Nationalized Health Care...
By missybal
@missybal (4490)
United States
April 26, 2009 9:01pm CST
Okay I didn't watch the news for a couple of days... shame on me because today I hear from a friend that Obama's plan to totally restructure the health care system is getting ram right through. Meaning more Government funded health care... more taxes from Americans for health care. I do not want my government getting more involved in my health care. This really upsets me because I know how terrible our medicaid and medicare system is now. Like nationalized health care has worked for other countries.
I hear that Obama wants to use the Reconciliation Process to pass this because he knows he can't get enough votes otherwise. So even with every Republican voting no the democrats can still jam it through. This is terrible. How could we allow one side (and I mean either side!!!) this absolute power to use this process as a loop hole to advance one political parties personal agenda. This process was not meant to be used to create whole new programs. Something big like this deserves extensive debate and time for our representatives to listen to the taxpayers get their point of view to make an educated vote. I do not even have time to get letters out to my representatives. I can't get through on the phone lines. I don't trust the government with my life and I'm mad because everything is happening so quickly we don't even have a say anymore. I bet you once again Obama will not keep his promise to allow Americans to view the bills and policies prior to it being signed into law.
Is this nuts or is it just me? ...
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8 responses
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
27 Apr 09
If people knew the hoops you had to jump through for medicaid, they wouldn't be so gung-ho. Just to get my daughter some medication she needed for a particular condition she developed was like pulling teeth. It took the doctor and the pharmacy months to get it approved. All during the time the pharmacy was giving the medication to us for free because they knew how important it was. It was an anti-depressant but was also used to treat trichotillamania, which was what she was suffering from at the time. They decided that she didn't need an anti-depressant even though it wasn't the intended reason.
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
27 Apr 09
I called my representative one tried to argue with me that the republican party used reconciliation too and I said loud and clear that it's wrong on both sides.
Call your representatives to voice your concerns before it's too late... (202)224-3121 tell the operator what state you need.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
27 Apr 09
Yep the democrats are trying to pull a fast one. Not only with this basically cut out all but a small group of congress persons (even some democrats) but it cuts out the american people. Basically what will happen is Pelosi and a chosen few will get together write it and then put in the budget. Very limited debate will done. Not that it will do any good. The small group will not have to act anything brought up during the debate. They will have the freedom to write what htey want and get it into action without anyone else having enput or able to stop them.
The american public will see what these over hauls are until AFTER it is done. We will not have any input on it until it is too late.
This is wrong. Everyone should contact their elected officials and tell them NOT to do this. To have the health care debate in the normal way. Do a bill, have it voted on. And most importantly have it open for the american public to see and debate BEFORE it is voted on and put into action.
Do you really want just a small group dicating to the rest us what health care be wil be in this country?
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
27 Apr 09
Well, we knew this was comming. If Hillary won we knew she wanted it and Obama said he wanted it so now we have both of them working side by side. Of course Pelosi will do anything to bankrupt this country so we knew she would eventually do it even if we had a Conservative President because she had the votes. They have to do it before 2010 because there is a slim chance that we could get enough of them out of office that it would not pass.
The thing is, they do not have a clue how they are going to do this. They are just going to start throwing money at it and tell someone to do it until we are totally bankrupt as a country.
The exact same thing they are doing with the banks and the big car companies. They do not have a clue what is being done with the money they are just throwing it at the problem. Idiocy!!!!
@missybal (4490)
• United States
27 Apr 09
I knew he was going to push it but I tried to stay positive and thought they couldn't get enough votes but now it's so frightening the power grab of Obama and the Democrats to push something like this. I am praying they get this blocked.
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@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
27 Apr 09
Yes, it's terrible. The Democrats have two years to ram down our throats what they can before their majority rule might end. Well, they probably take it easier next year, when a lot of them have to go on the campaign trail and they want to show how bi-partisan they are and how diligent with their decisions and votes.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Obama will push his agenda through, no matter what. He has a year at the very least. This is just the beginning.
