt education as well as peers. The parents who voted this in are teaching them at home and then taught again at school. On top of this, they are only referring to one of countless creationist theories over the globe, favouritising Genesis' version. This prevents students being taught it in school like other schools do. By teaching creationism as a science - it doesn't give them a skill for which is employable as a scientist which is recognised globallly. On top of that it therefore discourages learning about space as the genesis story focuses on the evolution of Earth... this favouritises our planet - of which everyone has knowledge... Earth is insignificant in the universe. It's a theory taught in science but is based on a book written by man years after the event took place. It's a bad source of scientific evidence is it not? Therefore it shoudl be taught in religious education which is compulsory anyway. There's freewill to believe what we want to believe... and then there's freewill to believe what's fed to us: how often did you come home from school and think 'I'm going to go on the internet and research the origins of maths' algebra?' If you did, you're a genius and laos unique. It's being taught as fact to teenagers - Science is meant to be fact: hence why it's science. It's the teaching of progression of science discoveries throughout the years based on physical evidence. Evolution is not being taught as a theory but as the main decision about how people evolve: simply through scientific (the key word) evidence of fossils, rocks, skulls, plant progression, mass extinctions etc. It's created through years and years of research and any latest evidence in the scientific world has not disproved the 'theory' yet. Even our DNA suggests mutation of specieds (E.G 98% same as monkeys, 54% in dogs, 34% in daffodils etc - even the crocodile has characteristics more like a bird then as a reptile) It's scientific evidence for a science class that the creationism theory lacks? Does it not? By creationism i do not mean the various forms of it -but the literal translation of the genesis that the world was created in 6 days about a few thousand years ago. To believe this dispproves even the history of mankind let alone science. Both theories have a right to be taught by the education board simply because it keeps students up to date with global progressions. By gatekeeping certain information because that's the opinion of leading authoritarian figures on the education board - welll it;s simply forcing the students to believe their opinions rather than teaching them thoeries of the world. Garunteed these religious students will agree with this theory (Dawkins researched into it - and recognised complete ignorance of science of creation and physics, chemestry and biology etc and also astronomy) as they are religious and being taught that's how God made them. Maybe a few will question it -but after the teachers being reprimanded for teaching evolution - most of those students dont find answers at school. They aren't given freewill (in my opinion) to believe what they want becsause they are being fed informatiion as fact that's not proven fact.
I'll agree i don't 100% agree with evoolution either i think it's a large estimation to make in comparison to other planets in the universe. But Charles Dawin was able to supply his theory with enough evidence that's simply become stronger rather than weaker in later years.
But like i say, i have my own view on it as others do. Happy mylotting x

@katb28 (225)
26 Apr 09
hi there i don't know if your aware but there is actualy far more evidence that poits towards creation than there is for evolution, i am not an expurt in the field of sciance but there is a web sight on the internet called answeres in genesis which has all the sciantific evidence for creation on it but i do know of one example that points towards creation, eg the bee, sciantificaly it should be impossible for this insect to fly phisics says it is impossible its bodie is to big and heavy and its wiongs to small and light and yet it does fly sciance carnt explain but creation can this is just one example. as to weather the bible is changed with social trends the answere to this is no the bible it does not comprmise its self to fit in with social treds and social belifes but unfortunatly the same carnt be said for a lot of christians far to often they are willing to compromise there faith
@sataness (321)
26 Apr 09
There is a strong christian liberal ideology that evolution is merely an extension of the creation story. That rather than being created in 6 days, it was created over a larger period of years as it seems to follow the evolutionary pattern discovered through fossils. This is more likely to be taught as science.. simply because there is something called 'scientific evidence' for it. In comparison to the creation theory... there is nothing that is evidential through the literal translation of Genesis. It's a story that focuses mainly on the creation of Earth... it does not go into detail on the creation of the other planets and vast universe that is just as detailed as this. This shows the narrow-minded and lack of scientific evidence through the time this was written. It sees the Earth and people at the central importance... and is that that not simply human arrogance?
Creationism is being taught as a science based on a book. The simplistic evidence is there... through the written word of man. Scientists make theories that they can back with physical evidence and expand on it. The belief in creationism is simply based on a belief in God. God is also simply a theoretical issue. It's nothing factual. Yet creationism is being taught as fact? Evolution at least has physical evidence and noticably correct behavioural patterns that span thousands of years.
