Are you making real money online?

@Informer (802)
April 27, 2009 4:10am CST
Hi Friends, many people are here to make some extra money. Me too among all those. But I have not made any real money till this time.. What about you guys?
6 responses
• Indonesia
28 Apr 09
You are in wrong place if you want to make money here. This place is not for making money but for looking relation and friends. If you want to learn extra money i suggest you learn from money making forum, it's worth your time and will pay back in the future. I make around $1000/month and keep increasing. That's just from 1 method. I am learning new method right now to double my income. Learn and apply from money making forum is the key. Do it and you will find it. Hope it helps.
• Lahore, Pakistan
31 Dec 14
start your online earning through this link you can earn 200 to 500 dollar a month
Earn money for each visitor to your shortened links with! Use a URL shortener service that pays.
27 Apr 09
There are definitely a lot of people on this site who are into making money. Not really a surprise as we get paid for posting so it will of course attract those looking to make extra money. As for making real money well I am definitely making real money, no where near the extent that I could call what I do online a sustainable income but hopefully one day soon it will get to the point where I can say I am making a living online. It just takes hard work and patience if you want to make real money online.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
27 Apr 09
I managed to make some few dollars on line but I did not manage to make a job out of here. I have managed to earn money online from mylot and a few other sites but the money is not that great.
• China
27 Apr 09
yeah,seem to you,i am also here want to make some extra money,but still to now,i have not get my first payment........the minmium payment term is usd10.00.......i hope i can reach my frist payment soon.......i believe mylot can be payment,most of guys said this site can be trusted.
@chookie1971 (2271)
• Australia
27 Apr 09
I am making money. It is not really all that easy to make big money but you need to keep at it and give it plenty of time. I have been earning online for 10 months now and I am happy with the results. For me, the money that I do make is only for pocket money.
@babshish (1387)
• India
27 Apr 09
Hi Dear, yes maximum people here are to make money including me. I have made few bucks in past couple of months. But the site from which I have made most has unfortunately banned members from few countries and I am from one of those countries. Now I am trying my luck with some other sites as well. I did received payments from couple of othes as well, but they are very time consuming and you need to be active there . If you want just visit my profile and check my website, it might help you. For more information you can PM me any time. The sites there are good as I have received payments from some of those. Hope it helps. All the best.