On paper nationalized health care looks great. In practice, it's horrible to get basic treatment. You get the run-around and have long wait times. You have to wait until things are really bad, and well, at a certain age, you have to just put up with stuff. Yes, everybody gets to see a doctor and gets treatment. The question is when and with what quality of care.
Unfortunately, once the measures are in place, it's really hard to reverse the damage.
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@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
27 Apr 09
No, you're not nuts. It's coming. And it's going to kill this country.
There are millions of people who can barely scrape by on what they earn now. In many cases, it's a choice between food and hot water or food and utilities. NOw add in upwards of a 60% tax increase to pay for this "Free" health care and see how fast it causes America to tank. Imagine trying to live the rest of your life on 40% of what you bring home now. I wouldn't be able to pay any of my bills or properly take care of my child and that's with my husband working, too. We don't live lavishly or have expensive tastes. We are saving for her college fund and any other children we may have.
"Free" healthcare for America is not the way to go. No one is going to be able to "fix" the problems with American healthcare. You've got to eliminate the bullshyt lawsuits, physicians charging thousands of dollars for a 2 minute office visit and so forth. It's not going to happen. If 0bama really wants to save America's healthcare, why not fix what's wrong now: THE WASTE. No one wants to go after the women having babies every 9 months and 15 minutes apart. No one wants to go after the welfare wh0res using their checks every month to buy expensive jewelery and spinners for their $65,000 SUVs while they live rent free in a subsidized house with free utilities and eat their food stamp bought food while the rest of us slave away.
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@ra1787 (501)
• Italy
27 Apr 09
First of all i have to say that i am not american, i am italian, in italy we have a nationalized health system where almost everything is free (except for a small contribution of 1-2€ for prescription for those who gain over a certain amount yearly).
My opinion on the subject is that universal healthcare is a good thing. It assures that whatever happens in your life you will have proper medical cures, regardless of your earnings.
Obviously this has a cost, taxation in my country is much higher than in america, but if one has to pay more taxes to have more services this is not necessarily a bad thing.
The problem with the italian (and european) system is that sometimes when people don't have to pay for something they try to abuse it and the overall expense grows. But this can be easily avoided with the aforementioned small contributions and some control of prescriptions.
There are certainly many flaws in our system, but i will never change it for a completely private system.
My personal belief is that a country should not leave behind those who are less lucky, and if the united states moves to a more european health system this will surely save many lives, with an economic cost, but life is priceless.
As far as i know in the usa with medicare and medicaid there is a sort of public assistance to the elderly and the poor but there are still many people without health insurance. Imho this is a shame for a civilized country like the usa.
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
28 Apr 09
I don't have health care for much of the time but that is my choice. My parents canceled their health care after realizing over the course of 8 years they paid over a hundred thousand for it and never used it. Many people choose not to get health care they rearly go to the doctor and choose to take that risk and it is their right to do so if they like many of the people they are counting make so much money that they choose to simply pay for their medical treatments without bothering with insurance because actually in America you get taken care of a lot faster because insurance companies government and otherwise make a pile of paperwork and hassle. Then in the statistics they count illegal aliens who do not have health care but they still can walk into any hospital and get life saving treatment and this is why they cross over just to go to our hospitals and get treatment and we taxpayers pay the bill. Then they count the people who are in between jobs who had health care at one job and may not have any for an average of 4 months but they once again choose not to get it. Don't be fooled by the over exaggerated numbers used by those who wish to push their own agenda, only a small percent of people in American (legally in America) really don't have health care because they can't afford it. There are even many that qualify for programs that are already out there that simply don't get themselves signed up. We do have programs that in cases of emergency you still can get help if you don't have insurance and a serious illness comes into play. I have had to get emergency medicaid to pay my medical bills I couldn't. They back dated over 3 months of bills. I have seen the bad side of it too where when I needed all 4 wisdom teeth removed and was sick as a dog I had to wait 4 months for the operation because medicaid would only pay X amount of dollars and only one doctor was willing to do it and I had to go on a waiting list.