Everyone has their own opinion i guess. Happy mylotting and thankyou for replying, you gave me alot to think about. x
@katb28 (225)
26 Apr 09
im not saying that evolution should not be tought, charles darwin had a fantastic mind and had a wounderful idea although i dont agree with him but eaither they should teach both theorie as sciance or they should teach both under another subject such as social studie or something or not teach eaither and leave it to parents to choose what they want there children to know. i am a born again christian but i do not restrict my childrens learning e.g my son has a thing about dinosores and he knows both theories he is obsesed with sciance so he knows that charles dawin had an idea of how we got hear and also the bible tells us how we got hear so when he is older he will make a desision for himself i raise my children that they should look into things evaluate them and decide then they grow into free thinking adults, also even if a child is from a christian home they need information on both or else how are they supposed to defend there faith. i just think there should be both
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
27 Apr 09
I am really not trying to be mean here... but did you misspell all those words on purpose?

@nzalheart (2338)
• India
29 Apr 09
Hello Sataness!!
Philosophy? Look at what does philosophy means. Different people have different philosophies. The people who have extra thinking and convincing capacity tries to take the world with him. And with this many number of religions developed with different philosophies. And then these philosophies capture the people's mind.
This world is very much mysterious. What is the truth behind the creation of this universe, you and me cannot understand this because we have not thought enough on this. And about the theory being taught by the people about the creation of the universe, I don't know how people came to such thinking. Every thing looks hypothetical. These are all the philosophies. And which philosophy rules the world depends upon the the power of capturing the people's mind with that philosophy. And when lot of people said, ok I believe it may have been so, then it flourish and we read in the schools about them. And now, they may be correct, may not be correct. And for now, as it is the dominant concept most people tend to go with it.
Like you, people are not content with the theory they are given. Some people like you, like you are not accepting it and still it seems that you really wanna think of it. People accepting the above theory, now they are limited, they would not try to discover next reason. And still, like you, somewhat me and some other people still unsatisfied with the above reason, keeps on searching thinking about the mystery and in the future another dominant philosophy can still come. Which will then sweep away the thinking people have now and then take them into new thinking.
This world, nature of lot of mysteries than we know. People say, we have not been able to use the full capacity of our mind. Like Einstein is said to be using only 6% of his mind. And we are still using only few percentage. There are many truths beyond what we actually know. And in order to go on realizing these things, I believe meditation is the best. The only meditation, more and more can take you deep to the truth of this world, which may still be incomplete but can take you to most of them. I believe nature not only has the physical existence, but beyond the physical existence, there is the deep secret in the existence of feelings in us, sensation of everything in us.
Don't worry Sataness, the child will not get their mind closed of. You, me are also taught with the same things. With the time, increase in capacity of thinking, every thing changes. I realize there are many things that we are taught in school about moralities are controversial to each other. Like some moral science chapter says we must be very kind and the other chapter suggests we shouldn't be too kind that harms oneself. Just the matter of various thinkings...
Nice post...Keep on posting...Happy mylotting....

@sataness (321)
2 May 09
I'm ashamed to admit that i've never really been taught Buddhism to the extent i can fully understand it's issues and it's peaceful demeanor towards other species. I can't say anything more clearer than you have said, and i admire your understanding and relation too species around you through the free thought to do such. You seem to unbound yourself from the confines of religion and simply do a duty cos it feels the right thing to do. I honestly have nothing to argue with you (and that's a first... i'm always arguing!) thank you very much for sharing this with me and happy mylotting x
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
29 Apr 09
Thanks for the best response Sataness!!!
Yes, if we look back the history, human beings come to the latest ones. But we human beings have the most advanced brain and are seeking for the knowledge of existence of the life in earth. It is said that before us, there were dinosaurs. Sometimes, when I have nothing important to think, then I may think on these stuffs. And what I think is why only dinosaurs before us, they may be many different types of lives before dinosaurs.
I don't know you would accept this or not, but let me divert to the religions. Well rather than religions,lets go to the philosophy or whatever. I don't really know what's really in Christianity and so I don't really know about Jesus much. I am from Nepal(birth place of Lord Buddha), my family background is Hindu by religion. But the problem is that I don't believe in this religion. Because it is totally based upon the existence of god that are all supernatural. But I have read lots of books about Lord Buddha, about his life. And some other philosophic books about the Buddhism.
