Do You Rate All Discussions And Posts?

@KrauseHome (36448)
United States
April 27, 2009 1:20pm CST
Many people I am sure might tend to think that this is unneccesary. Many might even skip doing this for the length of extra time it might take to do so as well. But when I am posting back to someone's discussion or posting back to an answer someone has left in one of my discussions, I always take the time to rate. I feel it is quite important and helps me keep track of where I left off as well. Did you know that if you Rate every discussion that you read and respond back too, this also helps keep you from responding back to that same discussion twice? Once I learned this one, it made it even more important to remember to do so for sure. So this is just something you can learn from, and when you remember to Rate while responding back to someone, you are often helping yourself out more in the end. Wishing you All the Best. ~~TINA~~
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27 responses
@riyasam (16556)
• India
28 Apr 09
i always do that .i have rated everyone positive till now,i came to know recently about the advantages of rating,i make doubly sure that i rate,i think thats a duty of a friend.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
28 Apr 09
Well said riyasam.That is what I too feel.
@GardenGerty (160242)
• United States
28 Apr 09
Yes, Tina, I do. It is an activity, and a long time friend who was a moderator here said that it helped with our earnings. Other friends pointed out the same thing that you have. It is a good way to keep from duplicating your effort in responding.
@alokn99 (5717)
• India
27 Apr 09
I invariably rate all the posts doen by those on my friends list and i make sure i do them for newbies as well. It certainly encourages them when they see thier ratings change.
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
27 Apr 09
Yes I do I rate every discussion I come across. I always rate everyone a + unless they are inconsiderate and being nasty.
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@chimrani (1426)
• India
27 Apr 09
I don't rate all discussions and posts.I just rate the discussions and posts which i think are best and good for other peoples too.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
28 Apr 09
Hey Tina! You are absolutely right! I do the same thing! That is te best way to remember where you are! It is also a great way to help your friends with their ratings too! I always rate people when I am in their discussions just because I want to make sure that I give everyone as much of a chance to get the most positive ratings as possible! If I can't give someone a positive rating for any reason, I don't rate negative, I just don't rate at all!
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
27 Apr 09
I don't do all of them.....more the minority then the majority but if it helps to keep you from responding to the same discussion twice it's worth the extra effort. Thanks for the heads up!
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@Sreekala (34312)
• India
28 Apr 09
Hi Yes, I do rate all discussion and responses which I have crossed through. In the beginning I was not aware the necessity of the same and now I know it and am doing without fail. I think the beginners/newbies are not taking care of this fact and it must be due to lack of awareness. I think it is a favour for our friends too. When the members contribute some quality responses, who deserves a reward from us.
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@siZidni (1860)
• Indonesia
28 Apr 09
i always do this. i think this is really important beside i apprciate who has respon to my topic or my comment. and yes it help us at the end. happy mylotting SDK
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• United States
28 Apr 09
i rate anything i reply to and anyone that replies to mine.. i do it for the same reasons as you.. to keep my place and keep me from replying to the same discussion twice lol
1 person likes this
• United States
28 Apr 09
{{Tina }}, You are just a wealth of information here, thank you so much!! I do rate some and most times I just forget about it while I'm posting I've always got a thousand and one things rumbling around in my head...(G)!! thanks again for sharing this information!! {{love & hugs to you}}
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@chillpill90 (1936)
28 Apr 09
Well i will try to rate discussions and posts now, i didnt know before how to rate discussions and posts. But now iv found out il try to rate as many as i can as its nice for people to see if their responses are appreciated or not.
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• Malaysia
27 Apr 09
I have never fail to rate people when they response to my discussions. This is the first thing that I do before I comment on their discussions. But it is good that you post this discussion as it is a reminder to everyone on the importance of rating.
@jayrene (2708)
• Philippines
28 Apr 09
no i dont... i rate only those posts (discussions and responses) that i find helpful, had information for readers, had made me learned something. if its just neutral, then i dont rate it at all. i think it's important for us to understand that just because it is posted and the one who posted it is our friend, we have the obligation to rate it. i wouldn't mind if my posts are not rated by friends. responding to a discussion is really thankful enough for me. many here as i find out, rate and rate and rate because it helps in the earnings (?) as they say... but i dont really know about that. for me, i think its not healthy for the site and the community. God bless =)
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@nishdan01 (3051)
• Singapore
28 Apr 09
I do not think there is any necessity to rate all discussions and posts. It is best to rate very good discussions as + and negative ones as -. I rate - only if the discussion is not based on the rules of Mylot. It happens very very rarely. Most discussions in mylot are neutral and there is no point in rating those discussions.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
28 Apr 09
I normally rate the responses I get but I do not rate discussions too much.Sometimes when I happen to read some other discussions too, not the ones necessarily started by me I rate the well written responses positive.In my discussion topic I rate most of them except oneliners.I sometimes rate even these onliners positive when they are humorous or are different.
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@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
28 Apr 09
I've never thought of it as helping myself the way you have cited that it helps you. I am one of those people who make it a point to respond to every posting in my discussions, but admittedly, I do not rate all the responses that I have received in the past. Some of the responses I get are neither really good nor bad; several are mediocre and devoid of worthwhile substance. I'd rather not rate these because for such responses, either giving a "+" or a "-" is I feel not really apt. If I just force myself to rate all responses irrespective of their quality, then it becomes rather mechanical and not something I do sincerely.
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@mods196621 (3652)
• Philippines
28 Apr 09
Yes, i rate other discussions here but sometimes due to my time limits i forgot to rate others. And you're right in your opinion and i agree with you because it might add to our interest to see that our discussions is something quite good so far. Even in my own part if I saw my discussions rated in good i really flattered and happy. That is why i would like to make more good discussions that helps to everybody's need.
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• United States
28 Apr 09
I don't rare discussion all the time, if am asking a question about a certain thing then yes I rate who gave the best response. However, if it's a discussion about an opinion about something then I don't rate, but after reading your post I think I will make the point to rate discussions. I had no idea how important it was to rate discussions.
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@CMTS_87 (1339)
• Philippines
28 Apr 09
If the post/discussion is worth rating. hehe! Like this one! Happy MyLotting!