Now I realize you are happy with the system in your country but think about how people who do not use the health care who must pay that high tax to never use that service. Many people would feel that's simply not fair, and I for one would get a head to toe c.a.t. scan once a year if I was being forced to pay for it anyways. This is why the system doesn't work. And also in America and even more so because of this president and his position you can bet on it that anyone making over a certain amount will not be able to use that system of health care at all and they will be forced to pay even higher insurance then we have seen before. And also with how the actual dollar amount for what makes a person rich keeps getting smaller it's a greater concern. In New York state they have a millionare's tax and that tax is for people making over $300,000 a year! And in New York City $300,000 is not a lot of money. It's like making $50,000 a year where I'm living on the other side of New York. $50,000 a year makes my live somewhat comfortably in a three bedroom one bath small home with a cheap reliable car.
But thank you for telling us about your experience!
@ra1787 (501)
• Italy
28 Apr 09
I see your point.. but even if someone is paying for something he is not using at the moment, this doesn't mean that someday in the future this person will not need to use what he has paid in the past.
Anyway as a european i am used to a welfare state, we even have in our constitution that health is a fundamental right guaranteed by the state.
The american system certainly has great standards of healthcare for those who can afford it but seems to be a little unfair to me.
The basic difference between my point of view and yours is that i consider healthcare a basic right of the individual while instead of just a service.
I don't mean to criticize you with this... it is just a very different way of seeing things.. and i am always interested in knowing different opinions!
@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
29 Apr 09
There are also people who just flat out can't afford it. I know some people that are offered health care through their jobs, but due to the extremely high cost deducted out of their pay periods plus the huge deductable that has to be met before the insurance can begin paying, it's not in their budgets. My healthcare is reasonably priced, but it'd be extremely high to add my DD to my policy. My husband has insurance through his job and it was cheaper for him to add her to his policy.

@loudcry (1043)
• India
9 May 09
Nationalised anything does not work. I dont know much about the situation in the U.S. ,but i think I will be right to beleive that health care in the U.S is very costly without an insurance. In India the public health system is in disarray but the private health sector has flourished. It will be safe to attribute the growth of private health sector to non interference by the government.

@loudcry (1043)
• India
9 May 09
Hmmm, quite a pickle. I too beleive that government insurance and public health service increases the cost of medical services in private sector.Because, all said and done, health sector is like any other sector and will run efficiently only if it makes money. Imagine, if the government created subsidized IT services. This would kill that sector. Moreover, if I am not mistaken,in the U.S, such a move would be decried as being communist in nature. But these measures are more readily accepted in the field of health because of its sensitive nature.
@Buzzman007 (357)
• Finland
28 Apr 09
I´m a European. So I don´t know of anything else than nationalized health care. I do think that the US has a lot of political advantages over European/my country. Like the voting proses, Time to make a law and pass it and so on...
Never the less I never got why nationalized health care is such a sore thorn. I don´t know but I whant the homeless man to get the same treatment as the rich buissnesman when they have a heartattack. I might be a dreamer but nationalized health care is the only answer to this. Human life tops money/taxes/polises.
@missybal (4490)
• United States
9 May 09
Well I can see how you see it that way. Here in the U.S. I have had to have medicaid and for some things it was quick and easy. Have an ear infection saw the doctor got the antibiotics no problem. But then for more serious things I have had to wait for months for... the price of free... but you see we do have government programs to help those who are truly needy of care and in the U.S. anyone can go to a hospital for life saving treatment without being turned away. We have Mexicans who cross over to get triple bipass. Now the thing is also without the private sector there you really don't see a comparison... yet there are countless stories of people coming from Europe to America to seek health care because they feel they can not get the care they need in their own country. Glad you are of good health. I have not been so lucky in my short 26 years.
@Buzzman007 (357)
• Finland
2 May 09
The only time i needed semi acute care when I broke my arm and went to the actual ER. It hurt but it was not like I was scremeing in pane. A nure basicly met me at the door asked what was wrong felt my arm sayed is prolly broken. And asked my name and social security number. Got sent to the xray. There was one or two people before me. was the sent to a private room. waited a bit. doctor and nurse came popped the bones platered me up and was almost as god as new.
The only time that i relay had to wait was between the xray and the doctor coming.
But that can be written up to the fact of getting the actual xray developed and getting a free doctor to check it out.