Like I said in the previous thread on "Do you believe in god or not." I don't want to bound myself to a religion. That's very true. And still I am more influenced by this religion. When I used to go to monastery, I used to hear some stories about the Buddhism, I used to hear like we shouldn't kill any creatures, if we do, then we become this, we become that and so on. And I really refrain from killing, not even the mosquito that bites me, I just scare them away. Well the reason is not about the above threats in the story, but the reason is that I keep myself in the position of those innocent creatures, who have the feelings like you and me. What I liked about you in the previous post was that you said, "This world is so cruel. And why would the god make this nature where one has to kill the other to survive." Not exactly this, but the theme was this, isn't it. And I feel the same, why is the world like this, where one is bound to kill or suppress other for the survival. When I think about this world, I feel too sad. And yes, human beings are also one of them, who suppress other animals and even the human being for their survival. And sure for this reason, we human beings can even be lower than the animals.
And now let me come back to the beginning, I talked about dinosaurs. Well in the Buddhism, there is the thing like karma. By karma, it means the result of our deeds. Are we really free to seize others life, are we really free to seize others happiness. This is the question I thought. When I think of this, I feel like we are not really free to do such things. And so for this reason there is surely a karma. Getting back the same result as we do to the other. And here comes the purification of soul which Lord Buddha occupied by lot of meditations. Meditation is the strong logic of Buddhism that convinces me because it really has the power.
No soul is purified easily, Lord Buddha meditated, seeked here and there in search of knowledge, finally understood the truth and enlightened which is the very very difficult tasks for us to follow. And so, no soul gets purified easily. This is the main basis I think that before dinosaurs too, there may be many other creatures. May be there is no starting point of existence at all, and there has ever been life no matter there is no earth, but in the other forms. And what I believe is no matter this earth will come to the end other day, the life and the existence of feelings of soul will never come to the end until they get purified.
Well its already 2:20 and its late night here. Just when I started writing about this as this was my very true thinking in my brain, I could not stop writing. Okay this is the way I thought, you may or may not accept many of my points. I am not a student of philosophy either. I hope you have something better to say on this....Hope to see reply from you...
Till then bye...And enjoy mylotting, this is a real place to share these kinds of things...
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
7 May 09
Well you have a lot of time in your life to know new things. You can read them in the future. I have something for you to read. I hope you will like this.
I had read about a book called The Four Noble Truths, which is a book from buddhism and was very much impressed by it. The link above contains the four noble truth in short. I hope you like it...
Happy mylotting...

@Aprillynn1 (225)
• United States
26 Apr 09
Wow, I have never heard this theory before. But you have to take it for exactly what it is. A theory! Any answer this question is merely science fiction. Noone in this world has the ability to "know" how the world begin....but, sure, the world is full of ideas. Thanks for bringing this up.... I plan on looking further into this theory.
@katb28 (225)
26 Apr 09
hi there i dont know if you are aware but evolution has never been proven it has always remaind a theory and yet we are willing to teach our children it as a sciantific fact when it is just not so i belive creation has just as much right to be tought in sciance as creation neaither have been proven absolutly and both are theorys there is now more evidence that points towards creation than there is evolution and yet we choose the one with the least amount of evidence and proof to teach our children, i think both should be tought as to separate theorys and ideas for the creation of our world
@sataness (321)
26 Apr 09
Lol you have everything there in a nutshell. Thank you x no one does have the ability to understand where we come from or how we got here. Lol the situation is that students are being taught it not as a theory but as fact. people and teachers (look at scopes) are being imprisoned or being made to pay money for even teaching evolution - or refering to it. When the scopes case came about - the government refused the defendants to bring in scientists who have evidence for evolution - fundamental to the case, and against the law for creationism. It makes the trials biased. When the defender (unusually) questioned the religious prosecutor the man could not answer questions about things within the bible, and answers showed he seemed to take a liberal idea to everything else in the bible apart from genesis. But the courts -again- took away the fundamental evidence that showed creationism is being taught in ignorance of it's religious origins, simply because the judge preferred creationism. Lol just a bit of context if you were interested but it shows how creationism is being taken as fact, and the right to teach whatever a teacher can teach on the subjects is taken away. The law is manipulating something so small.
Thanks very much for replying and i'm sorry for the long responce =P Happy mylotting x
@Aprillynn1 (225)
• United States
26 Apr 09
The way I see things... Most of life is a thoery. Even some of the most highly reguarded facts are still theories. Gravity, for instance. We accept that gravity is true. And we will continue to do so untill someone can prove this theory wrong. But, don't forget that thier was a point in time when everyone in the world "knew" the earth was flat and that the Earth was the center of the universe. However, years later technologies were developed that proved these theories as being wrong. Perhaps someday we will have developed a technology sophisticated enough to prove gravity to be true or false, or how the universe began for all that matter.

@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
27 Apr 09
Thankfully, that's not a problem in America. It was ruled in the Dover trial that creationism in the science class was a violation of the first amendment Establishment clause. I sincerely doubt any school over here teaches creationism these days.
Regardless, creationism is not, and never will be, a science. Those who argue that it is and should be taught as such deserve the scorn the community throws at them.
@sataness (321)
27 Apr 09
Lol this site gives some polls and statistics on Creationism in America. It is actually becoming incredibly popular mainly over there. Each state and school has been given the right to deicde what to choose: the state schools must teach both, but private schools and religious schools can choose which way they want to teach. Many are choosing the Creationism view. o.O and i just saw how there's 40 schools in the Uk following creationism view. It must be lack of publicity if i missed that in the UK news.
Thankyou for replying and happy mylotting
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
27 Apr 09
I still cannot believe how many schools in the US teach ONLY creationism. This is one of the reasons why our kids do so poorly against the rest of the world in science. They live in a dream world. Creationism teaches that the whole world is only 5,000 years old approx. not billions of years old. It can be proven that the dinosaurs have been gone for millions of years and what about the ice age etc. They say that the dinosaurs and humans lived here at the same time. Well, we can prove that that is not so also.
Creationism just takes the Bible literally with all of its missing info and big gaps and says this is EXACTLY what happened. That is unless they want it to say something else.
Scientists can prove the age of stuff now so we know the world is a whole lot older than the Bible infers it to be and that people have been around a whole lot longer and that dinosaurs did not live at the same time as people. Also the great flood only covered the Middle East not the whole world. All of this has been proven scientifically. They just won't accept it.
As for the whole Universe, I guess when it starts imploding they will have to accept the facts.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
2 May 09
The Scopes Trial was in 1925, 84 years ago; and though there was opposition to teaching evolution back then, do you honestly believe the NEA would allow public schools to teach anything but evolution today? There are probably some private, church affiliated schools that teach creation, but creation is certainly not taught in the public, tax dollar supported, government schools.
What "facts" are there in evolution? Scientist have not proven any of their theories. The missing link is still missing. It takes just as much faith to believe evolution as it does creation. What's wrong with presenting both sides and letting the individual decide for him/herself which to believe?
@sataness (321)
2 May 09
But the whole point of this discussion... is that the schools ARE NOT presenting both sides... they are presenting one. And to prevent repeating alll the evidence i gave to the exact same questions... look over my responces please, you'll find the answers there. Also they DO teach creationism... i';ll say it again, jhust because it's not top story in the media at the moment does not make it real. Yes, they are using tax payers money to fund schools governmentally run (not necessarily fully religious) based on opinions favouring creationism over science.
I also have to add that people have found a skeleton of a creature that does not conform to the main areas of science... this is a late advancement and it could possibly be the missing link. But also... again, just because we are not made aware of everything does not make it impossible. It's incredibly likely the government gatekeep information to prevent out roars - in fact it's proven they do this.
1999: 'Fifty studies were reviewed surverying teaching origins and public opinions. 90% of public suggested evolution and creationism to be taught. Or creationism on it's own. 90% of Americans considered themselves creationists in some form - half believing God created us in our present state a few thousand years ago. In America about 15% of teachers teach booth evolution and creationism. 20% of high school teachers and prominant scientists reject theist evolution.' - statistics in America - 7 years ago.
Also see this article written in 2008:
And here's another one about 'fundamentalist Christians' (stated in the artical) who took over a state-run school with creationism in mind as science.
'During the mid 1990's, creation science groups started to persuade school boards to give equal time to creation science'
'In recent years, the emphasis has been on encouraging teachers and students to be skeptical of the theory of evolution. Various legislatures have introduced bills to encourage teaching that the theory of evolution contains internal contradictions,. These are typically called 'academic freedom' bills. By the end of 2008 they had been introduced in about seven states and failed in all but Lousiana.' from
The Scopes trial was 84 years ago.. but it sparked the debate of science vs. religion more prominantly in the schooling environment. I'm not gonna state evidence- cos a.) i;ve done that alread with other responces and b.) i believe both should be taught in school for students freedom. I don't believe in creationism but i was taught it. the individuals aren't being able to choose what they believe.. in creationist schools they teach science data is fundamentally wrong (look it up if that appears an assumption). the whole point of science is physical evidence - and there's enough just looking around us to see the fight for survival, from plants -to animals-to humans. Religious theory of creationism is based on the bible alone. Hence it's a religious theory based in a priori idea of God. Like i mentioned preivous i study R.E, i admire those who believe in God and i'm not opposing people's own opinions. But by favouritising creationism as a science you are isolating modern progression of science, and what it's meant to stand for and also isolating other creationist beliefs in other religions. It's favouritising the christian faith aboth others... and they ARE trying to teach it in state and government funed schools. Also, where do you think the private schools get the money to fund themselves.... it's all out of the tax payers pocket. The building the books the lot. I believe all areas of creationism should be taught under the religious classes- it depends on a faith in God in the first place. But also up-to-date science knowledge should be taught too... at the moment it;s either creationism and evolution or creationism only. It is popular wave now days...
That's simply my view... but the individuals are being forced to follow opinions of older generations rather than teachign a wide ranged education as schools are meant to.
Happy mylotting and ty for replying x
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
27 Apr 09
As a Christian I of course believe in a creator, but I don't understand how anyone could agree with the literal 6 day creation. Any school that teaches that is off their knockers, I mean with all the archaeological evidence of animals that were on earth before humans came onto the scene... I don't see how so many species could have made itself extinct or arose in a day. And it wouldn't make ANY sense for God to leave evidence that animals were around for hundreds of thousands of years before humans if they weren't.
But anyway. Back to the topic. I think that schools should teach all sides to the evolution theory in classrooms. Let students think for themselves for a change. There is some compelling evidence of God's hand at work rather than random mutations, and I think it's worth a shot to learn about that kind of thing. It's something that all people are going to question in their life, so I think it is beneficial to teach both evolution and creationism theories in science classrooms.
@sataness (321)
27 Apr 09
Hmm i don't know about it being taught in science classrooms, but you;ve made some brilliant points. The main being about the compatibility of science and religion.
The only thing i'd say is... science is not focused on religion and that's intentional. The education board make both R.E and Science core subjects throughout the school life (at least they do in England) and so you are taught the spirituality and faith of God through religion and the physical evidence of evolution through science. God is a question of faith - if you don't believe in God or a creator then you tend to not believe the universe his creation, but if you are religious the theories of evolution and the Big Bang can be taught whilst not affecting the student's personal beliefs in religion. There's the conflict
Happy mylotting
@newuser_99 (377)
• Nepal
27 Apr 09
hi sataness, Nice topic It looks like mythological words and story. May be true or false. 7 days of world may not be only 7 days. May be certain time period was taken as 1 day and sum up with 7 days.
Way to teaching creativity science.
Have a good day!
@Bhurishrava (680)
• India
28 Apr 09
How can creationsm be a science?
Pity people fel it that way. While it i good to teach it as theory, it is rather ridiculous to pass it on as fact.
@MsBoomBoom (130)
• United States
26 Apr 09
Wow, these are loaded questions! lol..I wasn't aware that schools were teaching creationism. I remember learning about the big bang theory but all religious references were forbidden. The only time we could even utter 'god' was during the Pledge of Allegiance, and this still holds true in the schools that I teach in. However, I'm an elementary esl teacher so I'm not quite sure about what goes on in the upper grades. As as 'closing' the mind, I believe it depends on how the material is presented by the teacher. Teachers are supposed to guide this process but at times our views may rub off on the students..this can be a positive or negative thing.
I don't think it would close off the mind to questioning life at all. If anything, maybe students will begin to do their own independent investigations of the truth, then they could choose to believe what they wanted based on their would interesting to see how this unfolds - thanks for sharing this
@sataness (321)
26 Apr 09
Lol yeah creationism is a growing trend through American high schools i think. The teacher's are presenting the creation theory as fact -against the laws of science. Lol by being narrow-minded i mean: exams involve questions like: how long did it take for God to create the universe. The answer (as my philosophy teacher told) is taught to be 6 thousand years. An answer which discredits everything diiscovered by mankind -simply because the teachers believe in God. If it was being taught as a theory in religion or other means then it's understandable and reliable topic... but it's basically taught because of schools being either religious or the leading parents are religious. It specifies all science is wrong and creationism is right - and this does take away the right to question. Especially if you are brought up with it at home, and then are taught it in school - facts you depend upon to be truth. Ok, by teaching it as science it is respectful to a speciific religion,but closes off other religious ideas about creation and socieities ideas about creation. You are forced to believe one thing - lol as i mentioned in later discussion replies - teachers who do mentioned evolution processes are being victimised and charged in trials. This is how far the debate has led.
Happy mylotting x
@Mark_K_Hall (43)
• Canada
28 Apr 09
I find it funny when I hear that religion will evolve to compete with sciencce. Its the ultimate contradiction! An ideology that doesnt beleive in evolution can evolve. As well as the fact that something that is supposed to be considered solid fact can change just because science and technology constantlyget better. This is yet another form of proof that religion is a manmade thing and not dictated by a higher power.